Fun With Sister-in-Law Ch. 05

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Sister-in-law tells her story.
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Part 4 of the 9 part series

Updated 10/25/2022
Created 12/10/2000
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Fun With Sister-In-Law

Part 5

As I joined Sue and my wife I heard them discussing Louise and gave my full attention to their conversation.

Sue said, looking over at me, “I’ll start over for your benefit”

“You didn’t know that Louise and I had made arrangements to meet later, so our ruse to have her leave first and me follow a few minutes later was our feeble attempt to mislead you.”

I smiled and told her, “actually you did, because I had the feeling the two of you had been up to something when you took so long upstairs.”

My wife tried to hide a smile as she asked Sue, “what happened when you left?”

“I went over to her house and spent the night. You’re right, we did fool around upstairs in that lovely room next to your office, the one with the big bed and nice bathroom. I made love to her and she pulled some pretty rough stuff on me, but surprisingly I liked it and was really turned on. We took a shower together and she did some nice things to me to make up for her trick. I’ll tell you more later about that but let me get to what happened last night

“She was naked when I went thru her front door and told me she was going to be like Jeff
and my sister from now on. She said the feeling aroused her and made her pussy and tits tingle.”

“A black Doberman ran over to me and took a few sniffs as dogs do, sticking his nose in my crotch. This is Randy then to the dog, this is Sue. I reached down and took his paw and we were friends. She told me she bought him after the divorce, for company.”

“She fixed us a light meal and opened a bottle of white wine. A few minutes later she said I looked tired and suggested we make an early night of it. I agreed and she led me to her bedroom down the main hall.”

It was a huge room and in the center a large king size bed with a canopy overhead which contained a mirror as big as the bed was long and wide.”

“She pushed me down on the bed and told me to stretch my arms over my head and spread my legs. I obliged and looked up at my body in the mirror getting a bigger appreciation of what I have. My boobs looked so nice and my nips were sticking out as usual. My hairy snatch as Jeff calls it covered my upper thighs and lower belly and I thought how lucky I was.”

“While I was admiring myself, I felt Louise bend down and pick something up from the side of the bed. Next thing I knew, she had fastened two clips to my nipples, faster than
I can say it. I knew she had a mean streak because of what happened upstairs here but was still caught by surprise. She reached up and pulled two thin ropes down from above with some kind of a pulley attachment. She hooked the nipple clips one to each end of the ropes and then pulled on the other end of the rope. I jumped as I felt my nipples being lifted up and my tits being stretched. The clamps hurt, but I felt good about the pain and smiled at her to let her know I was fine. She grinned and told me I wouldn’t be smiling for long as she gave another tug to the two ropes. I felt like my nips were being ripped off and had to look to see. They were pulled out so far, I’d swear at least twice the normal length as I twisted a bit to relieve the pain. By now my eyes were tearing and Louise said, “good, have a nice cry.”

“My upper body was being held off the bed by the ropes as she stood to admire her handiwork. “Now to take care of your cunt”, she said as she walked over to a wall cabinet and opened the door. “

“I could see shelves with several objects but couldn’t make them out from my position.
As she approached I saw this huge dildo in her hand, at least ten inches and as thick as Jeff’s cock. She had a jar of KY jelly in the other hand as she placed the dildo on the bed and bent to look at my pussy.”

“By now, the pain to my nips had turned into sort of an abstract feeling, intensely pleasurable but still hurting.”

“Louise looked up at me and said she wouldn’t need the jelly, I was dripping wet without it. She picked up the dildo. placed it carefully between my lips and gave a hard shove. I bucked as I felt this huge thing go all the way to my cervix. She pulled it back and forth a few times and I realized it was feeling extra good. She stopped and seemed to adjust the length, pulling maybe two or three inches out/ Then she pushed a button and I almost cried out with joy. The dildo had a built-in vibrator and Louise had positioned it at my G-spot. The most intense feeling I’ve ever had flowed thru my body. I forgot the pain in my nipples as my approaching orgasm grew stronger and stronger. I was twisting and turning and my ass kept leaping higher and higher as I started cumming, and then again and again.”

“Louise turned the vibrator off and just slowly moved the dildo back and forth to bring me gradually down from my high. It was easy to push in and out as I was dripping wet and my puss sounded like a river flowing downstream.”

