Futa Cum Laude Bk. 01: Daphne & Umi Ch. 01

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Forbidden love and lust abound at an all-futanari college.
3.7k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/10/2020
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***Author Notes: This novel is a merging of two previous stories I had posted (Umi's Experiment and Daphne's Lesson). It's my hope to build upon this universe and develop the characters. Thanks for reading!***

Futa Cum Laude Book 01: Daphne's and Umi's Summer Lesson

Dr. Umi Saito was enjoying quite the year. The newly-minted Ph.D. just celebrated her fifth published article in the education field when she received a phone call regarding the opportunity of a lifetime.

Despite standing a mere 5' 1" (a modest product of her Japanese-Ukrainian heritage), Umi's type-A personality and assertiveness earned her towering respect-and fear. She reclined her at her desk to fix her shiny black heels. It proved challenging to find a decent pair of pumps on Moringa Island, and these were nearly a size too small. Umi found it humorous. Her silken black pantsuit was well-tailored and fitted, yet her shoes came from the children's section of a local department store. But this was a concern minor, given the situation. Moringa University sat nestled between a few rustic villages, an emerging city, lush forests, and lots of water. The school itself was fairly remote, an hour's walk to the first sign of civilization. As the new Dean of Students and acting University Chancellor, Dr. Saito didn't want it any other way.

"This the best way to keep my girls safe." She sat behind her desk, talking at the young man from Moringa Island's transportation authority. "That's why I won't approve a transit expansion to the University."

"Are you sure, ma'am?" He stroked the stubbly beard that sat on his vibrant brown skin. "It would only make your students safer. They could easily come into town, buy medicine, have access to healthcare professionals, and-"

"-We provide all of that here." Dr. Saito snapped before pursing her lips. Her Japanese accent was faint but bubbled to the surface often when she grew impatient. "We will provide everything the girls need. Everything."

He nodded, pausing a moment before attempting a last-ditch effort to go above Umi's head. "I understand you'll be the acting Chancellor for a few more weeks," The crisp stack of papers rattled in his bag as he fished. He retrieved a bent business card and pressed it against his face. "Yeah, here's the name, so forgive me if I butcher it. 'Dr. Dominika Bykov?' Do you think she'd be interested in a transit expansion?"

Umi fought the urge to roll her eyes. "Mr. Bandino, I appreciate you stopping by. Once Dr. Bykov gets settled in her new position, I'll pass on your message. Until then, I think we're finished here."

Seeing he was getting nowhere, Mr. Bandino politely excused himself from the office. Savoring the moment of silence, Umi let her brown eyes wander around the oak-stained walls of the open room. Her dozen degrees, certificates, and achieved lay mounted on the one behind her. She slipped off her binding shoes and flexed her toes. It grew to be her favorite part of the day-when the blood rushed from the rest of her body back to her aching feet. Her head tilted back, and her tiny mouth hung open. Umi's body trembled as faint sighs escaped her lips. She squirmed again before she came to her senses-this was as much arousal she'd allow herself for now.

The faint knock of the door further broke her trance. "Come in," Umi called as she scrambled to stuff her swollen feet back into her shoes, cutting the circulation once again. Her eyes caught the set of timid feet when they first inched through the doorway. She stifled a smile as the girl's smooth, petite toes came into view full. "I see that you received my gift," Umi noted. "I thought the caramel leather straps would go well with your complexion."

"Thank you, Dr. Saito." Ashley Washington couldn't help but wiggle her toes as they shivered in the blaring AC. She wasn't used to wearing sandals, evident by the plain, albeit neatly manicured nails. The goosebumps on her feet extended from her dusky, bare ankles, to her silky smooth calves, until her red plaid dress draped around her curvy thighs. Her full ruby lips smiled behind cropped twists of black hair that sat atop her flawless ebony skin. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, dear." Umi sat up in her seat. Her chest begun to heave with anticipation. "Have you taken your pills on the schedule we talked about?"

Ashley nodded and smiled. "For the last six weeks. You ask me that every week, ma'am."

"Good girl." Umi grinned. She motioned for the student to sit down across the desk. "Any side-effects?"

"Not really." Ashley cocked her cute, heart-shaped face as she pondered. "A little fatigue, but that's probably because of my course load. Summer classes are so rigorous, y' know? Then there's one other thing." She bit her lip in embarrassment. "My semen's different."

Umi held her breath. She stood and meandered around the desk. "Different, how?" She looked down her nose at the sitting girl.

"It's bright." Ashley sighed. "Bright white like peppermint gel toothpaste."

