Fuck the Police (But In A Good Way!)

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My new partner bets he can turn me gay.
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My name's Javier, but people call me Javy. I've been a beat cop for seven years. My service record is clean but unremarkable. I'd rather not say what city we serve, but it's progressive, at least on paper. That means people of color, like me, are only slightly underrepresented on the force, and the occasional bad cop doesn't embarrass the department by using slurs. Two weeks ago, my old partner got promoted to sergeant, so they assigned me a new partner, Scott. He's only been on the force for a year and a half.

For the first couple of days, we talked about our history with the force and our aspirations. I don't have any desire to be a detective or a captain; I like what I'm doing, which is patrolling my section of town in a car. We also talked about our families. Shane is outgoing, but we both held back on details until we got a little more comfortable. He told me about his parents but said he was unattached. Part of this conversation happened when I took him to a bar after work so we could share a beer.

When we got in the patrol car to start our third day, Scott told me, "By the way, I'm gay. If that's a problem for you, you can go ahead and ask for a new partner now, no hard feelings."

I told him, "I don't know if you're assuming that I'll have a problem with it because I was raised Catholic, but I don't. My priest taught love over everything else."

Once that was out of the way, he started sharing more. He'd had a boyfriend, Shane, until a month or two ago. I'd been engaged to a girl named Marissa until a year ago, and dealing with the occasional streetwalker or junkie had dampened my interest in getting back into the dating pool. Shane wouldn't say anything where people could hear him, but he'd occasionally point out a woman he thought should pique my interest or a guy who did the same for him.

We became real partners fairly quickly, stopping at McBrick's a couple times a week at the end of our shift. On one of these nights about a month in, he'd had two drinks. (Since the first time, we'd traded off on driving.) He wasn't slurring or anything, but he whispered, "I bet I could turn you."

I knew what he meant, but I asked, "What, into a dragon?"

"Give me a night, and I can turn you gay."

"You're drunk," I told him.

"I've had two beers, and I can hold my liquor. See that guy over there?" I think he was pointing to a fat guy in his 30's. "He doesn't look attractive to me yet."

"You can't turn me gay," I insisted. "I'm taking you home."

"Wow, I'm better than I thought!" Scott said. Then he pointed out a guy in another part of the bar who he thought was attractive and went over to talk to him. I stayed a comfortable distance in case Scott's gaydar was right but close enough to step in if he was wrong. A few minutes later, Scott came back to me with a slip of paper. "That's Brent. I got his number," he told me.

"Then what are you doing here?" I asked.

"You're my buddy," he said indignantly. "I'm not gonna ditch you!"

"My bad," I said. I took him home just in case.

When Scott and I got into the car the next morning, I asked him if he'd called Brent yet. "No, I'll wait a day or two," he answered. He paused and looked at my expression. "You didn't think I'd remember him 'cause I was drunk," he said. "I told you, I can handle my liquor."

"Just checking," I said.

"And I also meant what I said about turning you. I'll bet if you spent one night with me, I could get you to play for my team," Scott said boldly."

I had hoped he'd either forgotten it or decided to move on. "I can't believe you're still talking about this. Or that we still call it 'playing for the other team.' Are you that good, or do you just think every guy is two drinks away?"

"Well, I think I'm that good, and you might only be a drink and a half away," Scott answered. I laughed it off.

Scott made jokes about it a few more times that day. Toward the end of the shift, I asked him, "Okay, suppose we made this bet. First of all, what would we wager, and second, how would we even know who won? Even if you did get me to like guys, I could just lie about it. It's not like I'd suddenly develop a lisp that would give me away."

"Good point," he answered. "How 'bout this? If I can get you to the point where you want my dick, then you have to walk in the next pride parade."

"And if you can't?" I asked.

"I have to go a whole shift without talking about who's hot or not and who's gay or not."

"Nowthat's a prize worth winning!" I told him.

We went to my place, and we both took off our uniform shirts. Scott started by saying, "I guess we need to decide what the rules are."

I started by suggesting, "Well, you said you could turn me. That implies that you have to be the active one."

"Right," Scott agreed. "And to make it apples to apples, I really need to show you that I can do what a woman can do, only better."

"That narrows it down a lot," I said.

"Not as much as you think," Scott replied.

