Freshers' Week Fuck

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Returning son to uni scores me more than a one night stand.
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Freshers' week fuck

Returning my son to university scores me more than a one-night stand

I was not looking forward to returning my son to Manchester for the last year of his course. His mother agreed after wasting the first two years drinking and partying, Jamie needed a kick up the arse if he was going to graduate from his computing degree. Since we divorced, he'd played me and Janice off against each other, but on this subject, we were united. He needed a shock, and I dropped the bombshell in the Services on the M6.

"Jamie, we could go on to Manchester, or I could go to the bank and get you five grand and you can fuck off and not bother me or your mum again. What do you say? You've got until I come back from taking a piss to decide your future."

His sullen teenager expression, which did not look good on a twenty-two-year-old, had disappeared by the time I returned.

"You wouldn't do that dad. Mum won't let you."

"Why do you think she made me take you back? Life moves on son. She's met someone she could get serious about and neither of us wants your sorry arse on our sofas all day as you sleep it off after night shifts in a delivery warehouse, because that's the only job you can get."

His face said he didn't like that version of the future. "We are going to Manchester, dad."

I broke the silence after twenty miles. "Sorry son, but you needed a shock. You are a lazy fucker like your dad. But I woke up at the start of the third year and ended up with a 2-1 by working smarter, not harder."

It was another ten miles before he broke and asked me how.

"I had lazy mates like me. But we divided the syllabus in four and made sure we were expert in our part. We taught each other the rest. Asked searching questions we would never have asked our lecturers, to prove we knew our stuff. We were in it together win or lose. You'd get a kicking if you didn't do your bit."

I could hear Jamie's mind working. "All my mates are lazy like me, but I don't trust them to pull their fingers out."

"Then you find new mates who you can study with. Don't you have any Chinese or Indians on your course?"

"Dad, that's a racist stereotype...even if it's true. But why should they help me?"

"Because you have skills they don't. Make them the offer. They teach you the course and you teach them how to pull girls and cheat at cards. Those strait-laced types are desperate to be party animals."

"Thanks for that assessment of my skills dad. Brutal, but honest." Jamie was quiet for the rest of the journey, working on how he was going to put his support team together. By the time we reached his hall of residence, he was smiling. "Did it really work for you, Dad?"

"I kid you not son. I'll send you a copy of my degree certificate and you can look forward to wiping your arse with it when you get a better result."


The hall of residence was a surprise. A new ten-storey building with a concierge and a foyer like a Premier Inn. Jamie was smiling. I was not.

"When I agreed with your mum, we needed to get you out of that shithole house and away from those piss heads you lived with, I didn't think she'd put you in the bloody Ritz."

The concierge explained the apartment complex was exclusively for final year students needing to focus. "Comfortable four-bedroom apartments with a communal kitchen/lounge. Our rules prohibit parties. We don't have a bar. We try to keep distractions to a minimum."

I could see my ex-wife's thinking. "So, the last chance hotel, doesn't have a last chance saloon?"

"Very good, sir. I'll suggest it as a slogan at our next marketing meeting. Here is your son's key. As he's the first to arrive, he has the choice of bedrooms."

We claimed squatter's rights to the quietest room in the modern tenth floor flat with a balcony overlooking the Manchester cityscape.

"You're living like a premier league footballer son. I can't afford a place this nice on what I've got left after your mother has rinsed me."

"It's a posh prison dad. I bet they come round and check lights out. No parties, no bar, it's like a prep school."

"No, it's not Jamie. No one is buggering you, unless you want them to." I laughed all the way back to the lift. Jamie didn't. By the time we'd unloaded his stuff onto the borrowed porter's trolley, Jamie's hard done by look was back on his coupon. We pushed it into the lift and I was searching for some motivational words as I pressed the button.

"Can you hold the lift for us, please?" The clack of high heels followed, and I defy any man not to be hypnotised by the pair of jiggling tits on the woman doing comedy running in stilettos. I looked at Jamie and we smiled. A father and son telepathy passed between us. Behind the attractive fifty something blonde in white jeans and a skinny black top was her stunning twenty something daughter in skin tight beige leggings and a crop top. We squeezed the pair of them and their cases into the already crowded lift. The mother wore expensive sunglasses on top of an expensive hair do. She was the sort of woman you'd see swanning around designer shops in Marbella, and from her tan it looked like she'd come directly from there to Manchester. The daughter was the natural shade of blond her mother had once been.

