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The lounge and kitchen looked like a bomb site, empty bottles and cans everywhere, the carpets stained where food had been trodden in and drinks spilt. Glenda burst into tears again, she felt shameful and sorry for herself, regretting the stupid idea. She couldn't go home now, not and leave the caravan in the state it was. She tidied up best she could, but she ached so much that after a while, she had to lay back down again. She stayed in bed most of the day, keeping the doors locked and the curtains covered. The day became evening and outside she heard people packing up as they headed home. It must have been late evening when she heard voices outside and someone tried the door. She continued to stay in the bed, shaking in fear as she heard male voices moving around outside the caravan.

Monday morning, she phoned work to tell them she felt ill and was not coming in today. After that, she tried to tidy up, but the simple vacuum cleaner was of no use at all, she needed a proper machine. In desperation, she phoned Martin, it was easier to ask for his help, unable to presently face her mother. He was busy but promised to call around after work. Keeping the doors locked and curtains covered, Glenda hid away, she was still sore and not yet ready to face the world. Martin arrived just after five, he had called his mum, telling her he would be late and that he was popping over to see his sister. He was not prepared for the mess when he finally got there, and his sister opened the door.

'Fucking hell Glenda, what has happened?' He asked as he surveyed the room. She was already close to tears as she explained about the party and how it had got out of hand. Despite seeing that she was upset, Martin still had to chuckle.

'Even if you had slept with every one of my mates, it wouldn't have mattered. That was the Christmas before last, I had already won the bet.'

When she explained what had happened after the party, his attitude changed, and his immediate reaction was to ask if it was his friends that had done that to her. She shook her head.

'No. I don't know who they were. But by then I was pissed and couldn't have stopped it anyway.' She couldn't tell him that she hadn't tried to fight them off or even said 'No.'

As the tears came and despite the animosity that they had felt towards each other over the years, Martin went to put his arm around her shoulders, Glenda flinching and moving away, unable to have him or any other man near her at the moment.

'You've got to call the Police,' Martin said. But Glenda point blank refused, it had been her own fault, she had brought it on herself and had then allowed the youths to use her.

'I can't do anything this evening,' he told her, 'But tomorrow I'll hire a carpet and furniture cleaner and come and help get everything cleaned up before mum decides to come and visit.' She didn't want him to go, petrified in case the gang of lads turned up once more. He promised to return after he'd had his evening meal, 'If I don't go home, mum will be worried.'

She returned to her solitary confinement, making herself a little something to eat and watching tv, but she was on edge, jumping and feeling scared each time she heard a noise outside. She thought Martin would have returned by now, becoming more fearful as evening drew in and it started to get dark. Perhaps he had been having her on and did not intend to come back, it was what she deserved as she felt the tears come once more, sure that he had deserted her.

It must have been just before eleven o'clock that she heard a tapping on the door and her brothers whispered voice. Glenda couldn't stop shaking as she opened it slightly, peering out into the darkness.

'It's ok, it's only me. A few of the lads have come with me. They are dotted around, and we will keep an eye out for an hour or so,' he told her.

All of his mates were there, they had all lusted after Glenda for so long and despite never getting anywhere with her, they were not going to leave her alone now. They only knew what Martin had told them, which was that she was having trouble with a group of young males.

The site was quiet, most of the permanent resident lived down the other end, this part normally reserved for weekenders and holidays guests. It was nearly midnight when he heard the sound of whispered voices. He motioned to his mates, fanning out as they sought the location of the sound. From his vantage point, Martin could make out four lads heading in their direction, with the look of it, her presumed their destination was his mother's holiday home. As they got closer, he guessed they were about eighteen or nineteen, the lad leading them, taller than the rest and perhaps a little older. Martin and his friends stayed hidden as the youths approached, circling the caravan as though looking for open windows. The leader quietly ascended the decking, carefully trying the door handle before turning back to his friends, startled to find Martin stood behind the group.

