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Geena is such a tease!
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Geena is a tease. She was a tease when she was a little girl. She teased the boys at school. She teases Mr. Pearson, who lives in the house next door. She teases her boss, sometimes. She used to tease her mother before she divorced her daddy and moved out west. Geena teased her brother until he almost hurt her once, but she loved him more afterwards than before he made her stop teasing him.

Most of all Geena loves teasing her handsome father. He was almost fifty now, and she had just turned twenty-four. Geena agreed to live at home after college because her dad traveled extensively for his business and was concerned about the house with only her younger brother there. She teased him about it, but he loved her and put up with her games.

What Dan Coleman didn't understand about Geena was that she wasn't teasing when she told him how handsome she thought he was and how stupid her mother had been for leaving him. Geena was very serious about her father, and she craved his affections. Geena melted inside every time he kissed her on the cheek, or patted her on the back, or held her hand for a brief moment. All Geena ever wanted to do was please her father.

Geena could not understand why her daddy made her feel all tingly inside and squishy between her legs, but he did. Every time she spent time with him, her pussy would respond by soaking her sexy panties. She would lie in bed afterwards, masturbating frantically, remembering every word he had said.

Geena had been dating since she was fourteen, and had been sexually active since her eighteenth birthday. She didn't consider herself a slut, exactly, but she knew how easy it was to get into her panties. Geena had fucked most of the boys or man she had dated, but she was never satisfied. The hunger within was powerful and she ached for the release she felt when she had a strong orgasm. She had decided that's why she was such a tease; she wanted attention, sexual attention. But all the attention she received only left her with the craving for more.

Geena's brother, Hal, had almost put the fire out in Geena. She had been flaunting herself around Hal for many months. She would wear short skirts and skimpy blouses or just a bra and panties when they were alone in the house together. One Saturday, Geena went to the kitchen early in the morning to get a glass of ice water. All she was wearing was a transparent baby doll nightie. Hal was sitting at the table drinking coffee, and reading the paper.

Hal didn't pay her any attention, at first, so Geena made a special effort to make sure he saw her. She slowly bent over at the waist, looking into the lower shelves of refrigerator, displaying her tantalizing rump. Her thick vaginal lips peeked through the burnt copper pubic hair, covering her mound and creeping back between her legs. Hal stared at her and made a decision to either put an end to her teasing or find out just what her game was.

Hal's cock was a thick seven-inch model, heavily veined and hard as blue steel as he rose from the table. He stepped over to his sister and pulled her up and spun her around against the cabinet next to the refrigerator. His hands found her soft tits as he covered her mouth with his. Geena pushed against him but Hal had other ideas. In one quick motion, he skinned the sheer nightie from her body, leaving her standing naked before him. Geena was shivering. She was suddenly afraid of Hal, but she could feel her pussy getting hot.

She looked down between their bodies and saw his rigid manhood pointing straight at her belly button. Hal leaned forward pressing the purple head of his erection against her and leaned away. A thin shiny thread of pre-cum joined the spot he had touched and the slit on his cock head. Geena shivered again, but remained motionless.

Hal pulled her around and pressed her face down on the kitchen table. Stepping up behind Geena, holding his rampant member firmly in his hand, he advanced until she felt him part her wet folds. He leaned into her, pushing himself deep into her. Geena had never had a naked cock in her pussy before. The heat emanating from Hal's flesh scalded her insides. She had always been insistent that her partners use a condom, even though she had been on birth control pills since she turned sixteen.

Hal's cock started to saw in and out of her hot hole. Geena's pussy began generating copious amounts of lubrication, soaking Hal's thick cock. As he slammed into her wet folds, Hal scolded his sister for teasing him for so many years.

"If you wanted me to fuck you, you little cunt," He raged, "Why didn't you just ask me?"

"I didn't want you to fuck me," Geena grunted, as Hal pounded into her. "I was just teasing you."

"Well, tease this," he said, thrusting his stiff meat savagely against her cervix.

"Hal," she screamed, "you're tearing me apart."

"When I get done with you," he wheezed, "you'll know better than to ever tease me again."

Hal continued his onslaught into her, making sure his slut sister would remember this day. And remember she would, because Geena started to have one hard orgasm after the other. She had never been so thoroughly consumed with passion before.

"Oh, fuck yes, Hal," she wailed, "show me how bad I am!"

