Funeral Harem

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Should you forgive after 20 years.
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I like the loving wives category but it can be difficult to come up with something different and the comments can be ruthless. I try to explore alternate realities or situations with angst.

There are two chapters, both included below.

I don't have time to work with an editor but I do spell and grammar checks and proof read but bound to miss some. If that bothers you too much maybe think about reading something else.

Also check the tags and avoid the themes that make you angry, otherwise I hope you enjoy them, they are free and they are just stories. Best Wishes Satin.


Chapter 1: Bill's Story.

I spotted my wife's curly blonde hair under the black pill box styled hat and short net veil, sitting on the second row aisle seat. I was reminded she was still a very attractive woman, what was she now 47, no 48; funny how you have to count up once you get older.

We had two grown children Katie and Sam who still lived locally. Thankfully Julia didn't suffer from empty nester syndrome. We were too busy traveling, planning early retirement and enjoying the intimate benefits of a house with no children in it.

I thought it was an odd place for her to be sitting, too near the front for attending the funeral of her ex colleague Keith Fraser. I had asked if she wanted me to take time off work to accompany her, but she'd said there was no need, she was going with another ex- colleague Dianne Miller and they would share a taxi. I got an early finish from work and decided to go and pick them up from the crematorium and save them the fair. I was in a dark work dark suit, so wouldn't look out of place.

There was something odd about the setting, I stood at the back trying to figure it out, both Julia and Dianne looked upset. Then it dawned on me, there were numerous women occupying the first three rows and all in black skirts, heels, and hats with veils. It just felt odd; there would normally be a mix of people and dark outfits. There were no men in the front three rows and the women looked like they were in 'uniform'.

An older woman stepped up to the lectern; a framed photograph and white flowers rested on the coffin in front of her. A rolling slide show of photographs with Keith at various points in his life displayed on the wall behind. I had a vague recollection of him from Julia's works Christmas party years earlier.

"I would like to thank you all for coming to my son's funeral today. Keith would have been delighted to see you all, he would have been particularly pleased to see his special friends attending and dressed in a way he would have greatly appreciated. He would have been very happy at the amount of stockings on display! Thanks to those that went to the effort."

A small titter spread through the audience with some nodding in agreement. I checked Julia and thought I could see the outline of a suspender clasp through my wife's skirt; she wouldn't normally wear stockings.

Keith's mum went on about how he was loved by so many. A great man as demonstrated by how many of his special friends had turned up today. He was such a free spirit and couldn't be contained by societal rules. I started to feel uneasy, it sounded to me like she was describing his partners or ex-girlfriends. I recognised a few of the other women, some of Julia's ex colleagues and the wife of a good friend of mine. I discreetly started the video on my mobile, placed it in the breast pocket of my suit jacket and stepped back into the shadows.

As Keith's mum continued speaking, a photo of a bracelet appeared on the slide show. The bracelet consisted of silver vines and rose flower charms. There was a quiet murmur of unease in the audience, before the slide moved forward without further comment. I looked and noted his wife and Dianne had the same bracelet on as did many of the other women.

The pall bearers removed the flowers and photograph and his mum placed a little black book on the coffin and made a big deal of saying his secrets would die with him. The coffin disappeared and Keith was cremated along with the little black book.

When the service was over and people began filing from the crematorium, Julia was arm in arm with Dianne and looked horrified when she spotted me.

"My God Bill, why are you here?"

Keith's mother and other mourners looked across at her outburst; I turned and walked away without saying a word.

It took her an hour to reach home, finding me at the kitchen table still working through the potential scenarios that might explain everything I'd seen at the funeral.

"Well?" I asked in hope of an explanation.

"I don't know what you mean; it was a friend's funeral that's all."

"Nice outfit by the way, is it some sort of uniform?"

"It was Keith's mum's idea; she asked the mourners to wear something he would like."

"And he liked heels, skirts and... stockings seemingly."

"The stockings are just a bit of fun, it was an open and long running joke, he admitted loving women in stockings. We all teased him about having sex with any woman no matter how ugly if she was dressed in stockings."