'What the fuck do you want?' Martin asked.

With odds of four to one, the youth was cocky until suddenly Martin's friends appeared out of the gloom, the odds no longer in his favour. Like startled rabbits, the group were running, each darting in different directions, But Martin and his friends had been ready for that, each of the youths quickly brought to ground as fists and feet flew in, leaving them in a crumpled heap before being forcibly marched back. The taller lad was still cocky as they gathered back at the van.

'We weren't fucking doing anything pal. Just mistook which one we were looking for.'

Martin called Glenda out, watching as she cautiously opened the door and came down the steps towards them. It was the taller lad she recognised at first, sure he was the one that had initially joined her on the bed. As she approached the first youth, he leered at her, remembering her naked and with his cock inside her. The smirk on his face disappeared as she suddenly drew her leg back and lashed out, her foot landing squarely on his balls as he doubled over and vomited.

'What the fuck!' The tall lad shouted. 'I'll have the fucking cops on you!'

He glared at her as she approached, swung her arm back and smashed her fist directly into his nose, blood now gushing from it as his hands went to his face as his head slumped., only to receive her foot, as she kicked him in the nuts as well.

Martin handed her his phone, 'Call security,' he said. 'We'll make sure these tossers are handed over to the police.'

Glenda did not want the police involved, it would quickly come out that she had not objected sufficiently, but she called the security to come and collect the youths. The lads were no longer cocky when several burly security guards turned up, taking each of the youths by the arm as they marched them down the site.

'It's ok Miss. They won't be back, not once we have had a word with them.

Glenda was too afraid to stay alone now, asking Martin to stay with her.

'Come back home with me, I'll explain everything to mum without telling her the truth,' he promised.

They all hung around outside while she packed up her stuff, her brother locking the caravan up when she had finished.

'You drive dad's car home and Bobby will come with you. I and the other lads will follow you in our cars.' Back in town, his friends were dropped off, Martin thanking each of them and all of them getting a goodnight kiss from Glenda, but this time, not one that promised anything else. He followed her until they reached home, parking both cars on the driveway before quietly opening the front door.

The house was in darkness as they entered, Martin sending his sister up to her room. He was just heading for his bedroom when his mother's door opened and she poked her head out, giving him a quizzical look. Tiptoeing towards her, he whispered in her ear.

'Glenda's home, there has been some trouble, but I'll tell you about it in the morning.' He was just about to turn when his mother grabbed his arm.

'I've been missing you,' she whispered back, pulling him into her bedroom and quietly closed her door.

With his back to it, she pressed herself against him, the satin robe falling open and displaying her nakedness beneath. She had maintained a week of abstinence and she was suddenly missing her son's cock, taking his hand as he kissed her and placing it on her breast.

'I want...... you to...... fuck me,' she managed breathlessly as his mouth and lips were pressed against her own, both hands now supporting her tits as he fondled and caressed the smooth weighty flesh.

'You keep showing me these beauties and I'll definitely keep fucking you,' he laughed, making her groan as one hand left her breast and slid between her leg's, rubbing softly at her fanny as her lips started to open and her juices lubricated his finger. Within seconds his cock was free as Madge unfastened his pants and pushed everything to the floor before grasping his shaft firmly as she began to toss him off, his cock hard and throbbing as her hand slid his skin back and forth, her other hand teasing his plump shiny knob as she rubbed his pre-cum into the firm purple head. He had just been about to kiss her once more when she dropped to her knee's opened her mouth and wrapped her lips around his cock, her head bobbing back and forward as she gave him a blowjob, her tongue curling around his shaft as she continued to toss him off.

