Futah World

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Man from our time gets pulled to an alternative universe!
7.3k words

Part 1 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/12/2023
Created 10/06/2022
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The Peril of Science

It was the 25th mission of the explorer class ship USS Portnoy. I had no idea how long it took to get an ion engine to gain speed till I had boarded the craft. Seemed liked we were barely moving for weeks, then the speed began to increase almost exponentially. This was my first mission after the discovery of a rift in space just past the outer edges of our solar system.

A very boring three months later, the craft was slowed and eventually stopped so that I could begin my experiments. I used the crafts sensors to establish any electromagnetic fields and found none. Once it was in visual range I giggled as it looked like a 300 foot high and 50 foot wide vagina.

"Something funny Dr Carson?" The captain looked at me.

"Sorry ma'am no. Just never thought I'd see a spacial anomaly that looked like a sexual organ". I managed to say plainly. "Launching probe one into the anomaly." I said and pushed a button on the console in front of me.

"Understood....Probe launched" Captain McMalley said.

"Tracking it Captain" The Comms officer Ronald Davis informed. We watched it as it got closer.

"500 miles and closing" Davis piped up after a while of silence. "300." A second later.

"I lost it!" Davis said confused.

"We can still see it on screen!" I pointed.

"That...that isn't there. What's happening!?" Davis sounded very concerned. I felt woozy. "Hey where did Dr Carson disappear to?" I heard.



My mother made banana bread on Sundays for dessert after lunch when we were kids. I could smell a fresh baked loaf. But I wasn't in my mothers kitchen. I was in some tall grass that whistled as the wind blew over it. It was a soft and pleasant sound. Yet I knew of no plant that did this. I sat up.

(How had I gotten here? I was on the ship. The probe was launched, something happened. Oh Fuck. It was swallowed by the rift! Was the ship?)

I felt in my pockets for my knife and the two cookies I had stolen from the galley. They were there. The smell was powerful of banana bread as I stood. I was on a fairly flat plain, with tall grass all around me. All of it whistling with the wind. I was taking in the beauty of it all when I heard something.

(Hoofbeats?) I looked around and saw tall, thick, dark skinned woman on horseback charging toward me. She had a walkie talkie in her hand and a rifle slung over her shoulder. I moved to the side in the event she didn't stop in time. But she reared the horse back and stopped where I was standing. She wore military garb of some sort, but nothing I had seen before. The name badge on her left breast was in English. She had two chevrons on her shoulder.

"Where did you come from pale male?" Her eyes were almost as black as night. Her dark skin glistened from sweat. She looked like a body builder. The sun seemed off. It wasn't as bright here.

"I asked you a question male! Do you understand my language of English?"

"Hi Yes. I understand. Can you tell me where I am?" I stammered.

"On my Queens land. Where is your collar? Why do you have military clothing?" She dismounted and pulled the rifle to her arms. She stood 6 feet away looking quite angry and confused. I had her beat. There was a growing bulge in the front her uniform at her crotch. I was REALLY confused.

"I arrived here in this clothing, and I don't know how I got here, as to a collar? What do you mean?" I stared into her very dark eyes, and I began to wonder if this was just a nightmare.

"You are coming with me. Put you hands behind your back."

I obeyed as I didn't want to get shot, and as I was so completely lost, I had no will to fight.

I was loaded onto the horse on my belly. Trussed up like a gutted deer. It only took 15 minutes or so to get to what looked like a small city with army tents around it. I could hear explosions in the direction of the city.

"Damn females and males made us siege their town. Their skin is different from yours. Pale skins are almost extinct. You will fetch a great price....IF my Mistress lets me keep you, and sell you. I'd keep you for myself, but my family would freak out. A male that gives babies with gold hair?" She was feeding me information, I just listened.

"I wish the damned Sioux nation would just give up! The African Futah Tribe have been on this rich land for 200 years. I will never understand the female gender. Nor the male gender! The Futanari gender is perfect! You males and your twigs and berries..." She was on a roll when the horse came to a sudden stop.

"Corporal what is that on your horse?" An unseen deep female voice asked.

"Pale skin male. I'm headed to Mistress Ubabe's tent." My captor reported.

"Corporal why is that pale skin on this side of the Sudan Ocean? Pale skins were only in Europe! Why is he dressed in military garb?" The female guard asked.

