From the Past a Present


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"See you in twenty."

I cannot recall what the meal was. All I could see was Ann, who was so happy to have cooked a meal for her man. Well that's what she explained later. All I knew that it was a delight to sit here with the woman I had known all those years ago. Then like Saul's conversion the light sudden hit me. I loved Ann. That I had loved her for years. Not just fantasised about but loved. So I said it.

"Ann. I love you." She stopped eating, put down her knife and fork and just looked at me. Then she did what most women seem to do, she cried. I got up and took her in my arms and licked the tears from her cheeks.

"I didn't realise it, but I have loved you for so long. All the years apart and you still held that special place in my heart, so imbedded that I couldn't replace it, and so much a part of me that sometimes I was hardly aware it was there. But it was." She looked up at me.

"When we were talking on Sunday and I told you how angry I was when you announced your engagement to Janice. I knew then that I loved you, that's what made me so angry. That I had let you go to another woman. I couldn't believe it when I tripped over you in the market place. It was if the fates had said 'ok, girl, we are giving you another chance. Don't mess it up this time'. This girl's not going to mess it up this time, Darling David. I love you, I always have."

The meal was forgotten, we sat holding each other not even talking as words were superfluous at that moment. Was this the time to abandon the dishes, forget the lights, let the tea go cold and go up to her bed and sink into each other. Nice thought, but we both had to work tomorrow. And as Ann had said there was more talking to do. Without words we both agreed to clear the table and wash the dishes. Ann washed and I dried. It was such a mundane task, but thoroughly enjoyable, particularly when I put the drying cloth down and standing behind Ann, who had her hands in the water, slipped my hands under her arms and cupped her breasts. It was only for a moment and I moved as if to take my hands away.

"Don't you dare. I have waited for twenty years for you to touch my breasts, and I want to savour the moment for a little longer." Ever the gentleman I found her breasts again, and manipulated them softly. I could feel her nipples erect, and pinched them gently.

"God! That is so good." She then started to unbutton her blouse, uncaring that she was soaking the fabric with her hand straight from the washing up. She guided my hand through the opening. I dipped into her bra and found her nipple. I caressed softly and flicked my finger up and down. I also took the opportunity to open her blouse with the wrist that was inside, and looked down. Ann understood what I was doing.

"Sorry my love, I don't have much for you there." I made no direct answer, I simply said.

"They are beautiful! As beautiful as the woman." She leaned back against me and surrendered herself to my pleasure. After a few minutes I heard her say quietly.

"I think you should stop now, otherwise we will be in bed together in the next five minutes." I kissed her ear, and murmured that I understood. She turned to face me.

"Do you, David." I nodded.

"Yes. We know we will make love soon, but there are things to talk about before that. We have to clear the air of the history. Understand how we came to this point." She was of the same mind.

"But I want to be in your arms while we talk."

"Why do you ask me for everything that I want to give?"

I sat at one end of the settee, and Ann curled herself up in that double-jointed way that women manage and relaxed into my arms. She was facing up, so from time to time she would indicate that a kiss would make her happy. She started a conversation that was going to be painful for me.

"Why did your mum dislike me so much?"

"Any number of reasons, but mainly because you were taking her first-born away from her."

"Don't all mothers of boys face that?"

"Yes. But mum was extremely attached to Rob, actually to the exclusion of her other children." Ann's eyes opened wide.

"Your not suggesting...."

"I am not suggesting anything. It's just that to mum, Rob was God's gift to her on earth. She would speak no ill about him, nor hear no ill about him. She favoured him in everything. If we were naughty as little boys, I was the one who had led him into it."

"But you were the younger!"

"Didn't matter. I was the conniving, deceitful one. Rob was innocent."

"How about Lizzie?" Lizzie was my younger sister.

"She was a girl, and dad had wanted a girl all along so mum was not going to upset dad by showing favouritism. But with me she did.

"How do you mean?"

