Flaunt It

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Beth Winters learns to express her sexuality.
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Bethany Winters was a changed woman.

A short five months ago, she tipped the scales at two hundred and four pounds. Not a bad weight, if you stand six-feet-four-inches tall, but at five-foot-two, that's what they nicely call "A Big Girl."

Back then, her appearance didn't bother her. She was a well-paid, seasoned, divorce attorney; a lifetime career woman. Working for the law firm of Duncil and Beck, she was well respected in her field, considered a fierce competitor.

It has been said, that pain or fear of pain, is the single most motivating factor for change to occur in a persons life. So it was with Beth.

She and her boy friend, Bob Yates, lived in her downtown Atlanta high-rise. Bob was the assistant to the Assistant Clerk of Courts for Cobb county; a not-so-snappy title for a fairly powerful position. They had been living together for almost six years.

Bob, at age fifty, was going thru his mid-life crises. They were having constant arguments, over things like: His new corvette, all the time he was spending with his friends, why she never wanted to go out and why didn't she want to go to join the nudist camp up in Ashville.


It was another late day at the law office. She was tired from dealing with an unyielding client who was more interested in getting a pound of flesh rather than getting the compensation she deserved. As Beth turned the key in her condo door she was looking forward to a relaxing evening at home. She only wanted to sit and let the stress leave her body. She hoped Bob would get her a cold beer, as she sat on the sofa and called for Chinese Take-Out. As she walked in, there was a yellow legal pad sitting on the dinning-room table with a hurriedly scrawled note.


You have turned stagnant.

I need to grow and do things.

You are no longer attractive to me in the ways

that you were when we first met.

I need to leave and put distance between us.

Good bye, Bill

She read and reread the note as her remaining reserve of strength seemed to evaporate. She was angry, hurt, her heart ached, and she wanted to cry and scream, but couldn't. At this moment, she couldn't even assess blame. She felt drained; drained from dealing with moronic clients, the craziness of everyday life, and from Bob.


A few days later:

"Beth, I need to see you," John Blake, one of the senior partners, called out to her as she passed his office.

When Beth entered, John was wearing his; I'm troubled and deeply concerned look. He cleared his throat and began.

"Beth, I'm troubled by what I must tell you."

"How so, John?" She had a feeling she was about to get a dressing down for some of the harsh words she used on Mrs. Webb for her pigheaded, unwillingness, to negotiate on the divorce settlement.

"Well, Beth, as you know, we are trying to adapt to the new image that is in demand out there. People are looking for a younger, more athletic appearance."

"John, I sense you're trying not to hurt my feelings. Are you telling me to go on a diet, join a gym? What?"

"I'm sorry, Beth. We just hired a replacement for you; a younger woman, with a more... more feminine appearance. That is what our clients are looking for. They want an attractive package for our product.

"We will be giving you a very nice severance package for your years of loyal service..." He never got to finish.

"John, what in the hell are you doing to me? I'm forty nine. I'll be fifty in two more months. I know more about divorce law than any ten, young, skinny, blonde, buxom broads you could hire. This can't just be about a skinny ass and big boobs!"

"Beth, I'm going to trust that you won't take what I'm about to tell you and hit us with a discrimination suite. Smiling, pretty faces, a good rack, nice hips and ass is exactly what this is all about, because that's what our clients want. It's not just about results. They want a youthful image and in order for us to survive in this highly competitive market, we must give them what they want."

For the first time in many, many years, Beth had nothing to say. It was like she had been sucker punched twice now. All the air was gone from her sails. She stood displaying as much pride as she could. She thanked John for his honesty and went to her office to pack the few things that she deemed important enough to keep.


Two weeks later.

She was sitting on the toilet. She was horny, so very horny. She couldn't get anyone to have sex with her. No man would even look at her.

She was trying to masturbate, but her pudgy fingers couldn't make it through the folds of skin to get to her clit. The best she could do was to lift up one of her distended teats and suck on it as she cried an endless river of tears.

She woke. Her body was covered with a sheen of perspiration.

"Thank God," she said to only herself.