"That is for the Mistress to find out Sargent, now let me pass, or I will speak to Mistress about this!"

"Spoiled Futah cunt!" The Guard spat.

"Yeah Yeah...fucking females" I felt the horse now walk into the camp. The voices were loud and all sounded female. I could see bare black tits almost everywhere I looked. The breasts were huge with nipples the size of teacups. Then I spotted something I never expected to see. Each of these "women" had large black cocks.

That was hard enough to digest with my brain, but when I saw one of these women bend over directly under the balls was a pink slit, a vagina. I was now wondering if I were in a new dimension. The very thing I had gone to study was a rift in space that could have been a port hole to another timeline, or dimension.

I was certain I had found one.

"Take him off the horse and wait outside for Mistress to call you!" I heard, then felt strong hands pull me from the horse. I was walked past rows of tents with ebony women, or Futah's watching my every step. They were sexy in almost every way. They didn't mind me looking at them. Beautiful specimens of humanity all over 6 foot tall, with toned or even stacked muscles. It was unlike I had ever seen on my Earth.

"Stand here and wait Corporal."

"Yes Lieutenant." My captor said. I looked at her crotch. The bulge was considerable. I wondered what was turning her on? I looked around feasting my eyes on the heavy breasts and wide hips of this tribe. Each had an ass I would have worshiped in college. So round and wide. Hell I'd rim an ass like that just to have my face buried in it! The giant cocks that swayed between their legs were accompanied by heavy balls, which also swayed. That was the onion. I couldn't get past that!

Was it a divergence of evolution? Was it breeding hermaphrodites a certain way to make the genome stronger?

"Enter Corporal Izigna"

I was pushed into an opulent tent. I was instantly overcome with the smell of sex and banana bread again.

There were Native Americans naked and performing sex on the Futah officers. Males being fucked, women being fucked. One male was fucking a Futah. "Put a baby in me slave!" The Futah cried out.

"Pale skin what is your name?" I looked at the Mistress seated in her chair, as a male Native tried to handle her cock in his throat. She wore military dress that resembled WWI, and had a helmet beside her on a table, that matched that era.

"Dr. Michael Carson."

"A Doctor? Ha! No male, let alone a pale skin, could EVER be a doctor!!! Prove it!"

"How would you like me to do that?" I asked.

"My doctor told me I have an infection somewhere in my body yesterday. Find it without tools, and I will let you live happy." She smiled.

"May I approach you Mistress?" I wanted to tread lightly here. I knew nothing of their culture yet. I wasn't a medical doctor either. My Doctorate was in Physics and Astrological Theory. But as these people still rode horses, and primitive electronics, I was certain they would not understand that.

She pushed the Native man away and I looked over her body. Her heavy DD breasts pushed against her uniform shirt. By the poking nipples, I knew she wore no bra. I realized that she had no foreskin. When she winced while swallowing, I checked her lymph nodes. Swollen. After checking the back of her open mouth, I figured out she might have strep throat.

"That's what my doctor said." Mistress pushed me away from her gently. "Seize him!" I instantly felt strong hands on both my arms.

"Corporal, as this male needs to be interrogated, and trained, I offer you a months pay in lieu of ownership of your found spoils. What say you?" The Mistress asked. I looked at Izigna. She scowled, yet said.

"Yes Mistress as you wish." The corporal was dismissed. The Mistresses eyes were turned back to me.

"We have much to discuss pale male." She looked at her guards. "Take him to interrogation."

I was stripped naked, then strapped into a rig that had me bent at the waist. Leather straps secured my ankles, knees, waist, elbows and wrists into the rig. My head positioned upward so I could see forward, then it too was immobilized.

I waited for what seemed to be hours, stuck in this contraption. I could hear the guards commenting on my body, and how who ever got to own me would love my male bubble butt. They also made mean comments about the size of my penis. The Futah seemed to carry an average of 12 inches when hard. My 7 inches was no competition.

I realized in this rig, I could be raped and not have a way to fight. Yet, that didn't happen. Instead the Mistress appeared in front of me, naked. Although paralyzed in fear, my eyes feasted on the heavy breasts this (woman?) Futah carried.

"Where did you come from?" She asked nicely.

"I'm not of this world, I encountered an anomaly in space, and was investigating it when I was pulled to this world." I tried. She laughed.

