Fourth Year After Ch. 06

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Moves, Babies, a New Triad, Sandy's Wedding and an Ending.
11.5k words

Part 6 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 05/02/2017
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Author's note: This is 6th and final chapter of "Fourth Year After", the last book in my series that began with "First Year After". Then Second, Third, you get the picture. If you have not read the earlier books in the series, I recommend you do, so you'll know who the characters are, how they relate to each other, and how they got to where they are now. Thank you for sticking with this series to the very end.

As always, all sexual acts described here involve fictional characters over the age of 18.


August 6, 2016

In the end, the move-in date got pushed by just a week, but the pool got done ahead of the earlier estimate, so that we would be able to begin filling the swimming pool in the courtyard in two more weeks, meaning we could hold our Labor Day party in the new house, after all. I let Duke know he was off the hook for that, and wished him good luck on his own move.

The week before the move was chaotic, of course, trying to pack up three houses, while maintaining one of the nurseries until the new nursery could be set up for the kids to occupy. Sandy was staying with Mandy at the Jensen/Adams duplex and Patti was too pregnant to be of much help in packing and toting, being two weeks from her due date, but that still left six of us, including Eden, to get everything ready for the movers to pick up that we had not already moved ourselves.

The day of the move went pretty smoothly, everything into the new house and guest house that wasn't staying in storage, although plenty of boxes needed to be unpacked, and all of the kids moved as well, by 5 o'clock, when we celebrated by placing our first pizza order to the new house.

The surprise of the day was that Henry had somehow found the time to construct another double-queen bed and more sets of bedding, and had those beds set up in the two master bedrooms instead of our Kings.

I asked him, "How are we going to explain these, now?"

Henry answered, "We just tell people the new master bedrooms are bigger, so we decided we could splurge on bigger beds, especially so we can let the kids sleep with us, sometimes. We'd never accomplish that in a King with three adults and multiple toddlers, anyway. Even two toddlers with two adults would make a Cal King seem crowded. Give people a non-sexual explanation, and they'll accept it, because their imagination won't take them to the alternative."

"I hope you're right," I said.

The five bedrooms for the kids were already equipped with a toddler bed as well as a crib, not that we thought any of them were ready for that transition yet. It would be enough to get them used to being in their own rooms and getting them started using a potty. Except for Gavin, they'd always shared a room, and he was used to being with the other three more often than not. An extra crib was set up in the room that would eventually be Toni's baby's room, for Tommy and Jeremy to use after they were born, if Sandy brought him to stay with us at all, instead of being at the Jensen/Adams duplex. Tommy and Toni's baby would eventually share that as the new nursery, until we were ready to move Tommy into a toddler bed in KJ's room two or three years from now.

Eden was gleeful over having the guest house all to herself, but asked Toni to spend the first night there with her. Patti chose to sleep in the guest room, because she wasn't sleeping well.

We were all too worn out from the move for any lovemaking, and just cuddled with each other, Amber with me, Mom with Henry.


August 9, 2016

It only took a couple of days after the move before Carrie came to visit Eden. Toni told me later that they used the hot tub, naked, then disappeared into the Guest House for the rest of the day. Carrie left just before the rest of us got home, apparently expected home by Mimi.


August 12, 2016

Suzy, Danny and JD finished the last third of their internships working with my team in the programming department, with me supervising them as a trial run at being a team lead. I let my boss Mike know of the friendship between my family and Suzy's and he said he would take that into account after I turned in my evaluations of them, along with the other staff working with them. This was their last day and the whole team threw them a small party on their last day. I was objective as I could be in my evaluations, but truly felt that Suzy had shown the most promise in the skill-set we used at ABC.


August 18, 2016

Aaron returned to town on the 13th in preparation for Jeremy's birth and Nancy and Paula arrived on the 17th. They were all staying at the Jensen/Adams' duplex. About two hours into my workday, I got a call from Aaron saying that Sandy's water had broken and the five of them had headed to the hospital. It was still early stages of labor and the doctor wasn't expecting a delivery for several more hours.

It was my last day before starting my paternity leave, and it was tough trying to stay focused, knowing that my step-sister was bringing my new nephew into the world, but I made it through the work day and headed to the hospital.

