Foreign Customs


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Suddenly the big man withdrew and stepped back and, although I am sure he had not spoken, Anne quickly turned and sat herself on the desk then lay back with legs spread. I was surprised to discover that skin on either side of her vulva had turned a bright pink. This sight was only brief because he rapidly reinserted his weapon and took up where he had left off. The angle was now more favourable so I abandoned my contorted position and returned to the bench. While doing so I contemplated the quirks of life, for only that morning I had set off joyfully, anticipating a carefree holiday, and yet a mere few hours later I was watching the mother of my children being fucked out of her mind by a hugely hung swaggering foreigner.

He began to fuck her with rapid piston like strokes. At times my wife's legs flapped free to his rhythm but at others they closed around his waist. Occasionally he would pull completely clear, wait a second and then ram back in to full depth with this always evoking a noticeable response. Now whenever he made her cum, besides the heavy panting and high pitched moan, Anne squeezed and twisted her own tits, viciously crushing her nipples between thumb and forefinger. Not even the most unbiased observer could think that she was just 'lying back and thinking of England'.

During this narrative I have not dwelt on my own mental state but I need to mention that since the start the jealousy in my gut felt as if I was being disembowelled, with every added element being an extra twist of the knife. Despite this, my rigid erection had persisted and now I found that I had somehow inched towards the front of this bench and managed to pull my pants rather tight. The taut material was putting a bending pressure on my stiff shaft and also constricting my balls as if in a vice. Unfortunately I found that sitting back failed to ease the pain.

He paused to force Anne's legs up against her breasts and she obligingly hooked her arms behind her knees to hold them in place. From this point on it was hard to tell if it was for his pleasure or my benefit for he seemed intent on providing a master class in fucking. He had her head rolling from side to side with eyes closed and an almost continuous guttural cry issuing from her open mouth. On the occasions that her eyes did flick open they looked wild and uncoordinated. From the start of the intercourse I had heard no intelligible speech but now she clearly said 'Yes', three times in succession.

He paused all motion, probably summoning energy for the finale. In that brief respite my attention moved from the events on the desk to myself and I realised with disgust that at some point I had ejaculated in my pants, causing me to wonder what kind of degenerate pervert must I be to get off on watching my wife being raped. It was rape, if only technically, because that is how sex under duress is classified but an independent observer would not have seen duress and that was the problem. Looking for someone to blame for my disaster other than myself, I argued that had Anne shown more reluctance it may not have happened. But it had happened and I could not bear the humiliation of any one knowing, so I leaned forward with my free arm resting on my knee, even though that looked as if I was straining for a closer look at the sex.

My wife's ravisher started again, building up a rhythm until suddenly his back tensed and he gave a rapid flurry of thrusts before freezing in position. He stayed like that for a very long moment broken by a few further random thrusts, as if trying to gain even deeper penetration and I am convinced that during that final sequence Anne had to fight an urge to put her arms round him.

Eventually he straightened and stepped back letting his penis pull clear to hang slimed and rapidly losing stiffness if not length. Even when he was no longer inside her, Anne still lay with her raised legs held in position by her arms. It was like a tableau with nobody moving but with the eyes and myself and my rival fixed on Anne's gaping cunt as a large glob of thick white cum came slowly out and began to ooze down the crack to her anus. He broke the spell by laughing and offering, "If you want to dive in there I'll toss you the key."

I did not reply. Had I been free at that moment I would have negated my wife's 'sacrifice' by trying to kill the bastard, no matter how futile that attempt might be. He pulled up his trousers and swaggered to gaze out the window upon which Anne lowered her legs and, having regained her feet, crouched to grab the discarded panties from the floor to cram between her legs. Mopping up completed, she balled the sodden garment to toss it into the open case, then followed it with the bra from the chair. Finally she covered her nakedness with skirt, blouse and jacket but then just stood awaiting instructions. She did not look once in my direction.

I think he must have been watching a reflection because our tormentor turned on cue and beckoned for her to again join him at the window. They seemed to speak for a couple of minutes then my wife walked over to me carrying a small key that she used to release my shackle. As she turned towards her suitcase I quickly removed my jacket and held it folded over my arm, hoping to conceal the wet patch on the front of my trousers.

