Gaia's Champion Ch. 02

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Jason unknowingly uses his powers for some play time...
15.7k words

Part 2 of the 31 part series

Updated 05/26/2024
Created 01/22/2019
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Jason was enjoying himself a pleasant dream when he suddenly came awake. Something had triggered his senses to wake, almost like his body was telling him he needed to open his eyes now. As his eyelids fluttered open, he saw his friends had arrived, and that Jack was trying to sneak up on him while he was asleep.

"You know, you lot will have to be much quieter than that, if you want to scare me awake," he said out loud, without letting them know he saw them.

"Aw man! How the fuck did you do that? I was sure you couldn't have heard me!" Jack griped as he stood up straight and walked into the campground, dejected.

"Well, since I spend a lot of time in the great outdoors, I can tell when something sounds off. Good luck on trying to sneak up on me, bud. I doubt that even Sam Fisher could get the drop on me," Jason joked.

Jack continued to grumble as he moved to set up his and his girlfriend's tent. Jason sat up and got out of his hammock, stretching as he stood up. He got a good look at everyone who had come out for the May long weekend. There were about a dozen other people in attendance, most of them were friends of Jack, or Andrea, Jack's girlfriend.

Though they weren't in his immediate circle of friends, he knew everyone there to some extent. The only two who weren't a couple were two women who had shown up as solo campers. The first one he knew in passing, as Amy, but he knew little else about her. He'd seen her a few times, hanging with his ex-girlfriend, Nancy, way back when they were still dating.

The second girl, Jason knew a little better, but not by much. Her name was Elizabeth, and she was an outed and proud lesbian. He knew her mainly because they'd gone to the same high school years ago, but had gone their own separate ways afterwards. He'd heard all kinds of nasty rumors about her, most of them absurd but still unpleasant. She didn't quite look like the so called 'dyke bitch' that a lot of guys had said she was. But Jason supposed that there was some truth to the rumors, considering how badly she'd turn down guys asking her out.

As Jason popped his joints here and there, he realized everything that was going on around him. Not just the hustle and bustle of camp being set up, but all the sounds of nature that buzzed around them. He smiled to himself as he figured that the cause was his newfound Druidic power, as it wasn't just the sound he picked up on but the sights and the smells too.

Everything seemed greener, brighter, and more fragrant to him, almost like his senses had been asleep and were now awake. He also noted a few other smells coming from his friends and acquaintances, which to him seemed off-putting. He hadn't smelled these kinds of things before and wrinkled his nose at the scents.

He smelled the sweat of travel and exercise coming off everyone as they pitched their tents. Jason also smelled... excitement and... eagerness, which seemed to roll off them all, especially the guys. Jason supposed that was to be expected, since now everyone was away from all the commotion of city life. He was glad he wasn't the only one who was happy to be up here.

The campground they were in right now was a secret of some more experienced campers who made their way up here regularly. There was a much larger campground on the other side of the lake, but that tended to be overcrowded with lots of people. Often, they were the obnoxious sort who didn't give a rat's ass about other folks' sense of peace.

Since this place was secluded and off the beaten path, Jason and his friends opted for this place. Not only was it peaceful and well hidden, the small beach area was in a sheltered cove. This afforded anyone who camped here a sense of privacy that was seldom had in this day and age. The only way to get to this place was on foot, and only if you knew how to find it, since boats weren't allowed up here. The moment Jason had mentioned this place to his friends, they were all for heading up here for the weekend.

As Jason was reflecting on this, he noted something out of the corner of his eye. Jason swore he saw some ladies in attendance staring at him, almost like they were looking at him for the first time. The moment he turned his head to confirm his suspicions, their heads would snap back. They moved so fast; it was almost like they hadn't been staring in the first place.

Shaking his head, Jason looked about some before he felt the beads of sweat popping out on his forehead. Though they were higher in the mountains, where the air was cooler, he knew it would be a warm one today and it was just past lunchtime. Jason checked himself and saw that some perspiration had come out, soaking his shirt. Knowing there was nothing for it, Jason thought it was about time to go for a swim.