Paula, Nancy, Steve and Suzy were in the waiting room when I arrived, both Mandy and Aaron were in the delivery room with Sandy and the doctor wasn't letting more of the family in.

Patti had started her maternity leave on the 15th, and was home with Toni and Eden, just in case Eden needed to drive Patti to the hospital, too, while leaving Toni with the kids.

Amber, Henry and Mom arrived around the same time that Sandra and Nick arrived from their jobs.

An hour after that, Mandy came out of the delivery room with a paper gown over her clothes, to announce, "He's here, 20.5 inches, 7 pounds, 10 ounces. He's just so beautiful. Dad only fainted once, Mom's doing fine, Jeremy already latched on and is nursing like a champ. They'll be transferred to a maternity room in about 20 minutes, which will only leave about 30 minutes until visiting hours are over. I'll let you know when I know the room number. They're only allowing Aaron to spend the night, because I'm legally not one of the baby's parents, although they let me into the delivery room as her Lamaze coach. Yet another reason for Sandy and I to get married."

We waited the 20 minutes, and were then allowed into the room in groups of four. Mom, Henry, Amber and I went in first, and we spent our ten minutes gushing over baby and Mom and taking lots of cellphone pictures to share with those at home.

Steve, Paula and Nancy took our place, and we chatted briefly with Sandra, Nick, Suzy and Mandy before heading home.


August 21, 2016

Sandy, Aaron, Mandy and Jeremy moved into the guest house after Sandy was released from the hospital on the 20th. Nancy and Paula were flying back to Minneapolis. Eden moved over to the guest room in the main house.

At 11 PM on the night of the 20th, Patti's water broke. I drove her to the hospital, and after a six-hour labor, Thomas Scott Barnes was born, 22 inches, 8 pounds three ounces.

Henry opted to stay home to watch the babies, so the rest of the family could be at the hospital once visiting hours began. Sandy, Mandy and Aaron were there, before Aaron needed to drive Mandy to DFW for her flight back to college, then brought Sandy home.

Carrie was another collegian who needed to be traveling that day, but she did pop into the maternity room to say hello to Tommy and goodbye to the rest of us, especially Eden. The next time I expected to see her was for Angie's 18th birthday in October. Angie was headed to college, too, in Austin, while Carrie was at a school in Houston. I also knew Suzy was headed back for her Senior year.

After the one morning with Carrie and Eden, they hadn't approached me for sex again the rest of the summer, spending their time with each other.


August 23, 2016

Two days after Tommy's birth, Ginger, Maria, Duke and Jean came by to visit Patti and the baby after I brought them home from the hospital.

The notable event was when Duke took me aside to say, "You said to keep my heart open. Well, it happened, I'm in love with three women at once. And I couldn't be happier except for not being able to marry all of them. I never quite believed it was possible, until it happened."

"Are you declaring yourself a quad, now?" I asked.

He said, "No, not really. I think Ginger and Maria are still wanting to float between us and you guys, so I don't think they want to formalize anything with us. Your family's just been so busy this summer, they haven't had as many opportunities to be with you as they wanted."

"'I think' and 'I don't think' mean you haven't actually asked them what they want, have you?"

"No," was all he said. I wasn't going to push any more than that.


August 28, 2016

The day came that I'd been dreading all summer. Sandy, Aaron and Jeremy left for Minneapolis, in her car, with a moving company taking care of Sandy's possessions and already delivered to Paula's house. They were concerned about exposing Jeremy to too many germs on a commercial flight, so chose to drive Sandy's car rather than have the moving company handle it, making a one night stop at a nice hotel near Kansas City that provided them with a crib.

Even though I hadn't been intimate with her since before the 4th of July, this is when I started missing Sandy. They were coming back for Thanksgiving, though those three months felt like they would last forever.


September 1, 2016

Duke and Jean officially took occupancy of Center, Mom and Dad's old house. Jean's dad and brothers had flown in and rented a U-Haul, so Duke didn't need to ask for help moving, but Patti and I still stopped by after work to welcome them to their new home.

It felt weird, seeing new furnishings being moved into place in the home I grew up in, and I realized this wasn't my home any more, it was theirs, now. I was just glad we could help them enjoy it.