"Okay comedian, that was funny. Space! Believe this male?" She looked around at the guards all laughing.

"Mistress in my world we can visit the planets, and travel beyond Earth." I stated as she waved her cock at my face.

"And next you will tell me there are no is sex called Futah on your world." She chuckled.

"No ma'am. Not like you and your tribe." I said. Her emotion changed. She seemed curious.

"You ARE a stranger here aren't you?" She asked. She pulled a chair in front of me and sat on it.

"Yes Mistress. Everything happened just as I said." A guard looked at me.

"He's telling the truth Mistress." The guard said.

"Well pale skin let me tell you a story." She sat back in the chair, and lit a cigarette. "There is an old book from ancient times...."


"The Great Mother blessed the lands with water, plants and animals to dwell. Then she created a man. She was pleased. She created a woman, and She was pleased. They spawned children. This was also pleasing. But then man turned on the woman and bred with other women. In retaliation, the woman slept with, and bred with other men.

The Great Mother frowned at the lack of love between her two sexes. So she created Futanari, the third sex that would keep and protect men and women. The futanari could become pregnant, and also fertilize eggs in a female to conceive children.

Any baby born from a futanari womb would also be futanari. Babies given by futanari would be male or female."

"And Mother Earth said upon her third sex...You that are not male nor female, yet are both. You shall rule all lands and keep your males and females as property." Book of Christine, Chapter six, Verse 3.

"The great Prophet Mariah came down the mountain with the Mothers laws." Mistress recited from memory.

1. "Thou shalt not have any Goddess other than Great Mother."

2. "Thou shalt not have any Mistress other than a futanari, the male and the female live to serve only the futanari. As they are both weaker sexes, and have disappointed the Great Mother."

3. "Thou shall worship and praise the futanari, as she was created in my image."

I was listening to the Mistress, as I felt pain invade my backside. I could smell the breath of the Futah raping me as I felt my rectum stretched. She pushed only partially into me, then removed herself.

"Watertight Mistress." I heard from behind me. I saw the Mistress nod, then wave her hand. Whom ever had entered me had left. I was wincing still from the penetration when I saw Mistress stand.

"I could sell you to a Futah for at least half a million shells. Pale skins are so rare now. We bred them out of existence. Every female in Europe was bred by African Futah." She stared at me contemplating.

"Western Russia too." She said in a distant voice. She was heavy in thought. I was only too curious how I would live life "happy" as she had mentioned. She seemed to read my thoughts.

"You bi genders tend to love the taste and affect of our cum. You see, it has endorphins and serotonin in it. Sucking my cock will be like heroin to you pale male doctor. So open your mouth and begin to live in bliss." She walked toward me with her monster cock becoming erect.

"I said you would live happy, and you will....." She said as my mouth was forced open by her strong fingers. I took the girth of her heavy meat in my mouth. The slave had at least sucked the sweat off of it. She pumped into my throat not minding my gag reflex at all, simply sliding past it. I could only go wide eyed as the monster penis settled into my throat for a minute at a time. Only retreating to let me have a breath. Then it began again.

I could hear Mistresses breath quicken after only a few minutes.

"Taste this and swallow all of it. This is your life now." She said as an impossible amount of sweet cum filled my mouth. It had the consistency of custard, and was just as sweet. It tasted like butterscotch candy. I eagerly swallowed the mass.

"All too easy. The Great Mother installed some bad parts in your brain. You are now my slave forever. No other Futah's cum will do, nor a mans. A mans will taste bitter and will cause you to lose your stomach." She stepped back. "How do you feel slave?"

"The same as before, just with some throat irritation. Oh and my asshole hurts. I don't think I'm the same as your other slaves Mistress." I said plainly from my locked position.

Mistress looked confused. She stared at me like I had a horn growing from my head.

"You will obey!" She spat. I blinked and rolled my eyes. It wasn't the first time I had sucked a dick, and yes the cum tasted nice, but I wasn't biologically or psychologically brainwashed from a load of jism!

"Mistress can I get out of this now? I'm beginning to cramp up, I'm really thirsty too." I asked quietly. This made her back away in horror. She held her hands over her mouth in shock.

"Plus I want to study the fauna that grows nearby. It smells of banana bread and whistles in the wind."

(Whisper-whisper- "...not from here....alien race...") I heard one of the guards say to the Mistress.

