Friends with Benefits

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Hooking up her hubby and her best friend.
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This is my second submission to Literotica. It's a bit of fluff with no sex.

In response to some of the comments, I write to entertain, sometimes to get people to think but mostly just for fun. The views of my characters are usually - but not always - similar to my own. I often get my inspiration from real life people and events of which I have direct or indirect knowledge. In my mind, it lends credibility to the story. Using them does not mean I approve, disapprove or have a particular agenda regarding said people or events.

Note my pen name. I put Judo in my stories for the same reason StangStar06 puts Mustangs in his. It's something I love. It's a gimmick, but it's fun. Judo may feature prominently in some stories and not at all in others. In others, there will be hidden references - a name, date, event or location related to the art. See if you can "find Waldo." Also note, my love of Judo does not mean I'm a big fan of "cuckold is a blackbelt (Navy Seal, Ranger, etc.) who wreaks bloody retribution on his betrayers" stories. Sun Tzu said "The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting."

Many thanks for the constructive comments and especially to those of you who took the time to send messages of encouragement to a novice.


Friends With Benefits

By Judogeezer

"Lynn, I'm at my wits end." Danielle Nelson complained to her best friend. "All Doug thinks about is sex. He whines constantly that he doesn't get enough. He's always pawing at me and making off-color comments. I'm about ready to move into the guest bedroom."

"Wow, Dani, What happened? You used to tell me Doug was such a considerate husband and lover."

"I don't know. We still make love regularly, but for heaven's sake, he's 50 and I'm 48. I told him I just don't have much libido anymore. He can't expect sex to be like it was when we were 20."

"Well, how often do you give in to him?" Dani didn't catch Lynn's sarcastic tone.

"Oh I don't know. I don't keep track. I'd guess it's at least every other week."

"When was the last time?"

"Let's see." Dani stared at the ceiling for a moment. "Oh yeah, it was the first Sunday in June."

"Dani! That was six weeks ago. When was the time before that?"

Dani looked annoyed but gave the ceiling another glance.

"It was the week before Easter. Jenny was home on Spring break. Doug took some time off to do family stuff and talked me into it while Jenny was out with her friends."

"Good God, Dani." Lynn was genuinely shocked at her friend's indifference. "No wonder Doug is feeling neglected. You're not even doing it once a month."

"Now don't you go getting on my case. I just lost interest but Doug won't respect that. All he wants is to use my body for his own selfish pleasure. I thought he was different from other guys, but no. All he wants to do is rut."

"Honey, that man worships the ground you walk on. A lot of men are pigs. They're not interested in anything above the shoulders. Doug isn't like that. For men like him, sex is how they express their love. When you cut him off, it's like telling him you don't love him anymore."

"That's ridiculous. I tell him I love him all the time."

"Actions speak louder than words, girlfriend. I'd give anything to have Jack's hands all over me again. You really don't appreciate the water 'till the well runs dry." A tear trickled down Marilyn's cheek. It had been four years since her husband was killed in an auto accident and she still missed him terribly.

"I'm sorry, Lynn. I didn't mean to bring back bad memories."

"It's not just memories, Dani. Every night, I lie in a big, empty bed wishing I had someone to snuggle with, someone to hold me and make me feel wanted. There were times I was too tired to make love and I got snippy with Jack. You know how it is with kids and jobs and bills and endless chores. But, more often than not, I went along because I knew he needed the closeness too. He needed to know I loved him no matter what and I never regretted it. I wish I'd made more memories with Jack. It's all I have left now."

They sat sipping tea, lost in their own thoughts. Lynn finally looked up and caught Dani watching her with a speculative gaze.


"What do you think of Doug?" Lynn was puzzled but considered the question.

"I'd have to say that, after Jack, he's the nicest man I know. He's thoughtful. You've said he always remembers birthdays and anniversaries. He's loyal. I've seen him fend off women that hit on him at parties when you're not around. He always goes on and on about what a wonderful wife and mother you are. He's romantic. I still envy that surprise get away weekend he set up last year. Does he still give you flowers and mushy cards for no reason?"

Dani nodded. Lynn was so naive. All that crap was just another way to butter a girl up. Still, she felt a little jealous of Lynn's enthusiastic praise for her husband. It was Lynn's turn to stare at the ceiling for a bit before going on.