"That's quite a personal and intimate joke! Would your name happen to appear in that little black book as a special friend?"

"Certainly not! "She denied it but I could see how unsettled she was and continued to push questions rapidly.

"What's the bracelet about?"

"It was just a present he gave me when we worked together and I thought it would be nice to wear it."

"Really! Funny how I've never seen it before... some sort of emblem or badge of honour perhaps, you all had them?"

"Nothing like that, just a Christmas thing, it was probably a job lot and he tricked us all into thinking they were expensive."

"It certainly looks expensive enough, you know if you can't be truthful I could go and see his mum, she seemed quite proud of his achievements."

"You can't do that, she is still grieving."

"You are too it seems, I saw some others I recognised, it might be worth meeting up with some of the husbands to compare notes."

"Why on earth would you do that, this is all innocent, I left his company over 20 years ago."

"Yet still you wanted to go to his funeral, he must have meant a lot to you. Did you love him?"

I could see the panic in her eyes now, "What, no, not at all, it's not what you are thinking."

Here's the thing Julia, I don't believe a single word of what you just said, and I don't like being taken for a fool! Have a very careful think through what you want to say to me next.

With that I left to try and clear my head; we didn't speak at all for the rest of the day and I slept in the spare room.

When the silence continued at breakfast, Julia snapped, "I don't appreciate what you are suggesting, you're paranoid. This is all about someone I haven't even seen in 22 years, you should get a grip."

My response was short, "Fine if that's your choice, I guess we'll see."


It wasn't hard to find the address, I knocked on her door.

She answered and looked at me, "You're the husband from Keith's funeral, you had better come in."

We sat in the living room, "I am not sure I can tell you much, you should talk to your wife."

"I have and she's denying it all. I have a pretty good idea what is going on and I'm going to assume the worst regardless. Some honesty from you would make it easier, quicker and less painful for everyone involved."

"Still I am not sure there is much I can say, I don't know your wife."

"I presume all the women were his lovers!"

It was if she couldn't resist being proud of her son, "Like I say, I don't know your wife and can't say if anything happened between her and my son. He was a good man, he had a way with and connected to people and had many liaisons. Maybe he helped some marriages; others that weren't strong enough. But now he is gone and it's all in the past... where it should remain."

"The image of the bracelet, I assume that meant he bedded them, what about the charms?"

"It was more a token of respect and appreciation; the charms reflected... the length of the relationship and the number of instances.

I leant back, "How many for silver and gold charms?"

"25 and 50... the same as wedding anniversaries."

"Seems he won there as well then, I only got to a silver anniversary."


When I reached home, I found Julia crying at the kitchen table, the bracelet sat in front of her, "You were right Bill, the women at the funeral were his lovers. It was stupid to go, but I wanted to pay my respects."

"It was after we were married wasn't it, when you worked at Coulson's with him and Dianne?"

Julia nodded glumly.

"How long?"

"It was 22 years ago, I can't remember the details."

"Weeks, months, years, a ballpark figure will do."

"It was weeks, not months."

"I'll assume you're down playing it and in damage limitation mode, it was more and you have a gold rose charm on your bracelet to prove it."

"What do you mean; the bracelet was just a gift."

"Oh it's more than that my dear, the gold charm means he had you over 50 times and wanted to let everyone know. I guess he had too many women to keep notches on his bed post; didn't you know?"

"God no, I had no idea!"

"Yeah quite the conquest scorecard he kept, that's a lot of sex for weeks, you must have been at it all the time, are you sure it wasn't longer?"

She was damned with either answer, "It was mostly Friday afternoons, it might have been months."

Then in a quiet voice, "...maybe 6."

"Why Julia?"

"I'm not sure, I was young and stupid, I'd only ever been with you and we married so young. You were working all hours and away quite a bit; he was there, good looking, charming and interested and I got curious."

"That seems like a pretty shallow and weak reason. Guess I wasn't enough to keep you faithful, not enough love for you or sex or whatever else he gave you. Why did it end?"

