Fuck 'Em All!


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"Okay. Get up on your hands and knees."

She giggled, scrambled into position, and said playfully, "Lube me up and do me!"

Charles poured the lube on her butt, worked it into her asshole, coated his cock, and asked, "Ready?"


"Okay, here goes." He pushed his hips forward, he met some resistance, and then the tip of his dick slipped in her.

"Oh. Ah. Ah. Ah."

He stopped and asked, "Does it hurt?"

"No, but it feels weird. I'm scared. Let me take a breath."

Charles waited as she exhaled slowly, watched her body relax, and then pushed more of his dick into her. She didn't speak, flinch, or squeal, so he kept at it until all of his cock was inside her. He withdrew partially and re-entered her. He kept his movements slow and cautious as he lengthened his strokes.

"Oh! I feel full. It feels like you're going in very deep. This is intense. I'm enjoying it, but not just because it feels good. The taboo factor of being a dirty girl doing this dirty, nasty deed is a real turn-on."

Charles paused and said, "I prefer vaginal sex. It's easier, no prep, no worrying about hurting my partner, and I can pound you. However, it sure is hot seeing my dick in your ass, and I feel likeThe Man and you're surrendering, submitting to me."

"Are we're done?"

"No fucking way! I'm coming in your ass, and you're going to quake and come harder than you normally do."

He leaned over, put his hand on her clit, and frigged her as he fucked her ass with gusto.

"Oh. Oh!"

He kept up his assault. She was overwhelmed with the stimulation. She cooed, moaned, pushed her ass into Charles, and finally, the dam broke. She screamed as she orgasmed.

"Oh! Fuck!"

Charles' climax was right behind her. "Oh, oh, oh!" He collapsed on top of Emily. She teetered over, and the two of them fell on their sides. His condom-covered penis slipped out of her.


Charles's medical studies intensified, and he had very little time to spend with Emily. When they managed to get together at Charles' place after a three-week hiatus, Emily said, "I like you a lot. We always have a great time when we're together. The problem is your schedule doesn't allow us to be together often enough."

"I wish I could see you every day."

"I know, and I'd never ask you to forgo becoming a doctor. That's your dream. I'm nineteen, and I want to have fun. In a few years, I'll be married and have kids. Now is the time for me to kick up my heels. We're aren't in sync. I'm sorry; I have to break up with you."

"I understand."

"One for the road?" Emily asked.

"One what?"

Emily smiled and said, "Sex! We've always been great in bed."

She kissed him. Their clothes fell off, and they had sex. There was an urgency to their actions. A desire to please the other. They wanted to give their lover a fond farewell and to have a beautiful memory of someone who meant a great deal to them.

Charles thumbed Emily's stiff nipples, hefted her boobs, suckled, and tweaked her nipples, making her groan and sigh. She crawled away and lavished attention on his cock, sucked his balls, and deep-throated him.

"Oh. Wow!," he exclaimed as he lay still and let her please him. She took a break because she was getting light-headed. He gently rolled her over and dove between her thighs. He ate her pussy and was rewarded with her freely flowing, sweet, tangy nectar that he slurped up.

They fucked, moving smoothly and seamlessly as if choreographed from one position to the other. He guided her on top of him and said, "Let's finish with you on top. You come hard that way. I want to see your face as you climax, and I want to be treated to a great view of your breasts. After all, they are responsible for us getting together."

She giggled, got on top of him, and impaled herself on his thick cock. She said, "That's true. If I hadn't flashed you, we'd never have dated and had five great months together."

Her eyes welled up, and a tear rolled down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away, plastered a forced smile on her face, and said, "I promised myself that I wouldn't cry."

He handed her a tissue. She used it to dab her eyes and blow her nose. She tossed the soiled tissue onto the nightstand. She flexed her pelvic floor muscles, grabbed his cock, and got his attention.

"We will not be maudlin," she said and took his hands and placed them on her breasts. "Play with these while I ride your stiff thick cock."

She closed her eyes and brought them one last, bittersweet orgasm.

^^^^ Fall of 1980^^

"Hey! You stepped on my jumpsuit," the young woman shouted, but it was too late. The runner who committed the offense was gone.