"Doug's a gentleman. Oh, I've caught him checking me out, but he's never creepy about it. It's the kind of look a woman wants. He's admiring, not undressing you with his eyes. He can complement me on how I look without making me feel like he's trying to get in my pants. You know what I mean?"

Dani shrugged. Doug's got her fooled, but that could work to Dani's advantage.

"I can have a conversation with Doug and he's not talking to my chest the whole time. He's intelligent, has a good sense of humor, and doesn't take himself too seriously. Best of all, he's a good listener. He's a lot like Jack that way. You always feel you have his undivided attention."

Lynn had a faraway look. Clearly, she was missing interaction with a man. A daring plan began to form in Dani's devious mind.

"Lynn, you haven't been with a man since Jack died. How are you getting your needs met?"

"Let's just say if I owned stock in Duracell, I'd be rich." Lynn sighed, looking dejected.

"It takes the edge off, but won't ever replace the real thing."

"You're still young. Why don't you get back out there?"

Lynn laughed.

"Dani, we're the same age. Weren't you just telling me you were too old for this stuff?"

"That's just me. It sounds like your libido is working fine."

"Oh it is, but that's not the problem. I just don't have the heart to go through the whole dating game. Do you know how many toads I had to kiss before I found my prince? Besides, I want what I had with Jack, not some random hook-ups. Jack spoiled me for other men. I guess I'll let the Fates decide. If I'm destined to meet someone special, so be it. If not, I still have wonderful memories."

"Don't give up, girlfriend. Maybe the Fates will get some help."

"Oh no, don't even think about setting me up. I still have nightmares over that awful party Kayla Henderson threw. I think she had every bachelor in three counties there. It was like feeding time at the zoo."

They both laughed at their well-intentioned friend's debacle. Her own plan crystalized. Maybe she could kill two birds with one stone.

"I would never do that to you. I'm thinking more along the lines of a temporary solution; something that would get you back on the horse and me out of the saddle."

"Don't talk in riddles, Dani. What on Earth are you getting at?"

"Ok, hear me out. I think I can solve both our problems. You miss intimacy with Jack but don't want the hassles of dating. I'm married to a guy who's a lot like Jack, but wants way more intimacy than I do. How would you feel about getting together with Doug a couple of times a week to scratch your mutual itch?"

"Dani, are you crazy? I'm not the kind of woman who cheats with her best friend's husband. Besides, Doug will never go for it."

"Slow down. First off, it's not cheating if I give my permission. Second, Doug really likes you and I don't think it will take much to persuade him given how randy he's been lately." Especially after I cut him off completely, she thought smugly.

"Are you serious? If you are, you're playing with fire. He's going to think you're throwing him away."

"Pfft." Dani waved dismissively. "Most married men get a little on the side at some point. This way it's all open and above board. I won't have to worry about him knocking up some bimbo or bringing something nasty home."

Lynn was getting miffed at her friend's cavalier attitude; that and her low opinion of men in general.

"So, you think Doug and I could have sex and not develop serious feelings for each other?"

"Sure. If you both agreed, it'd just be a friend with benefits thing."

"And that doesn't bother you at all?"


They sat for a while in silence. Lynn tried to get her head around what Dani was proposing. They had been friends since high school; roomed together in college, even double dated a number of times. They were attending a Comicon together when they met their future husbands. As she thought about it, it was only by chance that she ended up with Jack and not Doug. She was dressed as Amidala and Jack came as Luke Skywalker. The whole time they dated, Dani and Doug teased them about having an Oedipus complex going on. It was Lynn that made the first move on the two guys though. She was in Catwoman attire while Doug was making a Superman costume look good. She latched on to Doug while declaring she wanted to make Batman jealous. They had a few good laughs about how they connected but the pairing held up.

Dani was fun to be around, mainly because she always skated on the edge of disaster - like the time she broke into the Dean's house while he was on sabbatical and screwed her boyfriend in the Dean's bed. Lynn knew her friend was a schemer but never realized just how manipulative or self-centered she could be. She'd always liked Doug and found herself getting angry at the casual disrespect Dani was showing to her husband.

"Dani, I think you're making a huge mistake here, but if you're determined to put Doug back on the market, have him call me first."

Oblivious to Lynn's sarcasm, Dani broke into a huge grin. She prided herself on always conning Lynn into going along with her plans. As for Doug, as long as she kept him off balance, he would be a push over. He always gave her what she wanted. Besides, he must be climbing the walls by now.

