From Friendship Comes Love Pt. 01


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She took another drink, looked at me, and laughed a bit, and said, "I know, a little silly now, but at that time I was only twelve and it was the best I could come up with."

Jason smiled back at her and told her, "Well, sometimes the only way to prove something is to do it. I find that it usually works though. So, what happen next?"

"Satisfied that it was the best I could come up with on short notice," She went on, "I went back to my mother's office and stepped into the doorway. She was turned to her computer working on something and I said softly, "Mom, I think I figured out a way to explain it to you."

"Good," She said saving the file she was working on, "I glad you figured out how." She picked up a bottle of water and took a drink as she swiveled her chair around to face me.

As she saw me standing in the doorway, she stood and the bottle dropped from her hand. With an incredulous look on her face, sputtered out, "Holy Crap." She just looked at me trying to say something, anything, but nothing came out. She sat back down, stunned.

"Well, what do you think now?" I asked her in the most girlish voice I could, "Does this explain it to you?"

I walked over to her and picked up the water bottle she dropped and handed it back to her. She finished off what was left in the bottle after dropping it, set the bottle back on her desk.

She looked at me and took my hand gently in hers pulling me to her. She kissed my forehead and said shaking her head chuckling a little, "I don't know if it explains everything hon, but it certainly makes your point."

"I really don't know what to say or do about this." She continued, "This is hardly my area of expertise. I think we'll have to wait until your father comes home tonight and talk it over together."

That made me a little nervous and I asked, "What do you think he'll say? Is he going to be mad, or go crazy over this?"

"I really don't have a clue hon." She answered me honestly shaking her head, "I guess we'll just have to see what happens after we talk."

"But, don't be afraid." She continued quickly, "I'll be there and you know your father is fairly open minded about most things. However, I have a feeling he'll just be as clueless as I am right now."

"I think the best thing is for you to stay upstairs until I talked to him." She said slowly thinking on it a bit. "Then, since it worked so well to explain it to me, you come down dressed like you are now. However, I think it would be better if you let me help you some to fine tune your appearance."

"What does that mean?" I asked with tears forming in my eyes, "Do I look that bad?"

Mom took hold of both my hands and said, "No baby, you don't look bad. You did the best you could with what you had." She smiled at me, "I however, have more resources and experience in dressing up than you do."

"So no, you don't look bad," She laughed, "But with my help, you'll look even better."

She stood up, smiled at me again and took my hand, "Come upstairs with me and let me give you some girl 101 lessons."

Mom took me upstairs and started to finesse what I had already done. She looked at me and asked, "What did you use for these?" She asked pointing to her breasts.

I lifted my shirt up to show her and the socks fell out. "Oops." I said as they fell to the floor. "Rolled up socks."

Mom laughed and said, "I think we can do a little better than that."

My mom wasn't that big of a woman, so she was able to find a bra that sort of fit me, loosely, but it would do for this. I put it on and filled the cups with my socks and put my shirt back on.

Then she took hold of my chin and she moved my face back and forth looking at me. She them applied a little make-up, just eye-shadow, mascara and some more lip gloss to match. As she applied the make-up, she talked to me about everything I was feeling and going through so she was ready when she talked to my dad. Them using a brush and some gel, she fixed my hair up. She backed up a little to survey her work and with a look disbelief, she turned me around so I could see myself in her mirror to see what she had done.

Simone took another drink, finishing up the wine in her glass and smiled at me as she said.

"Jason, when I looked in the mirror I was stunned, all I saw was a girl staring back at me. I had tried with my attempts to look more like the girl I thought I was, but my mom really did it. I couldn't have been more shocked. No matter what, I knew then that I was supposed to be a girl. I couldn't see a thing of the boy I was."

"My mom was behind me and she put a hand on my shoulder saying, "There, perfect, just the right amount for a young girl. I certainly wouldn't want my son to look like a tramp."

Simone started laughing as she looked at Jason, "My mom got this stunned look on her face as she realized what she said. Then she started laughing sitting back down on her bed, repeating, "My son looking like a tramp."