"This was all just a bad dream." She wiped the tears from her eyes, looked at her tear-stained fingers and realized not all of it was a dream. The fear that her dream may harbor more truth than just real tears, galvanized her into action. This bad dream was to be the turning point in her life.

It was four o'clock in the morning and the new sun had not yet risen as Beth went on the internet, searching for someone to help with her problem. After hours of looking at diet plans, exercise machines, health clubs, fat farms and spas, she came across something that caught her interest: Tanya Carter, originally from Atlanta, now on the staff at Rhodes Clinic in Palm Springs, California.

The article explained how Tanya, five-feet-four-inches tall, weighed in at two hundred and seventy pounds when she first met Dr. Carol Rhodes. Through a combination of a regimented diet and exercise program, psychological counseling and plastic surgery, she lost one hundred and forty pounds.

There was no deception in this article. It went overboard in stressing that this type of transformation was no overnight miracle. It gave details of the diet and exercise program as it told the true story of her struggles and triumphs. There was a psychological profile of Tanya and a description of how she overcame her problems.

The liposuction and cosmetic surgery was documented for you. There were graphic pictures; not just the before and after; but ones of the surgical scars, giving explanations of their locations and why they were required. Best of all, there was a number to call for a face-to-face video conference with Tanya.

Beth called the twenty-four-hour, toll-free number. She was set back when the answering voice was a real human, and after the greeting, the woman asked if she preferred speaking in a language other than English.

On a whim, Beth said, "Si, perfavore, possiamo parlare l'Italiano." The woman on the other end did not miss a beat as she sweetly transformed from a Mid-West American accent to a Tuscan Italian and began to communicate so rapidly that Beth's poor grasp of Italian could not keep up.

"I'm sorry. Can we go back to English? And how many languages do you speak?"

"I'm not as fluent in Portuguese or Greek, so I can't really count them. Aside from English, I speak Italian, French, German and Castilian."

"Well," she now asked, "what if I wanted to speak in Mandarin?"

"I would have had to turn you over to one of the other girls who could communicate with you. Now, how can I help or direct your call?"

Beth told her of the article and that she wanted to have a conference with Tanya. After hearing the scripted statement on Tanya, she opted for the first open video conference connection at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Time. She was given the Adobe communication site and told of the expected etiquette and of the minimum computer requirements needed.

Great! She had three hours to rush out to a computer store, buy a camera, and learn how to use it. Two hours and forty-five minutes later, feeling haggard from the rushing around, she was now over-educated in the use of the computer camera by a true computer geek. She had cleaned herself up, put on make-up, a nice dress and jewelry.

"Shit," she complained, "I don't get this dressed up to go out."

She made herself a cup of tea in the microwave, then turned the computer on and logged into the site. The logo of the Rhodes Clinic, a pencil sketch of a nude woman in a design similar to Da Vinci's Vitruvian Man, filled the left side of the screen. A picture collage of the clinic filled the right and a timer indicating a countdown was at the bottom. Beth still had three minutes until noon, Atlanta Time. All Beth's attention was focused on the timer. She found herself counting the seconds remaining...

"Stop it!" she told herself aloud. "You're more nervous now than you were at your first trial. Get a grip woman!"

A few seconds early, the monitor changed and focused on a woman who looked like she just stepped out of Sports Illustrated Swim Suit Edition. She was wearing a white one-piece. You had to call it a one-piece, though there was very little material. The front bottom of the swimsuit came up her crotch in a V. The small piece of V material joined a two-inch-wide cloth belt that had a small gold buckle in front. There were two, four-inch-wide straps that came from the front of the belt and formed an X, covering her nipples and little else. The strap rose over her shoulders and around her neck. The back of the suit was just the belt and a one-inch wide strip of material that quickly vanished between her two tapered cheeks. The suit was so tight to her you could see she had a very pronounced labia.

"Good morning," Tanya began.

"I see all three of you are on line and on time. It seems, however, that the rest of you are in afternoon and evening."

Three small squares popped up to the left of her screen. Beth's face, shoulders, and bust appeared. The other two women must have had more experience with the camera, because only their face and upper shoulders were in the screen. Beth was in the bottom block. Tanya seated herself and began.