"It wasn't that, it was never love either, far from it. I knew it was wrong, came to my senses and chose you. I only ever loved you. and that decision was the right one; we've had 22 fantastic years together since then.

"Why choose me, it sounds like he fucked you better. Was I a safer bet, he wasn't the settling down type and your wanted kids and a family life."

"I did want a family with you, but I always loved you and that's why I chose you."

I looked down at the table, "He must have meant a lot to you, and you kept his badge of honour... so not totally mine and highly disrespectful."

Julia threw the bracelet into the fireplace, "It means nothing."

"Do I need to get the kids tested, to see if they are mine?"

Julia's eyes widened in horror, "God no, I wouldn't... I am not an idiot, we used condoms every time. It was well over before we started trying for a family."

I looked at her and was pretty sure she was telling the truth, "There is a bright side Julia; at least I know the prick is dead."


The following day Julia asked if we could speak again, saying she owed me the truth however painful.

"It started as just flirting, he had a reputation with the women in the office, and they raved about him. When he showed an interest, I flirted a bit then he kissed me after the works Christmas party, the drink didn't help. We ended up in bed at a conference a few months later; sexually he was well... good. I don't know why exactly, it was new, different and exciting I guess."

"Thanks for that, nice to know I don't measure up!"

"Sorry but I am trying to be honest, it's not like you were lacking or anything like that, he was just exceptional. I think that's why I kept going back to him when I should have stopped it straight away. All the girls said the same thing."

"Sounds like he had quite the harem with all of you throwing yourselves at him, just how many of you did he fuck?"

"I was surprised at how many were at the funeral. They happened at different times over years, Dianne was before me. He dated a few of the girls and was charming and funny; he never pushed it, but made it clear it was on offer.

"So you were one of many?"

"Yes, I knew that and that it was temporary, I was never leaving you. We got together on Fridays; I'd go into work early and then leave with him in the afternoon."

"That explains all the tired excuses on Friday nights."

Julia nodded, "I didn't want to do that to you, so I made excuses Friday and tried to make up for it Saturday and through the week."

"Great... pity fucks as well!"

"No, making love to the only man that I have ever truly loved."

"I actually remember him from one of your Christmas parties."

Julia managed to look even more uncomfortable.

"Yeah I thought he was an arrogant prick, in love with himself. I suppose that was natural if he was already fucking my wife."

Julia's eyes cast downward. "I remember that too, it was the year after we first kissed but you came with me the following year. I argued about it with him... his attitude toward you and ended it soon after. I looked for a different job and moved companies a little while later."

I suspected I wasn't getting all of the story and the whole truth, but I'd heard enough, "I'd like you to move out."

"You can't be serious, it was a stupid fling and years go."

"It lasted almost a year and over 50 times is hardly a lapse or a fling.

"Are you crazy its ancient history, it was 22 years ago for God's sake."

"And your mourning for him is far from ancient history. You go to his funeral and dress for him; you realise you all looked like cheap tarts still parading for him at his funeral. Even if you don't respect our marriage, don't you respect yourself? It's hardly the actions of 'the strong independent' woman that you like to remind me about. How many times in the years we were together did you think of your time with him, it must be nice reliving those memories."

"But we have had a whole life together since then, and we've been so very happy."

"Only because you chose to keep me in the dark and made a fool of me."

I thought she was going to refuse to go, she said nothing for a few minutes.

"Ok Bill, I'll go and give you time to think things through. I never meant to disrespect or make a fool of you. This is ancient history for me, but I realise it's very new and raw for you, but please don't close the door on us, keep talking to me. I'll do anything to make it up to you, if you struggle with anything, just let me know and I'll come back over."

I knew she'd think I couldn't cope without her in the home; I was hopeless at cooking and laundry. We worked so well as a couple and were a bit dysfunctional without each other. I also knew she would be bothered about the kids and family finding out.

"Is it ok to keep this between us for now? I'll just say I am visiting my sister for a few days."

"Yeah, whatever Julia, just go."