"I hope that's not why you've got such a beautiful smile, Ms. Washington." Umi chuckled. "Have you ever tasted it?"

"Oh, hell, no." Ashley chuckled and shook her head with vigor.

"Ah." Umi sat up on the desk corner and crossed her short legs. "If you're not accustomed to eating it, you'd find it very sweet now, almost like a cake frosting. I take it the consistency is different as well?" She waited for Ashley's nod. "It's thicker now, isn't it? Also, like frosting?"

Ashley swallowed. "That's a good way to put it. Usually, it's pretty watery." She blushed and fidgeted in her hard seat. "I can't believe I just said that."

"It's okay." Umi laid a maternal hand on Ashley's bare knee. "Moringa University has strict guidelines against students having sex. But it says nothing about self-pleasuring." Her fingers slowly crept up the warmth pulsating between the student's thighs as she went on. "I might be cis-female, but I understand the primal need that young futanari women have."

"It's hard," Ashley whispered. Her body shivered as her teacher's firm palm continued to work up her leg. "Dr. Saito." She squirmed. "I,"

Umi snapped back as soon as Ashley pulled away. "I'm so sorry, honey. I just want to make you comfortable."

"I don't think I'm ever going to be comfortable with this, Dr. Saito." Ashley recoiled and crossed her luscious legs. "I'm pretty sure this is breaking every rule. She rubbed her temples. "If the other girls knew what we were doing in here every week, they'd-"

"- They'd be very jealous of you, Ashley." Umi let her fingers return to Ashley's knee. She squeezed again with authority. "You shouldn't let that hinder you. Just let what comes natural take over." But the young futa sat in silence, allowing her deep mahogany eyes to follow the floor's wood grain patterns. She let her nervous lungs fill and exhale slowly. "It's okay, sweetie." Umi cooed again. "You can drop out of the testing if this has become too much for you." She stood and returned to her chair. "One of your dorm mates can finish up here. I think Tanya should be willing."

"No." Ashley snapped back to attention, rising on wobbling knees. "I'll do it. I started the study. I'll finish it."

Umi smiled. "I'm glad. I'd much rather work with you than anyone else at Moringa."

Ashley fumbled with the front snaps of her dress until they came loose with a sharp, metallic sound. "Flirting with me contaminates the study, Dr. Saito. Arousal will alter the amount of specimen you're able to collect."

"The more, the better Ashley." She leaned forward, licking her lips. "And call me Umi."

Taken aback, Ashley gasped. She had already let her skirt slump to the floor. Next, off came her shirt. She stood in front of her teacher wearing a cute, matching set of undies. Silky purple and pink stars more appropriate for a girl half her age. Yet the subtle dribble down her creamy thigh suggested both her womanhood and manhood yearned for release. Indeed, her panties were visibly soaked. The fabric made an expected squishing sound as she stretched them over a bulging erection.

Umi's eyes remained locked on the girl's beautiful black cock. Its throbbing head swelled to a near-purple color. A steady drip of syrupy whiteness flowed from the slit. Thus, she required several attempts to reach into her desk bottom drawer to retrieve a full graduated cylinder. "Looks like you're already ready and able." She smirked, sliding the tall beaker across the desk. "Here, my darling. Fill this to your heart's content."

"Mmm..." Ashley squeaked as she shuffled from side-to-side. With her thick thighs mashed together, she fidgeted as she stroked herself. The thicks veins in Ashley's firm flesh pulsed when her bubblegum-pink nails ran across them to the tip of her drooling cock. "Ugh!" She pursed her lips as a wave of pleasure shivered up her spine. Her tiny fist hammered around her cock, coating the shaft with her creamy precum. Feeling comfortable now, Ashley swayed her hips with her torrid rhythm as she fucked herself.

It was all much to the delight of Umi Saito. Watching Ashley's thin frame writhe as she defiled herself sparked a devious tingle in her tummy. She crossed her legs and adjusted her posture. Ashley's glazed over eyes didn't seem to notice Umi sneaking her left hand under the desk down the elastic band on her pants. With the amount of wetness forming between her legs, it proved easy to slip two fingers past her throbbing clit and into her meaty pussy.

"Have I told you lately how stunning your body, Ashley?" Umi cooed as she leered. Her eyes grew longing and wide. "You might be the best-looking student on campus." But Ashley kept silent. Her juicy bottom lip hung open as she gawked at Umi and then the cylinder, then at Umi again. She licked her lips to keep from drooling. Ashley's flawless flat abs barely jiggled as she jerked. "You must work out because you have one hell of a six-pack." Umi's voice trembled as she spoke, succumbing to lust. "If it wouldn't break your concentration, I'd be running my tongue in every crevice of that tummy, my darling."