It was getting toasty out and he thought he'd go cool off in the lake. He walked over to his tent and ducked in, took off his hiking boots and closed it behind himself. Jason quickly doffed his clothes and slid into his emerald green swim trunks, tying them up. He also grabbed one of the two towels he brought with him and stepped back outside, shirtless. As he got outside his tent, he saw everyone had finished the setup of their own tents and was busy stowing their gear.

"Hey bud. You going for a swim?" Jack wondered as he finished setting up his sleeping bags with Andrea.

"Yeah. It's getting toasty out here, so I thought I'd cool off a bit," Jason replied.

"You mind waiting up? We're all sweaty too and could go for a dip ourselves."

"Sure. I'll wait over by the pathway down to the beach," Jason stated, and he walked over barefoot, while holding his flip-flops and towel.

Leaning against one of the large pines that dotted the area, Jason cast his eyes about, taking in all the sights and smells of this place. Now that he had enhanced senses, he felt he could truly appreciate places like this more. He always loved being out in nature, and now that he was a Druid, he felt a deeper bond than he thought possible with the forest.

He heard footsteps approaching and turned his head to see several of the women walking up to him. It wasn't so odd, except because some of them seemed to stare at him. He caught the look in their eyes, and it was something he'd seen just recently; lust.

"What's with the staring?" Jason asked brusquely as he turned to face them. Two girls turned their heads, faces reddening, while a couple others, including Andrea, kept looking.

"When did you get so buff suddenly, Jay? Jack said you'd been hitting the gym a lot lately, but I didn't think you'd be this chiseled, this fast!" she said, while almost tripping on her words. Taking a deep breath in, he replied to the gaggle of ladies in attendance.

"Well, I've also added climbing to my list of exercises. I guess that I never really noticed since I started my regimen all those months ago. It's not like I have an Instagram account, you know," he lied convincingly. No way in hell was he going to tell anyone about what he was. At least, not yet. Until he was absolutely sure he could trust them with it. Especially since he did not know who had put that block on him to begin with.

"Maybe you should get one set up!" Darcy, Andrea's best friend, a leggy blonde, stated lustily. Although she had a wonderful boyfriend in Seamus, Darcy was a shameless flirt. Her boy allowed it, so long as other guys didn't get any ideas. Glancing down once again, he figured it might be an idea to consider once they were back in civilization.

The guys had finally come out of the tents from changing and were walking over. Wondering what all the commotion was about, they looked at Jason and found themselves as shocked as the girls were. They'd all heard he'd been working out, but they accepted it as the result of some serious hard work.

As the motley crew meandered down the pathway, a couple of the girls pestered their guys about the possibility of taking up climbing. When they wondered why, the girls looked back at Jason. The guys did too, but with dirty looks on their faces, like he'd gone and done something wrong. Jason gave them all his best bewildered look and shrugged, giving every sign that this was on the girls and not him.

Satisfied with the gesture, the guys turned back to the path ahead and kept walking. A few minutes later, they broke through the tree line and walked out onto the sandy beach. It was one of those rare gems that existed in nature they'd been lucky enough to discover. Since Jason had found this place years ago, he kept it a secret and to only share it with those who would do the same.

Though his group of friends were a boisterous lot, they were smart enough to know that private places like this had to stay that way. Should word ever get out, this zone would be flooded with campers looking to take over. Dropping his towel and sandals, Jason then charged across the beach, diving into the water. The water was chilly, but not unpleasantly so. Cold enough to banish the heat, but warm enough where he wouldn't be freezing anytime soon.

"How is it?" Jack called out.

"Get your ass in here and find out for yourself!" Jason hollered back.

Smirking, Jack and the rest of the people on the beach lost their outerwear and waded on in. A few of the girls were inching their way in, slowly acclimatizing themselves to the water's temperature. That idea was dashed when two guys had the idea to rush on in, splashing the girls as they went. The squeals of the women only seemed to further encourage the guys to keep on splashing, and soon they were being chased by their vengeful girlfriends.

Jason chuckled to himself as he watched the events unfold around him. Having no girlfriend and being single for the last six months had been a pain in the ass, but he didn't let it stop him from living. He was enjoying the solitude and the peace of being alone, but sometimes, he missed having someone with him.

