Getting Her Mojo Back

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A woman has a sexual reawakening.
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The late afternoon sun streamed through the bedroom window, casting a golden glow over the two naked bodies on the big bed, Sharon's hands clutched the sheets and her whimpers of pleasure filled the room as a skilled tongue flicked at her throbbing extended clit.

"Fuck! Fuck!" she cried, "Don't stop!"

Sharon's one hand moved to the red hair of the head between her legs and gripped tight. A powerful wave of pleasure overtook her. She rode the wave, her full breasts heaving, her back arching and her eye's closing as she savoured the beautiful sensations. Her lover kept going, lavishing a staccato of pleasure to that sensitive nub of flesh.

Powerful aftershocks and tingles of pleasure followed the intenseness of that amazing orgasm..

She lay still now, her body limp and drained. She released her grip and her lover began kissing upward. Her belly, her breasts and then those soft sweet lips were against hers.

Her lover raised up, striking green eyes meeting Sharon's. The nipples of Carol's full breasts brushing against hers which still tingled from their lovemaking.

As she ran her fingertips lightly through Carol's hair, flashes of memories flickered through her mind. She remembered those many years before, when, as college best friends, they had first experimented with lesbian sex. She remembered how they were both such sexual beings and the many evenings they enjoyed glasses of cheap wine while they shared intimate details of their sexual dalliances with the guys they dated. She remembered the time Carol had tutored her on the techniques of giving great head. That was thirty years ago and so much had happened since then.

Carol leaned in and kissed her again and then rolled beside her and snuggled against her body. Sharon closed her eyes and smiled as she recalled those few wild years the two of them had enjoyed in college. While Carol was always the initiator, she had always been on board and game for anything and everything. She remembered their first threesome with the nerdy guy who had come over to help them with their statistics class. They had given him a night that he probably has never forgotten. So many memories. And then after grad, they had gone their separate ways, taking jobs in different parts of the country. They had always stayed best friends and kept in touch and five years later Carol was maid of honour when she had married Ted. Carol had kept on being the wild one but eventually got married herself when she was in her late thirties and Sharon was there by her side that day.

She thought of the fun girl's weekends that she and Carol had shared over the years, and how they always had that special attraction and always ended up in bed together. It was funny, she had never been attracted to any other women but Carol, but every time they were together it had been magic.

And today was no different. Sharon was a a low point in her life and had called Carol a few days ago and let it all out. The shock of Ted's diagnosis two years before, the treatments for that fucking disease. The care she had given for a year only to have him slip away. And then the overwhelming grief. She had tried to put on a brave face, but had just wallowed in her misery. At the same time, Carol was going through the "shit show" of her divorce from Ron. But that was over and in that phone call it all came out, from both of them.

And then this afternoon, there was Carol at her door, with a big smile and a hug saying, "I think we need each other Shar."

Their lips had met and in no time they were in Sharon's big bed, pleasuring one another, finding release in each other's arms.

And now, they lay together, holding one another, As she stroked Carol's hair, she glanced at the window and saw that the brightness of the afternoon sun had turned to the blue hues of dusk. Carol stirred beside her, rolling away and standing up. "Gotta go pee." she said with a giggle and headed to the bathroom.

Sharon watched her, enjoying the sight of Carol's tight butt as she walked to the ensuite. Tall and slim, Carol had always been a head turner and at 50 still looked great. Sharon knew that these past two years had taken a bit of a toll on her own body as she not exercised like she once did and often turned to food when she was feeling down. So her curvy body had just gotten a little curvier.

When Carol came back, Sharon's eyes fixed on the thatch of red hair and as Carol stood by the bed she reached around her and pulled her close, nuzzling her face against it. She gave Carol a kiss on her belly and then Carol flopped down on the bed beside her. She gave Sharon another kiss before saying, "We need to talk, and I'm starving, so lets get dressed and go to that little Italian place you always raved about."

The two showered and dressed and after making a quick call for a reservation, headed down to Trattoria de Mario.

"Mrs. D, it has been too long," said Mario as he showed them to a quiet table in the corner, "I was so sorry to hear about Mr. D."

"Thank you, this was our favourite place and you always made it special."

After they were seated and Mario had decanted a bottle of Sharon's favourite Sangiovese, Carol got right to the point.

