Fly Me to the Moon

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A flight in space becomes sexy . . . and dangerous!
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A flight to the moon now was as boring as a flight across country from New York to Los Angeles, unless it was someone's first space flight then there might have been a bit of excitement. To go on to Mars became as dull as having a layover in L.A. and traveling on to Japan or Australia. There was nothing to see except the blackened void of space, nor was there any sense of speed as there was on a jet airliner. Perhaps the only advantage was that space flights were not full because they were so expensive few could afford it. Therefore, only the wealthy were able to visit the resorts on the lunar surface or the red planet.

A return to the moon had occurred in the mid-2020s, and a permanent settlement was in place a decade or so later. The settlement grew with multiple nations establishing a presence. As faster space engines were developed reducing travel time from days to hours, larger nations even developed resort-type accommodations for their well-to-do citizens who could afford an "expensive vacation" as a means of financially supporting their lunar facilities. The moon then evolved into a base for the development of missions to Mars. Those came in the late 2030s, and by 2050, there was a small base on the red planet. Twenty-sixty-five saw a permanent settlement, and like the moon, in the next twenty years, those with means could visit there.

Faster space travel also had new companies forming on Earth that were joint ventures between airline companies and aerospace technologies corporations constructing "spaceliners" that could transport passengers to the moon and onto Mars. Though these spaceships could only accommodate twenty passengers, they rarely held more than a quarter of that. It made being a pilot on a spaceliner a pretty easy job particularly since all systems were automated. Paul Ward had only piloted manually once, and then just to see what it was like, after which he was reprimanded for doing it. The job paid extremely well, and because it was so automated, there wasn't even a co-pilot or flight attendant. Paul was responsible for everything. Fortunately, neither he nor any of the other pilots or ships had ever had a problem that the single pilot could not manage.

Today's flight had only two passengers, a journalist, and her boyfriend. Apparently, she was doing a story on the Moon and Mars resorts. As they stepped aboard, her boyfriend cleverly quipped, "Fly me to the moon."

Paul politely chuckled even though he'd heard that comment many times.

Once they cleared Earth's atmosphere, Paul figured it was time to play flight attendant. As he unbuckled his seat belt, the woman came floating into the cockpit. Technically, passengers were not supposed to come on the flight deck, but the reporter was really hot in her tight flight-like suit.

"Excuse me," she said.

"Yes, ma'am. Can I help you?"

"You can start by not ma'am-ing me."

They both chuckled.

"What can I do for you?" Paul asked.

"Just looking for space."

Another not so original remark. "Just look out of the window."

She smiled. "I wanted to see what the view was like from here. It's kind of boring back there," she said, gesturing with her thumb. "My boyfriend dozed off."

"You're not supposed to be up here." Paul grinned. "But the company would be nice." Particularly company that looks like you, he thought, now noticing that her suit was unzipped halfway between her breasts revealing a nice cleavage.

With an engaging smile, she asked, "So, can I stay?"

Paul gestured to the co-pilot's seat, which was there primarily for VIPs.

She took the seat.

"Please buckle up," Paul said.

So, she did. "I'm Cassie Nolan."

"Yeah, I've seen you on TV. Paul Ward. Pilot and chief flight attendant."

"Why isn't there a flight attendant, or co-pilot, for that matter?"

With a chuckle, Paul explained. "The ship is completely automated, so I have double duty as flight attendant. They considered including a dog as a co-pilot, but so far they have not."

"A dog?" Carrie questioned, wondering if he was serious. "Why?"

"To make sure I don't touch anything."

She giggled. "Then why are you here?"

"I ask myself that all the time. But the answer is to make sure a passenger doesn't touch anything." Then it occurred to him to add, "That's strictly off the record."

Cassie waived her hand. "I'm not on duty. At least not until we get to Mars."

"And what will you do there?"

"Fluff piece on Mars resorts. Mostly the American resort. Something to stir up interest for people to visit the planet. Apparently, revenues aren't what was expected."

"That's a little beneath you, isn't it?"

With a shrug, Cassie said, "Yes. But I have name recognition and credibility, so they wanted me to do the piece. Besides, it's also a free trip to Mars."

"And for your boyfriend."

Paul caught her grimace.