Hal couldn't believe his ears. His sister was enjoying what he was doing to her. But he would show her. Hal pulled his cock out of her oozing cunt and raised it up a couple of inches and leaned forward, impaling her virgin ass hole.

Geena's scream could be heard out in the yard. Hal's cock screwed deep into her tight dry sphincter. Geena had never experienced anal penetration. And she wasn't sure she ever wanted to again at that moment. But Hal, incensed with teaching his sister a lesson, lunged into her with a fury. As he persisted in his assault, Geena relaxed and took more and more of Hal's cock into her bowels, until he was easily humping into her. And Geena continued to orgasm.

Geena's pussy was flowing as Hal fucked deep into her ass. Strong climaxes crashed through her body. Her skin burned from being rubbed against the tabletop, and her legs ached from the pummeling they were receiving from the edge of the table.

Geena's ecstatic moans of pleasure drifted out the open window to be heard by Mrs. Pearson, next door. She was sure Geena was being killed by a burglar, so she scurried into her house to find Mr. Pearson to investigate the cause for all the commotion coming from the Coleman's kitchen.

Hal felt his balls tightening, signaling his eruption was near. He jerked his cock from Geena's clenching ass hole, grabbed a handful of Geena's copper colored hair, pulled her from the table and unceremoniously deposited her flat ass on the floor. He pulled her face up, by the hair and pumped his turgid cock with his other hand, splattering her face with thick ropes of creamy white sperm. Then he shoved her down on the floor.

Standing over her crumpled form, Hal sneered through clenched teeth, "Maybe that will teach you not to tease me."

Then he was gone, leaving Geena sprawled on the floor, her face painted with her brother's milky semen. She wiped the thick cream from her eyes with her fingers, and stuck them in her mouth to savor his pungent flavor. She repeated it again and again until she had most of it off her face.

Suddenly the back door burst open and Mr. Pearson rushed into the kitchen. Seeing Geena crumpled on the floor, he rushed to her side and raised her up in his arms, cradling her head.

"What happened here?" he asked with great concern.

A puddle of Hal's cum had leaked from her ravaged anal cavity and pooled under her on the floor. Mr. Pearson took the scene in and his cock stirred in his pants.

"I'm all right, Mr. Pearson," Geena whispered. "I slipped on the linoleum and fell."

He assessed the situation to be much more complicated, due to her nakedness and the deepening color of the bruises on her thighs. Helping her to her feet, his foot nearly went out from under him as he stepped on the sexual fluids on the floor.

"Really, I'm going to be fine," Geena said, softly.

Glen Pearson had a huge erection tenting in his tennis shorts. Geena made a mental note of the extreme size of the bulge. She stretched up on tiptoes, flattening her soft boobs against his arm and kissed him on the cheek.

"Thanks for coming to the rescue, Mr. Pearson," Geena said.

"Put some clothes on, Geena," he said, and closed the door as he left.

'What a love muscle!' Geena thought to herself, as her neighbor crossed the yard and went through the gate.

Geena's body ached. Her elbows and chin were skinned from the ceramic top on the table, and the bruises on her legs were very tender to the touch. Her ass hole was aflame. She stood with the shower spray flowing over her until the hot water gave out. She dried and went into her room, closing the door.

It was only nine thirty in the morning. She had just been brutally raped by her brother, but she was still horny. She recalled the repeated orgasms she had experience as Hal had pounded his cock into her virgin ass hole. God, how it hurt when he first pushed his prick up her butt. But then, it felt heavenly. If only he hadn't been so rough.

Geena slept until after two in the afternoon and then she got up and put on a pair of jeans, to cover her bruised legs, and went back to the kitchen. She made her self some lunch and looked out the window into the Pearson's yard. Joan and Glen Pearson were lounging by the pool. It was a warm spring day and one of the first sunny days worthy of sitting outside in swimwear.

Geena went outside and across the yard to the gate between the yards. She pushed the gate open and walked over to sit next to Glen. He was around fifty and quite well preserved. Joan was four years younger, short and soft. Not really overweight, just well padded. She had a large bosom, which filled her bikini top to overflowing. She had ample hips and shapely legs.

Glen fidgeted as Geena thanked him and Joan for coming over when they heard her scream. Glen was obviously uncomfortable, recalling Geena's nudity. Joan asked Geena if she wanted some tea and excused herself to go and brew some for all of them.

"Do you want to explain what really happened this morning, Geena?" Glen asked.

"I'd really rather not," she said. "I'd have to tell on somebody and I'd rather not do that."

