Gaby's Grades


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'Oh God!' Gaby thought, knowing what was sure to happen next, 'What have I done?'

Before her spinning head could adjust, the Old Man thrust himself forward, forcibly penetrating her even deeper; stretching her even wider.

"Oh Christ!"

Two more powerful thrusts and she felt the weight of his body on her hips as he bottomed out inside her, his groin pressing hard onto hers, his pubic bone resting hard against her mound. He paused briefly.

Gaby's mind struggled to understand what had just happened. Her tutor's cock was now deep inside her body, his thick base stretching her entrance, his pubic hair grinding against her own, his unexpectedly huge cock filling her completely.

It was not supposed to be like this! But it felt... incredible!


With a slow but gradually increasing pace, Professor Hawthorne drew himself back until just his head was inside Gaby's body then thrust hard into her. She yelped in shock.

"Oh God!"

He thrust again, then once more, his long, thick erection driving hard into Gaby's vagina, plunging deep into her fast-yielding flesh, rubbing hard against her increasingly-sensitive inner lips until she could feel every ridge and undulation on his shaft.

And then he began to fuck her. Hard. His thrusts growing faster and more forceful with no sign of tiring.

Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap.

Gaby could see her large breasts wobbling up and down on her chest with every powerful stroke of his cock.

Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap.

The strength of his thrusts and the energy of the Old Man's pace took Gaby entirely by surprise. The control she had confidently expected to have over him was turned completely on its head. She was the one being fucked; she was the one being taken.

Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap.

"Oh my God no!" she gasped as his long, rhythmic strokes gathered pace and a warm glow began to radiate from her vulva into her belly.

Slap. Slap. Slap. Slap.

The powerful, rock steady rhythm of his thrusting filled the room with the wet, feral sounds of sex. Gaby felt herself lubricating faster and faster.

Slap-Slap. Slap-slap.

His pace increased again; a warm glow appeared in her lower belly and the room began to fill with the deep, heady aroma of female arousal. This really wasn't supposed to be happening! This old, unattractive man wasn't supposed to be making her feel like this so quickly and so easily.

Slap-slap-slap. Slap-slap-slap.


The first minor orgasm took her entirely by surprise, robbing her of breath but he didn't even pause. His thrusting hips forced her knees hard against her breasts as he hammered relentlessly into her helpless body with a long, deep, machine-like pace.

Slap-slap-slap-slap. Slap-slap-slap-slap.


Moisture was pouring from her vulva as the Old Man's shaft pistoned into her; a new wet sound echoed round the room.

Shlap-shlap-shlap-shlap. Shlap-shlap-shlap-shlap.

The second wave of climax followed so quickly that Gaby barely had time to gather her senses and when the third, much bigger orgasmic pulse wracked her body she was helplessly out of control


Gaby's eyes flew open, her pupils huge and black and fixed on the face only inches above hers. It should have been reassuring, it should have been comforting but instead its eyes were hard and determined as the Professor's body slammed into hers.


The pungent smell of an orgasming female body filled the room as Gaby surrendered completely to Hawthorne's desires. Before she could even think of protesting, he had pulled himself from her body and his surprisingly strong arms had effortlessly flipped her onto her front.

A moment later her bottom had been raised and a pillow thrust under her hips, presenting her buttocks and vulva obscenely to him.

A moment after that, his cock entered her violently.

Gaby yelped in shock as he penetrated her again and began to thrust hard from behind, driving her pretty face into the clean white sheet.


The new, expertly arranged position dragged the head of his mighty cock and the upper side of its shaft across her G-spot with every powerful thrust. No-one had ever fucked her like this before; no-one, man or boy had had the sheer experience and expertise to bring Gaby to a climax as powerful; as intense as the wave that immediately consumed her.

"Oh my God! Oh my fucking Godddd!"

Gaby's squeal as the massive orgasm overwhelmed her, echoed round the room. For a second the Professor paused as if worried someone would hear and come running to help a damsel in distress.

