Found Pt. 05

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The Break-up, Sara's Turn, Dancing, Sex, can't miss the fun!
17.2k words

Part 5 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/24/2019
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Everyone having sex is at least 18. This story is a work of fiction. I made it all up. Check reality at the door and enjoy it for what it is. Special thanks to goducks111 for his help and making this a better story.


Chapter 17 - Christmas Eve

Three hours later and there is a standing ovation for the entire cast and crew of Hamilton. It was an awesome show. I am at a loss for words. The style is much different than a typical show. The cast and crew then all descend into the audience to see their families. It was heartwarming to see all the happiness around us.

Beth leans over to me, "You made all of this possible. Look at those families. At these prices, no way that family of thirteen can come." She kisses me.

I rush our group out. I had already given the cast and crew a large tip to be shared evenly. Outside are three London double-decker buses. Everyone is going to the restaurant by bus, and the busses will return the families back to the theatre when we finish.

The bus ride to the restaurant is boisterous. Everyone is excited to talk about the show and how awesome it was. I had seen it before. It's still great fun to watch a second time. I saw a lot that I had missed. We are on our way to "Uncle Bob's Greek Restaurant." Not the most original name. They have two prime qualities, a room big enough, and it wasn't booked. It's not easy finding catering rooms at the last minute on Christmas Eve. This place is much larger than we need but better too big than too small.

Everyone wants my attention, I meet every family. They were glad I saved their daughters. All was going well until Phoebe brought her parents to see me. I was in shock, seeing my dad. He looked old and frail. I just stared at him, unable to speak. Why is he here? Why did he come if he still hates me?

My father didn't say a thing. He looked at me, he was tired, it showed on him. He slowly walked to me, cane in hand. I stood still, unsure of what to do. I looked down on the frail mean spirited man I used to know. I didn't feel the hate or the contempt I once had. No, it is now sadness I think. Dad lunged forward with two unsteady steps and fell into me, holding on to my chest. I still can't move, Phoebe helps him. Dad starts crying into my shirt.

Slowly people around us turn to see the commotion and go quiet. They're waiting for my reaction. I can't speak still. I do pull my dad up with my hands, so he is standing tall again. I then do something I never thought I would ever do. I hug my father. There is a collective "Awwwww." Everyone knows the story.

As I am standing there holding my dad, The Twenty starts singing, I mean whispering Christmas songs. Wow, I love it when they sing like that. I get goose-pimples. The whole place is silent. Even the little kids that were running around have stopped. The kitchen staff came out to listen. Other rooms are overflowing at our doors, so they can hear. Twenty angels are singing.

Now to my surprise.

Beth makes an announcement, "We have done those same songs three times now. The sound is beautiful. But frankly, we're bored with them. Sorry, Steve. Here is something different. Jenny and Beth lead the twenty with Beth doing the solo for Santa Baby. They did it correctly in their little girl voices and using too much breath when they sang. All the men are crossing their legs because they're turned on by the singing of that one song. Never has a song been so erotic. The mothers are annoyed but still smile, it is cute.

They sing two songs with Opera Man as lead and the girls doing a perfect choir backup. It blew me away. I am in tears, as are many others. Opera Man has such a commanding voice, yet the twenty sound like angels. They admitted to practicing early morning in the garage. Opera man finishes with, "I'll be home for Christmas." My best present ever.

The place has a buzz going now, everyone was moved by the singing. Dinner is being served. Dad is too frail to get up again, I take a walk with mom, arm in arm. Once out of sight of dad, she stops me, hugs me, and cries. She didn't say a word. Everyone left us alone in the room as mom cried on my shoulder. I find out dad has cancer, six months top. He was thrilled to take one last trip, to see New York, and get a chance to see me again. Mom was appreciative that I made it happen and didn't kill him outright.

I had invited them for Phoebe, I never dreamed that they would come. Now that the initial greeting was over, Phoebe appears at my side and kisses me.

I inquire, "What's that for?"

Phoebe seems light on her feet, giddy almost when she responds, "Just for being you."

I help mom fill up a second plate for dad and she heads back with Phoebe. I look for Beth, she is at a table with just her mom and dad. I stop by to say hi. Her mom jumps up and squeezes the breath out of me, she is excited and can barely talk. Her father isn't nearly as happy to see me. Her mom and dad look suitable for their age, they may have been models at my age. They probably don't think I'm good enough for their daughter.

