Fox Hunt Ch. 02


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"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" howled the super heroine as her panic exploded into despair. Clenching her entire face, she closed her eyes as she attempted to escape the horrible situation she found herself in. Then with a sudden jolt, she found herself sitting up... a heavy oak chair. Bewildered, American Fox quickly discovered that her body was once again under her control, although her feet were bound to the chair at the ankles, and her hands were fastened behind the back of the chair. Looking around, she scanned the dimly lit room she now found herself in. Candles flickered on ancient stone walls and chains clinked as they hung from the ceiling. Only five feet in front of her, American Fox beheld a chalkboard not unlike that in a school. On the chalkboard were written the lines;

I must obey the mistress

I want to please the mistress

Recognizing the lines immediately, the heroine's heart sank and her breath quickened.

"No..." she whispered "Not here...not this! NOT THIS!"

A chuckle rang out from behind the distressed Fox, and the heroine's head whipped around to determine its origin. To her despair, she found exactly who she expected. A tall, blonde woman stood in the corner dressed in an S.S. jacket and short skirt. Stood with perfect posture upon the spiked heels of her jack-boots and adjusted the fit of her black leather gloves. Her golden hair pulled tightly back into a bun that rested under her black leather cap.

"You dozed off for a moment there" purred the Aryan woman "I think you left us for a minute... but no worries, fraulein- I have you back now"

American Fox's entire body seized up as sheer terror gripped her.

"M-M-Madam Axis!" she shrieked. American Fox knew this woman, and she knew this place. She could remember every grimy detail of every agonizing day, no matter how hard she tried to forget. The fiend before her was Madam Axis. A villainess from another reality, Madam Axis was a life-draining succubus who, in a different world, was recruited by the 4th Reich. A born sadist, she took pleasure in the suffering of others and enjoyed soiling beautiful things.

This room, this dungeon was a product of American Fox's memory. In one of the most harrowing experiences of her life, the star-spangled heroine was bested in combat by the German villainess and held captive for many weeks. During that time, she suffered unspeakable cruelties at the Madam's hands- an ordeal she refuses to discuss to this day. After what seemed like an eternity, the heroic Fox was finally rescued, but her tormentor managed an unlikely escape- and was never apprehended.

"How do you feel to be back with me?" Madam Axis purred.

"I am v-very happy" American Fox carefully replied, slipping seamlessly into old habits.

"As am I" said the madam as she sashayed her way behind the heroine, placing her gloved hands firmly on her captive's bare shoulders, "for whatever would I do without my favourite plaything?" The Aryan succubus grinned with tremendous satisfaction while her fingers probed her prisoner's ears, her neck, and the corners of her face. "Aren't you eager to return to your lessons?" the madam inquired.

"Y-yes, Mistress" the young Fox eked.

"As am I. But first we must replenish ourselves with a small morsel. Will you not give of yourself?"

American Fox choked back tears as she replied. "Yes" she lied, "I am honoured to surrender myself. My body serves you, as does my will. My life is worthless until it is of use to you. Take me and give me the gift of purpose." Her voice quivered as she spoke words that were not her own, yet continued, knowing full well the consequence of disobedience.

"Although you are not worthy, I am generous, and receive you."

The pain came instantly and unmercifully as American Fox's gorgeous body seized up and her head leaned back with mouth agape- not a sound emerging. The heroine was overcome by an all-too-familiar sensation of energy being siphoned out of her being. Every inch of her tingled as a rapid pulse traveled up her appendages, up her entire body to the contact point with the Madam's hands. The heroine winced as an icy chill came over her as her very life essence was draining out of her to be consumed. Even more terrible than the tremendous pain was the violation as this madwoman hollowed her out. She could feel a little piece of herself leaving with every throb moving up her body, never to return.

A sharp cry escaped her lips as the Madam ceased feeding on her prisoner, having drank her fill. Beaming, she bent over to wrap her arms around her prey, her hands caressing American Fox's clavicle, feeling every inch of her plaything. Her red lips pecking the heroine's neck, she nuzzled into her and whispered in her ear;

"I'm so glad you're back..."