She finally got a hold of herself and hugged me to her saying, "I love you baby, your beautiful and don't worry, we'll figure this all out."

As she said this, we heard the front door close and my dad shout, "I'm home." Mom told me to stay upstairs until she called for me, she kissed me and went downstairs. I stood at the top of the stairs so I could hear what was going on."

My mom went downstairs and saw my dad going through the mail he had brought in with him.

She kissed him and said, "Hi hon, I missed you. How was your day?"

He hugged her, kissing her back, "I missed you too, I sure would have rather been here than at work that's for sure."

"That bad again?" She asked.

"No, not really I guess," He answered smiling. "At least there wasn't a body count and you didn't get a call to bail me out."

She patted him on the cheek and laughed while saying, "Oh, my poor baby. Let me try to make it better."

She went into the kitchen and got a couple of beers out the fridge, opened them and brought them back out.

"Here," She said handing him a beer, "Try this."

He drank down about a third of the bottle, sighed and said, "Thanks babe, that really tastes good." He smiled at her knowing her all too well and asked, "Okay, what's up with this?"

As he took another drink she said, "Ah look, we need to talk about something."

He smiled and asked, "Do we need to talk?" "Or," He asked, making his voice go lower, "Do we need to talk?"

She took a drink of her own beer, sighed a little and said, "Well, it's a bit of both maybe, say like seventy to thirty."

"Ok," He answered, "Why don't you just tell me and then we'll go from there."

She took another drink and said, "Okay, Uh... I had an interesting conversation with our son today, I was working down in the office and he asked me if we could talk about something. I said sure and then he asked me, "Mom, do you think I should have really been a girl?"

Her husband looked a little stunned as she took another drink and proceeded to tell him everything they talked about. Then she asked him, "Well, what do you think about this?' "I told him this wasn't exactly my area of expertise and that we'd talk when you got home."

He sat there a minute, then drank down the rest of the beer and asked her, "You want another, I know I do."

She shook her head no and he said, "Ok, wait one." He went back to the kitchen and got another beer and came back out. He stood there staring at nothing for a bit, took a drink and asked her, "All right, since you talked to him, do you think he's right?"

"It's not my area either you know," He continued. "I really don't know anything more about it other then what I've read here and there in magazines and the papers or saw on TV."

She looked at him and answered, "Yeah, I think maybe he's right."

She continued, "Look, I talked to him a while about it, you know what an intelligent kid he is and that he normally doesn't talk about something until he has it down in his mind. I asked him to explain it to me and he tried, then he asked if he could have a few minutes before he could finish. I said okay, he went out and when he came back, he more or less convinced me about it enough that I think we just have to look into it farther and get a professional opinion on it."

He look at her and asked, "Well, what did he say to convince you?"

She finished off her beer and said, "I think it would be better if he came down and told you himself. It's how and what convinced me."

"Ok," He nodded agreeing, "That's sound reasonable to me."

I heard my mom call to me, so I looked at myself in the mirror real quick making sure everything was alright and walked slowly downstairs.

As I got to the bottom, I saw my dad talking to my mom and his back was to me. I took a deep breath and said in soft girlish voice, "Daddy?"

My dad was taking a drink of beer as he turned around and seeing me dressed as a girl said, "Holy Fuck!"

Since he was swallowing at the same time he said it, he start choking and coughing. I ran over to him worried and asked him if he was alright.

Simone look at me and said, "Now I was really worried, I had never heard my father say anything like that before."

She smiled at me and giggled, "I'm sure he did, it's just he never had around me." She took another drink of wine and continued her story.

Once he cleared his throat, he stood back to see me better. He pointed at me, still not saying anything, and motioned for me to turn around so he could see all of me. Then he slowly came up to me and then reached out and gripped both of my shoulders tightly shaking his head.

Now I was worried, I thought he was going to freak out on me or something, but as he was holding me he turned his head to my mother and said, "I can see how he convinced you."