His ex had left him at her family's behest just before Christmas, which was painful in its own way. Though he'd cared for Nancy in a way that bordered on love, he got over her quickly. Once he found out she dumped him because her father told her to and because her church demanded it, he moved onward without hesitation. He couldn't stand to be with a woman who was so easily controlled and manipulated, especially since she allowed it.

Taking a few deep breaths, Jason centered himself and focused back on the good time he was having. Standing there in the water, he looked around and took in the beauty of this place, enjoying every second. He tried to, at least since the ruckus of play fighting was building up a fair bit. Huffing in good-natured irritation, Jason swam away from the group, to the other side of the bright cove.

Over on that side was a large cluster of rocks that led up to a steep cliff, which helped block the cove from most observation. It was there, by that cluster, Jason had found a small inlet that was shaped in the form of natural under and above water benches, almost like a hot tub.

The walls of the inlet were also a good ten feet in height, preventing anyone from randomly dropping in on him. He'd found it by accident last year, when he'd been here with an older group of campers and their families. They all knew about it, and it was the prefect place to get some peace and quiet.

He swam on into it, the opening into it being a little over two meters in width. As he crossed over into the inlet, he put his feet down and stood; the water coming only to his waist here. Sloshing forward, he sat on the underwater bench, his legs just barely submerged, and propped his arms up on the rock formation. He breathed in and out, letting the clean air fill his lungs as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the feel of the water.

Jason could sense many things through his newfound power. He could feel the fish swimming in the water nearby, always searching for food. Bees buzzing through the air, going from flower to flower, drinking the nectar from them. Birds chirping high in the trees, calling out to their friends and mates. He unconsciously reached out with his power, seeking to feel the tranquility of this place.

He didn't know how long he was doing this for, but it couldn't have been long as he sensed something else approaching. Jason heard chattering before he saw them arrive and by the sound of it, it was two women. Snapping his eyes open, he looked down the inlet and saw that the intruders were none other than Elizabeth and Amy.

Though Amy was of the same church that Nancy was a part of, she didn't look the part of a proper church girl. She stood at about five foot eight, with brown hair cut in a short bob style and brown eyes. Though she was a third generation Canadian, he thought he could pick out some Greek features in her face. She was pretty with the large, expressive eyes and a snub nose.

Her body was equally attractive, as her tits were sizable. Jason figured they were a C-ish, maybe bigger. Amy's ass was also well formed considering its size, with wide, curvy hips to go with it. She was lean in all the right places and had what he could only describe as a dancer's physique. Her legs and arms were toned and strong, but not overly so. Her skin had a slight sun kissed look to it, like she didn't get out in the sun as much as she'd have liked.

All of this was encased in a sapphire blue, Brazilian style bikini, which he was sure most church girls wouldn't be caught dead owning, much less wearing. He couldn't help but gawp at her as she neared the entry point, but was similarly entranced by Elizabeth. Though she was more sturdily built next to Amy, that didn't detract from her looks. In fact, it made her stand out all that much more.

She was the same height as Amy was, but her skin seemed to be more of a light cream color. It went well with her ink black hair, which was currently dyed blonde, and ice-blue eyes. Her facial features looked to those of classic Romani bloodlines, which some people would call 'gypsies'.

She was much bustier than Amy though, her cup easily something larger than a D-cup, maybe even an E-cup or bigger. Though she wasn't as hippy as Amy was, Elizabeth's ass was still in damn good shape. The black, simple one-piece suit she wore didn't do her figure any justice.

Jason thought it was a shame she was a lesbian because he was sure that there were many men who would have wanted her. But he wasn't one to begrudge someone's life choices, as everyone's life was their own to decide. They were sitting by the edge of the inlet, seeming hesitant about going in. The women hadn't noticed him yet, but mainly because he'd been both quiet and unmoving.

The two of them were deep in conversation, and Elizabeth seemed like she was hitting on Amy. Either Amy hadn't noticed it or ignored her as they continued their conversation. They were busy talking about many topics, ranging from clothes to people they knew and dated. As the topic heated up to more personal things, prompted by Elizabeth, he could tell that Amy was getting uncomfortable and broke in on the talk.

