Friendship into Lust into Love


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She looked up at him. Her face was softer. She half laughed, half snorted and turned away. She didn't say anything.

"You're just trying to make me feel better," she said finally.

"No, I'm not," John pleaded. I mean, I am, he thought, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong. "Look, it's not really about us. I mean, it is...but it's not." He paused. "Rachel's not a bad person, Leigh, she just...she just has her doubts."

"Yeah," Leigh said with another snort. "About me. She's never liked me."

"But that's the point! Her feelings for you have nothing to do with YOU. They're about me."

"And why would she assume that you," she paused, hesitated. "Have any feelings for me."

John didn't say anything. Pushing this too far would make not only this conversation worse, but also risk destroying their friendship. But he hated to lie, and he'd come this far.

"Because I told her."

The words hit like a ton of bricks. There wasn't a sound in the whole room. He couldn't even hear his heartbeat for a few seconds, and then suddenly it was pounding inside his chest. He stared at his feet, but out of the corner of his eye, he could see that Leigh was not; she was staring at him. Out of the other corner, the flashing light on his phone felt blinding. He turned away from his phone and looked at Leigh.

The silence was deafening, but he suddenly felt much more peaceful. She is so beautiful, he thought. Her wavy brown hair fell gracefully over her shoulders, framing her face. Her soft features seemed almost angelic as she looked back at him. Her eyes were steady but warm. There was love in them. A small but bright smile crossed her lips. Such a beautiful smilehe thought, his muscles relaxing slightly as a feeling like a warm blanket slid over him. For the first time in hours, he didn't think about the rest of her body. For the first time in months, he didn't think about Rachel.

He wanted to kiss her. The desire was all-consuming. He stared at her lips, which looked so soft and inviting. He wanted to touch her, to feel her touch him. He wanted to give in to what he'd wanted for so long, thought about so much. He needed to feel her pressed against him. He needed her.

Leigh's smile faded and his heart fell with it. She looked suddenly sad, worried. Suddenly he panicked. What have I done?His heart raced and his skin felt suddenly cold.

"I just..." he stammered, trying to rescue this conversation. I was so close.

"I'm not a homewrecker," Leigh said forcefully.

He had forgotten about Rachel. Those feelings of anger and pain came rushing back to him. The fights, the texts, all of it. For a second, he felt his temper rising inside him. But then, strangely, unlike ever before. It disappeared. He felt calm, resolved, relieved.

"Fuck her," he said. Leigh looked confused. His confidence rose. "Fuck. Her." he repeated, even more forcefully.

He darted forward, reaching out with his hands, sliding his fingers through her hair and wrapping them around the back of her head and neck. He pulled her in close to him as he rushed forward himself. Their faces were about to slam into one another when he practically stopped himself and instead gently pressed them together.

That moment their lips touched was unlike anything he'd ever felt before. To say there were fireworks would be cliché, but in his mind, it's exactly what was happening. It felt like sparks were literally flying between them, the energy rush was so profound, so powerful. Her lips were even softer than he'd imagined, and they felt incredible. The smell of her skin and her perfume rushed over him even more powerfully than before and he moaned. She moaned back. He realized she was kissing him back, something he hadn't even thought about or noticed, his need to kiss her was so strong.

Her lips parted slightly and he slid his tongue between them, brushing gently against hers. Her muscles twitched and he panicked. Too far,he thought. He pulled back, but when he did, Leigh leaned in with him, keeping their lips together, moaning in protest. Alright, then...

He held her tighter, more confidently. He hadn't really thought about whether she wanted this kiss, but now that he knew she did, he moved forward aggressively. He slid his tongue between her lips again, tilting his face to the side to press against her harder. He brushed the tip of his tongue against her tongue, sliding along it slowly, gently, then glanced over the roof of her mouth. This elicited another moan.

He'd always enjoyed the sounds and sensations of female pleasure, especially when he was the one creating it. But this was different, this was another level. These moans turned him on in a way nothing ever had, in a deeper, more powerful, more passionate way. The vibrations of their lips, the tensing and relaxing of her muscles, the energy of her passion coursing through his skin. His hard-on had returned in full force, pressing against his jeans. Normally it would have been painful, but now, nothing could hurt him.