American Fox's head lolled wearily backwards as she meekly called out into the darkness;

"No...No, not this..." she sobbed "Anything but this...please...Ebon- stop it! EBON!!!

With every fibre of her being screaming for escape, American Fox tried desperately to stand up from her confinement, and the torment of Madam Axis. Then, almost in response, she could feel some strange momentum carrying her forward until she suddenly jolted through...

...A white gilded door. American Fox now found herself in an exquisite hotel room with a brilliant four-post canopied bed. She found that she was now dressed in a red silk gown with her hair done up. Surveying her surroundings she found a tall set of glass doors that led to a large balcony overlooking the glittering lights of the Paris skyline, the Eiffel Tower in plain view. There on the balcony, stood a petite woman with caramel-coloured hair styled in a wavy bob admiring the view. Dressed in a green satin dress, she turned to face the star-spangled heroine, revealing the elven face of Ebon Fox.

"Welcome home, Deborah" chimed the villainess, "I hope this is more to your liking..."

"You!" growled the heroine through gritted teeth "What have you done to me? What is this place?!"

Ebon's eyes smiled brightly at American Fox as her ruby lips followed suit, and she gracefully strode inside, picking up two champagne flutes from a table as she walked.

"Paris, obviously" cooed Ebon coming to a halt just feet from her victim, "I've tried to make you as comfortable as possible."

"COMFORTABLE?!?" shrieked American Fox, "You just put me through a night of horror!"

"A little pain must be expected when breaking a new Philly. You see, princess- I've presented you with three different scenarios- one pure memory, one altered memory, and one fabrication. It's a method designed to weaken your grip on reality. In time, you'll reject them all and select a new one."

"A new one? What could you possibly-"

A short gasp passed American Fox's lips as she covered her mouth in horror. She grasped Ebon's meaning as she connected the dots in her mind; She and Ebon, in a romantic Paris suite in elegant dress, drinking champagne by candlelight.

"Yes" giggled Ebon as a toothy grin crawled across her face, "In this illusion, you have only four options. You'll cycle through the previous three until you can't stand it anymore. Rather than endure any more, you'll ultimately choose me."

Eyes as wide as dinner plates, American Fox shook her head as she slowly backed away from the villainous telepath. "No..." she whispered before whipping around and running full steam for the door, "NO!" as she burst through the entrance of the hotel suite into the dirty alleyway swarming with would-be rapists. Horrified, the heroine bolted for the door on the opposite wall of the alley and pushed her way through only to be stopped by the waiting arms of two large orderlies in the psychiatric ward, Nurse Drew eagerly filling a syringe only steps in front of her. Ripping herself from the orderlies' grip, American Fox shoved her way through a nearby exit and slammed into the iron bars of her dungeon cell. The chilling sound of stiletto heels on stone floor chilled her as she beheld Madam Axis advancing on her, a riding crop in her hands. Terror-stricken, American Fox fled deeper into her cell and barged through the iron door at its entrance, only to find herself back in Ebon's Paris suite, the evil psychic standing in the exact spot at left sight, still with two champagne glasses in hand.

"Why fight it?" purred Ebon Fox, "It's inevitable."

Panicked and hyperventilating, American Fox re-exited the suite in the desperate hope that with each new door, she would find the way out of this nightmare. To her despair, she found each leg of the journey to be the same in perpetuity. Alley, Psych Ward, Dungeon, Paris. Alley, Psych Ward, Dungeon, Paris. Alley, Psych Ward, Dungeon, Paris. Time slipped away as American Fox lost count of how many doors she ran through. Regardless of setting, constant was the terror of being lost in Ebon's twisted funhouse.

Hysterically, American Fox finally burst through the gilded doors of the Paris suite and sank to her hands and knees, her chest heaving, tears running down her face, and the stark futility of her situation finally breaking her resolve. Her slender fingers balling into fists on the Persian rug, she began to gently weep.

