Fresh Toppings, Served Hot


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Reese held the sign over his head as he caught our discussion. "Yeah, you can have it back... if you flash us!" He grinned wickedly as his eyes fixated on my chest. I crossed my arms securely over my chest and shook my head 'no.'

"Just a quick peek!" his twin chimed in. The room had quieted, with six pairs of eyes now focused on me.

"Not even a full 'peep show'; just one peep!" Trevor grinned widely as he piggybacked on his own suggestion. Duncan flipped the front of his shirt up, instructively baring his own stomach and pecs.

The six of them gathered in an eager semicircle as my resolve weakened. That sign was easily two hundred bucks; money that I didn't have at the moment. Besides, it might be nice to have some friends my own age, so maybe I should lighten up and play along? Plus, I was wearing a bra, basically the same as a swimsuit. And my bra was such a bright, flamboyant red that surely, they'd all gotten the gist of it through my translucent white shirt already.

"Okay, one peek, then you'll give it back, right?" Accepting their attentive silence for agreement, I grabbed the hem of my polo and hoisted it under my chin to bare the vivid red lace of my bra. Behind the scalloped cups, my nips stiffened in the centers of my swollen pale mounds. I silently counted to three, then lowered my shirt and concealed the bulging show.

"Boo!" "No way!" "Rip-off!" "That's bullshit!" "More!" The protests were immediate and unruly.

"That doesn't count!" Connor complained. Reese and Tommy pincered from either side, each twin grabbing a handful of my shirt and tugging upward in an effort to re-expose my rack. My milky white belly was uncovered as we grappled.

I struggled against their hands, trying to hold the shirt down while working to open their strong fingers. I heard a tear as the cheap seams threatened to split. "Please, guys?! If you rip my shirt, I have to pay for a new one!"

"Then I guess you better let go, huh?" Tommy reasoned, prying my clenched fingers off the fabric and successfully raising the hem on his side into my armpit. His twin cheated to win, pinching a ticklish tab of flesh above my hip.

"Eep!" I cried. My fingers released their hold, and with a 'whoosh' of white cloth, the polo whipped over my head. My unbound auburn hair flew up with the shirt, falling in ginger curtains in front of my eyes and face. The room filled with loud, celebratory buzzing as Tommy raised my top above his head like a trophy, pressing his lips to the white cotton in a ceremonial kiss.

"Smells like pizza dough and victory!" He crowed as he backed towards the pool table.

The lace cups labored to contain my heaving jugs. Reese nipped the softness of my waist again, and I yipped once more as I bent to deflect his badgering fingers. "Okay, fine! This is my bra... Can you give back the sign now? Paying your bill would be nice, too..." I blew hair away from my face and held my arms out in a conceding display.

Trevor cleared his throat and answered. "Uh, yeah, guess that's a good start... guys, give that back before she leaves." Aidan carried the lit box across the room and left it next to the exit. I started after Tommy and my shirt. Trevor grabbed my elbow to pull me back, "Don't worry, we'll pay, but I thought you were gonna hang out?! Watch the game with us? We're friends, right?"

"...hang out without my shirt...?" I replied in genuine confusion. I grasped the male instinct to look at breasts, but the invitation to hang out in my underwear in a room full of men was inconceivable.

"Here," Tommy removed his shirt, and Reese and Connor followed his example. "So, you won't feel out of place." The boys grinned conspiratorially.

"That's really not the same thi-..."

"Be cool! It's Connor's birthday! Just sit on the couch with him for a bit, like friends do!" Trevor placed a shepherding hand at the small of my back and gently pushed me in the direction of the infamous leather sofa in the center of the room. Reese's hand on the waist of my leggings boosted me towards the couch as he added "Might help your tip."

Connor sat and exaggeratedly swept the cushion clean as I approached, a wide grin on his face. I took a seat next to him, staring ahead at the giant screen showing the game, futilely trying not to think about his brother's dick in my mouth the last time I'd sat here. The rest of the party hovered in the periphery, indiscreetly monitoring the red straps and cups of my brassiere. With a hackneyed, hyperbolic yawn, Connor draped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me against his side.

"You two make such a cute couple!" Aidan emphasized his observation with a resonant belch. Connor's fingers squeezed my soft, bare shoulder and tilted me closer, into his ribs and armpit. My forearm braced uneasily on his thigh. Tommy balled up my shirt and tossed it onto the pool table.