"That's practically what you're trying to prove. How 'bout this? Women don't have dicks, so you can't touch me with your dick."

"Unless you ask me for it, but that would mean I've already won. But, just so I can concentrate on what I'm doing to you, my dick can come in contact with you, but only by accident. Anything that doesn't involve it is fair play."

"I think that sounds fair," I said.

Scott stood in front of me and put his hands between my undershirt and my chest. He pushed my shirt up and caressed my sides. He unbuttoned and unzipped my pants, but he didn't go any further than that. Then he kissed my right earlobe. "Feel good?" he asked.

"Only 'cause I'm thinking of an old girlfriend," I told him.

"No fair!" Scott protested. "Wait. On second thought, that's fine. If it feels good, then I'm still doing it as well as she did." He nuzzled the side of my neck. I could feel a bulge in my uniform pants. I hoped he didn't notice, because I was sure he'd say that proved his point. I thought I'd gotten away with it when he moved behind me. He put his hands under my shirt again and this time he caressed my nipples.

"Hey, that tickles," I said. I jerked away from his hand, but I backed into his crotch. I could feel that he was hard.

"I'm sure it does," Scott said with a wicked tone. He moved his hands to the space between my underwear and my uniform pants on my hips and pushed down.

I laughed. "Ha! You can't do anything from back there without forfeiting."

"If you think that, then I'm gonna have an easier time than I thought, because your girlfriends were lazy." I heard him unzip his own pants. I assumed he's already unsnapped them and I just hadn't heard it.

"Hey, ground rules. You gotta keep that under wraps!"

"It is," he assured me. "I'm just getting as comfortable as you."

I wanted to say, "That's not very comfortable," but he would have said that meant he was winning. Instead I said, "If I think you touched me with that on purpose, I win."

"Believe me, when I do it on purpose, you'll know it." He paused for a moment. "And want it." He pushed my pants down almost to the knees. He rubbed my hips while he kissed my neck and my ears. He probably couldn't feel my cock, but he must have felt the fabric stretching. "Has anyone woman done this for you?"

"Done what?" I asked.

"This!" he repeated. "Rubbing your hips just because it feels good and not doing your cock!"

"I have to admit, they haven't, which is funny, 'cause they always like it when I do it to them."

"Women!" Scott muttered. "You can't live with 'em, and-well, actually you can." He pushed my pants down a little further and caressed the sides of my thighs. When he did this, my underwear moved all around. There was no way he didn't know that I was hard. It didn't matter, because I'd be the winner as long as I didn't ask for his cock. I could feel that cock at my butt. I didn't think he was doing it on purpose, and it wasn't actually making me want anything, but I had to admit, it didn't feel bad.

His hands started moving, and I thought sure he was going to grab my cock, or at least try to rub it through my shorts, so I tried to move away. When I did, I dragged his hands across my thighs, and one of them dragged across my ass. That actually did feel good! "Move to the couch, Javy," he told me.

"No," I said. I think my voice was steady, but I could feel my heart racing.

"If you don't, you have to walk with me," he reminded me. At first I thought that was a euphemism for something I'd forgotten, but then I remembered the pride parade.

"Crap," I said, and I went to the couch. I figured he'd try something before long that required me to get up and take my shorts off, so I did it before I sat down. Scott did the same. He sat down next to me and pulled me to face him. He kissed me on the lips. Rather than deal with another round of "do it or forfeit," I let him. I even opened my mouth. His chin felt a little rough on mine, but his tongue didn't feel much different than a woman's. I told myself I was just playing along. Anyone could kiss; that didn't mean I wanted sex.

Scott ran his hand over my right arm, the one away from the couch, and when he got to my hand, he dropped his to my knee. He ran it back up until he reached my hip. This time instead of his whole hand, he just ran his finger up and down my side. That got me hard enough that I made a big tent. My dick was still inside, but I could see it through the fly, and I knew Scott could too. "Someone likes this," he observed. I thought he'd reach in and fish it out. Instead, he told me, "Turn around." When I did, my cock pointed out on its own. He still didn't touch it. This time he ran his fingers up both sides, making my cock even harder. He reached around and gently put his thumb and forefinger over the head. I'd never felt so relieved. He stroked it a few times." My breathing must have given me away, because he said, "Glad you're enjoying it. I couldn't help nodding, even as he added the rest of his fingers and plainly started giving me a hand job.