"I'll give you an example. It was eighteen months after you divorced, and Dad had died. Rob was in Australia, he lived there for about four years. I had gone to visit mum straight from work. I may have overdone the aftershave that morning, because it was obviously still lingering. Mum commented on it and asked me what it was, I told her, and she made me make a note of it for her. Two months later it was Christmas, and I had brought mum up to my place for a couple of days. As usual we phoned Rob, and he was waxing lyrical about the expensive aftershave she had given him. I immediately knew what brand it was. And I was pleased that mum for once had decided to buy a good brand. Later when we opened the presents to ourselves, mum had given me a bottle of aftershave. Not 'Gentleman' from Givenchy, but some cheap crap from a discount pharmacy, and it was horrible, stank like a gents urinal. So Golden boy gets the good stuff, and the afterthought gets the crap. It's almost as if she said "oh anything will do for you. You don't count. There's lots of other things but that sums it all up."

The episode had always hurt for me, although it was one of many and remembering it brought me pain. Ann saw that pain, and reached up to share my sorrow.

"My gentleman will always have 'Gentleman' for Christmas. And he will be always number one in my life."

"It wasn't about being number one or two. It was about being recognised as an equal."

"I know my darling. But you have to be number one as there will never be another." She wiped my eyes, because she thought that I had shed a tear. I denied that, but she just smiled that woman smile which says ok you can think that, but I know the truth. She them raised herself for a kissing contest, whose tongue could reach the furthest down the other's throat.

"I would have thought, then that she would be happy when Rob and I broke up."

"Oh no. You had cheated on her boy. That was a heinous crime in her book, how could any girl do that, he was the best at everything. She had this gift of being able to deny or ignore facts that didn't fit her theory."

"Was Rob terribly upset?"

"Oh his pride was hurt. He believed that he was the superlative lover, and how could you consider being with someone who was not a patch on him. Apart from his hurt pride I don't thing he was really upset. Because could get back to his randy ways without ties to keep him from his pleasures." Ann mulled over that for a moment.

"Rob was very impatient. I took to using hand cream to make it less painful, because he never bothered to wait until I was ready." Was I surprised? No. I had no evidence to back that up, but knowing my brother it didn't come as a shock. Now it was my turn to comfort Ann. She wasn't particularly in need of comfort, but we both enjoyed the comforting anyway.

"If you keep kissing me that way, David, I will never be able to get out of our bed."

"Speaking of that...."

"Yes my Darling. I would like to come to you Friday night, and stay until Monday morning. I want to love you, and just as importantly sleep with you. I want to go to sleep in your arms and wake up in the morning with them still around me. Can we do that?""

"You don't need to ask. I may have to take care of myself in the meantime of course."

"Oh don't do that. Well not unless I am there to watch."

"Oh kinky are we?"

"Oh boy, you had better believe it." Then she started to look shamefaced.

"I'm not actually. I wouldn't know how to start." I drew her back into my arms.

"I'm not into stuff like that. Well not the really kinky stuff."

"What's really kinky then?"

"Bondage, Sub, Dom, whipping."

"What? I'm glad to hear that you're not, so what do you do?" I kissed her.

"Wait until Friday night and find out."

"Oh I wanted to go to bed tonight anticipating lots of lovely things."

"When we get into bed my sweet, the loveliest thing will be you." Her smile showed pleasure.

"Do I bring a nightie?"

"Yes, it's something for me to take off."


"Yes. It's something...."

"For you to take off." She finished the sentence for me. "Bra?"

"No, I don't think so." A cloud came over her face. I quickly jumped in before she could say anything.

"Your breasts are beautiful, they delight me. But I have never mastered the knack of unclipping a bra one handed." We were back into giggling time again.

"I don't really need a bra, except to stop them drooping as I get older. If I let that happen what little I have would disappear completely."

"I have decided in favour of re-incarnation. So I am going to come back as a your bra, then I shall be in a place of delight all the time." Ann was laughing which turned into a giggle, then a smirk.

"In that case you had better have some practice now. She unbuttoned her blouse again, reached in and somehow her bra came undone. Then she pulled the blouse open. She didn't say anything just looked at me with a beseeching expression. Of their own volition my hands found her breasts, caressing and stroking. My thumb was in exactly the right place to rub over the nub of her nipple which came erect. It actually wasn't the only thing erect as Ann found out.

"Darling there is this lump growing in my back. Is it anything bad?" I ignored that, just touching the breasts that I had imagined and fantasised about all those years before, was enough for me. Ann was breathing heavily.

