Forbidden Fruit


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"I wanted something from my room, so I went ahead and snuck into the house to get it. There were a lot of moans coming from Sally's room. Just like when she's getting it good from Jack. I tiptoed up to her room and cracked the door open so I could look in. Sally was getting fucked good all right, but she wasn't getting it from Jack."

Laurie paused and took another drag on her cigarette. She blew out the smoke and watched it drift up to the ceiling. Impatiently, Michelle demanded, "Don't be a bitch, Laurie. Who was she fucking?"

Laurie smiled that special smile that combined innocence and evil like only she could and said, "Who's car did I say was in the driveway?"

Tammy and Michelle's mouths both fell open and Michelle said, "You're not tell me she was in bed with Sylvia?"

"Wow," Laurie said. "That would have been good. But, no, she was fucking her husband."


"Yep. Or Jose. Whatever he goes by. He was pounding her too. If he fucks Sylvia like that, it's no wonder she does whatever he tells her to. Hell, if I was getting fucked like that, I'd let a man boss me around too."

"Fuck me," Michelle said slowly.

"So, Sally's not so pure."

Michelle laughed and said, "Whoever said she was pure?"

"The way she's always hassling me about getting laid, you'd think she was the virgin mother."

Michelle waved her off and said, "She doesn't care if you get laid, or not. She just wants to be sure you don't end up pregnant while you're still in school the way she did."

Laurie took another deep drag on her cigarette and then handed it to Tammy so she could have a hit. Tammy sucked in on the Camel and handed it back to Laurie. Laurie took one last hit off of it before stuffing it out in the ashtray. Then she looked at Michelle who was also stuffing out her cigarette and said, "You didn't seem that surprised that it wasn't Jack she was in bed with. You were a little taken back when I tricked you into thinking it was Sylvia, but I don't think the fact that she was fucking somebody besides our dear, sweet, step daddy shocked you at all."

Michelle shrugged and said, "Yeah, so?"

"Fess up, sis," Laurie said. "What have you been holding back on me?"

"Well. We did party a little bit when we went to Hawaii last year."

"Party," Laurie said. "How?"

"Let's just say that after the first couple of days when we both figured out that the other one was trying to get laid, we were able to open up a little more and have some real fun."

"Uh-huh," Laurie said. "So, you're both a couple of two-timing sluts?"

Michelle shrugged and said, "Like mother, like daughter. Or should I say; like mother, like daughter-s?"

Michelle and Laurie slapped their palms together as all three of them laughed and Laurie said, "They say the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree."

Then Laurie looked at Tammy and said, "That being the case, maybe you BETTER keep a close eye on Taylor."

Tammy rose up her hand and faked like she was going to slap Laurie and said, "Fuck you, Laurie."

Laurie looked at Michelle and said, "See. My offers are getting better already."

"Yeah. Right," Michelle said. "Like she can fuck better than I can."

"Ooooooh," Tammy said. "That sounds like a challenge."

"Yes it did," Laurie said.

Michelle put her nose up in the air and said, "Another time maybe. Today we have company."

Laurie playfully pinched one of her nipples and said; "Look at the bitch turning all uppity on us."

Michelle slapped her hand away and said, "Leave my tits alone. Tammy already got me going and didn't finish. I don't want to walk around with drenched panties."

"Ahhhh. Poor thing," Laurie said as she shook another cigarette out of the pack of Camels.

They heard the front door open. As Laurie was holding the lighter to her cigarette, Sally walked into the kitchen. She took one look at the cigarette in Laurie's mouth and calmly pulled it from her lips and placed it between her own. Laurie glared at her and said, "Hey. I was about to smoke that."

Sally inhaled and blew a stream of smoke into Laurie's direction and said, "I know. That's why I took it away from you."

Under her breath, Laurie muttered, "Cunt."

Sally blew another stream of smoke in Laurie's direction and said, "What was that?"

"Nothing," Laurie said as she smiled and reached for the pack to shake out another cigarette.

Sally started to say something and Michelle stopped her and said, "Jesus, Sally. Give it a rest. You know she's just going to light up as soon as you leave anyway."

"Yes," Sally said. "I do know that. But, how's she expect to get a tennis scholarship when she smokes."

"Hello," Laurie said waving her hand between them. "I'm right here. Don't talk about me like I'm somewhere else."

Ignoring her, Michelle said, "She'll get a scholarship based on how many tournaments she wins, not how clean her living habits are."