I panted louder and louder as he stroked harder, hoping I wouldn't come, but I did. He moved my legs so that his hand and his own legs were the only things getting wet. When I had my breath back, I told him, "That doesn't prove anything."

"Phase two," Scott said. He stood up and took the rest of his clothes off.

"We agreed, no contact!" I yelped. I stood up too.

"But the way I win is if you ask for it," he pointed out. "I just want you to see what you'll be asking for."

"It's not that impressive," I said. For a moment, I was ashamed of myself for trying to belittle my friend.

"Good," he said. "Because if you long for a cock that you know is only average size, that means you really like cock." When I stood up, I ended up making things easier for him. My pants were already half way down. He pulled them down to my ankles and then did the same to my shorts. I kicked them off. Even if I won, I knew they'd be coming off soon enough anyway. Scott knelt in front of me. I assumed he'd zero in on my dick, especially since it was already at attention. Instead, he caressed my calves and then my thighs and finally my buttocks. By the time he got his fingers between my butt cheeks, I was almost ready to ask him to suck me, which wouldn't lose me the bet, but it would feel like a defeat. He spared me. He took my sac in his mouth and tickled each ball with his tongue. He put his hands back on my buttocks and kissed a line up the underside of my shaft. When he got to the head, he took it in. I wouldn't say he went slowly, but he didn't try to take it all at once. Once he had it, he wasted no time in bobbing up and down. Right before I thought I was ready to blow, he got a finger into my asshole.

When he found my prostate, I couldn't hold back any more. I yelled, "Oh, shit!" I don't know if it's because of how hard I came or if he just knew how to make a show of it, but my cum was dripping out of the side of his mouth.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

I wiped the cum off his mouth. "It's a little messy."

"Oh, like coming in a pussy isn't." I was almost ready to concede, but he pushed me back. I landed on the couch. He sat beside me and helped me move around so I was on all fours. Soon I felt his tongue on my anus. He reached around and started stroking my cock again. He must have sensed when I was about to come again, because he asked, "Are you ready, Javy?"

I couldn't wait any more. "Hell, yeah!" I said. I broke free of his hands. I pushed him onto the floor. Now he was on all fours.

"Oh, you wanna fuck me, huh? I was saving that for last." He spread his legs.

"Not that way," I told him. I felt his cockhead. It was moist. Good. I crouched over him. Whatever his tongue hadn't accomplished, the pre-cum did. I got his cock in my ass with no effort. I bounced up and down on that glorious dick.

"Oh, yeah, you love this, don't you?" Scott goaded.

"Shit, yeah!" I moaned. Scott tried to get up, but I pushed him back. "No, I want it like this!" I insisted. I could feel him getting harder inside my ass, and it drove me on. Once I realized that I could only do so much, I said, "Okay, lemme move." Without letting him out of my ass, I rolled around until we were both on my knees.

Now Scott picked up the pace. "Oh, yeah, Javy, you've got such a hot ass. Anyone tell you that?"

"Now and then," I said with a smile. "Fuck me! Fuck me hard!" I could feel his balls against my thighs.

"I'm gonna come!" he warned me.

I slowed my hips so Scott could control his movements better. "Give it to me, Scott!" Once I felt my ass filling up with his cum, I moved my hips slowly. I wanted to feel the cum and his cockhead at the same moment.

When Scott pulled his dick out of me, he said, "Looks like I won."

I did my best game show announcer voice and told him, "Now here's what you've really won!" I got him on his back again and aimed my mouth for his dick.

"Not yet!" Scott protested. "That was just in your nasty ass!"

"You didn't think it was so nasty a few minutes ago," I told him.

"Shower time," he grunted. He'd been here enough times to know where the bathroom was. He followed me there. "What about the towels?" he asked.

"They're in a closet in the bathroom," I told him. "We don't have to leave the room to get 'em."

"Perfect," he said.

I started the water. It was the same temperature as the last time I used it. When Scott stepped in, I asked, "How's it feel?"

"Just right," he said. He picked up the soap and lathered my dick.

"Mine's not the one that's dirty," I said.