"Hey! How about a friendly birthday kiss, you two!" Trevor cheered. I shook my head in rapid, tight swivels of 'no'. The crowd rumbled with boos; Trevor persisted. "See how handsome he looks? I bet that'd make his birthday extra special..." The other boys made high, emotive sounds of encouragement.

Sighing tolerantly, I nodded 'ok'. Righting myself, I leaned in and gently pecked my lips to Connor's cheek. Blushing, I hurriedly turned back towards the TV.

"What the hell was that?!" Duncan protested. More calls of "Rip-off!" and "Boo!" echoed from the group, along with a disgusted cry of "What is this, Kindergarten?!" I held out my arms in puzzlement.

"No way, make it a real kiss!" Trevor clarified. "You know, it couldn't hurt your tip..." he tacked on. I shyly started to shake my head 'no' again, but the din of the crowd swayed me. 'It's one kiss,' I thought to myself, 'pretty harmless.'

I turned back to Connor, closed my eyes, puckered my lips, then pressed my mouth to his. Our lips met, then his opened in a widening breach, trying to envelope mine. Connor's tongue thrashed determinedly, worming between my lips and into my mouth. His breath tasted of booze and sauce. I burbled a confused "Mmmf?" as he intensified the kiss. His hand at the back of my head pulled my mouth harder into his as his aggressive lips swarmed my mouth.

My eyes opened awkwardly at his startling forcefulness. His lips pushed and molded over and against mine, stretching and crushing as he consumed my mouth. 'If only seventeen-year-old-me could see this,' I thought, recalling Connor's untouchable status as the school hunk. My, um, 'encounter' with his brother notwithstanding, I'd had a one-sided crush on Conner for much of high school. My lips parted in acceptance, receiving, and returning his zealous kiss. All those dizzy schoolgirl dreams percolated with mounting excitement inside me.

His intensity sent his teeth clattering against my own. Tapping my fingertips to his arm, I tried to calm his onslaught. Connor took my touch for encouragement, tightening his hold at the back of my head and increasing the force of his mauling lips. His other hand moved up my side, plodding heavily over my lace-enclosed breast then following the strap to my shoulder. With a flick of his wrist, his fingers swept the satiny red band down my arm.

I broke away in sputtering protest. "Hold up... we said 'a kiss'!" I moved to fix my bra strap, as Connor's hand excitedly cupped my breast through the relaxed lace cup. Our noses hung a hair apart and I watched his mouth erupt in a giddy smile at the feel of my boob. When I didn't interrupt him, his other hand joined at my twin. Scooping and squeezing my tits, Connor's hands weighed their heft and firmness. We kissed again; gentler, nicer, our lips dancing as partners, not combatants. Woozy bubbles of arousal and nostalgia tittered around my schoolgirl brain as I lived out her teenage daydream.

While I was preoccupied with our kiss, one of the twins lunged over the back of the couch and unclasped my bra. The ends of the band immediately recoiled, springing open and away from my spine. Before I could react, the slackened cups sagged and drooped off my tits, a crescent of pink-areola-sunrise peeked over the red lace horizon on each sphere. Male hands raced into action from every angle and the bra was snatched away before I could voice any protest.

"Whoa," Connor exhaled as his hands returned to my bare rack. His palms engulfed the soft bulbs of my breasts, feeling their weight and bounce, wearing a delighted grin. "No fucking way those are real, are they?!" Tommy swore but Connor nodded in the affirmative while focusing on the task in-hand.

"Now hold on-" I started to meekly resist again, but it was only empty words. My body was visibly responding, relishing the thrill of the high school crush caressing my tits.

Reese interrupted my timid non-objection. "When was the last time you got any dick?" I shook my head, flushing crimson and declining to answer the intimate question. He continued the interrogation. "Okay, well, when was the last time your tits were touched like that?"

Trevor took up the line of questioning. "You said you've been living with your parents since January... No chance you're sneaking boys into your room there, right?" I shook my head, breathing through my nose to stop myself from panting as Connor kneaded and groped my breasts.

"So," Trevor continued, "best case scenario let's say you closed down your old apartment in style and the last thing you did before the moving van rolled up was take a nice, old-fashioned deep-dicking. That leaves your cooze on the bench for some of January, then February, March, and now most of April." I shut my eyes softly as Connor thumbed my nipple. Trevor assessed Connor's work on my chest before concluding, "I would wager that you think our host's interest in your body feels pretty nice..."