"This is cosy ladies." I smiled and pressed the button for the top floor. "We are going all the way."

The mother's cool blue eyes gave me a knowing look. "That's fortunate. So are we."

"Please mum, there are children in this lift."

Jamie laughed at the daughter's embarrassed comment and gave a `what can you do with them' shrug of sympathy.

By the time the door opened, we knew Amelia's daughter Chloe was in the flat two doors away.

"That's a relief Amelia. I've been lecturing Jamie that he needs to graft this year. He can't afford attractive distractions." Chloe blushed and an embarrassed Jamie said, "Dad you are supposed to be the responsible adult."

"I told her those leggings make her look naked. She should not be surprised if men look. Woman too, I suppose."

Chloe did not appreciate her mother's observation. "Eww, mum. Now I've got that thought to distress me as well at the thought of these two watching our bums as we walk away."

They wheeled their cases ahead of them. Amelia turned quickly and caught me and Jamie staring from the lift doors. She laughed. Chloe tutted.

After a final trip to the car, Jamie had all his stuff and was sorting out his room. Time was getting on and I needed to make a move because I was seeing a mate in Bristol for dinner. I was stuck for encouraging parting words. I ended up with a plea.

"Please give it your best efforts this year, son. Don't spunk all your time on drink and parties if you want to have a future." I gave him a genuine, fatherly hug.

"I'll try what you say dad. Find some study mates so we can help each other."

"Good. Once you've got Bruce Lee and Dev Patel tutoring you there might be time to have a crack at Chloe. She's gorgeous. I think you may be in there, son."

"Do you really think so dad?"

"Give it a go Jamie. Our surname is not Chalmers for nothing. I think she likes you as much as you like her. Just don't knock her up."


We noticed a quiet tap on the front door. I opened it on an apologetic-looking Amelia.

"Could you help us set up Chloe's wi-fi? It doesn't want to connect, and she's too shy to ask."

"Off course, Amelia. I was just telling Jamie he needed to be a good neighbour."

Amelia and I left the kids to it while I showed her how to re-tune Chloe's TV. "I don't know why I brought it. Kids watch everything on their phones these days."

"You can throw a picture from your phone to the TV, like this. Better for watching Netflix."

"I didn't know that Bradley, you learn something new every day."

I knew there was a husband in the mix somewhere but, I couldn't resist taking the chance I'd urged on my son. "I need to push off soon to see a mate in Bristol, but I was wondering if you would like to grab a coffee, before I have to leave."

We stood at Chloe's door and looked at the two of them, too deep in conversation to notice us. Their shy smiles and surreptitious glances betrayed their unspoken attraction. We recognised the opening round of courtship. They broke away to give us both last hugs and renewed promises of hard work before mentally wishing we would just go, and leave them to it.

In the lift, Amelia looked worried. "Chloe needs to work this year if she wants to qualify as a physiotherapist."

"I've read Jamie the riot act. He needs to do the same. But if they are into each other and not parties, clubbing and all that first-year nonsense, isn't that a good thing? I was prepared to cut Jamie loose on the way up here, but now I think he's ready to accept help. I'll do it for him...and Chloe."

Amelia went on her tip toes and kissed me on the cheek just as the lift doors opened on our audience of third year Chinese students. I wondered if any of them were studying computing.

Amelia's car would not start. The BMW's warning light display lit up like a Christmas tree. Lots of information but no useful advice. Typical BMW. I connected my jump leads to her battery and they cleared.

"Your battery may be on its way out, Amelia."

"Flynn was supposed to take it in for a service two weeks ago, but he forgot and just took my car instead when his started playing up. I'm afraid of breaking down here. If you are going to Bristol, you'll go past Gloucester. Do you mind following me home Bradley? We can have tea there."

We had to pull in at the Services when the problem returned. I charged her battery again.

"Amelia I can see this is stressing you out. How about I drive your car and you follow in my Audi?" She hugged me in gratitude. Neither of us was in a hurry to let go. A couple of lads going by in a white van shouted `get a room' and laughed. She looked up at me. "Sounds like good advice Bradley." All the way back to her place I was trying to convince myself she was just joking.