He pulled me into a hug, kissed me on the top of my head and said, "I love you kid, we'll figure this out one way or another." I hugged him back and I knew everything was going to be okay.

He looked at my mom again asking, "Is this all him? Or did you help?"

My mom smiled and said, "Mostly him, I just helped him a little to show how it was done. A little girl 101 if you know what I mean."

My dad laughed at that and replied, "Yeah, well if anyone knows girl 101 it would be you." He look at me again, then said to her, "I'm glad he had some help and didn't end up looking like a tramp."

He thought about what he said and grimaced, then chuckled. Then he asked what my mom and me what we were laughing about.

He let go of me, flopped down on the couch and drained off the rest of his beer in one long drink.

He looked closely at me again and frowned, shaking his head said. "Damn it all, now I got to worry about this too."

My mom looked concerned and I was scared again thinking something was going to happen.

She asked him, "What's the matter?"

My dad looked at me, then my mom and said, "What's the matter? Look at him. Look how cute he is! You know what's going to happen when he goes completely girl? Now I'm going to have put up with all the boy's that are going to be sniffing around once he gets older. Daughters are what the Gods give to fathers to punish them for when they were younger. I have to live in fear she'll hook up with someone like me when I was her age."

Both my mother and me looked at each other and then mom said, "Get him." We both jumped him on the couch tickling him until he begged us to stop.

Simone finished the wine in her glass and set it down and looked at me and said, "So to make a long story short, that's pretty much it. Mom and dad did some research and found out what to do and who to see. They were informed that, yes I had a gender identity disorder and when I was able, I started taking hormones. After that, I had some work done on my breast's, just before I went to college. And as you saw, I still have my penis because I wasn't too crazy to have the reassignment surgery after I read about it."

She smiled and me and continued, "Maybe someday, but right now I happy with what I am and how I look, so I don't worry about it."

I looked at her and said. "Thank you Simone, I'm really happy you told it to me. Can I assume everything went alright at home then after that?" I split up the remaining wine between our glasses and asked her, "You know, when you did, I don't know the right term," I laughed, shrugged and said, "Go girl."

She smiled at him, "Once we found out everything, I started dressing and acting as a girl. The basic idea was, "If you're sure, you might as well do it now." "As I was homeschooled, there wasn't any problems on a day to day basis. At home, there wasn't any problems at all really, my mom got a daughter to do girl things with."

"I thought originally my dad was somewhat disappointed." She continued, "You know, he didn't have a son anymore to do "guy" things with." She laughed and went on, "But that wasn't really a big problem as my dad was always into cars, bikes, and stuff, so as I still liked that, we got along and still did things together."

She looked thoughtful for a second and continued, "I guess that's why I went into engineering, I was surrounded by it by both my mom and dad, it was just natural."

I smiled at her, "Well, that's good, you're a natural at it, you understand the complicated things, but to my mind, what's better is that you also understand the practical side of it."

She smiled at me and asked, "The practical side, what's do you mean?"

I smiled back at her, replying, "What I mean is that you understand that you have to learn the nuts and bolts aspect first, before you can start doing the engineering side. I've always been of the mind that how can you design or upgrade anything if you don't know how it works and that no matter what the "book" says, it don't ever seem to work that way."

"As I've told people time and time again, I've read the book to the engines and you know what? They've never learned it."

Simone started to laugh and stood up saying, "Well my story is over and the wine is gone, what do we do now?"

I looked at my watch and said, "Well, if can give me a little bit to take a shower and get dressed, I think we should go to diner before all this wine eats my stomach up."

She nodded yes while saying, "Sounds like a plan to me, how's about a half an hour sound?"

She got a shit eating grin on her face and continued, "Would that give you enough time to make yourself beautiful?"

I laughed and without thinking, answered back, "I guess, not as gorgeous as you, but I think I can manage at least above sub-human."

She got a amazed look on her face and the next thing I know, she's hugging me, then she kissed me, this time on the lips. Then said in a low voice, "Thank you for listening to my story Jay, you're the best." "I'll see you in 30."