"I noticed each of your facial expressions as you saw me enter the camera viewing area. It is looks like those that I get my gratification from. I'll tell you now; it is the feeling of power and edification that will make you succeed in looking like the woman you what to be. Make no mistake ladies; you will get a lot more gratification out of looking like this."

A nude photo of Tanya filled the screen, and she continued.

"Than you ever will looking like this," a picture of a naked fat woman came on the screen. Beth recognized the face of Tanya, despite the hanging flesh that gave her a tired haggard look. The screen went back to the live Tanya.

"I have no desire to explain how wonderful we are here at the Rhodes Clinic or to expound on our modern techniques. I am here to listen to you and answer your questions. I know you have them, or you would not have taken the effort to do this. That said, Marie, from Rennes France, you're on-line because?"

Marie, seemed a bit flustered, but managed to communicate in a heavy Parisian accent.

"My husband called me frumpy and fat, because my hips and thighs are too big. He says, it's to difficult to have good sex with me."

Tanya responded, "Honey, big thighs or not, there are ways to have good sex. As far as your hips, I know how that problem can make you more than a little uncomfortable. Let's see them."

"What?" Marie exclaimed, "Why do you need to see my hips?"

Tanya spoke with kindness and caring in her voice.

"Marie, I need you, and I am also speaking to you, Luxemburg, and you, Atlanta. I need you all to understand that no matter what your physical and weight problem is, the very first thing you'll have to conquer is your fear of showing your body. If you decide that we, at Rhodes, can help and you truly want help, then you will need to trash your archaic ideas of modesty.

"I'll give you a quote of mine. 'No matter what you've got, flaunt it.' It will look better and better with each exhibition. You have heard the expression use it or lose it. Well, I'm telling you to flaunt it and improve it. Now, Marie, are you willing to strip and show all of us your thighs and hips?"

"No, I'm sorry, I just can't do it." You could see that Marie was turning pale.

Again, Tanya's voice was kind.

"Marie, I'm sorry I had to embarrass you like that, but the truth is, yes, we could put you on a regiment and possibly a small amount of surgery, but I can tell you, it won't work for you. To be honest with you all, until you can begin to accept that you will have to change your belief that your bodies need to be hidden, we cannot give you a long-term solution to your problem."

Greta, from Luxemburg, now spoke.

"Tanya, I have very droopy breasts and a large overhanging belly that interferes with my sex life. Would you like to see them?"

"No, Greta. I did that to Marie to prove a point to all of you. I need you to recognize that the largest, and for some women, the most difficult part of our therapy is for you to accept change in your thinking. Did you have any other questions?"

"Nein. I understand now what you were saying."

"Well, Ms. Atlanta, my old home town. How are the Braves doing?"

"Sorry, I don't follow sports."

"No matter. You've sat very quietly through this, even though I sense desperation in you. So, Honey, tell me why you are here today."

For some reason, Tanya's words opened the pent flood gates of fear and emotion in Beth. She blurted out, between sniffles, in a haltered voice that was edged with tears.

"My boyfriend, of six years, just left me for a young, skinny bimbo with big tits. I got fired from my job because they want a more youthful (sniffle), and energetic appearance. AND, I had a dream, a dream that I was too fat to finger fuck myself." With that, tears came from Beth.

All three of the women watched her cry; their hearts going out to her as they, too, felt her pain.

Tanya spoke now. "Honey, I lived your bad dream. Now, I'm going to tell you that revenge is truly sweet and a great motivator."


Four months later: Beth was on her third lap around the mile long running trail, when Tanya flagged her down.

"You're setting a fast pace out here today. Those Double D's don't seem to slow you down."

"Nope, if I set my pace right, the bounce of them gives me extra spring in my stride."

"So Beth. Aah; I've lost track of time; how long has it been?"

" Don't start on me again Tanya. I'll leave when I'm ready."

" You know Doc Rhodes is beginning to worry about you. I told her you were going to be leaving soon and that you agreed to go to the beach with me tomorrow."

"Oh Tanya; I have an appointment with Mark tomorrow and I don't want to miss it."

"You're forcing me to be blunt. When was the last time you got laid?"

"Don't start Tanya. You're what, twenty-eight, twenty-nine? You want me to go out and get laid by a boy half my age?"