"Thank God for that," Sally said.


Rather than hear her protest, Sally and Michelle both turned to her and said, "Shut up, Laurie!"

Tammy suppressed a laugh and looked to Sylvia. She gave her a little wave and said, "Going to get a tattoo, huh?"

"Yep. I want a circle of roses around my ankle."

"Cool. What made you decide to get one?"

"We took Judy there yesterday to get her bellybutton pierced and I saw some I liked, so we were talking about it today and I told Sally the hell with it. Let's go back."

Tammy looked passed her to Judy and said, "You let her pierce her bellybutton?"

"Yep," Judy said and before she could ask if she wanted to see it, her friend Tara lifted up her tee shirt so everyone could see the gold hoop that was now in Judy's navel.

"Isn't it adorable?" Tara asked.

"Yeah, it is," Tammy said. "Taylor's been bugging me to get one. When she sees that, I know she'll start all over again."

"Let's go tomorrow," Michelle said. "You can both get yours pierced. Then you and I will match when we rub together on the dance floor."

Tammy pushed her away when Michelle reached to pull her close and imitate the dance she had in mind. "Cut it out, Michelle. I'll think about it."

"You guys be good," Silvia said as Judy and Tara left through the back door to go to the pool. "Me and Sally are taking off."

Judy turned to wave to her and said, "Okay. Bye, Mom."

Noticing that they had come in empty handed, Michelle said, "Hey. Where is Jim's birthday cake?"

Sally slapped her forehead and said, "Shit! I forgot to stop and pick it up. I'm sorry."

"Fuck," Michelle muttered. "Never mind. Tammy and I will go get it."

Then she leaned close to Sally and whispered, "You got anything good at the dress shop?"

Sally whispered back to her, "A little. In the drawer underneath the cash register."

"Cool," Michelle said. "I forgive you then. We'll stop by there on the way to picking up the cake."


Michelle started to turn the lights on as they stepped inside Sally's Dress Shop but then thought better of it. They didn't want anyone thinking the store was open. She motioned Tammy to follow her and said, "Come on."

There was enough sunlight finding its' way in through the glass that they were easily able to see their way back to the cash register. Michelle fumbled with the handle to the counter drawer that the cash register sat on. Underneath some papers in the drawer she found the clear plastic bag she was searching for. She poured the white powder contents out on the counter and divided it up into four small lines. She then took a dollar out of her purse and rolled it up into a straw. As Tammy stood anxiously watching, she placed one end of the rolled up dollar to her left nostril and the other at the beginning of one of the lines. She moved the dollar along the length of the line and inhaled as she did so. Then she stood up, sniffed deeply in her appreciation of the quality of the coke, and handed the improvised straw to Tammy. Mimicking Michelle, Tammy used the dollar to quickly snort the second line. She offered the straw back to Michelle who shook her head and said, "Go ahead."

Tammy then snorted the third line, and, without offering again, switched the makeshift straw to her other nostril and snorted the fourth. She then stood up and smiled her appreciation at Michelle. "You were right. Your mom does keep good stuff."

Michelle chuckled and said, "Told you so. I also remember telling you when we were in Mexico that you'd learn to love this stuff."

Tammy shivered and said, "Fucking A. This shit's the next best thing to sex."

Michelle shrugged and said, "Depending on the sex, it's the best thing."

Tammy laughed and said, "Shut up, girl. Hey. Tell me something. That time in Mexico, when the guy gave us the coke, I remember you wetting your fingertip and dipping it in the coke. Then you rubbed some of it on your gums. What was that about?"

"Coke numbs your gums when you rub it on them. The purer the coke, the more numb your gums get. It was just a test to see if they were trying to get us to put out for baby laxative."

"Oh. I see," Tammy said. "Pretty smart. So, how come you didn't do it with this?"

"Why waste it testing it when I knew anything Sally had would be good?"

"Pretty smart again," Tammy said. "Anything else you got to teach me?"

"Not right now," Michelle said, "But it is time for a test on some of the things we've already gone over."

She pulled Tammy to her so that their breasts mashed together and her tongue slid naturally between Tammy's lips as they opened. She pushed at the straps on Tammy's top and pulled it down to her waist exposing her creamy white breasts. She broke away from the kiss and quickly sucked one of the pink, bare nipples. She left that and then sucked the other one a little more slowly. Then she looked up at Tammy and said, "I'm glad you followed directions about not wearing a bra."