Her father stands up and tries a death grip on me. Being in shape, especially after mountain climbing, I was more than his equal, which surprised him.

Frank says, "Say, you're not one of them sissy boys, are you? How did them boys beat you so bad?"

Defending myself, "Well, they were big football players, and there were eight of them. The first two I was ok with. The last four were huge. Normally I plan better so I can avoid those things. Unfortunately for me, my backup was a minute too late. That wasn't anything compared to hunting those giant killer sharks. Now that was scary."

Beth has had enough, "Ok, dad, he's man enough. He hunts killer sharks for fun and took on eight football players. Not even you've done that. He is a tough guy. Mom, he's great in bed. Great toolset and smart as well. He thinks, he plans, he is organized. What not to love? Steve, move along, I need to talk more about you." She smiles happily at me as I walk away.

I find Jenny with her family. Her mom and dad are busy trying to corral four children about ten years old. They adopted four related children, two sets of cousins who lost their parents. They also have three older children; Jenny is the oldest.

As I approach, the table goes silent.

The youngest asks me, "Did you really hunt killer sharks?"

I sit down and lean over to tell my story of how a shark had killed three surfers. We tracked it down, I got it in the cage, and used a spear gun to shoot it. It got hit, bleed, then other sharks killed it. What I didn't say was that I peed in my pants when the cage broke, my spear never did shoot, it was broken, and the damage was done by people on the boat with spears and hooks. Still, my version kept them entertained for a few minutes while the parents got food.

I then took them over by the big windows and pointed out the sights and told stories of my adventures. I took just long enough for Jenny, her parents, and the older children to eat. That's when I ran out of stories. I took them to get a plate of food and then back to their table. They are quiet when they eat as well. Jenny gives me another kiss.

Phoebe interrupts us and takes my hand. She hands me a plate, I hold it, she fills it up. She retakes my hand and leads me back to the parents. I am instructed to sit, talk, and eat. I do all three.

Tomorrow morning, mom will meet us for breakfast. Then she gets her time to ask me questions. Dad doesn't have the energy to come by, he wants to save it for Christmas dinner. Groups start to leave. The girls all know they can go home with their families, but none of them do.

The buses shuttle parents and families back to their cars, and soon it's just The Twenty and Beth's parents. Don is taking them back to their vehicle.

Before they leave, Frank hugs me and whispers in my ear, "She's in love with you. Now that I have met you, I understand why. You're OK in my book."

Now her mom comes for her hug. She is more emotional and hugs me far longer. She has tears in her eyes.

Her mom whispers into my ear, "Thanks for saving our baby. She is all the family we have. Had we lost her ..." She cries and then stops. "She is obviously happy. Take good care of her."

She releases me and then quickly walks away. Time to go home now.

I announce to the group, "When we get home, I want all of you to get ready for bed. Then come back down to the living room. I have something special for you. The fireplace will be roaring. Don and Anthony will be around, use robes if you need to. To the bus and home!"


An hour later we are home and in front of the fireplace. Traffic was a breeze. Don brings out a cart with mugs of hot toddies. With twenty young women in a small place, many are on the floor. They are all sipping their drinks and noticing it contains alcohol. The fire is going, and they're waiting for me.

I have traveled the world and befriended many people. One of my best friends is a chap from England. I love their accent and some of their sayings. To the side of me is a bag. I pull out a red Christmas elf hat. The kind where it's pointy on top and flops down. I take off my shoes and socks on put on slippers that look like big hairy feet. I put on a big white beard and then black glasses. I even hold the children's book version of the poem. I don't know why Sara picked this outfit, but I look more like Goofy from Disney than an Englishman.

They're all looking at me like I am a funny alien. I amuse them. I clear my throat to quiet them.

With an almost perfect English accent, I begin reciting the poem from memory, "Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house ..." You know the rest.

I played the part right. I paused in places, turned the pages as if I was reading from them. Sure, it was kind of childish. At the same time, it was kind of cute and seemed to fit the mood.

I announce with my regular voice, "Tomorrow is a big day. The kids will be hyper for their presents. Each family with children will have a big table tomorrow, the gifts you purchased will be lined up on the wall with your name on it. Take your presents for your table. Give your family their presents first. There is lots of space for the kids to play. We are going back to the same place. They open at noon, we are having brunch. All presents between each of us will be here, lined up in the foyer. After breakfast, we will do Christmas between us, here in the living room.

