Frankie's Sexual Journey Ch. 08

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Jason and Jess back together is Frankie next.
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Part 8 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 08/28/2020
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I recommend to read the previous released chapters as they are written in chronological order and will provide for a better understanding of the characters and their mindsets.

If you do not like stories of wives who stray or marriages where partners are shared I would consider moving on to other stories that are available.

For those of you that have and provided comments, thank you. I have tried to incorporate the comments in my work where appropriate.

Prologue - The story is from the POV of the husband of a 42 year old wife/mother who was very content with her life. Things change when she is assigned to a project out of town. It is the first time she has lived totally independent and she finds the freedom intoxicating, add in a charismatic neighbor and you have recipe for trouble.

Chapter 8

We flew into the town where the family lives and Frankie spent the night and would be heading back to work and her apartment in the morning. We spent the day catching up with the kids and we spent the night reviewing the video with the brothers from our trip. As we were watching I pointed out to Frankie that they had the same outward physical appearance but they were different when it came to their time with her. I said, "Steve made love to you and Scott fucked you." I asked Frankie, "Could you feel the difference while they were together."

Frankie responded, "It felt different but I just thought it was different styles or experience but now that I have watched them mate with me I can see what you meant when you said Steve was falling in love with me. It wasn't a true love just those deep physical connections you get with someone you are intimate with both physical and emotional with for the first time." She went on to say, "I guess I didn't pick up on it since I was just enjoying the sex and the differences just added to my enjoyment."

I looked at her and said, "You enjoyed that I couldn't tell." She just stuck her tongue out at me.

Frankie went on to say, "It was fun but I'm not sure I could have taken many more days of that." She did say she was very impressed with the stamina of youth, especially Steve and his energizer bunny for a cock.

We got up early had a light breakfast and as she was getting into her car I asked, "What are your plans for the week were."

She said, "My first priority is catch up at work and make sure everything is up to speed." She then said, "I do have to make plans to have dinner with Jess and tell her all about how our trip went."

"Do you plan on telling her everything?"

Frankie said, "Yes of course she is my best friend."

"Does she tell you everything about her sex life?"

Frankie just smiled and said, "Of course she does, I'm her best friend."

I went on to ask, and immediately regretted, "Even her times with Jason."

Frankie responded, "Especially her times with Jason." Every time I hear Frankie say his name I get flashbacks and Frankie could tell. She looked right at me and said, "You brought him up and when will you ever get over that. Considering all of the stuff we have done together lately I would think it should not bother you anymore."

I just said, "That is the difference we have done the other stuff together but with Jason it was just you and him."

Frankie just looked at me with a sad look and said, "Let's not go there now let's just enjoy the memories of this past long weekend." She then said, "I got to go, love you. Will text when I get there and call you tonight."

I said, "Love you too, talk tonight."

I received a text in a couple of hours saying she arrived safely and the job appeared to be in good shape. It was around 8PM and she hadn't returned home yet and I was wondering what she was up to. About 9PM she arrived home and called me. She immediately asked, "Are you watching?"

"I am and I am wondering why you were so late getting home." I immediately could tell she had had a couple of cocktails and waited for her answer.

She said, "I had to work late to catch up on emails and stuff."

I interrupted her and said, "Babe, I can always tell when you have been drinking so besides working late what were you doing?"

Frankie said, "I was going to tell you but you didn't give me a chance. I was at the office late and Ryan showed up and asked to speak with me about something personal and wanted to buy me a drink so I said why not and went to the pub down from the job site."

I asked her, "Was he looking for a repeat performance?"

She immediately said, "No he wanted to talk with me about getting back with his ex. It turns out she reached out to him asking for forgiveness and wanted a second chance. Based on the fact I'm married and you are okay with a little fooling around he wanted my opinion on what he should do and how to handle it."

"He also asked me if he had any chance with me as he has grown quite fond of me and would not want to jeopardize any chance of a relationship with me."

I said, "Who knew you would be so popular with the guys, first Jason, then Ryan and Steve should I be worried about Anton too."