Getting rid of his t-shirt, he leant back against the door, his hips pushing forward as his mother continued to suck on his shaft. As his arousal dramatically increased, he found himself trying to fuck her face, his mother gagging every so often as his cock touched the back of her throat. If he didn't stop her now, he was going to cum in her mouth, he thought, something that had never yet happened. As her head moved backwards, he managed to withdraw, pulling her to her feet as he gripped her thighs and hoisted her. Swivelling, he placed her back against the wall and lifted her higher, her legs automatically going around his waist as he supported her weight, his hands under her buttocks. Lifting her a little higher, she cleared his shaft as he felt his knob rub against her piss flaps and her anus.

Madge's hand slipped between them as she fumbled his cock into position, Martin lowering her onto it as she felt its length slowly slide inside her wet fanny and at the same time, trying to suppress the gasps and moans that were escaping her lips.

'That feels so fucking good baby,' she murmured, her words exciting him. When for years he had never so much as heard his mother say "Bloody", it was very erotic to hear her using crudity's to describe what he was doing to her.

'That's it, my little boy, you slide that big cock of yours up my cunt. Oh God, yeah, that's right, fuck it, fuck your mummy's pussy.'

Martin did not need to be asked twice as he shagged his mother, hoping that the sound of her back, bumping against the wall did not reverberate into the other rooms. Madge kissed him constantly, her temperature rising as his cock continued to impale her, but she noticed his gaze constantly going to her tits which bounced with each thrust.

If nothing else, he was in love with his mother's breasts. Yes, they sagged a little, but that did not detract from the fact that he would love to slide his shaft between them, tit-fucking her before ejaculating on her face.

Noticing his eyes move once more, she placed her hands beneath her bust, pushing her tits upwards and making them bulge, her erect nipples now closer to her son's mouth as his head leant forward and he took each one between his lips. With one hand around his neck, Madge pushed her breasts into her son's face, his cock now ploughing her cunt rapidly as both of them neared their climax. As she started to orgasm and juice dripped from her cunt, she'd had to contain herself, aware that her daughter was only a couple of doors away and that if she made as much noise as she normally did, Glenda would hear her. As his mother pushed her groin and twat against him, Martin ejaculated, his hot cum shooting up her passage as he rammed his shaft into her faster, the feeling ecstatic as he felt her juices soak his shaft and bollocks.

Once his legs felt steady, Martin carried her across to the bed, his flaccid cock still buried deep in his mother's quim as she giggled at his waddling movement. Tucking one leg beneath his waist and the other over his hip, they lay facing each other, her vaginal muscles squeezing his shaft periodically as slowly she brought it back to life, delighting as she felt it growing inside her, bit by bit, filling her cunt once more. After missing out for the last few days, there was no way that Martin was leaving her yet, who knew when he might get the next opportunity, he thought as his cock began to slide back and forth in her cunt once more. He loved this position; he could reach every part of her body and watch her changing expressions as he shagged her.

It was late and his mother was sleeping by the time he made his way to his bedroom. 'No point in causing trouble already,' he thought, aware that his sister's views on him having sex with their mother would not have changed.

True to his word, he spoke to Glenda just before they both went off to work, promising that he would hire a cleaning machine and that they could go over to the caravan that evening. He drove her over after tea, but after a couple of hours of work, it became apparent that they were not going to get it all done in one evening. Such a mess had been caused that Martin reckoned it would take at least three if not four visits to get the caravan back to the neat and pristine state that their mother always kept it.

It was the first time he and Glenda had ever been out together, and Martin was surprised when they got through four hours without an angry word or sarcastic remark between them. Back home and with his sister up in her room, he explained to his mother that there had been a gang of lads hanging around the caravan over several nights and that it had spooked Glenda.

'We are just going to pop across each evening,' he told her, 'Just to make sure everything's ok. We informed security and they caught the lads. I don't think they will be back in a hurry.'

Each evening over the next three days, he drove his sister across and found that with her present temperament, he enjoyed spending the time with her. Friday evening, they finished early.

'Do you fancy a drink when we get back? 'He asked her. Although she said 'Yes,' it wasn't with the same enthusiasm that he had expected.