"Don't stop! Don't stop!"

Gaby heard herself beg, beyond caring then screamed into the mattress again and again as he resumed his thrusting with a vengeance. Astonishment mixed with incredible pleasure overwhelmed her as wave after wave of climax simply swamped her mind and body.

The soft womanly flesh of her buttocks rippled every time his hips struck their round undersides. Resounding slaps filled the room, made louder and wetter as her juices flowed freely and his thrusting cock churned then to foam.

Gaby thought she was going to die; her chest was so tight she could barely breathe. At the very least she was sure she would pee herself. Her entire body from her belly to her knees was far beyond her control, totally at the mercy of this extraordinary Old Man.

Another surge of orgasm rippled outwards from her vulva and through her entire body, choking off even the coarse animal grunts that she had been growling into the mattress.

"Please! Enough! No more!"

As if sensing her complete surrender, the Professor increased his pace until his hips were slamming into Gaby's buttocks like a jack-hammer, filling the room with grotesque wet slapping sounds.

"Oh my God no!" Gaby's fuddled brain could think nothing more.

"Oh... my... God... yes... Miss... Mackay!" came the response from behind her in time with his thrusts.

And then he began to climax, the rock steady rhythm of his thrusts breaking into wild, half controlled spasms as he began to ejaculate inside her young body. Gaby could feel the throbbing of his cock within her as semen cascaded from his tiny lips and spurted against her youthful cervix.




The incredible insemination seemed to last forever as the Old Man's hips slapped over and over into Gaby's buttocks and his pulsating cock pumped rope after rope of semen into her. The force of his final thrusts knocked her forwards on the mattress, burying her sweating face into the rumpled sheet. His body followed hers, his cock still buried within her until he lay heavy against her back, crushing her breasts into the bed.

Mercifully, Gaby finally felt the throbbing within her slow and stop and the huge erection that had brought her so much pleasure began to soften within her wet, loose vagina.

"Oh my... my... Oh..."

As the once-mighty erection was slowly withdrawn from her spent body, Gaby's voice was incoherent and her head was spinning.

She fell into an exhausted sleep, face down on the Old Man's bed. It was finally over!

Professor Hawthorne rose to his feet, beads of sweat on his back, shoulders and forehead, his breathing deep and heavy. His cock, now sore and flaccid, hung large, angry and dark red between his thighs.

There was a broad, satisfied smile on his face as he watched the girl's body finally relax and her breathing become slow and deep.

Silently he pulled the thin duvet over her motionless form and walked slowly into the bathroom.


Later that evening, Professor Hawthorn leaned back in his chair, took a long, satisfying sip of his favourite single malt and smiled at the two large computer screens in front of him. He clicked 'play' and watched the frozen image on the left hand screen burst into life.

The face of the young, naked, very pretty girl stared unknowingly into the camera, its features twisted and contorted as the man behind her moved inexorably forwards and his erect penis entered her body.

No matter how many times he watched, Hawthorn loved this moment best of all; the moment when realisation struck them.

Distaste; maybe even disgust at having this old man's body entering theirs.

Surprise at the entirely unexpected size of the erection invading their young vaginas.

Shock when they realised that this invading monster was being wielded by an expert.

Amazement minutes later as their bodies rocked and pulsated out of control with the real, genuine pleasure the monster cock was delivering.

And then afterwards as they left his rooms, their faces and chests flushed, their legs stiff with the familiar post-orgasmic ache as they crossed the quad, the feeling of horror as they realised that they had in some irreversible way, become a whore.

Bless the young, he thought; they were so easy to fool. He smiled at the sweet, climaxing face on the screen.

Bless these students with their youth, their confidence; their arrogant and steadfast belief that everything challenging and modern was so much better than everything from their parents' or, God help us, their Grandparents' generation.

So simple, so naive, so gullible.