Then a cry escaped Ashley's lips. She hammered her fist over her throbbing cock faster. The slick fapping sound echoed in the room as it comingled with the women's heavy panting. "K-keep talking." Ashley moaned. "Keep talking like that, Umi." Her face reddened even more.

"Ashley," Umi leaned back. The sexual tension that built between them for months pressed against her chest. "Think about how far we've come. You used to hide in the bathroom to come. Then you started doing it in front of me. Now I'm masturbating with you- I'm fucking myself to you."

"Oh my god. "Ashley whispered. She struggled to keep her eyes on Umi's jerking arm. "God, you are." She stumbled but caught herself, creeping closer to the desk until her spasming cock hovered over the glass. "Let me see," Ashley groaned as she strained her eyes.

"I can't just yet, baby." Umi's voice dropped into a lower, sultry octave. "Just picture my wet, hairy pussy aching for that big cock of yours. That's what we've been leading up to in all this, right? Bending me over my desk and exploding inside me."

"Oh god-" Ashley gagged on her words as her body jerked forward. All the while, the constant spilling from her messy cockhead grew larger and thicker. It spilled over the cylinder's edges, first in thin milky jets, then lush, massive globs of cream. "Coming..." She cried. "Coming!" She jammed the thumb of her free hand in her mouth and sucked; the other continued to finish her orgasm.

Umi couldn't believe her eyes. The cylinder filled with sloppy cream within seconds. By her estimation, any respectable male would have only filled half of the space. Instead, Ashley continued to fill it to overflow. The yellowish-white blob with the consistency (and smell) of cottage cheese splattered across the desk in a bubbling mess. To both women's surprise, Ashley's cock continued to spew its cream.

"W-what?!?" She stammered. "I've never come this much." And the more cum she squirted, the more terrified she became. "Oh god... oh god." Her knees clapped together as she fought to keep balance. "Still coming!" Each vein in her shaft pulsed and rippled as cum continues to bubble and work up through the slit.

"Come!" Umi hissed, fucking herself faster. She cocked her stubby legs in the air and dug deeper inside. "Come my little kitten as you've never come before." Umi mashed her thumb against her throbbing clit as the wicked scene played on. Ashley's body convulsed above cask, and it choked on the girl's cum. Umi fought the sensation to faint. The girl's expulsions spread across the desk, and the pungent stench forced itself into Umi's nose. "God, that smell is intoxicating." She moaned, wetting her chair with excitement.

"I can't stop coming! I can't stop coming!" Ashley cried. Her hands gripped her cock and fought it like an out-of-control firehouse. Then she tried to pinch the spasming slit-but the pain of the hot cream swelling behind her bruised cockhead was too intense. She released her hold, and it sent a jet of cum slashing across the desk and staining Umi's blouse. "DR. SAITO!" She gasped. "I'M SO SORRY!"

But Umi couldn't hear her. With her back arched at a sharp angle, she relished in the climax racking her frame. Her mouth hung open as she looked as if she was choking. Her body remained stiff for several seconds before she crashed to her chair in a sweaty, gasping heap. She pulled her hand from her worked slit, and a trail of her cum dripped from her fingertips." Mmm..." She grinned as she tasted the hot froth from her slick middle finger.

Ashley was grateful. Her ejaculation subsided to a meager drip, so she lowered her aching muscles to the floor. She cradled her wilting cock in her palms as it spat its final drops. "W-what the fuck was that?!?" She whispered, watching her cum flooded her palmers.

"This, my dear-This is the future." Umi sighed. She wiped the sweat from her brow and stood. Her fingers grazed the puddle of cream on the desk she slathered a dollop on her lips. "Your cum is getting sweeter and sweeter."

"You?" Ashley jolted her head up. She watched Umi move towards her. "You've been tasting what I've been giving you?"

"I told you, Ashley," Umi wrapped her fingers around the cylinder, sliding them up until she could dip her tips in the warmth. "You'd find your cum sweet if you tasted. That's not all I've been doing with it. The supplement you've taken is a unique compound called 'Futa-X.' You've experienced better brain cognition and energy conversion."

"I've noticed," Ashley said. She felt fully recovered from her self-love and now looked around for something to wipe her hands on."

"Allow me, Ms. Washington." Umi took Ashley's hands in hers and raised them to her greedy mouth.