They kissed for several minutes, both of them moaning intensely, the pleasure consuming them. Leigh's hands were resting on his chest, but John's had moved from the back of her head, over her shoulders, down her arms, then back up and around her back. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in tightly. She fit so well in his arms.

They broke the kiss and looked at each other, panting. Neither of them had any idea how much time had passed. There was an intensity in her eyes, John saw, and he assumed his looked much the same.

"Wow," she said finally, breathlessly.

"Wow," John repeated. "I have wanted to do that for so long..."

Leigh laughed. "Yeah, well, you've been looking pretty good tonight yourself."

"No," John said, staring deeply into her eyes. "I mean for years."

She smiled softly, sweetly. He smiled back at her. He felt happier in that moment than he had in longer than he could remember. They just looked at each other for a few seconds, smiling, not saying anything. Finally, he said, "You are so beautiful."

Her smile faded and she looked away. He knew what she was thinking. He should have felt guilty, too. If either of them should have felt guilty, it should have been him. But he didn't. He didn't feel guilty, he felt free. Free and happy.

He reached over for his phone and, without hesitation opened his text messages. He didn't read what Rachel had written, though he would later see that it was the same vitriol that had characterized their conversations for days. He opened a new message and wrote a three word reply: "We're through. Goodbye."

He lifted it and showed it to Leigh. A look of shock came over her. "But, you...I...I didn't..."

"I don't care," he said. He felt strong, confident. "I don't know how you feel or what you want, but I don't care. I can't be with her anymore, I don't want her. I can't be with someone like her now that I've had you, now that I want you. I want you, Leigh. Even if I can't have you, I want you."

Her eyes got big at this and she breathed in sharply. For a moment, he thought he had just destroyed his chances with her, had scared her. But instead, she leaned in and grabbed his head, kissing him with an intensity that made his own kiss seem pedestrian. He had again underestimated her feelings, given the strength of his own. He leaned into the kiss and indulged years of pent up desire.

When this kiss broke off, he realized that his hands were on her thighs, his thumbs on her inner thighs. He could feel warmth coming from her pussy. He pulled his hands back and said, softly, "Sorry."

She laughed. "Seriously? At this point?"

He smiled. Oh, this is going to be good... He put his hands back on her thighs. She closed her eyes and tilted her head back. He slid them up towards her. She moaned. When he reached the tops of her thighs, he slid his hands up her stomach, over waist, into her armpits and then around front, cupping her breasts in his hands.

Woah, he thought. They were soft and yet firm, just as he had imagined. He gently caressed them, feeling her nipples hard under his palms. She moaned louder. He massaged them harder, gaining confidence. He'd fantasized about this so many times, he knew exactly what he wanted to do, and it felt as good as he'd imagined it would. Her moans just encouraged him, egged him on.

Having met no resistance thus far, he decided to press his luck. He moved his hands down and grasped the hem of her shirt, lifting it up. Leigh's hands quickly took over, lifting it up over her head, revealing her flat stomach, her breasts nestled in her bra, her bare chest and shoulders. He leaned in and kissed her collarbone, moving back and forth from left to right, then up to her neck. More moans, more tingling, he could see goosebumps on her skin; this was better than he'd ever imagined.

He slid his hands around her back and up to her bra clasp. He leaned back and looked her in the eyes. That passion had reached even higher levels, the intensity burning into him. He undid the clasp, not taking his eyes off hers. He reached up to her shoulders and slid it off. He moved his hands down over her bare skin, cupping them in his hands, still not taking his eyes off of hers. He leaned in and kissed her softly as he began again caressing her breasts.

She moaned, begging for more. He gave it to her. His kiss became more passionate, harder, as did his grasp on her breasts. He broke off the kiss and moved his hands off her breasts, leaning back.

"Holy shit," he said. "You hot."

Her breasts were amazing, just as beautiful as he'd imagined they'd be. The years he'd spent trying to catch a glimpse of them were now behind him, and in front of him were the most beautiful tits he'd ever seen.

She smirked and twisted her hips slightly; they moved with her, almost bouncing. His eyes were locked on them. He leaned in and kissed the top of her breasts, cupping them in his hands. He moved around, kissing the sides and in-between them. He moved over to her nipples, taking each in his mouth in turn.