It was also too late to stop her wardrobe malfunction. The runner stepped on a cuff of her strapless, lime green jumpsuit pinning it to the ground as the college student stepped forward, causing her breasts to pop out.

Charles saw her plump, bell-shaped tits.

He would have noticed her anyway. No one could miss a pretty woman with vibrant green hair.

Her big, beautiful brown eyes dominated a round, attractive face. He smiled at her as he ogled her bare breasts.

The woman smiled back in a chagrined manner as she tugged on her jumpsuit and tucked her boobs inside. She said, "My first day at college, and I'm already flashing people. Please tell me you're not teaching Intro to English Literature."

"No. I'm not a professor or teaching assistant. I'm a first-year resident at the hospital. My name's Charles Young. and you are...?"

She stuck out her hand and said, "My name is Grace Rivera."

He shook her hand and said, "Grace, remember it's not how you start that counts, but how you finish. I've been embarrassed many times. I find that alcohol is the best cure. Can I buy you a beer?"

"But I'm only eighteen," she explained.

Charles smoothly stepped beside her, intertwined his arm with hers, and said, "You're in a college town where such technicalities are overlooked. Bars need to make money; college students need to let off steam and have fun. Accommodations are made, especially for pretty women."

He led her to a raucous bar where they talked, drank, and flirted. They ended up at his place, where her mouth quickly found his cock.

"Oh, you're good at that," he said. She was kneeling on the floor, looking up at him with her big, brown eyes.

He smiled and said, "There's only one thing that could make this blowjob better." He bent over, pushed her top down to expose her ample breasts. "There."

She chuckled and resumed giving him great head.

"Oh! That was wonderful," Charles said. "Now it's my turn."

He stood her up and took off her outfit. The short, slim woman stood there in her ultra-high cut panties. He gave her a well-deserved wolf whistle as he undressed. When he was completely naked, he told her to remove her panties.

He scooped the naked woman off her feet and said, "You're a little thing, aren't you?"

He dropped the petite woman on the bed. She bounced and laughed. He sat beside her and, after lavishing kisses on her, he brought his head to her chest and said, "These are extraordinary."

He gave her breasts the attention they deserved before going south and making her scream.

"Oh, yeah!"

He licked her crotch from stem to stern.

His tongue explored her flaps and crevices before settling on her clit. He attacked her button with crisscrossing strokes of his tongue.

"Oh, yes! Oh! Oh!" she cried out as she climaxed. Her thighs flexed and trapped his head in a vise-like grip. She sighed, released him, and said, "God! It's great to be with an older, experienced man!"

After a bathroom break and a shot of Jim Beam, Grace was ready for round two. The little woman knew what she wanted. They fucked in a couple of positions to get revved up, and then she got on her hands and knees.

"Fuck me doggie style. I like it hard, fast, and deep."

Charles pounded her, and she came a second time screaming louder than before. He filled the sexy nymph's pussy with his cum.


Grace and Charles had a casual, non-exclusive sexual relationship. She was a free spirit and had no problem with his long hours. They'd hook up when their schedules allowed. She thought nothing about stopping by his place at two or three in the morning after drinking with friends and fucking him.

She loved it when the big man railed her slim frame. She enjoyed sucking his cock and swallowed every time. She was a pleasure whore who would walk in, strip, and demand that he eat her pussy. She'd fuck or suck him in return, leave, and not be gone for days or weeks.


Grace knelt beside Charles and dangled her heavy breasts over him. Her hair, recently dyed pink, fell in his face as she shook her heavy boobs against his cheeks. Charles reached up with his mouth, trying to suck on her pointed nipples.

She said, "Charley, I need a favor."

"Anything, he answered as he groped and sucked on her tits.

"I know you have the day off, which is rare, and we planned to go out after we finished fucking, but I need you to go to a party with me."

"No problem. I'm up for a party."

She dragged her breasts across his face and said, "This isn't a beer fest. It's a family thing. Dinner at my mom's with my sisters."