Amelia's home was a beautifully restored converted barn just outside Gloucester. Two stories of plate glass entrance opened onto a double height atrium. The whole downstairs was open plan with kitchen, dining, lounge and study zones. It had the feel of a chic boutique hotel. An oak and glass staircase led up to a mezzanine floor with bedrooms off the gallery that looked down onto the living space. It was all beautifully designed and executed in quality materials. Huge pendulum globes of different sizes hung from the ceiling, casting soft, warm light over the living areas. A stainless-steel gantry held mini, movie style spotlights directed onto the kitchen. The whole place had a sense of theatre.

"You have a beautiful home Amelia, I'm jealous. I work for a company that fits out yachts. Sunseekers and smaller, not super yachts. We'd kill for this space to work in."

"Thank you, Bradley. Flynn is an architect with a practice in London. I used to write for the trade press. We came up with this together. Have a snoop around while I make the tea."

A trophy wall contained pictures of them as a couple and later a family. They looked like the attractive aspirational couple beloved of advertisers. Flynn was my age but sported a hipster beard, dark curly hair, and mischievous brown eyes. I could see why the young Amelia fell for him. Interspersed with the family photos were formal shots of both of them in evening dress, receiving awards. I felt jealous. They were the success me and Janice never became.

While Amelia poured the tea, she got a call from Chloe.

"You saw the problems I had starting the car, did you? I would not have got home if it weren't for Bradley. He had to drive it when it played up again. I'm making the poor man a cup of tea before he leaves." She looked at me. I sensed it was a question, not a statement. She laughed. "That's the advice I should give you, young lady. I hope Jamie is not there listening to this. I'll call you tomorrow."

Moments later, I got a WhatsApp from Jamie. It surprised me to see Chloe in the video. "Thanks for sorting my mum out, Mr Chalmers. Mwah, mwah." She had a sexy pout. The phone changed hands. "I didn't put her up to that, honest Dad. Just remember you are the responsible adult." He made the, `I've got my eyes on you' sign and hung up laughing.

"Our kids seem to get on well, Amelia. They are having great fun at our expense. How are we doing?" We both knew the subtext of my question.

She walked over and kissed me on the lips and pulled away before I could react. "I just need to make an angry call, then I'm all yours." Her face had an expression I could not misunderstand. I watched her body as she went upstairs with her phone.

She'd left her bedroom door open, and I caught the odd word. I heard it all when they started arguing properly. "... and I broke down on the motorway because you could not be bothered to get your fucking car fixed when it started playing up. I'm your wife, not your fucking maid. It's not my job to run around pleasing you like those so-called interns. I only got home because... well it does not matter how I got home. I suppose you are staying in the London flat again tonight? Good, because if I saw your face right now, I'd slap it. Goodbye Flynn."

I heard her shower going while she ignored eight missed calls. Her next call was an ultimatum. "I don't want to hear any more apologies. Once is an accident but twice is a habit. No, I'm not talking about the bloody car. You know what I'm talking about. If you can't grow up, I'm leaving."

Amelia looked remarkably calm when she came downstairs wearing a wrap over knee length dress and nothing else. She'd brushed her wet shoulder-length blond hair back sleekly. Her only make up was bright red lipstick that made my cock swell.

"Don't pretend you didn't hear that, Bradley." I went to get up, but she pushed me back on the couch and straddled me. "Just to confirm, I'm naked under this dress." My hands held the globes of her gorgeous arse, proving she was not lying. She leaned forward and drew my eyes to her cleavage.

"I'm not going to Bristol tonight, am I?"

"No, Mr Chalmers, you have a job to do here."

She grabbed my hair and kissed me. My hands had the dilemma of going for her tits or arse and alternated between the two. Amelia moaned as I pinched her nipples through the thin material. "You've wanted to do that since you first set eyes on me, haven't you?"

"Yes Amelia, but now I want to do this." I slid my hand between her legs and found the open lips of her incredibly hot, wet pussy. My thumb circled her clit, and she shook.