He sucked and kissed and worshipped. She moaned, of course, but his mind was locked on her breasts, everything else faded from his consciousness. He had no idea how long he played with her breasts, but he only stopped when she leaned back and pulled his head off her chest. He pouted, but she smiled and kissed his forehead.

He leaned back and pulled his shirt off as well. He pulled her in close, feeling her bare breasts pressed against his own skin. She was warm and soft, she felt just like a woman should feel. He held her tightly as they fell backwards onto the couch, their bodies intertwined. They kissed more, that same pleasure and passion coursing through their bodies. His leg was between hers and she ground her hips against his thigh, her pussy pressed against him. Her back arched and she moaned with pleasure. He lifted up and watched her, her breasts sliding back and forth with her body, which was writhing. Her eyes were closed for the most part, though occasionally she opened them and he saw they were rolled into the back of her head. She smiled and moaned. It was the hottest thing he'd ever seen.

He reached down and slid his hand along her leg, lifting his own leg up and replacing his thigh with his hand. She gasped as he cupped her pussy over her pants. Her eyes shot open and locked on his own. He pressed hard against her and rubbed, slowly. She whimpered with pleasure, her nipples rock-hard. He could feel the heat coming off her pussy.

"Fuuuuuck," she said. "That feels incredible." It was the first thing either of them had said in what felt like hours, though it had actually only been a few minutes. John smiled.

He couldn't take it anymore. With his other hand, he took hers and placed it on his crotch. Her eyes got even wider as she felt his cock through his jeans. "No way..." she said.

She scrambled to undo his belt. He had to take his hand off her pussy, which she didn't even seem to notice. She was like an animal, desperate to get at his cock. He didn't resist. She sat up and pulled his pants down, taking his boxers with them.

His cock shot out as his pants fell, sticking straight out towards her. She gasped and John laughed. She ignored him. She softly placed her hands on the base of his cock and slid her fingers upwards along it. They felt electric and he moaned as she touched him. "Holy shit," she said softly. "It's beautiful..." She looked up at him and repeated herself. "It's beautiful."

"Thanks?" he said, feigning modesty. He knew what he had, but it still felt amazing to have her so awed. She leaned in and kissed the head. He moaned again, but as before, she ignored him. She kissed up and down the shaft cupping his balls in her hand. He had never felt pleasure like she was giving him, had never wanted something more than he wanted her mouth.

Apparently she felt much the same, because suddenly she ran her tongue along the shaft and took it into her mouth. He gasped as she slid her lips down his cock, taking more than he ever would have imagined possible. He leaned forward, his muscles tensing, his mind overwhelmed by the pleasure. He tried to speak, but only another moan came out. She slid up and down his cock, which pulsed in her mouth. It had never been this hard before, and he had never been this turned on before.

"You are incredible," he finally gasped. His mind was still misfiring from the incredible sensations, but he couldn't stay silent anymore. He watched as her head bobbed up and down on his cock, and his hand was rested on the back of her head. She moaned into his cock, and the vibrations sent even more pleasure through his body.

She lifted her head up and said "You have an amazing cock, John. My God..." she returned to sucking it, sliding her lips and taking more of it into her mouth each time. He moaned again.

She put her hand on the base of it and slid it with her mouth, twisting her wrist as she did. His head felt like it was going to explode, he was so close to cumming he couldn't stand it.

"I need you," he said softly. He didn't even really understand what he was saying, but he meant it. He needed her. He needed to feel her against him, feel himself inside her.

She stopped and looked up at him. Their eyes locked. She was panting from her exertion and didn't say anything for a few seconds. "Then take me," she said. He didn't need a second invitation.

He took her by the hands and lifted her up. He grasped the waistband of her yoga pants and pulled them down quickly, taking her panties with them. He took a moment to admire her pussy, which was presented to him at eye-level. It was beautiful, perfect, its lips called to him. He leaned in to kiss it and he wrapped his hands around her waist, taking her ass in his hands. That ass...

He buried his face in her pussy, putting his lips between hers and running his tongue along her clit. She yelped in pleasure and put her hand on the top of his head, her fingers running through his hair. She moaned and ground her hips against his face. She tasted fantastic, she felt warm and wet and soft and he loved it. He licked and sucked on her clit, her moans and gasps rewarding him for each new thing he tried. He moaned into her pussy as well, loving every second of it.