"Oh David, you touch me as If my breasts are something very precious. It's wonderful. I have never felt like this." I bent my head, and kissed one nipple, then opening my lips took the nipple and sucked it gently into my mouth.

"Aghh, that's so good." I moved to the other nipple and treated that to the same.

"Shhh, bugger! Why don't you have two mouths? It's bloody unfair. God gave me two nipples, why didn't he complete the job?" I started laughing at this blasphemous comment, which if anything brought new and astonishing sensations to Ann.

"Oh fuck! That's even better." I couldn't continue, the laughter had got too much for me. Ann was laughing as well. When she had calmed down she grinned and said.

"See! I told you. We will never be able to get up to too much in bed, as we will be laughing all the time."

She hadn't re-buttoned her blouse. So I could feast my eyes. Ann noticed.

"I have always felt guilty about having small breasts, but I can see in your eyes wonder and love and adoration. That warms me through and through. Thank you David. I shall never feel guilty about them again. If you look at me like that when I am naked, I shall never want to put clothes on either, because that look of yours makes me feel so precious and wanted."

"You are precious and wanted."

"You are as well, David. I felt your cock grow when you touched my breasts. I can't wait for the weekend, when I shall see it, and hold it, and it will love me. Never worry about me not being ready for you, either. I am soaking wet down there." Ann was lost in her thoughts for a while.

"Despite all my banter. I never thought I was a very sexual woman. I am frightened now about what I have found out about me. I have all these thoughts about being depraved and really dirty with you, but I don't know how to go about it. This week will seem like an eternity to me, because I can't wait to be with you, and I want you to do all sorts of things to me. I want you to fuck me and fuck me senseless, and then fuck me some more." I was shaking my head.

"Ann, I will not be doing these things to you." I saw alarm come to her face, and continued quickly. "We will be doing these things together. I will fuck you, and sometimes you will fuck me, but at all times we will be making love."

Ann was quiet. Unusual I know, but she was thinking about what I had just said.

"David. How can I fuck you?"

"I will lie back, present you with an erect cock. You sit on it with it inside you and you do the work, at your own pace." The look that came over her was astonishment.

"Do people do it that way?"


"And you won't mind me being on top?"

"Not at all. I can reach your breasts that way. I think we will both find that very exciting."

"David you are going to have to teach me." She grinned. "I am looking forward to the lessons."

"It's a bit like dancing lessons, I suppose."

"Naked dancing lessons." She gave that a thought, and a lascivious smile adorned her face as she said.

"Now that's depraved and dirty, see I'm getting there. This could be very interesting."

It was getting late and I had to make a move. But there was something I wanted to ask.

"Why my place?"

"Because I haven't seen it. I'm a woman and I'm curious. There's no end of information a woman can pick up just by looking around someone else's home. But mainly because you would not want Sam trying to interfere when you are bouncing up and down on me. He would you know. He may think you're attacking me. Silly really as I've already surrendered."

"What will you do about Sam?"

"Oh, he's no problem. He spends a lot of his time with Sheila next door. She even had a cat flap put in especially. So If I'm not here, he goes and makes himself at home with Sheila."

Ann did not button up her blouse as we went to the door. She explained her exhibition simply.

"I have been unhappy with them since they grew. No longer. My man loves them so now I do as well. And I just wanted him to keep them in mind until Friday." That led to another bout of kissing disease.

"One last thing."

"Yes please, another kiss." replied Ann.

"I am cooking Friday!"

"You can cook as well?"

"I thought about going out, but I think I shall want an early night."

"Do you know, I think I shall as well."

*CHAPTER SIX Allurement and Lechery*

We talked every night, willing away the time until the Friday. Ann decided that she would come round in her own car.

"Then I can drive straight to work on Monday." I waited knowing that there would be a cheeky comment to follow.

"Besides I may have trouble walking by then."

"I have no idea what you mean." I gave her an opportunity for another witty reply.

"Oh yes you do. If you spend as much time between my legs as I hope you will, they will be stuck in the open position. I may have trouble walking, but I shall have a very happy smile on my face."

I gave her the directions to my place.