"You know, if the two of you want to come on in here, there's plenty of room for the both of you," he said out loud, causing both women to yelp in surprise. Jason chuckled aloud at the cease of their chattering and how he'd caused both women to jump in shock. He had caught their attention and was glad to see that, although shocked, Amy was more relaxed.

"What are you doing here?" Elizabeth asked, her voice conveying she was not impressed with him.

"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm laying down here relaxing and enjoying nature. Had the same idea, did you?"

"I thought no one knew about this place but me," she growled.

"Well, that's the thing. Those who have been to this campground before know this little spot is here. It's really a nice place to relax. As I said just now, there's plenty of room for the both of you if you want to come on in," Jason responded, inviting them both in.

"You know, I think I'm just going to swim around some more," Amy got out hurriedly. She spun and glided out into the cove, heading back to where the couples were busy at play. Elizabeth turned to convince her to stay, but Amy was already too far away for her to hear. Fuming, Elizabeth crossed into the inlet and stood to face down Jason.

"You know, she might have stuck around if you hadn't been here," she railed.

"Actually, she was looking uncomfortable at the prodding and questioning you were throwing at her. Someone had to jump in and say something before you made a total ass of yourself," Jason retorted.


"Yeah! You didn't notice how apprehensive she was about the topics you were going into? I'm surprised you failed to notice you crossed a few lines before she was ready to talk about them. You should have backed off and let her bring up the topic before going on about it," he shot at her.

"Oh, a big man giving a woman advice on dating! Well, let me tell you something about dating asshole..." at that point, Jason tuned her out. He'd heard tirades like this before, but oddly enough, he could sense something was off about Elizabeth. Unknown to his conscious mind, he was still reaching out with his Druidic power and was tuning into her mind and what she was feeling.

Jason could sense that she was frustrated, both mentally and sexually. He picked up the feeling she hadn't been laid in months and was getting desperate for some kind of release. Something that didn't involve her using her hands or any toys she might have owned. Acting on his power and pure instinct, Jason stood up, drew Elizabeth into him, and kissed her.

He caught her while she was trying to speak to him and her mouth was open, her tongue pressing against his lips at the motion. Shock rippled through the woman as she stood there, too stunned to speak. Smirking to himself, Jason wasted no time and grabbed Elizabeth, plonking her down on the bench above the water. He then dove in between her legs, shifting aside the fabric that protected her womanhood from the elements.

It was that motion that jolted Elizabeth out of her stupor, and she protested Jason's manhandling of her. She tried to get her hands on his slick scalp, but she couldn't find a grip at that angle. Maybe two minutes of trying, her fury weakened as her desire built. She could feel herself warming up most deliciously as Jason was licking her outer and inner lips.

He alternated back and forth, seeking to draw an orgasm out of the woman. He didn't stop, and it didn't take long before the pushing with her hands changed into her, pulling his head into her quim. Elizabeth's breath quickened, as did her pulse, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Despite the unusual and brash circumstance she found herself in, she was quickly getting turned on and rising to the peak of orgasm. Whatever Jason was doing with his tongue was getting her temperature to rise fast.

Jason continued to lick and suck her lips until he saw she opened her legs wider. At that point, he took the invitation and went straight to her now steaming hole, locking his mouth over it. Clutching her meaty ass, he kept sucking on her tight channel, while he used his tongue to continue to probe her wet opening. He continued this for at least a good ten minutes and how she was leaking, he could tell that Elizabeth was getting close.

As Jason continued to eat out this woman, he could feel a small nub rising just beneath his lip. Smiling to himself, Jason shifted his tongue's focus from her hot channel to her now prominent clit. He danced and probed around it, never seeking it out directly, but teasing it, tormenting Elizabeth all the while. She was huffing and quivering, nearing her point of orgasm, and after a good five minutes of this torture, he gave her the release she was craving.

The moment his tongue touched her clit, Elizabeth shook and convulsed as the orgasm blasted her like a wave. She would have screamed in pleasure, but she bit and howled into her forearm, muffling her cries. Jason withdrew from her, letting her enjoy the high, but also so she didn't clock him in the head as she thrashed about. He didn't go far though, just far enough to let her jostle about.