"It has been generations since the cum didn't do the job. I should be angry, but doctor I am more confused, even intrigued. What is about your world that you do not submit willingly?" She asked as she took off the restraints. Some male slave handed me a wooden cup of water. After a few sips I answered.

"Biological differences. Your kind doesn't exist in my world. Well, there is a 1 in 2000 chance someone is born with both sets of gender, but one or the other doesn't work in most cases." I finished the cup of water.

"Both work here, but those with smaller phallus tend to carry the children." She stated as she sat back in her chair. "They take the role of the female." She seemed to be thinking.

"In my society, men can be homosexual, and in many cases, the smaller man with slight features is a treasured bottom, also playing that role. But our "twinks" can't get pregnant." I informed.

"Then why do the twinks do it?" She asked.

"Love, pleasure, most likely both. I liked to be with men because it was different. I could submit. The men are sexually aggressive, or were, till the 21st century." I added. "Females control sex now."

"Futah control sex. We Futah like to fuck males because they cum hard, and are tighter than females. Plus no pregnancy." She was thinking again. I stayed silent and waited.

"Doctor, you say you like to submit to cock?"

"Yes Mistress."

"Would you be willing submit to me if I let you study the plants? Completely submit, not like how you are talking to me now." She leaned forward as I sat on the dirt floor of her tent.

"What if I said I enjoy talking to you and learning about your culture?" I had to find the line, then push it back. She had no idea, I'd love to sit on that cock nightly. I had to hide my cards.

"I would let you, but only me. In the bedchamber, or when we are alone. Otherwise you have to be obedient." She looked into my eyes. Any woman can detect a lie, even if they have 12" slab of meat between their legs.

"As a doctor, and a scientist, I would ask to talk to many, to gather information. You see, with knowledge comes cures for diseases, strategy for war, and the understanding of the Great Mother's plan." I looked directly into her eyes as I said this. All of it being truth. "I will always obey, as long as I have enough leash to learn."

Her eyebrows raised at the idea of what I knew. Or would know.

"I accept, but in that case you will have to wear my mark." She looked like she was not happy about that idea.

"Your mark?" I asked.

"You will be branded, collared, and kept naked unless of cold weather. Further, I will order you to breed any female pale skins I can get from Europe. Do you agree?"

I barely nodded when her guards were on me.

The smell hit my nose before the pain did. Burning flesh in the middle of my lower back, and again on my chest over my left nipple. I will not lie, there was a great deal of screaming. The salve the slaves put on my brands did nothing for the pain. Nor could I sleep that night on the dirt next to Mistress's bed. My ankle was chained to a cannon ball so that I would not escape in the night. I had no energy to do anything, let alone escape into the nothing of these plains.

All I knew was pain.

In the morning I was given venison and some sort of porridge. There were berries as well. I ate quickly as I had not eaten in over a day. A slave came and took off the bandages over my brands. She cussed me out for getting dirt inside of them and gently washed the seared flesh. I wanted to cuss the woman out as she didn't look like she had slept on the ground.

Her hair was thick and black as a raven's feather. Her skin was a medium brown, most likely a Lakota. I had studied my great grandmother's Native language so I tried it.

"Emma'sta Sungmehetu Ankiapi, Ca'na alle unk?"

"Your language is shit, other than your name Running Coyote, where did you learn our language?" The slave asked.

"In the other place."

"You are the pale from a different place?"

"I am." I stole a glance at her dripping tits. She had given birth recently.

"Where you are from, do the Lakota have a great nation?" She asked as she dabbed my back with the salve and rag.

"No. they are almost all gone."

"Then how do you speak our words!" She slapped my brand with her right hand causing me to nearly faint as I held back a scream.

"My Great Grandmother!" I yelled and began to pant.

I blinked and missed it. I heard a "Thwack!" The slave was holding her head after skidding on the dirt across the tent. Mistress stood in front of me. All six foot, eight inches of her. Her muscles were all flexed and taught. I was reminded of Chyna or Vixen Death from the old WWE.

"You ever hurt my male again, and I will beat the life from you! You hear me woman!" My Mistress was panting in anger. Her voice sounded feminine when she was angry. She seemed, protective?

"My apologies Mistress, he speaks our language! I wanted to know how!" She cowered in the dirt.