"Ok, off to bed. I need a few minutes with my staff, I will be up soon. Off to bed or Santa will know you are naughty, and you will get coal for Christmas. Go! Goodnight, my sweethearts, tomorrow will be fun!"

I am up for forty-five minutes talking with my staff and preparing a present. Only then do I go upstairs. I open the door and stand in the doorway, shocked. Beth and Jenny are locked in a 69 with Beth on top. Her big breasts are swaying a bit. They're both leisurely eating pussy and moaning their enjoyment.

Beth is the first to notice me, "It's about time. We were horny and needed some attention."

Jenny smiles at me, "We have a present for you. One you'll like but hear us out first."

Beth smiles but is nervous, "As you know, we're in college, around lots of young men, and get horny as fuck at times."

Jenny continues, "You are not around often enough to satisfy all of our needs. Neither of us wants another man, you are what we want."

Beth continues the tag team conversation, "Needs must be met. There is no substitute for a real cock. We need to have contact with a dick, but without it hurting you."

Jenny adds, "Yes, that's not good. We devised a plan. We will have sex with men." I am ready to freak out and jump out a window. I fall to the bed, shaken. "Oh no, don't freak out. I told you we have a plan. They can only fuck us in the ass. Our vaginas are off-limits to everyone but you."

Beth asks, "Can you live with that? If not, we have Phoebe to service us. It just isn't the same. You'll be having vaginal sex for the next fifteen weeks with the group, we need something. We will be told the details and will need cock."

Jenny wraps her arms around me, "We're sorry. How do you feel about this?"

I confess, "Honestly, I'm disappointed." Jenny starts saying, "We don't ..." I stop her, "I'm selfish. You are women, and women have needs just like men. I was hoping the fifteen would be just friends. I'm more than satisfied with you two. I don't need them."

Beth comforts me, "But they need you. You probably saved their lives, and you know it. They want to show you their appreciation and experience like Jenny and I do."

I am curious, "Do you have guys picked out yet?"

Jenny laughs at me, "To us, they are all Bartholomew. In doggie, they're behind us, so we can't see them. We can close our eyes and remember tonight."

I look at them questioningly, unable to ask the correct question.

Beth says to me, seductively, "You are taking our anal cherries tonight. No Bartholomew is getting it from us. Jenny has been preparing for tonight for a while, you'll start with her.

I am nervous. They sense it, and they look worried.

I resign myself to these two fine women, "I'm giving you a gift tonight as well. You know I have trust issues. My demands of myself and you two are ... unrealistic for our relationship. I appreciate the thought and gesture here tonight. However, you're doing this because of my issues. That isn't fair to either of you. But I can't change who I am. Not yet. I have my own plan."

Jenny is nervous, Beth can see where this is going, she is already in tears.

I am nervous still, almost trembling, "I can't be the boyfriend you want and need." Now Jenny is crying. "I can't be there in class, after class, at lunch, none of that. You must make anal deals with me to satisfy your needs. That isn't fair to you. I'm breaking up with both of you." Now the waterfalls have turned on. "This means that you are free to have anal sex, blowjobs, get eaten, and have full vaginal sex. You get to be a college student."

Beth is crying, "I don't want this."

I am trying to be the adult, "You say that now. In six months when a big football player is plowing you with a thick eight-inch cock, you'll be glad for the relief you're getting. To show you that I really do love you, when not in school, you may come on vacation with me. The day you graduate, if you want, you can be my girlfriend again."

They both stop crying.

Jenny is first to respond, "Wait, you are not just dismissing us? Is this a trick?"

I am happy now, "I told you a while ago. How do I know if you love me or if it was because of the traumatic event? In two years, we'll know the answer to that. I told Beth; I expect you will both find someone you true love. When you put me up against other men, I lose. If you had never met me neither of you would give me the time of day."

Beth counters, "We did meet you, and you are special."

I ask them, "Can either of you say right now with 100% sureness that you'll still want me after two years of fucking other guys?" They both pause. "You see, there's your answer right there. You both have a doubt. You know it." Now I have tears in my eyes.