"Hun, what's the last time you had a good fuck?"

Well Carol was never one to pussy foot around a subject, thought Sharon as she replied, "It has been over two years."

"Then you need some good fucking and so do I and I know just where we can get it!"

"Well you were never one to hold back, so what do you have in mind?"

"Look, I know you have had a rough two years, hell, we both have and I think it is about time we get out and have some fun, I think we both could use some good hot uninhibited sex... Remember the weekend with Keith in our senior year?"

Sharon smiled as she recalled that weekend of debauchery. It had been a month before final exams and both she and Carol had been stressed out. When Keith, who had been fucking Carol on and off suggested a weekend getaway at his father's cabin on the lake, the two of them had jumped at the chance. That weekend had been one of the wildest and uninhibited times ever. Clothes were seldom worn and it was suck, fuck or lick whoever and whenever. But they had all been twenty year olds then and she wondered how it would be now that she and Carol were fifty.

"I remember it well, but we were kids then, and besides, who do we know with a cabin in the woods?"

"Well darlin' it isn't in the woods, it is a beach house by the ocean, but I have a friend who is going to be there next weekend and wouldn't mind the company of a couple of hot women,"

"Fuck, you have it all set up don't you... and why do you think I'll agree?"

"Shar, I could tell when we talked on the phone the other day that you were ready to get on with your life and break out of the shell you have put yourself in. So I made a call and yes, sort of let my friend Ryan know that he might have some company this weekend. And don't worry, he is very discreet. He was my special friend while I was going through the divorce and I don't mind sharing with my best friend. And I know that Ryan won't mind either."

"Well, Carol, you make it sound very appealing. But be forewarned, if we get there and it doesn't feel right for me, I will leave him to you and I'll just have a relaxing getaway soaking up the sun on the beach."

A wicked little smile came on Carol's face as she replied, "Deal... but I know you will be all in when we get there."

The next few days were fun. The two best friends, enjoying being together again. They laughed, they shopped for beachwear and they spent many hours, naked in one another's arms. And as they did, Sharon started to feel some of the stress of the past two years begin to slip away. And then suddenly it was Friday and they were on a plane winging south.

Sharon was lost in thought, gazing at the tops of the cumulus clouds below. She could feel a twinge of uncertainty creeping in about the weekend. But then, she had given herself an out and she knew that Carol would not pressure her if got cold feet.

She looked over at Carol who had dozed off. She took a sip of her wine and let her mind drift to what she knew about Ryan. Carol had told her he had been a police detective and had left the department after 20 years and started his own private investigation agency. It had been quite successful and 7 years later he oversaw a staff of eight investigators and two researchers. He was in his early 50's and according to Carol was "ruggedly handsome with a body to die for".

The announcement that they were in final descent brought Sharon back to reality. Carol had wakened and looked over at her friend and winked and said, "Well here we are, don't worry, you will be fine, just go with the flow and let things happen. Worst case, you will come home with a great tan!"

Sharon laughed at her friend's comment, but still felt a tinge of anxiousness. Perhaps it was just the excitement of what might be. She knew she would not have come had she been totally adverse to the idea, so "what the hell" she thought, going with the flow might be just what the doctor ordered.

As they exited the arrivals hall at the Palm Beach Airport, they saw an older man holding a sign with Carol's name on it. He introduced himself as David and said that Mr. Sheehan had arranged him to drive them up to Jupiter. He took their bags and led them to a grey limo parked outside.

"Sit back and relax ladies, it is only about forty minutes to Mr. Sheehan's house. There is some wine in the little cooler so just enjoy the drive."

Carol poured them a couple glasses of the chilled Pinot Gris and as they clinked glasses she said, "Here's to an enjoyable weekend love, may the sun be warm and the sex hot!"

"Will see," replied Sharon remaining noncommittal, but certainly looking forward to a fun in the sun getaway. perhaps with some fringe benefits.

As David turned onto the bridge to take them across to the island, he told them about all the famous people who lived there or had lived there. Most of the houses were huge mansions and Sharon wondered how someone with a PI firm could possibly afford such luxury.