"God, I'm so ready for this. It's been like foreplay since the first moment." I arched my fingers inside her and found my target. "Oh yes, you know, you know." She started fucking my hand as I massaged her g-spot. "Oh god its too quick." Amelia shook as her orgasm radiated from her pussy. She pulled her dress open and held my face against the valley of her tits. I sucked her nipples, and she went up a gear. "I'm cuming again. It's too soon, too hard." She slapped my hand away and froze then squirted a huge jet of cum into my lap. "Oh god, you made me piss all over your trousers."

I put my fingers in the puddle, and sniffed before offering them to Amelia. "It's not piss, it's all you Amelia. You are fucking hot stuff." I held her mouth to mine, and she wrestled my shirt off. I pulled her dress off and admired her naked body. "You are going to cum like that a lot more before I leave this house."

Amelia climbed off and stood me up before wrestling my pants to my ankles. It was getting dark and our reflections were clear in the huge reception doors. I took stock of the situation. Bradley Chalmers stood in a beautiful home getting his cock sucked by a beautiful woman. What odds would I have got on that this morning?

She looked up. "I want to fuck you in our bed Bradley." My look questioned her. "Yes Bradley. Flynn is having an affair with an Italian intern barely older than his own daughter. She's not the first one."

I took her hands and stood Amelia up. "I'm so sorry. Look at you, at all this. What an idiot he is." She kissed me and led me upstairs by my cock.

Amelia's bedroom was in muted shades of cream, brown and beige with concealed lighting washing the walls. I was in an upscale New York suite. She pushed me onto the bed and went back to work on my cock. "I haven't done his with another man in a very long time."

"These are moans of ecstasy, not complaint, Amelia." I pulled her legs across my head and inhaled her pouting pussy. I held her lips open and ran my tongue up and down the gash, circling her clit. Her juices were flowing again and my lips made disgusting slurping sounds as I sucked them down.

"My god, that sounds as vulgar as it must look." Amelia soon overcame her embarrassment as I gripped her hips and she ground her open cunt against my face. She panted as her orgasm grew. "This is disgusting."

I came up for air. "No, Amelia, this is." I held her cheeks open and plunged my tongue into the tight nub of her arsehole.

"Not in there. Oh, my god. What a sensation." When she reached behind to splay her cheeks wider, I knew she was up for it. "I should stop you. I'm such a whore." My thumb rubbed inside her pussy as I massaged her clit with my other fingers. "You bastard, you're going to kill me." Amelia shook and pushed my mouth away as she came. I pushed her head onto my cock and came the biggest load I could remember.

"It's too much. I can't swallow it all. This is dirty sex."

"Yes Amelia, and you love it."

She rushed off to the toilet afterwards and could not face me when she got back into bed. I coaxed her back from the edge and eventually she let me turn her face towards me. "I can't stop thinking about what you did. Where you've seen. I should be ashamed."

"But you were so excited by something that used to be taboo. I'd dream of sex like this, when I was fucking my wife, but routine stopped us from trying something new." I pulled her head onto my chest.

"You are my first affair in twenty-five years of marriage, Bradley. I've got no frame of reference for what is normal today. I guess I should take more interest in internet porn."

I kissed her forehead. "I'm honoured Amelia. Does it feel like porn?"

"No. But, if I saw myself on film, it would probably look like porn." She looked up. "Don't you dare reach for your phone."

We kissed and cuddled and laughed and talked for ages. It was so natural. It did not feel like a one-night stand where at least one party was trying not to get caught looking at their watch. Amelia raked her fingers through my chest hair and laughed at the way it made me shiver. I took her hand and guided it lower.

She looked up in surprise. "What again. Already?"

"Like I said. This is the sex I've dreamed of."

I made Amelia straddle me and held her lips open. We watched her cunt swallow my cock. She'd ease off now and then and we saw the tide mark of her juices on my cock. When our pubes eventually meshed, we sighed.

"I'm full. You have a thick cock, Bradley."

"You are like a virgin, Amelia." She smiled and rocked gently up and down. I caressed her swinging breasts.

"Do you think they are doing it now?"

"Who are we talking about?"

She pondered my question and pulled a sour face. "Not Flynn and his strumpet, the bastard. I meant Chloe and Jamie."

"Do you think he's inside her like this?" My cock swelled at the thought.

Amelia's eyes opened wide. "You better not be thinking about my daughter." Her pelvic muscles gripped my cock.

I flipped her on to her back. "And you better not be thinking about my son." Illicit images were floating through our minds and we moaned.