It wouldn't take much to hook him and Lynn up, thank God. Then she could reap the benefits. No more wet spots. No more mess in her panties. No more pawing at all hours of the day and night. She could relax at bedtime and read without worrying about Doug getting amorous. Best of all, she could decide when or if she wanted to have sex. No more doing her "wifely duty" to keep Doug from moping all the time.

She chatted a bit longer with Lynn then made her excuses. Dani was eager to set the rest of her plan in motion.

A year later, Dani sat in her car waiting for Doug and Lynn to appear. She could see her daughter and Lynn's two sons standing at the curb. They should be out any minute. Her scheme had worked far better than she anticipated. Dani remembered presenting her plan to her unsuspecting husband.

At first, Doug acted shocked. He argued and pleaded for her to change her mind. She held firm and continued to wear him down with her brilliantly logical arguments. That and she did cut him off completely.

As Lynn predicted, Dani had to reassure Doug that she wasn't discarding him or having an affair or planning to use his time with Lynn to get more in a divorce. He finally agreed to sit down with her and Lynn and discuss the situation like adults.

They met at a local eatery where they could sit away from other diners and have a private conversation. Dani insisted they come in separate cars. It was obvious to Doug she was hoping he'd go home with Lynn. Dani ordered a diet Pepsi. Doug and Lynn both ordered tea and a slice of banana cream pie. As soon as they were settled, Doug jumped right in.

"Lynn, Dani says she's discussed her cockamamie friends with benefits idea with you and you agreed to give it a go."

Lynn gave her friend a stern look. Dani just shrugged her shoulders dismissively.

"Not exactly. I told her if she was putting you back on the market to have you call me first. I never agreed to scratch any itches. Not just yet." Lynn wasn't sure why she added that last, but let it ride.

It was Doug's turn to look askance at his wife.

"So, does this mean you're putting me back on the market?"

"As far as sex goes, yes but only with Lynn. I'm really trying to do you both a favor. You both want a lot of sex and you don't want to involve strangers. Why are you making such a big deal out of it?" Dani's lips tightened into a line. She was frustrated and getting impatient. It wasn't like them to put up so much resistance.

Lynn watched as a deep sadness descended over Doug's face. His face softened as he saw the same despair on Lynn's. For too long, his love for Dani had covered over something he knew deep in his heart. At her core, Dani was a self-centered conniver. She never considered the effect of her scheming on others as long as she got what she wanted. Facing the truth almost brought him to tears.

"Sweetie, have you heard anything I've said in the last few weeks? I was never the kind of guy that did one night stands or had to see how many girls I could score with in order to feel like a man. I need a personal connection before I get intimate with a woman." Dani's eyes brightened.

"That's why this is so perfect. You guys already know each other. You're friends and I've heard you both say how much you like the other. This will just add another dimension to your friendship. It will bring us all closer together."

She smiled brightly. It was lost on her that her husband and best friend looked at her like she was speaking ancient Greek. After an uncomfortable pause, Lynn turned to him.

"Doug, maybe just the two of us should talk about this some more."

Before anything more could be said, Dani jumped to her feet.

"That's a great idea, Doug. I won't wait up. Try not to wake me when you get in."

Lynn and Doug watched slack jawed as Dani walked the length of the restaurant and out the door without a look back. Lynn looked at Doug.

"Is she nuts?"

Doug sighed.

"Does this remind you of anything?"

"Yeah, yeah it does. This is the old Dani. The one we thought settled down when she became a wife and mother. What's going on, Doug?"

"Maybe it's a mid-life crisis." Doug shrugged his shoulders. "I know marriages can get into a rut after twenty five years. I try to keep things fresh. It just seems that no matter what I do, she takes it for granted. And forget about romance, she treats every gesture like I have an ulterior motive."

"Oh, you do. Didn't you know? You men are all alike. All that stuff is just so you can get in her pants."

Doug snorted.

"I don't even know what color her underwear is anymore. I've tried to explain to her how important intimacy is in a marriage. But it goes in one ear and out the other. Frankly, I've lost all desire for her."

Doug had his elbows planted on the table and his face in his hands. He looked absolutely miserable.

"She really thinks all I'm after is sex?"

Lynn nodded.

"I'd be happy if we could just sit and have a conversation or watch a movie together. She spends most of her time with her hobbies and interests. It gets really lonely sometimes."