"Dr. Saito..." Ashley shuddered when she felt Umi's delicate tongue lap the cum from her hands like a cat dining on cream. She watched Umi's pink lips turn white as sticky ropes stringed from top-to-bottom of her puckered mouth. As the puddle shrank, Umi's licks slowed and lingered. She savored every drop until Ashley's hands were clean. "Dr. Sai-Umi, that was so hot."

"Do you have any idea how absorbent the female body is, Ashley?" Umi asked. She knelt to retrieve her student's discarded clothes. "Once that sweet semen of yours releases into a woman, they'll just want more and more. You'll also have better sexual stamina and produce more addicting semen than you've ever before. What do you think I've been doing with your specimens?"

Ashley's eyes shot open. "You've been doing what?!?"

"There's a reason you fill me up a graduated cylinder instead of a wide beaker." She looked longingly at the cooling mess on the desk. "I can fit that whole thing in me."

"Well, I'd love to see-OH!" Ashley jumped at the sudden buzz of her phone. "That's my alarm. I gotta get to my study group. She finished dressing and bowed her head slightly. "Next, Dr. Saito?"

"I told you to call me Umi." She smiled. "And yes. Be sure to maintain your dosage. Why don't you come in a little earlier than usual? We can have a more hands-on experience."

Ashley blushed. "I look forward to it. Good afternoon, Umi."

"Ashley." Umi smiled. They shared a silent glance as she followed her most precious student to the office door, opening it and locking it after her. "Such a wonderful girl." Umi unsnapped her pants and let them drop to the floor. She patted the soaking patch on her silk panties with one hand while carefully sliding the cylinder to the edge of her desk. Umi decided only to shimmy out of those panties when her plump ass kissed the soppy seat of her chair.

"Easy, easy," Umi whispered and propped her up. The woman's tan heels slushed in Ashley's cum as she made herself comfortable. She balanced the cylinder, tilting the tip until she could guide the teaming brim inside her. "Oh-god." She hissed. The 10-inch tube sank deeper. "It's still so hot."

Umi's face contorted and winced as her pussy stretched to accept the warm glass. "Com' on, Umi." She panted. She had taken seven inches, now able to place her fingers on the cylinder's base. "Come on. You've had bigger futa cocks than this." She grits her teeth after her encouragement. "I can't wait to get Ashley's." She couldn't help but flash a menacing grin. Umi had known Ashley since the sophomore came to Moringa University. Within two years, she was able to handpick the bright, shy girl as her intern. When she approached Ashley with an opportunity to become a trial subject for a supplement that would ultimately help futanari everywhere, the two became even closer.

The harsh shrill of her desk phone snapped Umi from her daydream about the next time she'd see Ashley. Her pussy held on the cylinder with a vise grip. She was able to sit upright and pick up. "Dr. Saito's office." She said calmly.

"Umi, my dear. How did today go?" The woman spoke with a distinct Russian accent as she addressed her concern.

"Things went swimmingly, Chancellor." Umi shifted and twisted the tube to shove it deeper. "She came like a firehose today, and her seed is delectable. I've grown quite fond of it."

The phone line fell silent for a moment. Only a few wisps of static were audible while the woman pondered. "Do you feel you're addicted?" She asked at last.

"I have a craving," Umi admitted. "I crave it in the same manner that I crave chocolate and soda."

"Excellent, Umi." She squealed. "That's wonderful news and a good peak for Futa-X's potency. We wouldn't want to take anyone's agency and start another opioid crisis. Do you have a timeline to implement Futa-X for the rest of the student body?"

"Yes, Chancellor," Umi confirmed. "I have an extraordinary initiative starting with the fall semester."

"Be careful." The woman's voice grew stern as she warned. "Moringa's Board of Trustees still prohibit students from fornicating on campus. Discretion is key. You, in particular, should not be caught with that student. Is that okay?"

Umi said nothing. Her eyes perked open as if someone just yanked the carpet she stood on. Indeed, that's what her boss just did.

"Umi, do you understand?" She repeated. "Umi?"

"Yes, I'm here." She sighed; the color fled from her face. "I understand. I won't take the next step with Ms. Washington. After all, protecting my students is my priority."

"See that you don't cross that line, Umi. Your career as an educator depends on it." Her voice lost its edge once her subordinate complied. "I won't be back to campus until a week after the semester starts. Please mind the shop until then."

"Of course, Chancellor," Umi assured. "I've already arranged a new student orientation. Goodbye." She resisted the urge to slam the receiver. Umi feared the tube inside her would be the closest she'd get to have Ashley.