I have lost two more loves in my life, on Christmas Eve no less. My that hurts.

With little hope, I manage to say, "I'll be at graduation. If I see you with a guy, I won't bother you."

Jenny gets up and storms out of the room with tears in her eyes.

I look at Beth, and she walks up to me, tears still in her eyes. She takes my hand and leads me to bed. She sets me on the edge of the bed and walks around to the opposite side. She gets in and is seemingly miles away. As expected, this did not go well. It is best for each of them.

Beth asks, "Did you ever love me?"

I roll over, so she can hear me clearly, "That is the first dumb question I have ever heard you ask. Does a guy not in love break up with a girl for her benefit? Does a guy not in love encourage his girlfriend to have sex with others? Does a guy not in love give up sex for the girlfriend's benefit? If you must beg me to allow anal sex, I'm smothering you with unrealistic demands."

Beth asks, "Why tonight? You could have had our anal cherries."

I sigh, "That is precisely why. Give that to a man you love."

Beth quickly counters, "No, we learned here tonight that you love us enough to sacrifice your desires for our benefit. Obviously, we haven't convinced you of how deep our love is for you. I'll let time prove it to you. Will you believe us then?"

As Phoebe barges into my room, I answer, "Yes."

The lights are off, but I can hear the hate in her voice, "You really are an asshole. Christmas Eve?"

I respond, "They wanted to give me their anal cherries. That should be reserved for someone special. I gave them the freedom to have all the sex they want and need. In two years, when they graduate, I will be back if they want me. I'm not up to their standards, I'm nothing special. They'll both find other guys and leave me in their dust."

Phoebe is furious, "No, you just told them you want to be a playboy and in two years you may be willing to settle down."

I laugh at her, "I can't change who I am. After my fifteen weeks of being watched, I won't be with a woman until they graduate. You still don't understand me, do you? I don't want to fuck the fifteen. I would be happy just to be in their company. They're friends, not lovers like Jenny and Beth. I gave them freedom. If they do find someone, they won't have to sneak around, they can be open and enjoy it."

Phoebe now has concern in her voice as she crawls into bed, "What about you?"

I complain, "This isn't about me. If I were selfish and callous, I'd keep them as girlfriends when it was convenient for me. I'd use them for great sex, take their anal virginities, and have a good old time. It's only because I love them that I do this. Is this really that hard to understand?"

Beth cries out, "Yes, it is. I hear what you are saying. I understand it. I don't want it. I don't want freedom. I don't want to lose you."

I comfort her, "Then I'll see you all summer, winter break, and spring break. If you still feel the same way in two years, I will be back to pick you up permanently."

Phoebe gets out of bed again and goes back to her room. Swell.

I feel Beth get out of bed, she turns the lights on, she rips her panties off and grabs a bottle of lube. She almost throws the bottle at me. She gets up on the bed on hands and knees, she wiggles her ass at me.

She taunts me, "Are you man enough to take what is yours?"

I take off my boxers, get up on the bed, and apply a generous amount of lube on my cock. I repeat that feat on her brown star. She is on hands and knees. Her hair and perfect tits are hanging down. I stick my cock into her pussy a few times to get primed and add more lubrication. If she weren't wet, I would have stopped. She is flooded, she is more than ready.

I start with instructions, "You need to relax and ..."

Like a possessed demon, she cuts me off, "I just want you to shove that wonderful meat stick up my ass. I'm giving you to the count of three or else! One!" I quickly align my cock with her rectum. My head is touching the brown eye. "Two!" I admire the view. What a perfect ass. I lunge forward. "ThreeeeeOuchhhhhh. Oh, fuck, that hurts. Ow, ow, ow, fuck, fuck, fuck, it hurts. Don't just stand there, fuck me!"

I follow her directions. Just like a super tight vagina, I begin my process of pushing into her dark hole. It feels wonderful. It's tighter than any woman I have ever known. I won't last long, so I start quick fucking. Beth is moaning and no longer screaming in pain. I wonder, do women orgasm from anal?

There are two large orbs in front of me that I am splitting open with my shaft. Entirely white, and they jiggle as I pound into Beth's ass. Their split is far enough that I can see my shaft going in and out of this beautiful woman. She moves her arms to her side. She grabs her ass cheeks and pulls wide. Now I have an obscene view of her ass as I plow into it.