Before I knew it, she was out the door and stood there with my lips burning were she kissed me. All I could think about was how she looked when I came in on her dressing and the feel of her breasts against me when she just hugged me. As I remembered what she looked like semi-dressed, my cock started to harden.

I shook my head to clear it, then went in to take my shower and take care of my hard-on, asking myself once again just what the hell I was feeling about her.

Over the next few months we worked a few more jobs together and became closer friends and still the thoughts I had about her where confusing me more and more.

During that time I dated a couple of girls I knew off and on, but every time we had sex, the thoughts of how it would be if it was Simone instead of the girl I with at the time intruded in on my thoughts. It was getting so bad that I almost called one of the girls I was with by Simone's name when I orgasmed.

It finally came to a head one day as I was getting ready for a date with a girl named Tracy I had met in one of the bars we both frequented. We had gone out a few times and had a good time, both during the date and after. There was some problems, as she was the jealous type and she asked me why I was with Simone all the time. I explained that we were just close friends and partners in work so I didn't give it much more thought.

After I got dressed, I was in the living room surfing through the TV channels just pass the time waiting on Tracy to get here. The doorbell rang and I looked at the clock. "I guess she's early." I thought to myself as I got up to answer the door.

As I opened the door, there was Simone standing there with a roll of blueprints.

"Hey Simone," I said smiling, greeting her, "What's happening and what's with the long face?"

"Hi Jason." She replied. "I was going over the prints for the next job and I got stuck on one the specs, it just doesn't make any sense. I was wondering if you could take a quick look and see if you understand it. If something is wrong, it may delay the job."

Before I could answer her, she looked at me seeing how I was dressed and asked, "I'm not holding you up with anything, am I? I can come back later."

I smiled at her and replied, "No, I've got time. I've got a date but she's not due for half hour or so. We might not get everything settled, but we can see if there's a real problem first and then figure out what to do. Let's see the prints and show me what the problem is."

She unrolled the print on the kitchen table and pointed to a section that showed how two sections would merge on the fuel system for the generator.

"See this here? It doesn't look right to me. I can't figure out if it's supposed to be like that or it's something wrong with the print. It's not at all like the other ones we've done."

I took a look at the print and saw what see was talking about. It wasn't wrong for the type of install we were doing, but I could see where she would be slightly confused about it. The print wasn't real clear, I knew what it meant as I've done it before, but someone who hadn't would get confused. I had brought this up before, but they never fixed the drawing.

I smiled at her and said, "No, there's no problem, it supposed to be that way on this type of fuel system. The problem is that the drawing isn't clear and I've told them they need to fix it, but I guess they still haven't. We don't do this type all that often and since this is your first time, it can be confusing."

She smiled and sighed in relief, then said, "I glad there isn't a problem. Do you have the time just to give me the highlights?"

"I know you've got a date," She continued with what sounded like disappointment in the tone of her voice, "I don't want to hold you up."

"No, I've got time, not a lot, but enough to hit the high points." I told her. "We can go over it more completely in work."

As we sat at the table, I explained the differences and why there were there. Soon the doorbell rang again and I saw it was Tracy.

"Don't roll up the print just yet." I told her, "I want to show you one more thing before I have to go."

I opened the door and Tracy came in, she stopped as she saw Simone and with some heat said, "I thought we had a date?" "What's she doing here?" She asked with jealously in her voice.

I answered her with some heat, "Yes we have a date, and we were just going over some problems with a job we'll be doing in a few weeks." "Look, let's talk for a few minutes in the other room."

I turned to Simone and to her, "Don't roll up the prints yet, I'll be right back."

I took Tracy by the elbow and lead her into the living room. Once we got there, I started before she could.

"Look Tracy, this jealously crap needs to stop." I told her with some heat. "It's getting old." "We were going over some stuff while I had a few minutes waiting for you. And if you noticed, before you started in on me, we were just about done."

"It's getting old?" She shot back to me. "Well it's getting old with me also, every time I see you, you're with her. Even when we're supposed to be going out. Like tonight."