"First of all, I'm twenty-eight. That comment about me being twenty-nine is going to cost you. You're going to have to fuck the ugly guy.

"Now; that brings me to my next question. Do you have some hang up about fucking guys that don't need Viagra, or do you like granting old men their last wish by screwing them to death. Plus; these guys are in their thirties and the way you look, they'll never know you're fifty unless you tell them and they probably wouldn't believe it.

"Look Beth; I'm serious about this. When Carol, rather, Doc Rhodes calls me into her office and wants to know why you're still here, it's my ass on the line. Please Beth, if we have built any kind of friendship over the last four months. Do this for me?"


"Are you sure you know how to fly this postage stamp of an airplane?"

"Beth, will you relax. Redondo air terminal is just over there. See it? From there to the hotel is just ten minutes. In less than hour, we'll be frolicking in the ocean. You're going to love Redondo Beach."

Before they landed, Tanya arranged for a cab to take them to the hotel. As Tanya piloted the two-seater Scesna to the parking area she told Beth to move very slowly as she got out of the plane. At first Beth thought this was just a safety precaution.

The second she put her leg out of the plane, two men came towards her at a very fast walk. She quickly looked around, concerned that may-be the plane was on fire. As she turned her head, she saw three men moving toward Tanya. A flash of Tanya's bare ass-cheek being exposed, as her skirt rode up, from sliding across the seat, gave Beth all the explanation she needed. But that didn't explain why two men were coming over to her, until she looked down. Over her protruding breasts she saw the sheen of her white thong.

Men were tripping over each other, to chalk the wheels of the plane, and help her out. One guy copped a feel of her ass as he helped her hop down off the seat.

Beth was shocked at the insane behavior of these men. They were almost fighting to see who would carry the suitcases. Before today, she had been lucky if anyone would hold a door open for her.

Tanya smiled and flirted with them. Once the luggage was in the trunk of the cab, Tanya, with a great deal of exaggeration, bent forward, gave them all a good look at her tits and blew them a kiss, as she said, "Bye boys. Hope you're all here when we come back."

Beth didn't see their reactions; she was too busy noticing, that aside from her make-up bag, the suitcase with all of her cloths was missing.

"Sorry," Tanya apologized. "I thought you put it in the plane. Well, don't worry, were fairly close in height and our tits are definitely the same size. You should have no problem fitting into my things."

They climbed into the taxi as Beth sighed and began to say, don't worry about it, when it dawned on her.

"You left my things back there intentionally. Didn't you? Admit it! Your cloths are so skimpy, you could get a weeks worth in that one suitcase. You planned this, so I'd have to wear your things."

Tanya spoke softly as she put a hand on Beth's arm.

"I need you to trust me, Beth. Please, just play along and have fun with it. It's important. I need you to promise me that no matter what, you'll trust me and play along. Nothing bad is going to happen, just promise me now. Say it."

"Tanya, you're frightening me with this promise stuff. You have to tell me; what's this all about?"

Tanya's expression changed, it became stern and her voice took on a flat business tone.

"You're forcing me to say things I think you're not ready to hear. They have decided that you are not progressing properly. That reflects on me. Unless I can report that your psychological dependence with the clinic has abated and you are showing a healthy progression, they will nicely ask you to leave."

Tanya hoped this lie, that was based on a small part of the truth, would be enough to make her understand that she couldn't protect her any more. Tanya knew that at this point of her healing process, the truth could possibly set Beth back to far for her to help.

Beth was dry-mouthed now. She realized that Tanya was doing this for her good and because she was not progressing, she was putting Tanya's job and reputation at risk.

Tanya was more to her than just a therapist, that got her motivated enough to go thru several surgeries and drop down to one hundred and twelve pounds. She had become a friend that she cared about. No matter what it cost her, she promised herself she would do whatever Tanya said or asked her to do.

Beth put on her best smile, looked fondly at Tanya and said, "I'll promise, if I get to wear your red swim suit."

Tanya smiled as she played along. "Oh, not the red one, you know that's my favorite."


When they arrived at the Hotel, the driver jumped out, ran over to Tanya's side and almost pulled the door off its hinges, in his haste to open it for her.