"When he heard the network offered for him to come along as enticement for me to take the assignment, I had no choice but to let him come. I don't usually like to mix business with personal. People tend not to be as talkative with someone like him around."

"I get it."

"So, can you tell me why someone with loads of money would want to come to Mars for vacation?"

"Because they can," Paul answered with a grin. "If you've been to all the hot spots on Earth that all your other rich friends have also been to, you've got nothing to brag about."

Cassie chuckled. "I hadn't considered that aspect. Is there really anything to do there?"

Paul shrugged. "Inside the compound, the guest accommodations are luxurious. The food is surprisingly good. It's an exercise in living in a controlled environment. It can be freaky knowing you're breathing re-circulated air. You might be happy to have your boyfriend with you to, you know... occupy yourself at night."

She shot him a look. "Occupying myself how?"

"Oh, you know. The way men and women occupy themselves at night, uh... in bed."

"Ah. Is there anything special about doing it on Mars?"

"To be able to say you did it on Mars. Like the mile-high club."

She nodded her understanding. "Is there a club name for doing it on a spaceship?"

"Not that I've heard. Maybe you can come up with one."

"Have you ever done it in space?"

"That's against the rules."

Paul could feel her eyes boring on him.

"That doesn't answer the question."

"No, I guess it doesn't."

"So, what else is there to do on Mars?"

"During the day, they'll take you in a rover to see the landscape. It's amazing when you consider you're on Mars, but it looks a lot like many places on Earth except the sunlight is not as bright."

"Why is that?"

"Mars is further away from the sun than Earth."

Cassie nodded her understanding. "How long do people stay?"

"A few days. As long as there is an availability, and you can pay, you can stay as long as you want. But after two or three days, you'll be ready to leave."

"When is your flight back?"

"There's no one there now waiting to come back, so I'm there either until you're ready to leave or I'm needed elsewhere. Because of the expense of operating this ship the company doesn't fly it unless there are passengers."

"Must be tedious for you."

"I find things to do."

"Or someone to do it with?"

"That's also against the rules."

"Your company has a lot of rules." Cassie leaned over and whispered, "Do you follow all of them?"

There was a seductive tone to her voice. It was likely that if she were alone, she could be had. But he didn't want this to get out of hand. "You'll need to return to your seat and buckle up. We're about to land on the moon."

Cassie unbuckled her seatbelt and stood, holding onto the seat in zero-gravity. "How long is our layover?"

"Long as you want. It'll take 30 minutes to turn the ship around, so at least that long. You and Jimmy can look around, and when you're ready, we'll leave."

"His name is Rodney."


* * *

Exactly thirty minutes after they landed, and with the turnaround procedure completed, Paul sat in the first row of the main cabin awaiting the return of his passengers. Cassie promptly appeared.

"I'm ready to depart," she announced. "I'll do my story on the moon on the way back."

"Where's Rodney?"

"Do we have to wait for him?"

"You want to leave him?"

She huffed. "Wish I could, but I guess I can't."

"It's against the rules."

"Ah, the rules."

"If you don't like him, break up with him."

Cassie bobbed her head from side to side. "Oh, he's okay. Just acting like a kid at Disney World for the first time."

"The moon has that effect on people. Mars, too."

"Oh, joy."

A few seconds later, Rodney popped in like a giddy child. "This place is so cool. Wish we could stay longer."

Of course, they could, but with Cassie glaring at him, Paul dared not say so. "We ready to depart?"

"Yes," Cassie answered eagerly.

"Captain, can I sit up front with you?"

"I'm not a captain. My name is Paul." As he spoke, he was watching Cassie who was mouthing please. "It's technically against the rules, but if you wait until we're clear of the moon, I'll allow it."


Cassie merely rolled her eyes.

Rodney didn't forget to come forward once they were away from the moon. He really was fascinated with this experience. It was not the first time Paul had had such a wide-eyed passenger. Rodney had an endless stream of questions throughout the trip. He talked incessantly, which somewhat saved Paul from having to speak much.

About midway, Paul asked Rodney if he needed anything, and he only wanted a soda. Paul then excused himself to see if Cassie wanted something. She was sitting most of the way back at a window seat staring off into... space.

"Can I get you anything," Paul asked.

"Do you have white wine?"

"Yes." Paul went on to the galley and poured two sodas--one for himself--and white wine.