He had worked hard on his Professorial look. Appearing distracted and unworldly had long been an advantage professionally among the dreaming spires of Oxford but he had quickly found it helped put young students off their guard too.

It was amazing how these kids who were supposedly the intellectual future of the country were unable to see beyond the old fashioned cardigan and tweed jacket with leather patches on the elbows. It was saddening how easily they thought they could take advantage of their rather sweet, unworldy, bookish tutor.

Few knew that, despite his age, underneath that carefully constructed exterior lay a well-toned, still athletic body, a wholly unexpected sexual energy and an enviable endowment within his close fitting underwear.

Most of his students believed him to be a lifelong bachelor, possibly a closet homosexual but certainly sexually inexperienced.

They did not know that both his previous wives had divorced him for sustained infidelity with a series of lovers who had been more than satisfied with his bedroom technique. The resulting divorce settlements had been so severe that he was now obliged to live in University property with the prospect of a laughably small pension.

So he had created his archive; a collection of evidence that could be used, if necessary, to provide him with a more secure future. Professor Hawthorne privately referred to it as his 'Pension Plan'.

Even today, graduating from Oxford was a ticket to a bright and highly profitable career. It was only natural that many of his former students - especially those to whom he had given 'special tuition' - should want to help their former tutor financially as they grew wealthier and he grew older.

It was a few years before retirement stared him in the face and even longer before he would need to ask some of his former 'special' students for a little financial assistance but the time would eventually come.

And with careers and families to protect, he was confident they would pay. Best of all, his parasitic ex-wives would get none of this unofficial income!

He watched the girl a few minutes longer, her mouth open wide, her eyes first closed then staring into nothing as another wave of orgasm rolled through her heaving body, her arms gave way beneath her and her face fell to the mattress. Above her exposed bottom, the torso of the man behind was clearly visible; the man who was thrusting inexorably into her vagina.

The torso of a familiar but of a much younger man.

The picture quality wasn't great; in those days he had used video tape and, even with the state-of-the-art editing equipment that he now possessed, it couldn't compare with the High Definition in which he now recorded his conquests.

Still, the resemblance to Gaby was quite remarkable, and so it should be.

The girl was now biting the edge of the pillow as she came over and over again, the man behind her thrusting hard into her like a jack-hammer, his hands gripping her hips tightly, pulling her bodily back onto his cock with every thrust. She still wore her bra, though her large breasts had escaped their constraints with the violence of their copulation.

As the girl raised her face to the hidden camera, he pressed 'pause' and the picture froze. The girl's pretty face, mouth and eyes wide open, stared sightlessly into the concealed lens. He looked at the right hand screen where Gaby's sweet face in a similar but inverted pose was also frozen.

The resemblance was astonishing; the eyes, the prominent cheekbones were the same. He smiled as he sat back in his chair; mother and daughter over twenty years apart, both caught in mid-climax, both beautiful, both determined, both unscrupulous.

Gaby was a lovely girl, just like her mother Julie had been; fresh, young and remarkably willing once his cock was inside her and it had all started. She would be better in the next visit, better still after that. His mind briefly ran over all the things he would like to do with her young body and which he was now confident she would willingly agree to.

His eyes twinkled as he remembered the moment over twenty years ago when the girl's mother had left the same staircase with the same distinctive freshly-fucked gait. He hadn't reached the dizzy heights of Professor then; he had merely been a lecturer but had been responsible for marking the key paper the young Julie had needed to pass.

What was Julie now? A Queen's Counsel working in Lincoln's Inn. He had always known the girl had drive; no more than adequate talent but a ruthless determination to succeed that would get her wherever she wanted to be.

Strange how it was the driven, determined girls that were easiest to get into bed; those with most to gain. Like her daughter, Julie would have achieved a high Upper Second degree anyway; their handful of afternoons in his bed had been merely an insurance policy on her part to ensure she got the 'First' she so badly wanted.

He wondered whether she had used her body tactically throughout her rise to the powerful position she now held.