"What are you cooking for me?"

"My repertoire is limited, but I thought Lasagne would be good, but no garlic bread."

"Sounds good, especially the bit about garlic bread. I intend that a lot of kissing will take place."

"That's what I thought."

"You see, David! We were made for each other."

What do I remember about that weekend? Of details few, of the senses much. The sight of Ann laying in my bed, naked and so beautiful, waiting for me. She didn't have the nightgown nor the panties, as she wanted to present herself to me without covering or inhibition. Then there was the way she reacted to my loving. The way I reacted to her need for me, and the need I felt for her. All of these things impressed on my memories far more than the actual physical actions. I had made love with some very nice ladies in my past, but now realised that it was simply sex. This was making love, and making love with Ann could take you to another plane where the senses overwhelmed the mind. When Ann confessed to me that some of what happened was new to her, I was surprised and worried that I could have offended her. With her reply I understood that she too had found that ethereal plane.

"My darling David. Never before have I felt such love. Nothing I have ever experienced came close to the joy I felt with you. No one has ever loved my pussy as you did with your mouth and tongue, but I was happy to let you do that, a little frightened as it was strange to me, then the fireworks went off. I couldn't believe how much pleasure that gave me. Then when you went inside me it was blissful, my whole being centred on my pussy, everything I felt was coming from there. I cannot think of any other terms with which I can describe that wonderful moment."

We had gone to bed at nine o' clock that Friday evening. It was four in the morning when we went to sleep, and eleven o' clock the next morning when I awoke. Ann was still in my arms. Looking up at me with a very contented smile on her face. I don't know how long she had been awake, but she had let me sleep.

"Good morning lover."

"Good morning my beautiful, sweet lady."

"I can't get enough of you telling me I am beautiful, even when I know you are lying."

"Never!" She laughed.

"Dear David. I have just woken up. I cannot be beautiful at this moment, It will take me at least an hour putting on all the slap to achieve that miracle."

"Beauty comes from within, and you are beautiful. However I must leave that beauty right now as I need the bathroom!" Ann assumed a tragic face.

"My lover, he is so romantic."

I got up and dashed to the bathroom. I stood sighing heavily as I relaxed my bladder. Sounds from the bedroom alerted me, and suddenly Ann was behind me, looking round my shoulder.

"Ooh that looks so funny. Can I hold it for you?"

"Be my guest." Ann took hold of my cock, then giggled.

"I can feel the vibrations running through it." She relaxed her hold a little and of course the stream threatened to go all over. It was impossible. Ann was giggling so much and shaking with laughter, and my errant stream was going with her. I took hold again. The stream finished so Ann pulled off a piece of toilet paper and wiped the end thoroughly. I flushed the cistern and Ann immediately sat down and impishly smiled at me as she too began to pee. The intimacy of the situation was overwhelming. Ann was laying down a marker for our relationship. No closed doors, no secrets, no false modesty.

We had a hurried breakfast, then I showered and shaved. Whilst I shaved, Ann took her shower. She got out to find me waiting with a towel. Drying her body led me to more intimate touches, and within five minutes we were back in bed again.

After the initial storm had passed, Ann propped herself up on one elbow and looked at me. I was still recovering from coming yet again.

"I want to do something for you." I must have looked puzzled.

"David, I want to suck your cock." She stopped and her face clouded with worry. "I have to say this, then I shall never make the comparison again. Rob wanted me to suck him, but once he was in my mouth, he would grab my head and force his cock into my mouth brutally. There was no pleasure for me in it, and sometimes he bruised my throat. I promised myself after we split that I would never do that again. And I haven't." I interrupted her.

"You don't have to do that." She shook her head.

"No, I knew you would say that. That's why I love you so much. But I want to because I love you. You are nothing like your brother, and the way you treated me last night has convinced me that there should be nothing that we couldn't do together. I want to suck you now, for you, and for me as well. To see if it is enjoyable. At some time, not now but sometime, I will want you to enter me at the back. I am a virgin there, and I want to give you something that no other man has had, nor will." I pulled her down to me and held her so tight. Ann snuggled to me as if the closeness had come to mean life itself. Eventually she pulled away, and smiled.