"I think I may have caused you to miss your connection so the least I can do is remedy that," he said and, pointing to a door I hadn't noticed he went on, "If you go through there and down the fire escape to the yard, my sergeant will be along in a few minutes to run you to your holiday destination."

Carrying our respective luggage we headed towards that door but as we filed past the smirking officer, he said to me, "Thank you so much for the temporary loan of your wife. That was exceptional. You really are a very lucky man." It was only my wife's sudden firm grip on my arm that stopped me ruining everything at that late stage.

As we waited in the yard, I had to know, "What was he saying to you at the window just now."

"He was giving me the key,"

"No, it was more than that," I insisted.

"He was telling me he's keeping my compact as a souvenir but that he's put a packet containing twice as much coke in my case instead. It was what he had planted in there before he discovered we had provided our own drugs," Anne admitted, seeming almost amused by his subterfuge.

I clenched my teeth in frustrated anger but I was puzzled how he had managed that because, from the moment he had unlocked the case, I had been watching him like a hawk. Then I realised that it had to be during the distraction while that G-string was whirling through the air.

"And he said his name is Rauf."

"Did he ask if you enjoyed it?"


"What did you say?"

"I told him that I had,"

"Why the fuck did you say that?"

"Because it made sense to keep feeding his ego until we were both safely away from that office," Anne replied impatiently, as if it should have been obvious.

We rode to our holiday complex completely in silence, sitting at opposite ends of the back seat, I with my jacket folded on my lap. I did not want to say anything in front of the driver and although I had plenty of issues on my mind, that was not the place to voice them. Just before being dropped off by the police car, I checked the front the front of my trousers and was relieved to find that the damp patch was now barely noticeable.

We got up to the top floor apartment and dropped our cases, upon which Anne stood as if expecting me to run forward and embrace her but when I failed to move she smiled at me and said happily, "At least that's over, we're not in prison and we still have the whole holiday to look forward to."

I was seething. "If you say so," I snarled, glaring at her.

Anne's face dropped. "Darling, I know it wasn't very nice for you to have to watch what happened and I know we have to talk about it but it's not the end of the world you know."

"Not nice for me but quite the opposite for you or that's how it looked to me."

"I only did what I had to."

"Played the whore you mean. It amazed me how easily you slipped into the role."

My wife looked surprised rather than hurt by my words. "What specifically did I do that makes you say that?"

"I could just talk about your enthusiasm, but being specific, all the times you have sucked me over the years you've never done all the things to me that you did to him."

"Perhaps that's because he had more for me to work on," Anne said, her teasing tone showing that she was not taking me seriously.

"It looked to me as if you were deliberately trying to make him cum in your mouth."

"Of course I was," my wife said shaking her head. "I was afraid that if he fucked me it would have the exactly effect on you that it obviously has so I hoped to short circuit the whole damn circus right at the start. I certainly didn't want his spunk down my throat out of choice."

"Well what about when he put his cock inside you? Just by looking at your face I could tell you were thoroughly enjoying it," I said accusingly.

"Are you sure it was pleasure you saw and not pain? Imagine how you'd feel, lying naked on a bare wooden desk while something hard and stiff was rammed into you over and over again."

"Answer me honestly, did you enjoy it?"

"That's not as easy to say as it sounds," Anne said, looking at me with sincerity in her eyes. "I love you and I knew how it would make you feel having to sit and watch me having sex with another man so mentally I was upset it was happening but physically it was a different matter. You're not female so you wouldn't know. A woman's body is made for sex and is programmed to respond to certain stimuli whether she really wants it or not. Desire has nothing to do with it."

"You are correct, I'm not female."

"Think of it another way. Imagine the unlikely scenario of a beautiful sexy girl blackmails you to let her suck your dick. If she does every technique she knows do you really believe that she won't be able to make you cum."

"If she did to me what you did to him?" I asked bitterly.

"Yes, all of that and perhaps more, would your lack of initial desire stop from getting you off?"