Carol must have read her mind and explained that Ryan's grandparents had been quite well off and when his grandmother died she left her only grandson their "beach house". Although he had first debated selling it, he decided that the investment account that he had also been left could easily handle the taxes and the upkeep and he had held onto it. Besides using it for a getaway for himself, he also occasionally rented it out to for a couple weeks at a time and in doing so was able to pocket a bit of profit.

David pulled up to a secure gate and buzzed the intercom. A male voice, probably Ryan answered and after confirming who it was the large gate began to swing open. Behind the gate and the high hedges that butted up to it was a large well manicured lawn and a one level older style beach house with white siding and blue trim. As David stopped on the circular drive in front of the house, the doors opened and a tall man stepped out.

Carol jumped out and gave the man a hug. As they embraced, Sharon was able to get a good look at Ryan. He was about six feet two inches tall, had dark wavy hair and flashing dark eyes. As she stepped out of the limo, he broke the embrace with Carol, smiled and said, "And you must be Sharon. I'm Ryan, and any friend of Carol's is a friend of mine. He stepped toward her and gave her a quick hug and then continued, "Come in to my humble abode, I've just started the prep for dinner, but let me show you around."

The house was not large, but had an open plan and a great beachy feel. From the entrance one could see straight to the windows and french doors at the back that looked onto a pool and the Atlantic Ocean beyond. There was a recently updated kitchen to the right with a big wooden dining table and chairs. To the left were several seating areas with big overstuffed couches and chairs and one stone fireplace that really added to the ambiance.

"Let's get you ladies settled and then I will give you the tour."

David followed with their bags and they were shown to two almost identical bedrooms down a hallway past the dining room. Each bedroom had a king sized bed and its own ensuite. And each had a view of the ocean. Carol took the first one and Sharon the second. David placed their bags in the rooms and then he and Ryan headed back towards the main area, leaving the ladies to freshen up.

Sharon used the bathroom, washed up and was touching up her makeup when Carol came bounding into the room.

"What do you think kiddo, will this do for a beach escape?"

Sharon laughed and nodded, "I think it will do just fine. That pool looks amazing and the view, wow!"

"If you think these rooms are nice, wait until you see the master suite." Carol said, with a big wink.

"If I didn't know better, I'd think you were a pimp in a former life." Sharon responded as the two friends giggled.

Heading back to the main area, they found Ryan in the kitchen, chopping up some tomatoes. He stopped what he was doing and picked up an open bottle of white wine from an ice bucket the counter and poured the women each a glass.

"Well, you've seen the main area and the guest rooms, now let me give you a tour of the pool area and the master suite"

They stepped outside and found a good sized swimming pool with a in ground hot tub at one end. There was a barbecue area with lots of seating under a pergola. Beyond the pool was a short expanse of lawn and then a gate in the back fence.

"There's a path down to the beach through that gate, I'll give you the code for the lock in the morning."

He then led them back into the house and through a set of double doors into the master. The tour was obviously for Sharon's benefit as Carol had been here in the past. Sharon's jaw dropped when she entered the master suite. A huge four poster bed was the focal point, but there was a sitting area by the windows and a second stone fireplace. The room was tastefully decorated with several seascape paintings and two beautiful whale sculptures. There was a door that led to what Sharon assumed was a walk in closet and then an adjacent door that led into the master bath. Sharon had never seen anything lite it, it had a huge walk in shower with two rain-shower heads and two wands. There was a large oval soaker tub and two sinks on a marble counter.

"Well, what do you think Sharon?" Ryan asked.

"It is wonderful, the whole place is amazing. You are so lucky to have a place like this to come and relax."

"Glad you like it, now I must get back to making dinner, you ladies must be starving after a long day of travel."

The three of them returned to the kitchen and Sharon and Carol stood by the counter chatting with Ryan as he prepared a Caesar salad. He told them he was doing his "famous" linguine vongole.

Sharon hadn't known what to expect and certainly the relaxed laid back atmosphere was a surprise. Ryan must know what Carol has in mind for them but there was no sign that this was anything other than three friends getting together for a nice dinner. She decided she would just go with the flow, enjoy the company and let what happens happen. Carol had reminded her before they boarded the flight that there would be no pressure.