September 3, 2016

With Carrie gone to school, Eden asked to be included as part of "Family Night" for the first time. Patti was still recovering from child birth, so she abstained and kept the toddlers occupied in the guest house, putting Tommy into the crib that was still there from Jeremy's stay.

Henry, Amber, Toni, Mom, Eden and I were on the bed in the East master, and were all making love to Eden in one way or another to welcome her into our gathering. A particularly memorable position had me on my back, Eden riding my cock in reverse cowgirl, then laying back onto my stomach and chest while Toni got between our legs and was fervently licking both of us as I thrust my hips to drive my cock into her. Henry knelt on our left side and I had a closeup view of her sucking on his cock while Amber and Mom were both sucking on her nipples. When she came, she sprayed Toni's face with her fluids and she came even harder a second time before Henry and I both shot our sperm into her.

All three women were taking turns to suck my cum out of Eden's snatch, as Henry and I recovered. Eventually, Eden and Amber wound up in a 69, and I entered Amber from behind as Eden licked us from beneath. Henry was on his back beside us, getting a double blowjob from Mom and Toni.

So it went, for a couple more hours, before we all fell asleep in each other's arms. Eden was in front of me, Toni behind me, with Henry sandwiched between Amber and Mom on the other side of the bed.


September 5, 2016

We held our Labor Day and Housewarming party mostly in the courtyard, although people were passing in and out of the houses pretty regularly to see our new digs. The few people who commented on the big beds all seemed to accept our explanation for them. Even Grandma Marion, who seemed to finally be over whatever issue she'd had with us earlier in the year, without ever revealing what that issue was.

Thankfully, there was no particular drama this year, nobody figuring out our secret, no new relationships spawned unexpectedly. The positive highlight was when Toni announced to all of us that she was expecting a boy. I had to keep my enthusiasm in line with the prospect of a new step-brother, which is all he could be to me publicly. Inside, knowing that I would have a fourth son gave me a thrill.

Even with the skylights open, it was about 10 degrees cooler in the courtyard than the outside, which was in the low 90s that day, which everyone appreciated. Everyone seemed to have a good time.


September 15, 2016

I was surprised to get a call from Sandra Adams while I was at work. She said, "I could use your help, Drew. I think my laptop might have gotten a virus. Usually, Suzy helps me out with these things, but she's at school and Steve and Nick are out of town and would probably be helpless, anyway. Could you come by my house and take a look at it?"

"How about tonight?" I asked. "Around 6?" I didn't expect it would take me more than an hour.

"That would be great," she said. "See you then."

I shot Patti a text that I was going there, and might be late for dinner.


I got to Steve and Sandra's half of the duplex they shared with Suzy and Nick, and she showed me to her computer. After updating her virus definitions and running a scan, it did identify a recently released Word scripting virus and inoculated three infected Word files. Thankfully, it hadn't spread further.

I turned around to show these to Sandra and my eyes popped out. She had completely disrobed, and was watching me, naked, with one hand rubbing her shaved pussy, already glistening.

"Umm, Sandra? What's on your mind?" I asked. "I thought we all agreed that our families were going to be just friends."

She asked, "Didn't you also tell Suzy that you wouldn't mind if we became more than that at some point? The more I thought about that, I realized that our families have already been intimate to a degree, because Steve had sex with Tina back when he was dating her three years ago. Then I find out that Paula and Nancy screwed Henry at your 4th of July party. So, I figured there was no reason not to go after you. Steve and Nick have both been out of town on business all week, and I was feeling pretty horny when that virus started acting up, and I thought I'd kill two birds with one stone. You're not going to turn me down, are you?"

"Do I look crazy?" I asked. "We're definitely going to do this, unless you tell me that Steve and Nick would have a problem with me, afterward. My marriage is open. I only have to tell Patti and my other wives when I've been with some else afterwards, and they'll just ask me how many times you came and how many times I did. I'll just text Patti to tell her not to hold dinner for me."

That done, Sandra pulled me to her bedroom, and began undressing me. I latched my lips on one of her dark areola and sucked it into my mouth, running my tongue around her nipple. I let her finish getting my clothes off, and dropped to my knees, to get my first taste of her flavor. She had apparently dabbed herself with something that tasted of strawberries, and I couldn't get enough of it for a couple of minutes until she spasmed and nearly fell onto me as she came.