Returning home, he parked his car up and let their mother know that they were just popping down to the pub. After the last four days of Glenda being nice, he had jokingly held his arm out for her to link and was concerned when she shied away, not wanting to get to close to him.

They only stayed for an hour, just long enough to say 'Thanks' again to a couple of his friends before they headed for home, Martin again noticing that his sister tended to keep her distance from him. Their mum was already in bed when they got home, Martin asking Glenda to join him in the kitchen as he pulled a chair out from one side of the table for her and then moved around and sat opposite.

'If there is a problem. You need to tell me. I can't help if I don't know. Is this something to do with what happened?' He watched as she nodded her head, staring down at the table and refusing to make eye contact.

'I know we have never got on in the past, but if there is something I can do to help, you only have to ask.' His hand reached out and rested on her for a second.

Glenda could feel the tears prick her eyes. She was still saying nothing and still refusing to look at him.

Anyway, I'm going to bed,' Martin said as he got up from the table and told her goodnight.

She sat for a while longer feeling thoroughly miserable. Despite them having been mortal enemies when she had needed help, he had come to her rescue, no questions asked. Even now he was covering for her so that her mother did not find out and create a fuss. At one point in the past, she had wondered if she fancied him, but her normal behaviour towards Martin had driven a wedge between them. It was only now, that she began to realise what a complete idiot and a bitch she had been, but now it was too late, presently she wanted no man near her.

They had resumed their weekends away, Martin and his mother. Glenda had been invited, but the caravan was the last place she wanted to be at the moment. She was under no illusions as to what they were probably getting up to when they were alone having heard her brother going to her mother's room when they both thought she was asleep.

For several months, she had not left the house other than to go to work. Her brother had invited her out numerous times with him, but she was still reluctant to be alone with anyone, even Martin. Eventually, as her confidence began to return, she allowed him to persuade her, but he only ever took her to places that she felt comfortable.

Madge was concerned, whatever had taken place involving her daughter had changed her, no longer did she hear disagreements between Glenda and Martin, and she was proud of her son, he at least was making a special effort to involve his sister with his friends. She watched as the two of them would go out together on occasional evenings although Martin always had his sister home early. It was why she had told her son after a weekend away, that 'She didn't mind.' He had questioned her, asking what she didn't mind about, but that was all she would say.

As autumn approached, visits to their caravan began to dwindle. Their mother had booked a weekend away with some of her friends and pulled her son to one side after tea that evening.

'Why don't you and Glenda go and use the caravan one last time before it's too late,' she suggested. 'I'm going to be away until Monday and it will do her good to get out of the house.'

When their mother had left on Friday, Martin asked his sister that evening if she fancied going to the caravan for the weekend. Although she had agreed to accompany him, she had looked petrified, making him promise not to leave her alone.

They had driven over on the Saturday morning, the site far quieter now as the season came to an end and the weather threatened to change. During the day she had been fine, Martin taking her out for a stroll around the site and keeping her amused with his stupid antics and stories which made her laugh. It was as the day wore on and evening approached that Glenda began to get nervous. He couldn't persuade her to go out to the club that evening, so they had watched tv before deciding to retire. Martin was sound asleep when he realised that someone was shaking his shoulder.

'I'm sure I heard voices,' Glenda whispered to him as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

Jumping from his bed, he left the lights off as he asked where she thought it had come from. Moving the curtains as little as possible, he looked out, trying to scan the area. Unable to see anything, he moved from room to room doing the same but still there appeared to be no one about. He was just about to tell her it was all alright when a movement caught his eye. It was too dark to see properly but he was sure he had seen something move. Keeping perfectly still, he continued to stare out into the darkness, waiting patiently in case his eyes were playing tricks. And then he saw them, the tall lad and one other, stood in the shadows of another caravan and off to one side of their own. Martin continued to watch them until he was certain there were only the two of them. Motioning his sister over, he told her to keep an eye on them as he pulled on a t-shirt and jeans and laced up his trainers.