"I'm not sure," I admitted reluctantly while conceding to myself that I would not have been unable to resist my wife's talented mouth as long as he had. But then with a picture of the copulation in front of my eyes, I snarled, "But I certainly would not have gone on and screwed her with the kind of abandon you showed and then tried to claim it was beyond my control."

Anne paused and studied my sour face for a long moment and then she said, "OK, I've tried using half truths in the hope of protecting your feelings but that's obviously not what you want to hear so here is the pure unvarnished reality. Yes I enjoyed having sex with Rauf, I enjoyed it a lot. Despite his arrogance he's a very attractive man and he's got a magnificent cock. Apart from the hard desk, I think every woman deserves to be fucked like that at least once in her life."

"Did he make you cum?"

"You know he did. I think I managed to hide the first few but after that the orgasms were happening so continuously that I gave up trying and let myself enjoy them."

Strangely, her admitting to what I had seen eased my rage bit also fuelled my insecurity. "Are you saying you would rather be with him?"

"Don't be stupid," Anne snapped back but with the tender look on her face at odds with the harshness of the words. "I love you so much and I don't love him in the slightest. When you and I have sex, no matter how raunchy we sometimes get, to me it is always 'making love'. I'm happy that it's you and afterwards you always leave me feeling contented, I'm even contented just reaching out and touching your skin. With Rauf it was pure sex and it was fabulous in a way that perhaps only pure sex can be. The difference is that after I'd finished doing it with him I wouldn't want to be anywhere near him unless it was to let him fuck me again."

"If you got the chance, would you fuck him again?"

"Not if I was still married to you."

"But suppose that I was miles away and there was no possible chance of me finding out would you?

My wife gave that a lot of thought before answering, "To be completely honest I don't know. I hope that I would be strong enough not to but given the right circumstance I don't know how much temptation I can resist."

We seemed to be making progress and I know that my internal torment had eased considerably so I don't know what devil prompted me to accuse, "You fancied him from the moment you saw him and that's why you agreed to open your legs so quickly, that's why you made such a meal of his cock and why you were so passionate with him."

My wife's eyes suddenly flashed, as they had on the rare occasions over the years when she had been really angry. "If it had been just the coke in the compact I was half prepared to risk that it would only mean a fine, depending on what deal he was prepared to accept. I would have agreed to suck his dick and get him off with a hand job but that was my limit. But then you had to escalate matters and make things ten times worse with your clumsy attempt to bribe him and that meant I had to do whatever he wanted."

Anne paused for breath and then continued in a softer tone, "David, we both watched 'Midnight Express' and we both saw that documentary, all the news reports about foreign jails and those interviews with people caught smuggling drugs. If we had ended up in prison it was inevitable that we would have had to put up with years of squalid conditions, poor food and constant sexual assault with that last bit applying to you just as much as me. I know that I could put up with being raped far better than you and if it had been necessary, to save you from that, I would have let Rauf fuck me every day of our holiday, no matter how horrible he turned out to be."

She looked at me sadly. "It turned out to be a lot less than unpleasant and that bothers you. What seems to be tearing you apart in not the fact that it happened but the thought that I might have enjoyed it. Would you rather I had hated every moment and been sobbing tears all the time he was poking me?"

I tried to stutter some kind of denial but Anne carried on, "And while we are on the subject of pleasure perhaps I'm not the only one who got excitement out of Rauf fucking me. I wasn't going to mention this but from the state of your trousers earlier, you got pretty aroused yourself."

I was mortified that she knew. With a feeling of total humiliation I crumbled into a chair and sat with my head in my hands, biting my lip to fight against total emotional breakdown. Anne said softly, "I thought that was it," but then she was by my side, arms around me and with her soft breasts pressing against my head. "It's quite natural, there is nothing at all to be ashamed of," she told me urgently.

"Since the beginning of time, countless men must have been forced to watch as their partners were had by another man. In those times it was all about impregnation so as a defence mechanism, nature primes cuckolded men so that they are ready to send in vast numbers of killer sperm to destroy those of the intruder, as soon as they get the chance. That is just what happened to you and it was as much beyond your control as was my behaviour that upset you so much."