She pulled his head back and tilted it up to face her. He pouted and moaned sadly. "Is that what you meant?" she asked breathlessly. There was a smile on her face and her hair hung over her shoulders and breasts. It was the most beautiful view he had ever seen in his whole life.

"No," he said softly.

"Then take me," she said forcefully.

He stood up and took her by the shoulders, pushing her back onto the couch. She laid down and looked up at him. As had happened repeatedly that night, he had a new "sexiest thing I've ever seen" as she splayed out on his couch, completely naked, her body glistening with sweat, electric with passion, begging for him. He was not going to keep it waiting.

"Spread your legs," he commanded. She did as she was told and he climbed on top of her.

"Be gentle," she begged. "Please. It's been a while, and I've never had anything like that."

He smiled. She knows just what to say, he thought. "I'll try," he said. "But I make no promises."

She licked her fingers and wet her pussy, though it wasn't necessary; between her saliva on his cock, his own adventure between her legs, and her own body, there was plenty of lubrication. She reached down and positioned his cock at the opening to her pussy. He pushed his hips forward and slid the head inside her.

She gasped. "Slow, slow!" she said. He tried to go slow, but he couldn't hold back anymore. His hips pressed forwards, sliding his cock deeper into her. Her eyes were as big as dinner plates, her breathing shallow. Her pussy was tight and wet and warm. It felt amazing, unlike anything he'd ever experience before.

"You can take it," he said. "Please, I need you to take it. Please."

She relaxed and closed her eyes. "No, don't close your eyes. Look at me." She did as she was told.

He slowly began sliding out after only going about halfway in. When only the head remained inside her, he began sliding back in. She gasped again, "you're stretching me!"

"You can take it," he repeated again. "Please...I need you."

"I need you, too," she said.

He was now all the way inside her. Their eyes were locked, their bodies intertwined. They were together in the way he'd always dreamed they would be, and it was orders of magnitude beyond what he'd ever imagined.

"I love you," she said. "I love you."

He smiled. It was so obvious, it was something they both knew. "I love you, too, Leigh. I've loved you for longer than I can remember."

As his cock moved inside her, her hips ground against him. She held him close and he held her closer. They kissed, releasing all inhibition and throwing self-consciousness to the wind. Their lips wrapped around one another, their tongues slid back and forth inside each other's mouths. They moaned in time.

"You feel so perfect," he said, panting, breaking their kiss but not pausing for a moment his rhythmic thrusts. "I've never had anyone who-"

"Who fit so well!" she shouted. "You fit me so well!"

His eyes closed and he fought back the urge to cum right then. He slowed and tried to focus on something else. He tried not to think about what he was experiencing, how amazing the feelings from every part of his body, from every sense, were. But he couldn't. He was not going to be able to hold on much longer.

"Leigh," he said. "I'm going to cum soon. I can't hold it much longer."

"Don't!" she exclaimed. Her breasts were bouncing with his thrusts. Seeing that almost sent him over the edge. "Don't hold back! I'm almost there, too! Please, cum. Please!"

"Where?" he asked, breathlessly. He was almost there. So close. Just hold on a few more seconds. Please, body, please don't end this yet.

"Inside me!" she said without hesitation. "Please, John. Please...cum inside me!"

He should have been shocked, he should have been distracted and taken aback, but he wasn't. His mind was overwhelmed and this just sent him over the edge. His muscles tightened and he thrust deep inside her, deeper than before. His cock throbbed and his balls tightened. He lost it, pounding into her with abandon, knowing that he was hurting her but unable to stop himself. He needed her, he needed to cum inside her.

Just before he was about to cum, Leigh's back arched and she screamed. It was unintelligible at first, but then he heard "I'm cumming!" Holy shit, John, I'm cumming! Keep going, keep going, don't stop, don't stop, cum with me!"

He did as he was told. He grabbed her shoulders tightly and slammed his hips against her, his cock thrusting into her pussy and he came with her. He came deep inside her, filling her up with his cum. He came harder than he ever had before, longer than he ever had before. His mind exploded, unable to process all the pleasure and the satisfaction.