The meal was delicious, the salad, the pasta and then a wonderful Tiramisu for dessert that Ryan said he had picked up at a local bakery earlier that afternoon. The three ate, sipped wine and chatted, Sharon getting to know Ryan a bit better and finding him very charming. After dinner, Ryan told them to get comfy by the fireplace while he put a few things away. He poured them each a small glass of black Sambuca and then began clearing the table.

"Well, what do you think of Ryan?" asked Carol as they took their seats.

"You were right, he is a charmer and so handsome."

"So, do you think things will click?" asked Carol with a wicked little grin.

"We'll see! but the night does have potential." replied Sharon with a little giggle.

Ryan came and sat down by Carol. When Sharon gushed over the delicious meal, she found it cute that he blushed at the compliment.

"Sorry it isn't a real wood burning fire, but gas is much more practical these days.... and much easier to maintain."

The three chatted some more and as they finished their drinks, Carol stood up and announced she was heading to bed.

"I'm feeling a bit tired and the wine and the liqueur has almost zonked me out. Can I trust you two kids alone?"

And with that she gave Sharon a wink and headed to her bedroom.

"Can I get you another drink Sharon?"

"No I'm fine, I'm still sipping this one."

The two chatted a bit more and then Ryan asked, "Seems a shame to let my favourite Sinatra song go to waste, especially with a beautiful woman sitting right here, would you like to dance?"

Without waiting for a reply, he took her hand and before she knew what was happening she was in his arms in the middle of the floor, their bodies pressed together, swaying to the music. Sharon could not remember the last time she had danced, and it felt wonderful. Her one hand instinctively went to Ryan's neck and she lay her head against his chest. The song ended but he kept her in his arms, as another began. She could feel his hand on her back, feel his muscular body pressing into her and it felt so very good. It was her first real physical contact with a man in what now seemed forever, and yes it felt damn good.

As the second song finished, she felt Ryan's fingertip on her chin, tilting her head up. Their eyes met and she heard him tell her that she was a beautiful woman. And then, his lips found hers, in a first soft and tender kiss. She returned the kiss, his mouth feeling so wonderful against hers.

'God, he is such a good kisser.' she thought as her mouth yielded to his.

They stood there just swaying together letting the kiss deepen. Sharon felt his hand feather down her back, lightly caressing the swell of her bottom. She could feel his arousal pressing against her. And right that moment, she wanted him, she wanted him more than anything.

The kiss broke and their eyes met. No words were needed, they could both see and feel the desire. Ryan took her hand and led her to his bedroom. As the door closed behind them, he took her in his arms once more and they shared another long lingering kiss. Sharon felt an electricity in her body as the tip of his tongue traced the outline of her lips.

The only light in the room was the flickering flame of the fireplace and the soft glow of the moonlight shining through the windows.

Ryan broke the kiss, stepped back, and letting his eyes meet hers once more, whispered, "I want you Sharon, so badly!"

With that his fingertips found the buttons of her blouse, slowly undoing them, letting the white material part and exposing her deep cleavage that was encased in a sheer white bra. Sharon did not move as he slipped the blouse from her shoulders and his lips found the base of her neck. A tiny shiver of anticipation shot through her as his tongue gently swirled. His one hand moved to her back, deftly unclasping the bra as his lips moved down to shower kisses on the tops of her breasts. Her bra drifted to the floor where her blouse already lay.

Ryans strong hands slipped up under her full breasts and his lips and tongue played over her bare flesh. Another shiver shot through her as his lips encircled a taut nipple and he drew it into his mouth. Sharon's hand instinctively moved to his wavy hair, stroking it as he kissed and sucked her nipples.

He took his time and Sharon was loving the feel of his lips and tongue on her flesh, but she wanted more and a subtle push of her hand let him know where she wanted his lips.

He guided her to the big bed and began kissing the swell of her belly, his tongue swirling around her navel as his fingers found the button of her shorts. Unsnapping it and lowering the zipper, he lifted up and as she raised her hips for him, he quickly divested her of her shorts and undies. His strong hands found her legs, spreading her as his head dipped and she felt his hot breath against her vulva. His tongue began to explore, up and down her labia, then side to side. Her hot scent filled his nostrils as his tongue swirled, and explored her wetness. Sharon's hand again found his hair again, guiding him, letting him know exactly where she wanted his wonderful tongue. As the tip of his tongue teased her extended clit, soft moans of pleasure escaped her lips.