"There there" came the bubbly voice as a pair of designer pumps stepped into the heroine's view in front of her, "No more of that. It'll be okay- I promise." Pale fingers slipped around the young Fox's and took her by the hands, pulling her up to her feet. There she stood, trembling, her head bowed and eyes down, still affixed to the carpet. "No, no" came Ebon's voice as she took American Fox's face in her hands, bringing the heroine's face in view of her own "There's nothing to be afraid of anymore- I've got you. Nothing will get you here..."

Taking the heroine's hand in her own, Ebon led American Fox to the balcony, the cool night air sending goose bumps over American's skin. Her mind racing, American Fox look out at the Paris skyline, finding any excuse not to address Ebon. The villainess however would not be ignored, and playfully tugged her captive over to the balustrade, pushing herself up to sit on the cool marble with her back to the city of lights. Satisfied with having the entirety of American Fox's attention, Ebon's legs opened as her feet playfully slid up and down the heroine's hips.

"Now Deborah," cooed the villainess as she clutched the heroine's hands in her own "this is so much better than being out there isn't it?" Her Doe-eyes gazing at her patriotic playmate, Ebon pulled American Fox closer so that her knees were on either side of American's waist. "We can be happy here- together..." Pale arms floated up American Fox's body to rest upon her shoulders with little hands clasped behind her head. Their faces mere inches apart, Ebon leaned in to rest her brow upon American's as their bosoms pressed against one another. "I like you..." whispered Ebon before bringing the Heroine's mouth to hers.

American Fox's hands gripped the marble balustrade as Ebon's tongue played with hers. Her muscles clenched with revulsion as her other parts quivered with delight. The heroine's every instinct ordered her to retreat, but her body was intoxicated by the taste, the smell, the feel of her captor and would not obey. Of course not, she thought, her power has ensorcelled my mind, and my body along with it. Her hands crept up Ebon's body with the intent of pusher herself away from this temptation, but succeeded only in groping the breast of the young psychic. The harder she tried to pull away, the more American Fox became drunk on the eroticism. And why not? What alternative was there? Were she to flee, she would have only horror and despair to await her outside the gilded doors. But what then? Stay here and remain a slave to this lustful domina? She would rather perish than submit to captivity again. With every effort to pull away disregarded, American Fox made her fateful decision and pushed forward with everything in her.

Reeling back, Ebon Fox wrapped her arms and legs around the heroine, dragging them both down over the banister. Head over heels they tumbled as they fell further and further, the street rushing towards them. American Fox closed her eyes and awaited the inevitable, satisfied that she would take her tormentor with her. She felt weightless as she flew downwards until- with a sudden jolt...

She stopped. Not with the impact she had expected, but with a stumble, and the clinking sound of metal. Her eyes bulging open with surprise, she beheld herself, back in her uniform, bent over with chains affixing her neck to the stone floor and her arms outwards into shadow on either side of her body. Manacles held her feet in place about 3 or 4 feet apart. The chain around her neck prevented her from standing up, but the chains around her wrists kept her from falling over- ensuring that her ass was presented out.

"I'm very upset with you..." a tiny voice chirped in front of her. Whipping her head up, the heroine beheld Ebon Fox, alive and well, and back in her own appearance with black from the bob on her head down to her heavy boots. "I tried to give you a choice in all this- tried to be generous..." she pouted as she circled American Fox, disappearing from view, "Tried to do this the easy way. But if you won't take the carrot..." she continued as she emerged back into American's sight, now blonde and dressed in the SS uniform of Madam Axis, "then I'll have to give you the stick!"

"Y-you think this is going to scare me?" American Fox sputtered as she tugged on her chains. "I'll never submit to you, never!"

Ebon Fox's green eyes stared hungrily at her prey as she slowly turned around, her head craning back to keep the heroine in her sights. "You don't understand...there no fighting me here. Sooner or later, you'll beg to have me. To put your hands on me..." the villainess purred as she ran her hands down the sides of her body to rest on her ass, her slender fingers cupping a sweet, round buttock in each hand. "To hold me, taste'll find me irresistible." Slipping further down, Ebon's fingers clasped the bottom of her miniskirt, and began to pull up- slowly revealing her milky thighs. Finally, the skirt slid over her seat, revealing her cute buttocks parted by a leather thong. "My scent, my curves, you'll not be able to resist, because it is inevitable. The mind is my domain, and here, I can do anything I want..." turning back to her captive, Ebon was revealed to be wearing a long, black strap-on, and beamed as American Fox's face betrayed her horror "...anything!"