She said, "I'm not sure how to take that I guess that is your way to say you have a hot wife."

"I do have a hot wife that lives two hours away from me. So what did you tell him?"

"I told him there was no chance with me I have the man of my dreams. The second thing I said to him is if you still love her and you think you can put her indiscretions behind you, you should give her a chance. I suggested don't move in together right away take it slow just date and see where it goes. He is a nice guy and I feel sad for him. He truly loves her but don't know if he will ever be able to trust her again."

I just said, without thinking, "I know how he feels."

Frankie just said, "Is that right, so you are saying you will never be able to trust me again because of my one night with Jason." There she was using his name again which immediately angered me.

I just said, with a tone, "I am working on it and will get there eventually. I just wish you would quit using his name it pisses me off!"

She came right back at me and said, "You know what pisses me off you always pouting and acting mad when I say Jason's name see I used it again. Jason, Jason, and Jason you need to get over it he is part of my past and for that matter our history. His name is a name you need to learn live with. I am tired of apologizing for what happened it's done over with."

Things were silent for a good minute when Frankie said, "I'm tired and going to bed we can talk later in the week." We usually talk every night so her saying later in the week meant she was pissed at me. I shattered the memory of a great long weekend by my unthinking comments twice in one day.

She hadn't called and it was Thursday. I was wondering about the weekend if she was coming home or if she wanted me to come visit her. I planned to call once she got home from work. Tuesday and Wednesday she came home at her regular time fixed dinner watched some TV and went to bed. Tonight it was around 9PM she came in with Jess and Jason. We knew they were seeing each other again but I was not prepared to see him in Frankie's apartment.

Again I could tell they had a few drinks. She knew I was watching so she walked up to Jason gave him a big hug and thanked him for buying dinner. Jason just said, "It is the least I can do for my two favorite ladies." He went on to say, "This is my fantasy being alone with the two of you."

Jess and Frankie looked at each other and Frankie finally said, "Slow down big boy nothing like that will be happening."

Jason then said, "You and Michael get with Jess and just thought you might want to return the favor and get with Jess and I."

Frankie looked at Jess and said, "Did you know he was going to make this proposition?"

Jess said, "I did he has been bugging me to have a threesome with you since we got back together."

Frankie sternly said, "I think it is time for the two of you to leave."

Jason walked up to Frankie looked into her eyes and bent down and kissed her on the lips. The kiss lingered a little too long; Jess walked up to Frankie and started caressing her from her back. I could tell Frankie was getting aroused but she suddenly broke the kiss pushed Jason away and separated from Jess and said, "Leave now!" Jason tried to kiss her again; maybe hoping it would work like the last time, but she walked to the door opened it and said, "Leave!" They did and she slammed the door shut and started crying.

I immediately called. Frankie checked her phone saw it was me and answered. The first thing she said was, "Did you see that."

"Yes I did see it, what were you thinking?"

Frankie was taken back at my question and asked, "What do you mean what was I thinking?"

I responded, "I mean why would you first have dinner with him and then why would you invite him into your apartment?"

"I didn't do either one with him it was with them. I was supposed to have dinner with Jess and they showed up together I just couldn't say no. They told me at dinner they were dating and officially together again."

Frankie went on to tell me she had mixed emotions about that but they had a nice dinner and they ended up at the apartment. Frankie then said, "I figured you would be checking on me so I gave him the hug to make you jealous. I didn't expect the direct assault on me by both of them."

"You almost caved didn't you?"

She just said, "I don't know."

"Answer me truthfully if you didn't know I had cameras there would you have had sex with them?"

She said, "I don't know maybe."

"When you said you had mixed emotions about them getting back together was it because of her or him?"

"Both really I thought Jess was my best friend and I guess I still have some feelings for Jason based on our one night together."

I just asked, "When are you going to get over him? You can't expect me to put this behind me if you can't do the same."

Suddenly there was knocking at the door. Frankie immediately said, "Go away!" I checked the monitor and it was Jess by herself. I told Frankie.

Jess then said, "Frankie it's Jess please let me in."

She yelled, "I am talking with Michael!"