Tammy laughed and said, "It's not like I really need one. I'm not quite as gifted there, size wise, as you are."

Michelle then stood up and raised her arms as she let Tammy lift her tee shirt over her head. Tammy then held Michelle's tits in her hands and felt their weight. "Mmmm. Did I say gifted? Perhaps I should have said heavenly blessed."

Michelle moaned as she gripped Tammy's wavy blonde hair and pulled her face back up to hers. They stood naked from the waist up and kissing. Then Tammy broke away again and dropped to her knees. As Tammy began unbuttoning her jeans, Michelle said, "That's it, babe. We don't have time for foreplay. Time to cut to the chase."

Without further comment, Tammy pulled Michelle's jeans down her hips and thighs to her ankles. Then Michelle stepped out of both her jeans and her sandals and stood naked before Tammy. She allowed Tammy to pull her to the floor and push her onto her back. Her legs opened automatically as Tammy placed a few kisses on her stomach. She stopped at Michelle's belly button long enough to suck the shinny diamond attached to her navel. Then Michelle opened her legs wider to accommodate Tammy's arrival at the moist opening between them. Tammy went straight to her clitoris and roughly nibbled it before she used the tip of her tongue to trace around the outer edge of Michelle's pussy lips. Then she dipped her tongue a little bit inside and used it to partially penetrate Michelle's pussy. She licked her way up the middle and traced around the edges again several times. When Michelle began to moan and lift her ass up off the floor, she diverted her attention from the lips of Michelle's pussy and began nuzzling and nibbling her clitoris. As she sucked Michelle's clit, she slipped a thumb into Michelle's pussy and slowly worked it in and out matching the same rhythm with her thumb and her lips.

Michelle was now moaning and groaning louder as each second passed. Tammy switched from sucking at Michelle's clit and began flicking the tip of her tongue across it. As she quickly flicked the tip of her tongue back and forth across Michelle's erect clit, she worked her thumb in and out of the pussy at the same pace. Then she changed to slowly brushing the clitoris with the rough flat portion of her tongue. She alternated back and forth like this. Every time she would switch licking techniques, she changed the pace with which she stroked her thumb in and out of Michelle's pussy so that it matched the rhythm set by her tongue.

Then she switched off so that her thumb, which was drenched with Michelle's juices, was stroking back and forth across her clit and she was digging her tongue as deeply as she could into Michelle's pussy. At this point, Michelle grabbed Tammy's hair and began to grind herself up into Tammy's face. In just seconds after that, she was screaming, "THAT'S IT! THAT'S IT! THAT'S FUCKING IT! I'M CUMMING! I'M CUMMING! OH MY FUCKING GOD! I'M FUCKING CUMMING!!!"

As Michelle gradually began to wind down from her orgasm, Tammy kissed her way up from between her legs. She stopped momentarily again to give the diamond in Michelle's navel another kiss and to softly suck each one of Michelle's brown, gumdrop sized, nipples. Then she kissed her way the rest of the way up to Michelle's lips and after their tongues briefly danced a slow waltz, she broke away and said, "Tell me teacher. Did I pass that test?"

"Oh fuck yes. You get an A fucking plus."

Tammy laughed, rolled away, and began pulling her top up. Michelle pulled her back to her, kissed her quickly and said, "What's the hurry? Jim's cake can wait. I want to make you cum first."

Tammy shook her head and said, "We'll get another chance. I don't feel comfortable leaving Taylor their unsupervised."

Michelle reached to pull her back and said, "You worry too much. Laurie's there to fight all the dirty old men off of her."

Tammy ducked away from Michelle's grasp and said, "But who's going to keep her out of Laurie's hands."

Michelle, searching for her clothes, couldn't help but laugh. "Okay. We better go."


Laurie sat huddled in the shallow end of the pool with Taylor, Judy and Tara engaging in girl talk. Paul, Laurie's favorite author, has said that girl talk is almost always filthy. This time was no exception.

"We want to ask you something," Judy said.

"Go for it," Laurie replied.

"How old were you your first time?" Judy asked.

"First time for what?"

"Come on. You know."

Laurie shook her head and said, "No I don't. You could mean anything. You might mean the first time I ate chocolate ice cream. Or the first time I sat in a pool with friends. Or the first time I smoked. You might even mean the first time I masturbated."

"That one is the closest to what we're talking about," Tara said.

"You see," Laurie said. "We've narrowed it down. Now, the next question is, do you mean the first time I ever masturbated alone, or with someone?"