I was in a dilemma, could I forgive her? If it was recent that would have been the end of us, but it was years ago. If I'd known and forgiven her then, you could argue it worked out, as we did have a good life together. She was a great mum, and as far as I knew she had been faithful for the past 22 years. Thank God the kids were grown up; at least not finding out until now meant they had a happy and settled childhood; it would still hurt them though. There was another thing, she didn't seem that sorry, almost like it was trivial to her.

Julia had been gone for a week before she returned home hoping to be accepted back. No doubt thinking I'd fallen apart without her there to help me.

"I've decided not to get the kids tested; they are mine no matter what."

Julia looked hopeful, "There really is no need Bill, I wouldn't lie to you about that, it was over and I'd moved companies long before I got pregnant with Katie, and she's so like you."

I nodded accepting all of that, "I am sorry Julia but I can't live with what you have done, I want a divorce!"

"You can't be serious! No, no, no... you're smart, you're supposed to work this out and realise we're better together, we need each other!"

"I am both afraid and sad to say I am very serious."

"Be sensible Bill, we are nearly 50 years old, we are good together, we fit and we have so many great things to do together. The thought of starting again is horrific for both of us surely!"

"Horrific or not that's what needs to happen."


She kept trying to get us back together, it went on for months and I kept refusing. It was leading up to Christmas and I asked her around to sort a few things out. I heard the knock and knew who it would be, shouting at her to come in as I was busy cooking a meal in the kitchen whilst following instructions on an mobile balanced in front of me. I could see the surprise in Julia's face.

"Wow you're cooking!"

"Yeah I am getting quite into it, Asian mainly."

I could see her glancing around, she looked upset, most of the furniture and ornaments were gone, everything was painted white and it now looked quite minimalist. I had mounted a TV on the main wall where I'd always wanted it but Julia had refused, insisting on a mirror.

I pre-empted her question, "You can blame your daughter for the changes, she encouraged me to modernise the place, got to say she was right, I really like it now."

"Katie's been around here."

"Don't you know, she moved back in! I'm not sure if she was worried about me or just needed somewhere that was rent free, but she is back, at least for a while. We take turns with the meals but she's out tonight."

"Oh, I haven't seen much of her, I really miss her."

"Yeah it's been great having her back around again. She's always out and about, but it's good for her to have a base."

"What about Sam, have you seen him?"

"Yeah we usually go out for a couple of beers on Thursdays, catch a game on TV if there's one on, before he goes out with his mates, they are a good bunch of lads."

"Oh I haven't seen him in a while either."

"You should ring him, I am sure he'd be glad to see you."

"We met up a while back, I don't think he likes me much at the moment. Anyway you're looking well Bill, really fit."

"Thanks, I dropped hours at work and used the time to start cycling again, I'm often knackered but back up to 75 mile loops and hoping to build up to more.

"Where is the furniture and our ornaments?"

"It's all in the garage, that's the main reason for inviting you around, to see if there's anything you want to keep."

"Oh I hoped it might have been about your plans for Christmas."

"No I hadn't thought about that yet, I guess the clan will all be congregating at my brothers as usual. There are a load of photos in the boxes in the garage, take them if you like."

"You don't want any of the photos?"

"Nah, I got thousands of the kids when they were younger on my phone and computer."

Julia looked upset when she returned from the garage, she was emotionally attached to the things we had and the associated memories. I hadn't meant to be cold or uncaring and agreed to store the furniture for her; she filled her car with some of the small stuff and all of photographs.

"Sorry Julia there's something else I need to discuss. I am going to get in touch with the husbands I know who had wives at the funeral and discreetly show them the video. I think they have a right to know."

"Please don't Bill, it will ruin peoples marriages, some of them are still my friends."

"If I was their husband, I'd want to know, it's up to them to decide what action to take and how to work things out but they deserve to know."

"I understand Bill, but revenge won't make you feel any better."

"If it was revenge I would posted it on social media and blown the whole thing open, but I didn't want to put you or the kids through that."

"Oh, right well thanks for that at least. Do I have any chance of getting you back Bill?"