Once a whore...?

He pressed 'play' again. The couple on the screen burst into life at the exact moment their copulation reached its natural end. The man was ejaculating deep inside the girl's vagina and she was mumbling incoherently in a combination of relief and delight. He watched the thrusting slow, stop and the girl collapse forwards on the bed, leaving her lover's cock dangling large, angry, red and bare.

How times had changed. He hadn't even considered using a condom or 'Johnny' as they were called in those days. Twenty-something years ago AIDS was considered the 'gay plague', nothing to do with heterosexual sex and 'the clap' was something that happened to the poor and ignorant not University staff or students.

The only real worry was about getting pregnant but with a true old-school mentality, he had always left that precaution to the girls themselves. He was sure Gaby was sensible in that respect; the semen swimming around in her body as she walked home would have a fruitless journey to her young womb.

He clicked back to the Explorer screen and looked at the long list of files; at least one for every year he had been at Oxford. Some years had several for the same girl, some had several girls in the same year. There had been very few barren years during his lengthy tenure.

He looked briefly at the file he had just watched. What was the date? He remembered that sunny spring afternoon in late March when Julie had given herself to him. Was it really twenty-three years ago not the twenty he had imagined?

His memory for dates wasn't what it used to be but his memory for conquests was still perfect; Julie Mackay had been in her very early twenties, soft and smooth with delicate skin and one of the tightest vaginas he had ever fucked. She had been only a few months from her final examinations, hence her desperation to succeed and the extremes she had been willing to go to.

Her daughter's skin had been the same but her body had been more toned and fit. Gaby's vagina had been looser though and had a rather more 'used' feel which he had found disappointing.

How old was she? He looked at the file on his desk and did a little mental arithmetic. Twenty-two! What a coincidence; Julie must have been pregnant during her final examinations.

He did a little more calculating and a shiver flashed through him; there was almost exactly a nine month gap between his six session fling with the lovely Julie and the birth of her daughter.

Could that be a coincidence?

He searched for the well-known QC on the internet. Most of the responses concentrated on her sparkling career but there were one or two comments on her private life. Like the Professor, she been married twice but unlike him her second liaison to another famous Barrister appeared to have succeeded. There were few references to her family apart from occasional descriptions of her as a 'working mother of two girls'.

He searched on her first husband. There was a brief article in which he was pictured with a young girl who was obviously Gaby many years ago. What did it say? 'Shown here with his stepdaughter Gabrielle.'

Hawthorne sat back in his chair, stunned.

If pretty Gaby wasn't the product of either of her mother's marriages; she must be the result of a liaison Julie had while she was at Oxford. Had there been a boyfriend around at the time? He couldn't remember, but if there was; presumably they were having sex too.

Surely the boyfriend, whoever he was, must have been the man who had got Julie pregnant.

Or had Professor Hawthorn just fucked his own daughter and recorded himself doing it?

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
WittonWittonover 2 years ago

I liked the story - gave it the five stars it deserved - but was a little disappointed by the foreshadowing of the fact of Gaby's conception -- perhaps there could have been a little less reliance on the Professor's retirement plan and discovery through some other means - let the professor do some more complicated mental detective work

NB The Pill has been available since the 60s If mother was as bent on getting a First she could/would have taken precautions - pill. IUD, diaphragm - and thereafter would certainly have had the option of an abortion

OnethirdOnethirdover 7 years ago
Revenge of the old don

I greatly enjoyed this. As a professor myself, this is pure fantasy wish fulfillment, especially as one gets older and the coeds cease to see you as a virile man. Thank you for the Christmas present!

abingtonabingtonover 8 years ago
excellent story

This was an excellent story , and well written. My only complaint, is how the story ended. Still, overall, an excellent grade should be awarded for your effort. Well done.

arch3rarch3rover 8 years ago

very hott!! please write more!!

MitchFraellMitchFraellover 8 years ago

Very enjoyable, as always.

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