I steadied her and lay her back onto the bed and resumed eating her out. The flavor was waning, replaced by her natural fluids, which were just as delicious but in that human way that signals lust.

When she came a second time, I climbed between her legs and thrust into her before her she stopped spasming, bottoming out into her warmth. "Oh, fuck, Drew, how did you know I love getting speared in the middle of an orgasm?"

"Is there a woman who doesn't?" I countered.

"Just the poor souls who are frigid," she replied.

I took my time fucking Sandra, sucking on her breasts as I thrust slowly in and out, reaching between us to stroke her clit, working her up to two more orgasms, before I blew my wad into her, grunting my pleasure as she writhed beneath me.

I cuddled with her for about 15 minutes, before she said, "You need to go, I guess."

I looked her in the eyes and asked, "Do you want me to stay? I will, if you do. I'll have to head home for fresh clothes in the morning, but that's okay."

She said, "No, I'll be fine. I know you've got a family to take care of. Thank you for wanting me."

"Any man who doesn't think you're gorgeous and sexy, check their pulse, because I guarantee you that they've died inside."


Oct 21, 2016

Damn. Over a month since I last journaled, but the events are momentous enough that I have to write an entry, just to get it straight in my head.

Angie's 18th birthday fell on October 20th and Aunt Mimi had scheduled a birthday party for the next Saturday, the 22nd. Both girls were driving home from their campuses in Austin and Houston.

You can imagine my surprise when, around 10:30 the night before the party, Aunt Mimi rang our doorbell and I answered it. We had been playing Scrabble in the living room before heading to bed, so the family heard the following conversation.

"Aunt Mimi? What brings you here?" I asked.

Mimi said, in a rather blank voice that spoke of suppressed rage, "Carrie and Angie both arrived home from their colleges around 6 o'clock tonight, for tomorrow's party, and when I went into Carrie's bedroom around 9:45 to say goodnight, she wasn't there. Neither was Angie. They snuck out. I tried calling them, but they didn't answer, and Carrie's car was gone. I used the location tracking feature on Angie's iPhone that she thankfully hasn't turned off, and it said she had come here, so I drove over, and sure enough the car is in front of your garage."

I said, "I haven't seen them, but they're probably visiting Eden, in the guest house. It has its own entrance." Eden had opted not to join our Scrabble games, and went to the guest house earlier.

"I figured that, so I went there first. Before I could even knock, I saw them through the window. They were having sex on the living room floor, Drew! All three of them. My daughters were committing incest, even after I warned them I wouldn't accept it. I checked the door and it was unlocked, so I barged in. They didn't even try to deny it. I thought you should know, because I told both girls that they were no longer my daughters and were not welcome in my home any longer, except to get their personal possessions and move out. Their tuition is already paid for this school year, then they're on their own. I called Tony after I walked out, and he backs me on that. They both seem to think that you would let them stay here."

Remembering my promise to Carrie a year earlier, I said, "My inclination is to do just that, Aunt Mimi. I have to check with the rest of the family, but I expect they'll say the same thing."

"It's incest, Drew!" Mimi almost screamed.

Calmly, I said, "Yes, it is. But that doesn't erase my love for them as members of my family. I'm hoping you change your mind about disowning them, but we won't see them homeless, whether now or at the end of the school year."

Mimi looked disappointed in my reaction, but didn't dispute it. "They're your problem, then. Good night, Drew. As you can imagine, tomorrow's party is canceled."

As I closed the door, I looked back at the family, and they were all on their feet. "We need to let the girls know that they have our support," Patti said. "They must be terrified about now."

Except for Amber, who stayed behind to keep an ear out for the kids, we walked through the courtyard to the side entrance to the guest house, rather than going outside to the front entrance, in case Mimi might still be around to see us. We knocked on that door, and Eden answered, with just a tshirt on.

"Mimi gave you the news?" Eden asked. "Are you here to throw them out, too?"

Mom answered, "Hell, no. What would make you think that, Eden, given what you know of us? We're here to take them in, with love and support. Where are they?"