"Thank you," Cassie said when he handed her the glass. "And thank you for babysitting. I owe you big time."

"Not the first time I've had someone like him."

Aside from Rodney's continued rambling, the rest of the trip passed uneventfully. As his passengers exited the ship, he said, "See you in three days."

* * *

Paul went directly to crew quarters, which was like a tiny motel room, to put up his bag. He then went to the restaurant for a quick dinner. The long flight had been tiring--even though he hadn't had to do anything--but listening to Rodney wore him out.

"Hey, Paul," the cute food service manager, Allie, greeted as he took his seat. Like him, her job was multi-tasked. "What can I get you?" she asked in her best bedroom voice.

"Beer and a steak."

"That was predictable. I get off in a couple of hours."

They'd gotten together on previous trips. "Not tonight, Allie. I'm worn out."

"How long are you here?"

"Three days."

"Tomorrow after lunch, then?"

"Look forward to it."

* * *

Sleeping late, Paul got up, showered, and headed back to the restaurant for brunch. He didn't expect to see Cassie and Rodney again until they departed, but he ran into them in the dining room.

"You guys enjoying your stay?" Paul asked.

That set Rodney off with his childish wonder. Again, Cassie merely rolled her eyes.

Allie appeared and asked, "Are the three of you together?"

"No," Paul quickly answered. "These are my passengers, Cassie and Rodney."

Greetings were exchanged. Allie knew about Cassie and why she was here. And of course, Rodney had a plethora of questions for the food service manager.

Cassie managed to mention to Paul, "We're going out in the rover shortly."

"Oh, Rodney is going to love that."

"That's what I'm afraid of. Want to come along?"

"Sorry, I've got plans." He could see the disappointment in her eyes and wondered what that meant.

"See you shortly, Paul," Allie said to halt Rodney.

And as they walked off, Cassie had an ah-ha look on her face.

* * *

But Allie later contacted Paul to say she was stuck working lunch, but instead could meet him tonight, and she would come to his quarters later in the afternoon when she got off. Of course, he agreed.

Since he was free now, Paul considered accompanying Cassie and Rodney on the rover tour, but by the time he got there, they had already departed. To kill time, he went to the hanger to check on his spaceliner, not that it needed checking on. There was a ground crew to do that. Finding the ship in order, Paul returned to his quarters until it was time to meet Allie.

Paul had met Allie several months ago after arriving late one night and looking for a meal. She was about to close the restaurant but took pity on him and fed him a nice dinner. They were instantly attracted to one another, so she sat with him while he ate. She was one of many people who had taken year-long jobs on Mars because the pay was so good. Most were single and had no real life outside of work. Allie had been lonely, and Paul showed up at the right time. She invited him to her quarters, and they spent much of her free time in her bed. She then looked forward to his future visits. And it became a way for them to pass the time on his missions to Mars. He came to look forward to going to the red planet, although he had no romantic attachment to Allie, nor she to him.

He was thrilled when she knocked on his door when she got off work. They kissed but not in a loving way, more as a prelude to what would happen when they reached her quarters. Their step from his accommodations to hers was lively. Once inside, they ripped each other's clothes off eagerly. Their first time was in desperation only making it as far as her sofa. She wanted him inside her right away, and he was only too happy to oblige. They fucked hard and fast, each coming very quickly. Afterward they casually went to her bed.

This is when they usually spent a few minutes catching up since they had last seen one another. Then they would fuck once more a little less intensely before dinner.

However, before their second time could commence, Paul's communication device sounded. It was someone here on Mars. "I should take this. Ward," he answered.

"Paul, it's Cassie."

"Hi. Everything okay?"

"I need to go back to the moon. The King of England is going to visit, and they want me to cover it."


"Apparently, I'm the only one who could make it in time. Can you take me?"

"And no one knew he was going there sooner?"

"No. For security reasons, they don't announce these things until they're about to happen."

Paul released a heavy sigh.

"I'm sorry," Cassie offered. "I don't like this any more than you do."

"No worries. When do you want to leave?"

"I can be at the ship in five minutes."

"With Rodney?"

"He wants to stay."

The trip just became more interesting. "Okay. I'm on my way."

Paul got up to dress. Allie did likewise.

"What are you doing?"

"Going back to work."

"I thought you were off."

"No, just took some time off to spend with you."