"No!" cried the heroine as she yanked on her restraints "NO! I won't let you!"

"'Let me?' chuckled Ebon as she circled around to American's ass 'How could you stop me?'"

Immediately, Ebon clutched the seat of American's blue tights and yanked, tearing the bottom away and exposing her bare ass and her pussy. The black painted nails of Ebon's left hand dug into the heroine's ass cheek as her right positioned the head of her phallus at American's lower lips. Once in place Ebon's hips heaved and her dildo slid inside of the star-spangled heroine.

A shock rippled though American Fox instantly as Ebon's cock began to thrust again and again. Her outrage was immeasurable, but her Fox physiology quickly betrayed her as her body began to crave Ebon's ravishing. She shook her head wildly as she tried in vain to resist her baser urges. "No!" she protested "No! Won't let you—I can't!"

American's pleas only further excited Ebon, as she leaned forward to grab American's strapless top and yank it down, exposing her mighty breasts, Ebon's dark eyes watching as they jiggled with every thrust. Tears began to swell in American's eyes as Ebon's fingers twisted her nipples and she hardened as she felt herself building towards climax. Pale fingers snatched a handful of hair and Ebon yanked on American's raven curls, pulling the heroine back towards the dildo with every thrust.

Climax was now undeniable, and American Fox, unable to control her own body any longer, gritted her teeth and eked out one last objection before cumming. "I...I'll never be yours!" she grunted "I'll never belong to you!"

Breathless, Ebon Fox gleefully grinned as her prisoner approached orgasm. "Oh Deborah" the villainess giggled "It's too late for that..." snapping her fingers, a large mirror spun into the light just in front of American's face, it's edges bordered with black roses "You already belong to me!"

The mirror floated in front of American Fox, her reflection hanging just inches from her nose. But when she gazed into the mirror, American Fox was greeted not by her own image, but rather by the pale, elven face, black lips and bob of Ebon Fox herself! The heroine stared at the reflection of her own green eyes and screamed in terror as orgasm overwhelmed her body, the evil Fox's head thrown back in wicked laughter.


Back in the darkness of the holding cell, the two Foxes- having never left- remained where they had begun. American Fox slumped manacled to her chair, her head lolled back, eyes clenching shut, and brow furrowing from the mental ordeal of Ebon's fantasies. The pale villainess remained seated on American's lap. Her fingertips lightly pressed against the heroine's temples, eyes shut, head tilted upwards as she projected thoughts into American's mind.

The star spangled heroine whimpered weakly as her mind endured Ebon's psychic romp. Meekly, she managed to utter a faint plea. "Help..." she whimpered, "Help me...she-she's trying to use my worst nightmares against me..."

Ebon's black lips curled upwards as her eyes opened and gazed down on her plaything. Smirking, she crept in close, bringing her mouth inches away from American Fox's ear. "Oh honey" she cooed "I'm your worst nightmare!" Closing her eyes, she brought her head back up, and delved back into American Fox's mind, the heroine crying out as she did. She would scream all night.


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Loki_DarksongLoki_Darksongabout 12 years ago
Well Done!!

I am a fan of an anthromorph series know as FireFox. If you ever go to I recommend it because this story is just as good as that one. And like the tale, I hope the Foxes make it out of this.

verbicideverbicideabout 12 years ago
Hatable villains

I commend your writing technique. The hallmark of a good adventure writer is to create villains that are eminently despicable, and Dr. Payne and crew fit that description. I couldn't even find the story erotic at all I found myself loathing the evil Foxes so much.

idrubloodidrubloodabout 12 years ago
So Awesome

I love psychic torture. You’ve got skill. Eagerly awaiting part 3. Keep up the great writing.

BahamaBahamaabout 12 years ago

Damn ! Is all I could say . Part 3 please sweetie :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

part 3 please , please

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