Lynn reached across the table and put her hand on Doug's arm.

"I know how you feel. I keep busy and I have some really good friends, but there are many nights when I wish I could just snuggle up to a guy and talk about my day. Look, why don't we get together for dinner or catch a movie some evening? I don't need anybody to scratch any itches but some companionship would be nice. Maybe if we spend some time together, Dani will get jealous and call this nonsense off."

"Good idea. How do you feel about the community theater? They're putting on a comedy that I've heard is pretty good."

"Ooh, Jack and I used to go all the time. Remember, we tried to get you to join us but Dani always turned her nose up."

"Yeah. She always insisted we go to the theaters in the city. How about next Wednesday?"

"Sounds great. You buy the tickets and I'll spring for dinner. Pick me up about six?"

"You're on."

Dani remembered she was still getting ready for bed when Doug came in all smiles.

"Well, you obviously didn't have time to get laid. Why are you so cheerful?"

Doug looked thoughtfully at his wife then sighed.

"Dani, you wouldn't understand if I told you."

"So, when are you two getting together?"

"Kinda jumping to conclusions aren't you? We're going to dinner and a play next Wednesday. From now on, though, anything I do with Lynn is none of your business."

Dani was annoyed that Doug would make plans without her approval. She was absolutely flabbergasted when he began moving his things into the guest bedroom.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"I understand you think all I want from you is sex. I'm giving you some space so you don't feel put upon."

Dani smirked. If he thought this little ploy would get her crawling to him, he really didn't realize she was always able to outlast him. It would be nice having the big bed and the master bath all to herself.

A year had passed and Dani could say she achieved her goal. Doug never did move back into the master bedroom. He no longer bothered her for sex and he did eventually start having sex with Lynn.

She ducked down in her car as Doug and Lynn came out the door and started down the steps. Doug looked very handsome in the tux and Lynn's gown was gorgeous. She choked up when the crowd, including their children, cheered and began throwing rice on the happy couple.

They'd invited her to the ceremony. She still wasn't sure whether it was out of genuine affection or spite. She got the invitation with two handwritten notes.

Lynn had written: Thanks for giving the Fates a little help.

Doug's note simply read: I hope we can still be friends even if there are no benefits.

Doug insisted that he and Lynn never had sex - no, he said they never made love until after the divorce was final. They were friends with benefits all right, but Dani was only now beginning to understand that there was a lot more to those benefits than a roll in the hay.

She peered over the edge of the dashboard and watched her husband and best friend get into the limo with the big just married sign on the back. A tear trickled down Dani's cheek.

Lynn was right; you don't appreciate the water 'till the well runs dry.

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Hmm. It sounds like that Dani became asexual but their marriage had also faltered badly due to her menopause. While it talks of her scheming, there is no mention anywhere of her cheating. Still an interesting story. Just sad hoe a marriage of 25 years disintegrate. Yes the moral of the story is Jack wanted more than just sex. Buy why did Dani want to not be around Jack? Many asexual spouses still have love, friendship and affection for their significant other, though if it develops later in life can cast a pall on the marriage. But asexual doesn't necessarily correlate with emotionally frigid.

inka2222inka2222about 1 year ago

Oh my someone's got their panties in a twist to project examples from stories on a web site to "all women in real life". Perhaps recognized someone's real life behavior as if in a mirror?

Amazing story, easy 5 stars. Everyone got what Karma brought them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Odd that Dani is so self centered and stubborn that she doesn't see the consequences of her clearly irrational thinking? Hubby was looking not just for sex but for intimacy and time together. Dani just gave up on thr marriage, not wanting to be intimate. Kept waiting for a eeveal.aboutnhoenshenis having an affair but doesn't appear at all to be the case. Hard to see how this happens after 25 years of marriage with no adultery present besides some combination of menopause and mental illness. Kind of feel sorry for her that she became such a shrew.

AngelRiderAngelRiderover 1 year ago


Damn right.

RuttweilerRuttweilerover 1 year ago
Obvious and pro forma…

Another “author” who writes women as being too stupid to understand the self-evident consequences of their own actions.

If the majority of women were actually as oblivious and dense as this and so many readers and writers appear to believe, their male children would become progressively stupider over the generations… oh.

I guess I just explained the intellectual deficit to be found here among the male readership. Apparently, their mommas were morons going back through the ages.


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