"Define dirty," Scott said. "I didn't wash my hands before I started the hand job. I'm not saying anything disgusting is on there, but it's the grime from an ordinary day at work. A cop's ordinary day at work." He rinsed me off and handed me the soap. I lathered his dick up. I picked up a face cloth and wiped his dick clean, stroking him until he was hard. I even kissed him while I was doing it. I got on my knees and kissed each of his balls. "You do this like you've done it before," he noted.

I stopped licking his shaft long enough to ask, "Who says I haven't?"

"Wait, what do you mean?"

"Well, what's gay mean?" I asked.

"It means you like guys."

"Guys only or does it include switch-hitters?"

"You son of a bitch. You set me up!" Scott shouted.

"Why, 'cause I already liked guys and you don't get to count me as a victory?"

"I'll show you victory," he said. He pushed my head down, and his cock hit the furthest part of my tongue that I could feel. For a split second I thought I felt the very tip.

I pushed back far enough that I could gasp, "Choking."

He took his hand off. "Sorry 'bout that."

"Who says I'm complaining?" I asked. I took him all the way in, but first I said, "Oh, yes, Officer. This is much better than a ticket." Since I was in control, I was able to feel the glans as it ran along the roof of my mouth.

He put his hands back on my mouth and pushed hard. "Yeah, that's it, suck it, you little bitch."

I pushed him back and stood up. "I'm nobody's bitch, Bitch!" Then I turned him around. I soaped his ass up. He wasn't very thorough about rinsing my dick off, maybe because he anticipated this, so between us, we had plenty of lube. I moved my cock inside his ass much more deliberately than I'd taken him in mine, and he seemed to like it.

Scott changed the roles. "Now, Officer GarcĂ­a, isn't this better than me writing you up for what you did to that nice lady driver?"

I did what he'd done for me and stroked his cock while I fucked him. "I'm not the only one with a nice ass," I told him. I timed my syllables to my strokes, the way my mom used to do when she spanked me. "It's not as photogenic as mine," I said, "but ... it's ... so ... fuckable. ... Don't you agree?"

"I certainly hope so," Scott agreed. He met every thrust with one of his own, and soon we were each filled with each other's cum.

After I pulled out, Scott turned around and stood up. "What do you mean, mine's not as photogenic?"

I sprayed water on it. "Well, look at it. You look like the uptight white guys that black comedians are always talking about."

"And you?"

I turned around, and Scott sprayed mine. "Just look at this. Not a dimple, not a birthmark, not a scar. If a suspect ever shoots me in the ass, I'll kill him just for ending my modeling career. This is the kind of round butt thatPlaygirl is always after."

"You obviously don't readPlaygirl," Scott said. "They go for the sucked-in ass like mine. But the porn websites? Yeah, they're all over that."

"We should tell 'em we're cops and do a porn shoot," I suggested.

Scott rolled his eyes. "Yeah,that won't end our careers."

"Okay, maybe we should just write a script and let someone else do the hard work."

Scott suggested the titleThe Think Rainbow-Colored Line. He paused for a moment and said, "Dammit," apparently in response to nothing at all.


"I just got what you meant at the beginning. You bet that I couldn't turn you gay because you already are! Well, bi, I guess, but you're obviously in the 'bi is a subset of gay' school of thought, while I'm in the '1 versus 2' camp."

"1 versus 2?" I asked.

"If you show me a naked man and a naked woman, I'm gonna try to fuck one of 'em. A straight guy's gonna try to fuck one of 'em. We're both 1's. You'll try to fuck 'em both. You're a 2. Why do you think they call it bisexual?"

"Yeah, I guess that makes sense." I made an effeminate voice and asked, "Um, about that 'Javy, Javy,' business ..."

"We're partners," Scott said. "Not 'partners.' Not that we couldn't be, but I'm still sowing my wild oats."

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Benzguy280Benzguy280over 7 years ago

Great story got me hard and horny! Wish I would have had a partner like that to turn me gay.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

Great story. It was a surprise ending, but good. Now these two know they are partners in more ways than one.

PrincesXoXoCocoPrincesXoXoCocoover 8 years ago
So fucking good

Ohh my although I'm a female gay sex stories get me so wet every time this book was by far my favourite

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