"If you mean Hal," Glen said. "I saw him crouching over you and heard what he said about teasing him. Did he hurt you bad?"

"Nothing that won't go away in a few days," Geena answered, sheepishly.

"Has he ever done anything like that to you before?" he asked.

"No. I'm no virgin, but he was so mean," she answered. "I guess he's right, though. I have been kind of hard on him. I always tease him. I guess I tease every body."

"Yes, you do," he said. "I've been watching you grow up for years. And now look at you, all curvy and pretty. I'll bet the boys have your dance card all filled up."

"I haven't found anyone I really get off with yet," she confided. "I just don't ever seem to feel connect."

"It'll happen, don't give up," Glen said.

Geena let her eyes drift down to his lap, where his semi-hard cock twitched as it grew down his leg.

"Mr. Pearson," Geena asked, "Do you and Mrs. Pearson still have good sex?"

"We have great sex, Honey," Joan Pearson interjected, as she returned with a tray of iced tea. "This old man has still got a lot of fire in him. He told what he saw this morning. I think Hal should be horse whipped for hurting you."

"He didn't really hurt me," Geena said. "He was just a little rougher than I like it."

"Sex should be exciting, not painful," Joan said.

Glen's erection had extended down his leg and a long thick bulge was very evident in his trunks.

"You certainly seem to have an effect on men," Joan said, smiling at her husband's state of arousal.

Glen groaned and shifted on his lounger. Geena turned crimson.

"Maybe I should leave so you two can be alone?" Geena asked.

"He's all right," Joan said. "He's still cranked up after watching you and Hal in the kitchen this morning."

"I am not," Glen fussed.

"Honey, you've had half a hard on ever since you saw Hal shoot his cum in Geena's face," Joan said. "And you'll have it until somebody takes pity on you and helps you with it."

"Jesus," Glen exclaimed. "Why do you have to be so blunt in front of the neighbors?"

"Because you watched her getting fucked this morning and all you can think about is her naked body," Joan snapped. "Right or wrong, Big Guy?"

"Maybe I'd better go?" Geena asked.

"Glen, go and get us some more tea," Joan said, and cocked her head toward the house for Glen to vanish for a while.

After Glen had disappeared through the door, Joan moved over to the lounger where he had been sitting.

"Do you find Glen attractive?" Joan asked.

"Sure," Geena answered. "He's a hunk."

"If I wasn't here would you make love with him?" Joan asked.

"He's married," Geena said.

"That wasn't the question," Joan said.

"Not today, I'm still wiped out from this morning," Geena stated. "But yes, probably."

"Have you ever had sex with a woman?" Joan asked.

"Sort of," Geena answered. "In college. We kissed and rubbed each other. Nothing serious."

"How about two men at once?"


"Man and a woman at the same time?" Joan asked.

"Well, this guy fucked my girlfriend and me in the same room one time, but not at the same time," Geena said.

"Do you enjoy oral sex?" Joan was getting aroused as she questioned the lissome girl about her sex life.

"I guess so," Geena said. "I've never had any complaints."

"Well, Glen loves to have his weenie sucked," Joan stated. "So if you want a thrill, get him to reel out his big pecker and let you suck it for him. In fact, here he comes now, lets give him a blow job together."

"God, Joan. You're serious," Geena breathed.

"Sure, he's more than any one woman can handle," Joan said, reaching behind her back to untie her bikini top.

Joan's tits stood out on her chest like ripe melons. Geena's pussy was wet from all the sexy talk but she felt it trickle as she watched Glen approach with a full hard on down the leg of his trunks. Joan reached up under his trunks when he came close to her, causing him to nearly dump the tray he was carrying.

"Wha'?" he stammered as he sat the tray on the low table.

Joan tugged at his trunks.

"Shuck 'em, Boy," Joan said. "Geena wants to see that big dog in your britches."

Glen wasted no time in freeing his surging member for the two women to see. His ten-inch pole stood nearly straight out from his abdomen. It was thick and smooth with a perfectly circumcised head. A large droplet of clear pre-cum drooled from his slit. Geena peeled her t-shirt over her head and stood, pushing her jeans down, exposing the cruel bruises on her legs.

"Table was a little tough on me," she stated, stepping out of her jeans.