Connor leaned his face to mine again, and I opened my mouth to meet his kiss. My wet lips accepted and embraced his. A quiet purr of arousal fizzed in the back of my throat. Trevor wasn't wrong; even before my move, my bed hadn't exactly been on fire. And Connor's hands felt so nice on my tits... even if those other boys were watching, this was okay. The warm moistening between my legs loosened my resistance.

"How about a birthday blowjob?" Tommy crowed. Connor backed away from our kiss and shocked me by unzipping his pants and pulling out his erect penis in front of the group. I stared at the wagging prick in stunned silence. "Like friends do!" Reese called between fits of laughter.

"It'll be a chance for you to relearn after your time away from the game." Trevor encouraged. "You know, get your sea-legs back." He tittered. "D-legs!" Tommy rejoined, and the group cackled.

"Birth-day blow-jay!" Aidan and Duncan sang, exhausting their limited coherence on the obscene tune. Connor leaned back into the corner of the couch with one leg propped and bent between us, presenting his offering, and inviting me to accept the privilege. His unit was big -- bigger than I remembered his older brother -- and veiny, a cock with ambition and energy.

"You guys whip your dicks out in front of each other often?" I jested, buying time while I considered the proposition.

"It's nothing we haven't seen at the gym. Nice, isn't it?" Tommy replied, making a rectangle "frame" of his fingers in front of his eye. "Come on, you can't blueball the man on his birthday!" Reese piled on, then leaned forward and gave my tit a daring fondle of his own.

I stared at Connor's swaying erection. The sedate corner of my brain told me things had gone too far already; but the swamp in my panties urged me further. I floated a compromise. "How about a handjob... to start?" There were some quiet, indistinct rumbles of discontent from the standing crowd, but no objection from the birthday boy as I leaned over his lap.

Connor closed his eyes appreciatively as my fingers wrapped around his pulsing shaft. His broad vein throbbed in my palm as I began to flex my elbow. I pulled my legs up under me on the couch cushion, kneeling as I leaned over his thigh. Bracing my supporting palm behind the crook of his bent knee on the leather cushion, my active arm flailed along his eager shaft.

My tits wavered and rocked below my ribs with the exertion. The party cheered my swaying naked jugs, watching their friend get jerked off by the high-school-bookworm-turned-delivery-girl. Precum leaked from the tip of Connor's pipe, spreading in a lubricating film inside my pumping fist. His fingers eagerly returned to my chest, fondly the dangling mounds as I insistently tugged at his dick.

It was becoming clear that the host's cock wasn't going to succumb by my hand alone. My fiendish libido begged me to further the encounter, starved for attention after months of neglect. 'These guys have seen your tits, they've seen you play with his dick, what's the difference now?' it cackled malevolently in my sweltering lizard brain. I could feel Connor's hands on my breasts, gripping and unsubtly trying to drag my body down towards his lap. Succumbing to my libido, I allowed Connor to pull my face down.

As he yanked my face into his lap, his glans bumped clumsily into my nose and cheek before finally finding my mouth. I warbled softly as my lips closed around his pole. His hand clamped on the back of my neck, the other reached under me and resumed its favored position, cupping my swaying bosom.

My lips traveled a patient lap of his length, testing his reaction and reacquainting myself with the act. I looked up at Connor, returning his gaze as I held his tip pursed between my lips, then obediently closed my eyes, and began rhythmically bobbing my mouth along his dick. Bracing with one hand ringed at the base of his shaft, I dropped the other to tenderly caress and scratch his sack. Despite my months of neglect, my skill and enthusiasm for sucking cock was obvious.

"God, look at her take it!" Aidan stammered, dumbfounded at my fervor. I felt other hands on my butt and bare back as I blew Connor, one or two venturing below my body to palm my hanging tits.

"Oh fuck, this is even better than Grant said..." Connor stammered. I opened my eyes in skeptical slits for an instant at the confirmation of his brother's broken promise. But where my demure mind told me that I should feel humiliated, instead I felt enflamed lust and exhilaration. Hot, wet excitement trickled down my thighs as I looped my tongue around the rigid tool. 'I'll show you how much better I've gotten!' my mind boasted as I churned my mouth faster and deeper over Connor's dick.

Behind me, hands grabbed my sneakers and snatched them from my feet. The shoes clunked dully on the hardwood across the room. More fingers pinched under the waist of my leggings and peeled the pants off my hips and down my ass. "Fwey!" I whined around the obstructing cock in my mouth, but my spiritless objection was disregarded. The boys caught sight of the grey leopard pattern of my thong -- old, cheap panties from the back of my drawer that I'd resorted to this morning in laundry-induced desperation -- and broke out in spirited amusement.