“As I grew more relaxed, I again noticed the pain in my nipples and had to raise my body to ease the worst of the pain. When Louise noticed this she undid the clamps and I fell back on the bed hurting and exhausted.

“Louise applied some salve she had brought from the cabinet to my sore and bruised nipples, saying “they’ll be alright by morning. We fell asleep in each other’s arms and I managed to slip a finger in her puss, just for warmth as we dozed.

“I woke this morning as I felt Louise taking long strokes back and forth along my love channel. What a great tongue she has I thought as I relaxed and closed my eyes just to enjoy the intensity of my feeling.”

“She switched to my clit and really did a job on it, almost as good as you do, Jeff.”

“I had two orgasms in quick succession as she bit my clit and fingered my a-hole.”

“I’m exhausted”, I told her “ last night and now this is too much.”

“I jumped up, ran in the john, showered and came back here’, she said as she finished her coffee.”

“Wow“, my wife told her, “quite a night. but how come I never knew you were Bi-sexual?”

Sue sort of smiled and looked at her sister. “we were never close as children, you my big sister, three years older and spending most of your time at Uncle Harry’s home.”

My wife said “ I guess we all had our secrets back then. I never told anyone about seeing Uncle Harry’s penis until my honeymoon with Jeff.”

Sue gasped. “You mean you saw his cock and never told anyone? It’s a family tradition
and I would have killed to see it, when I was about 16 and starting to develop my sexual feelings.”

She looked at me and said, “mother had a son and then three years later your wife was born, then each year after, a girl, another girl, then me, then another boy.”

“Our house was small, so the two girls shared one room and I shared with young Will the last boy. The older brother and your wife were just down the street and even though they visited a lot we didn’t speak too often. If they slept over, it was on the living room couches.”

“I was probably four or five when I remember asking my mother why I didn’t have one of those little things Will had between his legs? She laughed and told me because he’s a boy and you’re a girl and that’s the difference. That night for the first time, I remember reaching over as we got into our little bed and grabbing it, pulling as I did. He whimpered a bit, but didn’t cry. He sort of looked up to me as his protector and I could do no wrong.
I remember pulling harder to see why it didn’t come off and he only whimpered again. I know now he was a tough little kid, but then only thought of him as the brat. He was constantly playing with himself thru his pre-teen years and nothing the folks said stopped him. It became a nightly ritual, as soon as we were in bed I’d grab his little penis and pull as hard as I could. He would just lie there shaking, but making no sound.”

“Years later he told me after he had married, when he was making love to his wife and wasn’t getting excited, he’d think of my pulling his pecker and then feeling his cock get harder as he finished getting her off. His wife always told him she was responsible for that sudden expansion and how it thrilled her. He never told her different.”

“When I was eleven or twelve, I started to get hairy down here, she said as she buried her hand in her thick, black crotch. Mother noticed one day when she came in the bathroom as I showered and told me it was time to make other arrangements for my sleeping quarters.”

“We had a back porch which was hardly ever used, so my father hung some canvas sheets from the house to the outer overhang and across the open area, which formed a little tented room. They put in a small cot, a chair and desk and I had my own quarters.”

“The folks bathroom window looked out from their bedroom into my room, which meant they had to keep it closed and hang curtains so I couldn’t see in. We lived in an old wooden house and what they didn’t know was a loose sheeting board below the window frame was gapped open just enough so I could peek thru and see the entire bathroom. When I went to bed I was awakened by a stream of light across my eyes and noticed the open gap. Being naturally curious I peeked thru the space and was open mouthed to see my naked mother sitting on the toilet seat with my father buck naked standing in front of her. His penis seemed enormous to me, after being used to little Will’s and later I
realized I had just seen my first stiff cock. Mother smiled as she reached up and pulled it to her lips, sucking it in deep into her throat as father groaned. My first look at a blowjob and first real penis, both on the same night.”

“I closed my eyes and laid back on the couch because I didn’t know what to think I was too young to know what was what so just went to sleep.”

“Will would still sneak into my room and I’d slide his pants down and pull his cock as hard as I could. I could never get him to cry.”