I reached my arms round her and gave her a hug, mumbling, "I'm so very sorry for how I have behaved. I don't know what got into me."

"It was what got into me," Anne said lightly but then in a more serious tone, "Darling that is all it was. Leaving aside the mental stuff, the base fact is that he put his cock inside my cunt and it meant nothing. Aside from some possible temporary stretching I am unchanged. Despite all that has happened I'm exactly the same woman I was before we left home and you are the same man. I love you just as much as I ever did, possibly a bit more, so let's put it all behind us and enjoy our holiday.

Enjoy our holiday we did with the inauspicious start forgotten, at least on the surface. Although taking siesta during the warmest part of the day we managed to visit many sites containing well preserved ancient structures but the defining element of the week was the vast amount of sex. I have always enjoyed giving her oral but it became almost compulsive, with me spending many languid hours with my tongue licking and probing the place where his jumbo cock had been. Anne tried to reciprocate by using those oral techniques that had first sparked my jealousy but these attempts were all short lived as her ministrations consistently brought me to the verge of ejaculation far too quickly.

On the morning of our last full day, Anne declared that she intended to spend the time until lunch rinsing some of our lighter garments and then to do the bulk of the packing in preparation for an early departure for Rhodes soon after dawn the next day. She sensibly suggested that I should pass the time reading a book on the balcony.

I went out and spent several minutes gazing at the sea and then, prior to seating myself on the recliner, I glanced down at the car park six floors below. A police car entering caught my eye and I curiously followed it until it parked. A familiar tall immaculately uniformed figure got out and extracted a large bunch of flowers from the rear seat before striding purposefully towards the entrance to the complex.

In an instant I came to a decision. Stepping back into the room, I told Anne that I had decided to go back to the dig we had visited the previous day to have another chat with the archaeologist, adding that I would not be much longer than a couple of hours. My wife looked surprised but smiled and said, "Nice idea, Enjoy yourself."

"You enjoy yourself too," I replied but my smile was partly due to that secret knowledge.

Leaving the apartment I walked past the lifts to lurk at the top of the stairs, ready to retreat should he choose to come up that way. After a few minutes the lift stopped at our floor so I peered down the corridor to see Rauf emerge and advance to knock on the apartment door. Seeing that I ran down two flights of stairs before switching to the lift then drove my hire car to a secluded spot overlooking the water. For the first time in my marriage I felt completely liberated.

At home friends and colleagues often remark on the closeness and togetherness of our marriage but I knew that in reality I had constructed a gilded cage due to a conviction that if ever my wife had sexual contact with another man it was inevitable she would leave me. An example of my behaviour were the countless hours that I had waited outside shops while Anne looked for new clothes within, when it would have made far more sense for me to remain at home and let her wander where she may.

I did not know whether Anne would resist Rauf's certain seduction attempt or whether she would claim that 'once in a lifetime' session in a bed that she believed every woman deserved. I also did not know if she would tell me of his visit - she could easily admit that the flowers were from Rauf but claim that they came by courier. If she did choose to stay silent I was resolved to say nothing, no matter what evidence I might observe. You see I now knew that I could let her fly free, with the certainty that she would come back to me.

Jerry and Trudy I would very much like to write your story but unfortunately the email address on your feedback proved to be corrupt. Please write again.

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AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Strange. Contraband drugs entering a foreign country. (Duh)

Trying to overtly bribe a law officer. (Duh)

Witnessing a gorgeous wife 'quid pro quo' with a narcissistic officer. (The haunting visuals)

Insecure bitching at wife, who obtained your release. (Grateful?)

HighBrowHighBrow6 months ago

Turkey! We’re going to Turkey. Let’s be sure to visit their famous prisons while we’re there. Don’t forget to pack the coke.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

One of your best!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Good story. Well written with only a few inaccuracies.

Turks are well known, in my experience, for their diminutive genitalia, not that there is anything wrong with that. I understand that part of the dramatic tension revolves around your self degradation ( penis inferiority ).

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Loved it!! continue writing lots more!!

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