At the same time, Taylor said, "Alone."

While Judy said, "With someone."

And Tara said, "Both."

Laurie laughed and said, "I was eleven the first time I did it by myself and twelve the first time I did it with someone. How about y'all?"

"Us?" They all said.

"Yes. You. Or do you think I'm the only one that's going to tell on herself?"

No one answered and Laurie said, "Come on. Fess up."

Judy and Tara looked at each other and then back to Laurie before saying, "Thirteen."

"I see," Laurie said. "Alone, or together."

"Together," they both said.

"Ah. Y'all are getting more and more interesting," Laurie said. Then she looked at Taylor. "What about you? Don't think you're skipping out."

Taylor lowered her eyes and said, "I was eleven too."

Before Laurie could ask, Tara said, "Were you alone?"

Taylor grinned and nodded her head up and down to indicate yes.

"You ever masturbate with anyone?" Judy asked.

This time Taylor shook her head from side to side.

"Okay," Laurie said, "Next question. Has anyone ever touched your nipples?"

"Over clothes or under them," Judy asked.

Laurie shrugged and said, "Either way."

"Yes," Judy said. "Under clothes too."

"Yes," Tara said. "Under too."

They all looked at Taylor and she turned red and shook her head again. Laurie smiled and said, "Don't be embarrassed."

Then to everyone's surprise she reached over and casually pinched one of Taylor's nipples through the material of her bathing suit. "There. Now you're even with them."

"Except," Judy said, "We got touched under our clothes."

"No problem," Laurie said and before any of them knew what was happening, she slipped her thumb underneath Taylor's bikini top and gentlely stroked her nipple a couple of times, feeling it grow hard and erect. Then just as quickly she slipped it back out. "Next question."

"You know the next question," Judy said.

"You're right. I do," Laurie laughed. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Jim leaving the grill and stepping inside. She stood up in the pool and reached for a towel. "Hang onto that thought, girls. I'll be back in a bit."


Laurie tiptoed into Michelle and Jim's bedroom, stepped around the bed, and slowly eased the bathroom door open. She was just in time to see Jim giving himself a shake with one hand and reaching for the handle to flush with the other. Jim jumped out of his socks when he heard her say, "Somebody told me once if you shake it more than twice, you're playing with it."

Jim playfully grabbed for his heart and said, "Jesus Christ, Laurie. You scared the piss out of me."

"Oh," she said. "Is that what happened?"

Jim laughed and said, "Poor choice of words."

She stepped further into the bathroom and said, "I just wanted to give you your present."

Then she kneeled in front of him and took his cock in her hand. As she kissed and then licked the tip of it, he shut his eyes and leaned back his head. It grew instantly in her hand, and she went ahead and slipped her lips over the head. She used her tongue and licked the slit clean. With her other hand, she slowly massaged his balls as she stroked her first hand along the length of his cock. Then she looked up at him and said, "Mmmmm. I might be weird, but I like taking a guy in my mouth right after he's had a piss."

Jim gripped her head with his hands and said, "Jesus, girl. Hurry the fuck up. Michelle will be home any minute."

"Don't worry, hon," I think Michelle might be gone for a while. Then she took his cock back into her mouth and began to stroke him with her lips. She continued moving her lips up and down his shaft until she was sure he was on the verge of cumming. Then she slipped him out of her mouth and began to suck and lick his balls. He gripped her hair and pulled her mouth back to his cock. He thrust the tip through her lips and pushed it in until the tip was pressing back against her throat and she had to relax her throat muscles to keep from gagging. She let him pump her mouth for a few strokes before she pulled him out and said, "Don't cum yet. I want to fuck."

He pulled her to her feet and said, "Hurry up then. I'm about to pop."

She quickly slid down her bikini bottoms and tossed them to the corner of the bathroom. Without further pretense, Jim roughly turned her around and bent her over the sink. Then he pushed into her from behind and entered her with one stroke. She thrust back against him as he roughly slammed his cock deeper and deeper into her pussy. As he continued to push into her, he viciously pulled her top off and reached under her to cup her tits and roughly stroke her nipples with his palms. Just as he felt the tension build to the point where he could no longer control it, she also began to scream out her pleasure. As soon as she began screeching and uttering inaudible phrases, he grunted and drew his cock out of her and began to squirt his load over her back. Then he turned her around so she could wrap her legs around his hips and he could kiss her into quietness before her screams brought the whole party inside to see what she was doing.