“After awhile I didn’t even look when the light came on and it wasn’t until I told my best two friends at school what I had seen in the bathroom that my life started to change.”

“They told me I was lying and refused to believe me, so I invited them for a sleepover at my house even though I knew it was going to be rough on them. They would have to sleep on the floor on blankets since there was no room in my bed.”

“So you remember Liz and Cindy?” Sue asked my wife.

“I think so” she replied. “I always thought they were pretty wild kids.”

“Well, anyway the next Saturday afternoon they showed up much to my mother’s surprise as she didn’t know how we could all fit in my small room. I told her not to worry, we would manage.”

“We couldn’t wait til dinner was over and we could get to my room. It was about eight o’clock and already dark when we squeezed in the room and sat on my cot. The bathroom
was dark, so we talked about school and some of the kids we knew. An hour or so later the light suddenly came on and I motioned for them to bend over and look thru the framework.”

“My father was standing by the toilet peeing, with only his shorts on. His pecker was
dangling as he held it and then gave it a few shakes when he finished. Liz was giggling and I told her to be quiet. My mother came in the room, buck naked and reached over and pulled down his underwear. Both Liz and Cindy were quivering, but kept silent. Ma grabbed Dad’s dick and pulled him in the shower. A minute later she was washing his cock and balls as she fell to her knees. She sucked in his now stiff penis and started to deep throat him with all her might. Liz grabbed herself and started to finger her pussy for all it was worth. Cindy just kept staring until Ma finished blowing Dad. When she was through Dad gave her a big kiss and they went into the bedroom as I heard him say, now it’s your turn.”

“We could hear them making love as I guess he was eating her pussy.”

“We whispered and giggled most of the night but I don’t think any of us had a clue to what we had seen. Cindy told us it was the first time she had seen a male organ but Liz didn’t say anything.”

“We all agreed that we had a lot to learn about sex so for the next couple of years we visited the library almost every Saturday and read all the books about the male and female differences and looked at all the pictures we could find.”

“It was my junior year in high school when things really developed fast and furious. Liz had a family, lived in a large home about 10 blocks from us and had her own bedroom and bath. She had an older brother, I guess about nineteen then who went to a college out of town.”

“One day she grabbed Cindy and me during the lunch recess and said we have to skip school the rest of the day. I found something you just have to see. Naturally we were curious and took off to her house.”

“We went to her room, no one was home at the time, her father working and her mother shopping. She opened her bureau drawer and pulled out several magazines, telling us she found them in her brother’s room while snooping. She had Playboy, Playgirl, Hustler and a few others. We opened them and went bananas having never seen such graphic pictures before.

“That started a whole new chapter in my life. I wasn’t too active sexually at the time except the occasional experimenting with my fingers and pussy and playing with my nipples. That first day, all we did was look at the pics and maybe read some of the stories.

“We started going to Liz’s almost every day after school and most weekends. We finally had our fill of looking when Liz asked us to take our clothes off so we could compare ourselves with the people in the magazines. I remember Cindy looking at me wild eyed as I told Liz, sure, why not. I figured I had them both beat tit wise and pussy wise.”

We all stripped down and climbed on Liz’s bed. Both of them had nice tits, small pink nipples and good looking bodies. No fat or ugly bulges anywhere. Both of their pussies had a light covering of brownish hair and just a slit rather than a hole at the entrance.”

“They looked at me and said, “ wow what big nipples and all that hair covering your cunt.” They both bent down and looked closer and Liz even put her fingers on my labs and separated my puss til they could look deeper.” Cindy, not wanting to be outdone stuck her finger on my hood and pushed until my clit popped out. Again, they both exclaimed when they saw how big it was. I never realized it was larger than most and made them open their legs and spread so I could compare. They both had small clits as I discovered when I squeezed the hoods until they opened up.

“Well after that first day, we decided it was fun to get naked and so every time we went to Liz’s we stripped down and enjoyed.”

“We all had the same gym class at school, which meant we showered together afterwards.
It became a game with us as we would look at the other naked bodies and mentally compare them to ours. Some short heavyset types, some tall lean ones, black bodies, white bodies, even a couple of brown ones from the Seminole tribe. Most had pubic hair but none as heavy and thick as mine. At the beginning of the school year the other girls would gather round and call me the gorilla girl and point at my snatch laughing. When Liz told them they were just jealous they finally quit teasing.