"Frankie please let me explain." I told her, "No time like the present." Frankie got up and let her in.

As she walked in Frankie said to me, "I need to talk with Jess I will call later." She then hung up. She knew I could see and hear everything.

Jess started crying and apologizing; saying, "I am so sorry, please forgive me."

Frankie told her to calm down and have a seat. Frankie looked at her and said, "What were you thinking girl?"

Jess just started talking about how Jason has been gradually working his way back with her and last weekend while Frankie was gone her and Jason hooked up and spent the whole weekend in bed together. "He was always asking questions about you, you and Michael and about what the three of us did together. It turned him on to hear these stories. I told him that you still had feelings for him and that he knew how to push your buttons sexually."

Frankie jumped in and asked, "Why would you say that?"

Jess just responded, "I wanted to please him I wanted to answer his questions and what I said was true at least that is what you have told me." Based on the videos Frankie has watched she pretty much knows where all the cameras are she looked at one with I am sorry look in her eyes.

Frankie just said, "That conversation was between us and not to have been shared."

Jess just said, "I know, I know but couldn't help myself it was bedroom talk and kept him excited. It was his plan to meet at dinner and then come back here. He said we were going to seduce you and have a great time together. I was excited about being with you and him the two people I thought I loved the most in this world. When he kissed you and it looked like you were responding I just wanted to touch you too but when you broke it off I knew then I fucked up. I don't want to lose you Frankie I love you and for that matter I love Michael too I really enjoy our time together. I just wanted a man like you have in Michael and Jason played me like he played you. I know that now. I think he got back with me just so he could work his way back in bed with you."

About an hour after Jess arrived there was a loud knocking on the door and could hear Jason say, "Let me in let me in now!"

Frankie told him to go away. He said, "I need to talk with Jess and you too for that matter."

Frankie then said, "Leave now or I will call the police."

Jason sounded drunk so probably had been drinking since he left Frankie's apartment. He banged the door really hard and then said, "Fuck You, Fuck you both." He then added, "And I have." He walked back to his unit.

Jess just looked at Frankie and asked, "Can I stay here tonight?"

Frankie said, "Of course." She led Jess to the bedroom and Frankie stripped her down to her panties and Jess curled up in bed. Frankie told her, "I will be in later but I have to call Michael back first."

When I was back on the phone with Frankie I said, "It is a good thing I am 2 hours away."

She said, "I know you would have trashed him and believe me he would have deserved it." Frankie then apologized about the comment about Jason pushing her buttons.

I just said, "I know you have told me that directly it just hurt knowing it got back to him. Is Jess okay?"

Frankie said, "She will be I will make sure of that."

"What about this weekend you want me to come up?"

Frankie said, "No I think I will come home and see the kids Emma has a big match this weekend and asked me to be there." Frankie said, "I just don't want to leave Jess here alone with him."

I said, "I understand feel free to bring her with you. She can stay in the guest room."

Frankie stated, "I better get in there with her." She then said, "Don't stay up all night watching us sleep."

I then asked, "Is that all you will be doing sleeping."

Frankie just said, "We'll see."

I kept watch and as soon as Frankie went into the bedroom she stripped naked crawled in bed removed Jess' panties and buried her face in Jess's pussy. Jess came in about 10 minutes and wanted to reciprocate but Frankie said, "No, I just wanted to take your edge off so you would sleep better. I'm fine." They spooned and both fell to sleep in minutes. I wasn't as lucky with all kind of thoughts running through my brain.

I called Frankie's in the morning and they were both doing okay. Jess's phone rang and it was Jason calling Jess to apologize for his behavior said he went home and had a couple of stiff drinks and wasn't thinking straight when he came back. He also asked Jess to relay an apology to Frankie. Jess said, "Tell her yourself." She then handed Frankie her phone. She put it up to my phone so we could both hear. He said to Frankie, "I'm sorry for last night but I miss your touch and I could tell when we kissed that you still had feelings for me."

Frankie just snapped and said, "You surprised me that's why I responded the way I did and don't ever do that again."

"Come on Frankie you know you want to why keep fighting it."