She sat on her heels and said, "I'm the youngest of three. They all think of me as flighty because of how I act and because I like to dye my hair crazy colors. They treat me like a child and don't take me seriously. I'm going to wash the pink out of my hair, wear a bra and a nice dress, and show them I'm a responsible adult. I want you, Dr. Young, on my arm wearing a suit and tie when I introduce you as my boyfriend."

"Am I your boyfriend?"

"I know we aren't exclusive. Will you do me this favor? It'd mean the world to me, and I'm sure it would get my family to look at me in a new light. As an equal. As an adult. I'd be forever grateful."


"Yippee!" She stood and jumped up and down. She grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the bed towards the bathroom. "Let's take a shower, and we can fuck after I wash this dye out of my hair."

They undressed. As Charles stepped out of his underwear, he asked, "What color is your hair? I've seen it green, blue, red, and purple."

"Brown. A shade lighter than my pubes," she responded.

They got into the shower. She squealed and giggled when he groped her breasts and pressed his erection against her little ass. She pried his hands off her magnificent breasts and said, "Wash me first. Then you can fuck me. Start with a shampoo."

Charles washed the artificial color out of her hair and scrubbed the little nymph and himself. He spun her, so she faced him and lifted her. Grace smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. They kissed hungrily.

Grace reached down, guided his hard dick to her opening, and Charles thrust forcefully into her.

"Oh!" they both cried.

Charles pinned his girl against the shower tiles and fucked her savagely just the way she liked it. They cried out, announcing their orgasms, and slowly slid down the wall and sat on the floor of the shower. The shower spray pelted them; they didn't appear to notice.


"Oh. We're late," Grace whined as she and Charles got out of his car. She rushed to the front porch with Charles behind her. She pulled the screen door open and said, "Shit! I forgot my purse."

She let go of the screen door and returned to the car. The door slammed shut. While Charles waited for Grace, the wooden front door swung open. Grace's mother and two sisters peered out and screeched in unison, "Charles?"

"What are you doing here?" Betsy asked. Grace's mother and sisters looked at him with big eyes and shocked looks on their faces.

Grace joined Charles, smiled, and said, "Hi, Mom. Hi, Cecelia. Hi, Emily."

The three women in the house stared at the well-dressed couple. They appeared nervous, uneasy, and shell-shocked. Charles knew why. He had the same expression on his face because he was surprised to see three women who he'd had sex with and learn that they were related.

The smile faded from Grace's face as she processed what she saw and heard. "Do you guys already know Charles? How?"

"Ah. Ah. Ah," her daughters stammered.

Charles opened the screen door and said, "Mrs. Summers, it is so nice to see you again." He turned to Grace and said, "I met your mother when I worked at the church's nursing home before going to college."

He looked at her sisters and said, "Cecelia and Emily, lovely to see you too. I met them at college. I didn't know you were related. Everyone has a different last name."

"That's my fault," Betsy said. "When you met me I was using my maiden name. I've been married and divorced four times, and each of my girls has a different father and a different last name. Come in."

Grace and Charles entered the small house. Her mother stepped forward and said, "Grace, you look lovely." She gave her daughter a warm embrace and said, "So you're dating Charles? Splendid."

"Yes," Grace said proudly.

Emily giggled nervously and said, "Charles and I dated also."

"Me too," Cece said.

"Small world!" Betsy proclaimed and smiled awkwardly. "Drink anyone?"

"I need one," Cece said.

"Make mine a double," Emily said.

They all got a drink and sat in the family room. The quiet was deafening.

"Charles, tell me more about how you know my family," Grace requested.

"As I mentioned, I met your mother at the nursing home when I returned to the states from China. She mentioned she had three children and called them Sissy, Boo, and Mouse."

Grace laughed and said, "Ha! It's been a while since we've gone by those names. I'm Mouse."

"I see the family resemblance. You all have different color hair, but you have similar eyes, round faces, and..." He paused as his face turned red.

"Were you going to say big boobs?" Emily asked. "They do run in the family."

"Dinner is ready," Betsy announced.

They sat, ate, and drank red wine. At first, the conversation was sparse and stilted. As they consumed more wine, the talking increased. The atmosphere got tense when Grace asked her date how long he'd dated her sisters and how close they were. Charles hedged his answers.