Joan removed her bikini bottoms. Reaching for Geena's hand she pulled her over to where Glen stood admiring her supple form. Joan sat on the lounger and took Glen's stiff prick in her hand and pumped him a time or two. Geena sat next to Joan and leaned forward, extending her tongue to lick the clear liquid off his cock. Glen moaned as Geena moved her tongue over the end of his shaft.

Joan leaned in and both women laved him at the same time. Glen was stoked. Joan knew just what he liked and she began instructing Geena in the ways to satisfy your man with your mouth. Soon Geena was mimicking Joan's every move, taking Glen deep into her mouth and working his huge rod with her hand and mouth at the same time.

She and Joan switched back and forth, sucking and licking Glen's cock until he blasted his load across their faces with tremendous force. As he stumbled back and flopped down on a lounge chair, Joan covered Geena's mouth with a tender kiss and started to lick Glens cum off Geena's face. Geena returned the favor and within minutes, the two women were passionately kissing and fondling each other. Geena had never been totally intimate with another woman and this experience was new territory. Joan kissed and licked her way down to Geena's soft full titties and suckled her hard nipples.

When Joan's mouth found Geena's drenched pussy, Geena launched into a series of quick, intense orgasms. Joan drilled her tongue deep into Geena, releasing the girl's juices to wash over her sticky face. Geena had no idea how intense sex with a woman could be and hungered to taste Joan's sweet cunt.

Geena pushed Joan away and rolled her over on her back on the pool apron and swept into the older woman's hot bush. Completely inexperienced, Geena set to work to find out what buttons to push to make Joan happy. She spread Joan's outer lips and stroked her tongue through the furry bush. Joan stiffened at first contact. Geena searched with her tongue until she felt the thick nub of Joan's clit. Joan obviously approved of what she was doing because a long low moan escaped her lips as Geena continued to lash her stiff clitoris.

Suddenly, Joan tightened her thighs around Geena's head. Joan bucked against her face, releasing her own flow of thin lubricant onto Geena's probing tongue. Then she laid very still, breathing through her mouth for a couple of long minutes.

Geena pushed herself up and found her jeans. Fishing a cigarette from the pack in her pocket, she reached for Glens lighter. Glen beat her to it and stood to light her smoke. After taking a deep drag, Geena looked up at Glen.

"Today has been a crazy day," she said, reaching her hand out to softly run a finger up and down his thick cock. "I think some day, when I'm in a little better shape, I'd like to feel that big sausage sliding into my cunt."

"I think he'd probably like the same thing," Joan said, as she sat up and took the cigarette from Geena's fingers and took a deep drag.

They all laughed together.


Dan Coleman watched out the kitchen window as his daughter and his neighbor's wife sucked Glen Parson's dick and then ate each other out. Now they were taking turns smoking a cigarette. He could almost smell the sex there in his own kitchen. Lord, how beautiful his daughter was. But where had she gotten those ugly bruises on her legs. He watched as she pulled her jeans and t-shirt on and started through the gate into their yard. Dan quickly ducked out of the kitchen before his daughter could see the state of his burgeoning erection.

Geena wandered into the house. She found her dad in the den, scrunched up to his computer desk.

"Hi, Daddy," Geena sang, as she danced over and wrapped her arms around his neck.

She gave him little pecks across his neck and nuzzled his ear. His erection threatened to tip the desk over.

"I love you, Sweetie," he said, turning his face for a peck on the cheek.

To his surprise, Geena covered his mouth with hers and lingered just a few seconds longer than normal. He also could swear he felt her tongue dart across his lips.

"I'm gonna catch a shower," Geena cooed in his ear. "What's for dinner?"

"You want to go out?" he asked.

"I think not tonight," Geena answered. "How about we order in a pizza?"

"Call now and it'll be here when you're finished with your shower," Dan answered.

Geena called for the pizza and went to her room to freshen up. She felt fatigued after the wild day she had. Between her brother attacking her in the kitchen and her tryst with Joan and Glen, she was bushed. The shower revived her somewhat but her legs were still tender and her butt hole still burned. She could feel the stirrings in her pussy every time she let her thoughts drift back to her daddy in the den. The kiss had been electric. Had she really licked his lips?' God, what am I thinking?' she wondered.

She brushed some makeup on her legs to hide the bruises and wore a skirt long enough to reach to her knees, with a light blouse. They ate pizza and talked about silly things. Dan Coleman was troubled by the feelings he was experiencing toward his daughter. He loved her dearly but the scene he witnessed this afternoon had started a fire inside. She reminded him of her slut mother when she was much younger.