"Weren't expecting anyone to see those, were you?" "Must have caught her on laundry day." "Check it out! The crotch is almost black, she's so wet!" "They all look the same on the floor." The conversation went on as my leggings were pulled down my thighs to the dog-leg of my knees. Two men took an ankle each, straightening my legs and yanking the tights free. My almost-naked body was alive with crawling hands, grasping, squeezing, and pawing at my bare ass, back, thighs, and tits.

I was suddenly particularly aware of my undress in the room full of near-strangers, and with a dick burrowed between my lips. Despite the hint of doubt flickering in my head, my mouth didn't waver in its duties on Connor's prick. My responsible mind recognized my unjustifiable circumstances, while the insides of my thighs glistened with my seeping eagerness.

My mouth bucked excitedly along Connor's cock as another hand slipped up my inner thighs until it reached my dripping mound. Tommy's voice rang out behind me, "She's fucking soaked!" as he pushed his fingers against my puffy lips through the tatty, drenched cotton of my panties. There was a scrambling pause, the crotch of my thong was pulled aside, and two fingers sank into my steaming pussy.

"Mmmmsh!" I gurgled around Connor's manhood. "She fucking loves it!" someone called out. The fingers sank into my gash until they bottomed-out at his third knuckles. My hungry pussy clung eagerly to the fingers as they twisted between my folds. I twirled my tongue around Connor's dick, passing on my pleasure into his.

Mismatched hands snatched at the waistband of my panties above my hips. The thong rolled over the hocks of my ass, and I moaned with muffled dismay as the fingers slid from my cunt to allow the panties to pass. The room echoed with applause as the last scrap of soggy cloth was peeled off my body.

Connor pushed his pants to his ankles and kicked his legs free without uncoupling my mouth from his dick. He let me work another minute more before grasping me under my armpits and trying to drag my body towards his. Realizing his intention, I balked. A friendly, albeit public, blowjob was one thing; naughty, but fun. Getting barebacked in front of a live audience felt like a different beast.

Reading my indecision, Trevor stepped in with another deal. "If you fuck my man for his birthday, I could ask about a job at my dad's firm..." "And don't forget your tip!" someone added from behind me, and Trevor and Connor nodded. My tension against Connor's pull ebbed as I thought. The prospect of a new job -- no more pizza shop, no more Ari, no more customers, no more deliveries (and the, uh, curious deeds that went with them) -- was extremely tempting. And, of course, there was the lure of a substantial gratuity tonight. Connor was attractive, I was furiously horny, and I had already exposed every inch of my body to the party and sucked his dick in public, anyway. I nodded and released the last of the resistance in my back and legs.

I was briskly put on my back on the leather cushion, and Connor kneeled between my thighs. He looked down triumphantly at me as he guided his prick to my entrance. The buttered folds of my pussy parted easily as he penetrated me. I gasped quietly at his entry; he groaned in festive joy. "God, happy fucking birthday to me!" he tackily growled. The partygoers whooped in celebration. "Takin' the tip for a tip!" someone applauded.

My eyes closed sensually as he began to thrust. Just because this was bargained, didn't mean I couldn't enjoy it, I posited. And while I never would have guessed that this was how I'd get my first lay in almost half a year, Connor quickly showed he was up to the task. "Oh god, fuck me!" I mewled, crossing one arm over my ribs to support my jogging tits, and running the fingers of my other hand through my tangling auburn mane. My pussy quaked and my cries rose then abruptly broke off as, after long months of chastity, I came woefully fast. The crowd roared in appreciation of my vocal climax.

A warm bulk pressed against my lips. I opened my eyes to find Trevor standing over me, pushing his dick against my mouth. Seeing the question in my eyes, he responded, "You want me to talk to my dad?" Understanding, I obediently opened my lips and closed my eyes.

Connor and Trevor worked as a pair, seeming to coordinate their drives into my willing holes. The cock in my mouth withdrew just enough to let me squeal at the pleasing thrusts of the dick in my gash. I stroked and tugged Trevor's shaft as my lips traveled their squeezing route from his tip to base, groaning in pleasure as his friend fucked me.

Trevor lifted my head and shoulders off the cushion, then sat. As he lowered, he tugged and twisted my body, pulling me away from Connor's still-thrusting dick until the host's tool exited my pussy with a wet slip. Connor grumbled in momentary dejection and sat on the far armrest. Ignoring the birthday boy's discontent, Trevor pulled me on top of him, straddling his lap with my tits pushing into his face.