Frankie just said, "You're an egotistical SOB and I wouldn't get back with you if you were the last man on Earth." Not sure she really meant all that or was just doing it for my benefit.

Frankie started to hang up when Jason said, "See you at the BBQ."

Jess wanted to know why Frankie spoke to him the way she did and Frankie said, "You should have heard the things he was implying."

I told Frankie to put Jess on my phone and would play it back to her as I record all my conversations. Frankie did and Jess listened and when she was done said, "That mother fucker. He was using me to get to you all along. He has seen the last of my freckled body in his bed." Frankie invited Jess to come to our place this weekend but she said she would go visit her parents to get away from the place for a few days and would be back sometime mid-week. I said my goodbyes and told Frankie to drive safe and see you tonight.

Frankie showed up about 8PM and both kids were gone on dates. I had already eaten and she had grab a hamburger for the ride home so we just sat on the couch having a glass of wine. No one was saying anything so I asked her how the job was going. She responded, I have good news and bad news. The good news the job is going great under budget and ahead of schedule. We will probably wrap it up in the next 90 days."

I asked, "The bad news?" Frankie pulled out a letter and handed it to me. The letter advised all tenants they had 60 days to vacate the premises from the owners of the apartments.

Frankie said, "I knew it was coming but was still shocked when I opened it." The problem was she had 90 days left on the job but only a place to live for 60.

I said, "I can call Anton to see if you could bunk there the last month of the project. I am sure based on how you and Michelle get along it won't be a problem. The only issue will be how you pay the rent in cash or pussy."

Frankie just slapped my arm and said, "Pussy of course." She then said, "Speaking of pussy mine needs some attention." We started making out on the couch and were soon buck naked enjoying each other's goodies when we heard a car drive up and saw headlights in our window.

I said, "Shit one of the kids is home early." We grabbed our clothes and ran upstairs just as the front door opened. It was our daughter and her boyfriend Randy. She thanked Randy for a wonderful time but said she had a big match tomorrow and wanted a good night's sleep, kissed and hugged him goodbye.

The next morning at breakfast it was just Frankie and I. We heard Emma moving around upstairs so Frankie called up and asked her if she wanted some breakfast and Emma replied sure. Frankie then asked what about Jacob and Emma said his door is closed and he got in late so I bet he is still sleeping. When Emma came down Frankie and I were setting at the counter drinking our coffee. As Emma walked past us she dropped a pair of her mother's panties between us and said, "I found these in the couch last night and they are not mine." We both blushed. "What were you and Dad doing that caused you to lose your drawers Mom."

Frankie just smiled and said, "None of your business young lady."

Emma then said, "Those are pretty sexy undies for an old married lady."

Frankie shot back and said, "Who you calling old and for that matter who you calling a lady. A lady doesn't wear panties like that." We all started laughing and we were all blushing then. I didn't say a word I just kept on drinking my coffee. We had a wonderful weekend made love both nights and again on Sunday morning.

Over the next few weeks things were moving along quite well. Anton and Michelle were looking forward to having Frankie as a house guest. Frankie came home the next two weekends. She said to see the kids and her parents but I had the feeling she just didn't want to be around Jason.

Jess tagged along for one of her visits and got re-acquainted with the kids. I think Jacob had a crush on her. Jess was kidding with Frankie that maybe Jacob could be her Steven. I went up the next weekend and attended the BBQ as Frankie's and Jess' escort and I am sure I pissed Jason off when the three of us retired into Frankie's apartment.

That weekend we also introduced Jess to Michelle and Anton. I mean by introducing I mean we all fucked like rabbits. Jess had never been with a black man before and she said between his long dick and the contrast of his jet black skin she was in heaven. Between the three girls we guys were wiped out. I remember setting in one of the chairs with my legs apart and the General at half mast watching Anton fucking Jess doggy style as his long cock was slowly coming almost all the way out and then he would slam it all the way in hearing Jess grunt and moan every time he bottom out. She was looking right at me with her eyes glazed and lids at half mast. Anton was sweating profusely and his black skin had sheen to it.