"Oh. Well, I'm sorry we were cut short."

She shrugged. "That's okay. I enjoyed the time we had."

* * *

Likewise, Rodney wasn't staying put when Cassie left.

"Where are you going?" she asked.

"To the restaurant. See if I can get a drink. Let me know when you get to the moon."


* * *

Cassie was waiting for Paul dressed in a short button-up-the-front dress that didn't look like something that should be worn in public. It looked very soft, and the manner in which it was draped over her body made him wonder if she had anything on underneath. She carried an overnight bag and a hanging bag.

"Thank you so much for doing this," she said by way of greeting.

"Don't worry. I'm sure your company will be billed for this."

She merely grinned.

He looked her up and down intentionally. "You're going to meet the king like that?"

"I didn't want to take the time to change," Cassie explained. "I'll change before we arrive. Are you okay with me as I am?"

"Might as well be comfortable."

She grinned in satisfaction.

Once on board, Cassie took the first seat on the right side of the front of the ship which put her clearly in Paul's diagonal view from his pilot seat on the left. She kicked off her shoes and drew her legs up with little regard to how much leg she showed.

Paul quickly went through the pre-flight routine and was lifting up in minutes. He expected Cassie to move into the co-pilot's seat, but she did not. After he programmed the moon as their destination and the autopilot took over, he got up and stood against the seat across the aisle from her.

"Can I get you anything?" he asked.

"Not right now. Sit and relax," she suggested gesturing to the seat he was leaning against. "I'm sure it's against the rules, but I promise I won't tell."

"Just for a minute." So, he sat.

"Did I interrupt your evening with... Allie, is it?"

"Yes, but we both know our jobs come first."

"Are the two of you an item?"

Shaking his head, Paul answered, "No, we just get together when I have a layover."

"So, it's strictly sexual?"

He raised his eyebrows at the directness of her question.

"Sorry. I'm a journalist. We're inquisitive. I ask a lot of questions."

"No, it's not strictly sexual. Although, when she's not working, there's not much else to do. Did you dissuade Rodney from coming?"

"No. He wanted to stay, thank god."

"That sounds like a complicated relationship," Paul deduced.

"He's safe. A woman in my position can be a target for men who are looking for a conquest. Like you said about rich people who come to Mars because they've been everywhere on Earth and have no place else to brag about, for some men, being able to boast that they've been with a celebrity the likes of me is a boost to their egos--and don't take that as me being full of myself, I'm not."

"I didn't. I get it."

"Rodney is not like that. In fact, he's almost just the opposite."

"Now, you sound disappointed."

She shrugged. "He's something to do until I find the man I'm really looking for." To Paul's raised eyebrows, she added, "I know that sounds awful, but it's two-sided. He uses me because he gets to go to places with me he couldn't get to otherwise. Like this trip."

Paul nodded his understanding.

"Please don't think I'm--"

"What does it matter what I think?"

"Because I like you, Paul. In my occupation I have to be a good judge of character. Some people you meet you immediately have no use for, some take time to warm up to, and some you instantly like for years. You fit in the last category."

"Thanks. I guess."

* * *

Rodney and Allie met entering the restaurant at the same time.

Allie greeted him. "Rodney, isn't it?" She hadn't paid much attention to him before when he and Cassie dined, but upon a closer look, he was actually nice looking.

"Yes." Rodney had noticed Allie before, but since he had been with Cassie, he hadn't wanted to show any attention to the woman. She wasn't as beautiful as Cassie, but she was attractive in her own way, and she seemed more down to Earth.

"Late night snack since your girlfriend had to leave?" Allie asked with a smile.

"You know about that?"

"I was with Paul when he received her call."

Nodding his understanding, Rodney said, "Actually, I was hoping to get a nightcap."

"Sure. What would you like?"

"Brandy, maybe."

"Yeah, we have that. I'll get it." She was back with it in minutes.

"Would you join me?" Rodney asked.

Allie glanced around the dining room. It was nearly empty at this late hour. "Sure. I can sit for a few minutes."

"So, how is it living on Mars?" Rodney asked with his usual little boy curiosity.

She chuckled. "It's exciting... the first couple of months. And then, you see all there is to see here and do all that you are allowed to do and after that, it's just a job. And you count the days until it's time to return home."