A very few of the girls had shaved their pussies which we found fascinating. We also noticed they were among the very best looking ones.

One day at Liz’s I told them I was going to shave them both so they would feel better about themselves. They weren’t really that hairy so I figured they wouldn’t mind.
I took them in the bathroom which had a big bath-shower combo and sat them on the edge. First I used the electric razor I found on the shelf and removed all the longer hairs taking turns with each one so they wouldn’t feel left out. Then I applied a hot cloth to each pussy, applied a goodly amount of soap and carefully trimmed all the stubble away.
I took the hose from the shower attachment and played the hot water over both pussies until they were as smooth as the proverbial baby’s behind.

I realized I was turned on by what I did, so when I finished I went to my knees and examined very close up my handiwork. I remember a feeling come over me as I planted a big wet kiss on each puss. Both girls reacted and told me that felt good.”

“So, that was the beginning of my fascination with the female body and it wasn’t long before we were kissing and licking each others pussy. We used the pictures in the magazines to give us ideas and after a couple months, we all considered ourselves experienced.”

My wife asked, “ how long did that go on and what about boys?”

Sue poured some orange juice and said. “Funny you should ask.”

“One weekend shortly after our girl play began Cindy and I were with Liz. Her parents had gone to visit some friends and we had the house to ourselves. We had discovered
daisy chaining by this time and were busy going at it on Liz’s bed.”

“What’s daisy chaining?”, my wife asked so I had to take time and explain it to her.

Sue continued, “We were all lost in the intensity of our feelings when we heard a sound and looked over to see Liz’s brother, stark naked with a huge erection he was fingering as he smiled at us.”

“I decided to come home for the weekend and look at what I found” he said.

“Your door was open and I could hear a lot of moaning and groaning so I looked in and see my baby sister having fun with her friends.”

Liz untangled herself and walked over to him, “what are you going to tell Ma & Pa?”

He laughed, “that depends on you and your two foxy friends”, he replied looking over at us and still fingering his cock.

“He did have an impressive one, not as big or thick as Jeff’s, but for a young girl quite a
thrill to see.”

“He pointed to me and told me he liked my breasts and nice hairy cunt and would keep his mouth shut if I gave him a blow job.

“Of course, I knew what he was talking about, but had never done it although I was curious after seeing some of the magazine pictures.”

Liz looked at me and asked, “if I was willing?

“Well, I guess I can try” I told her, “If he doesn’t tell anyone.”

“I promise” he said as he came over to the bed and stood a foot away with his cock twitching. I could see what I knew was pre-cum leaking from the big knob, about the size of your plum, Jeff.”

“I reached out and aside from Will, took my first cock in hand. As I lowered my head I felt Cindy move next to me and watched as she reached for his balls.:

“I want to play too” she said as she began to gently squeeze his nads.

“Liz’s brother took a deep breath as he felt the two hands holding his pride and joys and I slowly slipped just his plum in my mouth. His cock trembled and I knew he wouldn’t last long so I quickly sucked his stiff prick in as deep as I could. My first deep throat, I thought to myself as I began to enjoy the feel of the soft warm skin. Then I heard him groan as his penis seemed to thicken and suddenly my mouth was full of his hot cum as he pumped load after load down my throat. I was forced to swallow to keep from choking and found I liked the taste, salty and yet sweet at the same time. I sucked harder and drained him of the last drop.”

“He collapsed on the bed between Cindy and me and didn’t say a word for several minutes, just breathed hard.”

Finally he looked at me, reached over and touched my right nipple gently and said, “that was great, better than any of the girls back at school.”

“I want a turn”, Cindy said as she lowered her face to his crotch and slipped his now soft penis in her mouth.

He laughed, “You can try, but it’s dead for now, maybe later!”

Cindy gave it a few licks and raising her head, laughed “my first blow job and I had to get a dead dick;”

Sue smiled at us and told us those were fun years. Whenever brother came home we would all gather and do everything imaginable to each other except fuck All three of us were still virgins that way. Liz told me his cock was the first one she’d ever seen as she would peek at him whenever she had the chance. I knew why she kept quiet when she saw Dad’s at our house.