When dinner was over, Betsy said, "Charles, would you help me clear the table?"


When they were alone in the kitchen, Betsy's motherly concern boiled over, and she yelled, "Have you slept with all my daughters?"


Betsy was drunk and enraged. She shouted, "Unbelievable! You fucked me and my girls?"

"Not on purpose. I didn't set out to. I didn't know they were your children or that they were sisters."

Everyone in the house heard them shouting and came into the kitchen. Charles faced them and said, "Please believe me. This wasn't some scheme on my part to screw a mother and her three daughters. As I've said, I didn't know you were related. I met each of you, liked you, and we dated. I cared deeply for each of you."

He looked at them. The daughters were crowded around their mother.

"I think I treated you all well and that our relationships ended amicably after running their courses."

He was sweating as he said, " Betsy, you and I had a summer fling."

He turned to the daughters and said, "Cecelia, you broke up with me to explore life. Emily, our schedules, dreams, and plans conspired against us. And Grace, wouldn't it be fair to describe our relationship as casual and non-monogamous?"

"Girls, he was respectful to me," Betsy said. "It sounds like he was good to all of us. Is that right?" Betsy asked.

Her daughters nodded.

"Sorry I blew my top, Charles," Betsy said. She looked at her daughters and said. "I thought that maybe he hurt or took advantage of you."

"Cece, Emily," Grace said. "It's weird that we've all had sex with the same guy. I have no regrets about being with Charles. He's a great guy. I brought him here tonight to show off that I have a doctor for a boyfriend, but that isn't true. We're friends who occasionally sleep together. If one of you has or thinks you could have a deeper connection, I'm willing to step aside."

Emily and Cecelia looked at one another.

Emily spoke first, "Charles and I had fun, but we were never serious. I'm in love with my current boyfriend."

Cece went to Charles and looked at him deeply. "I regret breaking up with you. I was young and foolish. I haven't met anyone who compares to you."

Charles put his hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eyes, "I loved you. I let you go because I understood you couldn't commit. You weren't ready."

Tears streamed down Cece's face as she said, "I'm ready. Will you give me...us another chance?"


The End

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LightninrodLightninrod5 months ago

Only 4 stars for this one, the reason is because I wanted Grace to end up married to Charles, the others broke up with him for their own reasons. He is a few years older and wiser but Mouse should have won him over.

brunnzlbrunnzl12 months ago

sorry, but you gave away the punchline before you told the joke. which is delivered rather stiffly; the way the protagonists talk it is hard to believe they are real people. try to get rid of the schoolbook style, and put some life into your characters.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

In response to Anonymous (July or thereabouts 2022): I don't think that Charles should have faced any consequences beyond those he did. The simple truth of the matter is that he didn't do anything wrong. He had no way of knowing the four women were related, and he treated them all with respect. Now is it /realistic/ that the fallout was so mild and resolved so easily? Absolutely not -- the awkwardness would have continued at least for a period of weeks or months, and Cecilia would not have rekindled their relationship so quickly, nor would she have done so without discussing the matter privately with her sisters and mother, especially Grace. But this isn't real life, it's fiction, and the time compression after the truth was discovered is within the bounds of literary license.

In response to Mojo648: No, he shouldn't have. Charles is of an age and personality to want a family, and Betsy is by now too old for childbearing, at least not without considerable risk. Furthermore, the two of them never had enough emotional connection for that sort of relationship. That isn't to say they weren't fond of each other, nor that each wasn't likely to hold those memories dear for a lifetime, but the relationship was ultimately one of mutual convenience.

Mojo648Mojo648almost 2 years ago

Should've gone with betsy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Excellent story very believable. The beginning with Betsy is a little clumsy but it works. The progression through each of the daughters while similar does push the reader to step and think what are the odds. Overall I have to say well written and if I was told it was a true story I would believe it to the end. The ending would have been more interesting if more was to develop about the mother and older sisters acted more protective. That way you could see Charles have to deal with some consequences of having slept with all four of them. Then come back to Cece acknowledging the love she still has for him and even a point where their life together unfolds….

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