Getting His Fingers Wet

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An abusive landlord harasses his teen tenant.
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Have you ever been around a guy who just won't leave you alone? Maybe his hugs last too long, or his arm keeps finding itself over your shoulder, and no matter how much you try to reject him he just won't stop. Well for me it was my landlord.

When my biological father left me and my stepmom a year back, she reluctantly brought me to live with her and my half-siblings in a new city. I'd just graduated high school and didn't have any money or plans, which left me in a home with a woman who couldn't care less, in a town with no one I knew.

If that doesn't sound stressful enough, I also had to deal with our lecherous landlord who, once he'd copped his first feel, couldn't get enough.

"Now who's this?" he asked my stepmom curiously on the day we moved in.

"Oh that's just Dorothy, don't mind her," she replied, rolling her eyes with contempt.

I must've walked in while she was trying to flirt, albeit unsuccessfully. Our landlord's attention immediately turned to me.

"Dolly, what a lovely name. And what a lovely girl! It's so nice to meet you."

I looked up at him with slight annoyance for using an unapproved nickname. And I mean literally looked up because he was a huge man. He wasn't fat, just tall and big with an intimidating frame you could tell he took advantage of. He lumbered over and gave me an unwarranted hug which was weird, but sadly I was used to this sort of behavior from men.

When I turned 18, suddenly I became a new entity to them, a sexual being. My ample boobs and butt attracted boys no matter how much I covered them in baggy sweats and hoodies, like I had today. They could still sense my feminine features beneath and had no shame in groping them.

"I'm Mr. Wolfe," he said while squeezing me so tightly my chest smooshed into his stomach.

I felt so tiny and vulnerable in this unknown man's arms, my face lined up to his slightly unbuttoned, hairy chest. Our drastic size difference only scared me more as his grip tightened around my pinched waist.

"Uhhh... it's nice to meet you too," I blushed, wriggling back to escape.

"It better be!" he chuckled after finally letting me go. "Because just like I let you stay here, I can kick you out!"

His comment was delivered jokingly but it was still ominous. I knew my stepmom had scored an insane deal and that this apartment was nicer than she could afford. With the little ones also around we needed the space, so I decided to steel my nerves and accept our new housing, and everything that came with it... My stepmom was still sure to remind me of my duty once Mr. Wolfe left.

"I swear to god if you fuck this up for me!" she started. I froze up like usual, afraid of confrontation. "You better be nice to that man or you can pay for your own damn apartment!"

I apologized even though I'd done nothing wrong then went about decorating my new room.

We rented the top floor and had to enter through a staircase in our landlord's apartment. This meant we were often in his space, and in return he was often in ours. Mr. Wolfe liked to pop his head in to chat and occasionally stopped by for pre-dinner cocktails. My stepmom would sit desperately next to him on the couch but his eyes were always glued to me.

"Would you get me another drink, Dolly? Scotch, two cubes."

"Yes..." I'd mutter back, my stepmother's terse looks ensuring I follow his directions.

"Thank you, girl," Mr. Wolfe would reply when I gave him his drinks, then invariably his hand would travel to one of my svelte legs. This time he left it there and said, "you look prettier in a skirt than those baggy pants. You ought to wear one more often."

His big, warm paw was still wrapped pervertedly around my leg but he was blocking the action from my stepmom, who expected a polite response.

"Uhhh...." He moved higher, caressed the soft flesh of my inner thigh. "Th-thank you, Mr. W-Wolfe..."

I hyperventilated as he slowly tapped his fingertips against my silky smooth skin, one after the next.

"So you'll wear them from now on? For me?" he added cheekily.

"Y-yes, sir!" I chirped in a higher pitch than expected after he squeezed my leg.

"Good girl!"

He gave me a "friendly" butt smack and sent me on my way. My stepmom must not have seen what was happening, but even if she did I was sure she'd blame me for it....

When I ran to the other room it took me a minute to catch my breath. Why did I feel so... hot around him??? He's a gross old man who wanted nothing more than to creep on me! But I couldn't deny how electric his strong, veiny hands were on my thigh...

Shifting my legs together to the memory, I realized my panties were moist. How humiliating! He turned me on with just a leg touch! And he's nearly 40!! Gross!!

I chalked the incident up to a natural feminine response but was depressed my body had betrayed me. Determined to avoid Mr. Wolfe's greedy paws, I tried to steer clear, but as you can imagine he didn't give me much of a choice.

"Dolly, what perfect timing. I was just about to do a load."

Mr. Wolfe walked into our shared laundry room with his clothes bin in hand.

"Oh, h-hi..."

"Would you be a dear and run these for me? I'm busy now and can't be bothered with silly things like laundry."

"Ummm.... I guess so," I replied with poorly-masked irritation.

"Great! When they're done you can just put them back in my drawers; I don't mind you being in the Master suite. In fact, I think you'll like spending time in there."

"Oh... okay..." I didn't know what else to say to his strange comment so I went back to folding my shirts.

"Here, let me help you with that. A girl like you should know how to properly fold."

Mr. Wolfe walked toward me and I backed away. The room only had one door though so I was now stuck in a corner. He gently pulled me to the center then stood behind me, his skyscraper frame dwarfing my petite figure.

"Like this," he coached while guiding my hands.

His hairy forearms were exposed by his rolled up sleeves and I rubbed my thighs instinctively. Mr Wolfe glided his hands up my soft arms, over my shoulders and onto my chest.

"W-wait...!" I panicked, but he held me tighter, kneading my breasts over my shirt.

"It's okay, you're okay..." he assured, one arm locked around my tits. "I see you listened to me," he gloated when he slipped his other up my short skirt to feel my naked ass.

"Wait, please!" I begged, both frozen in terror and stuck in his bear hug.

"But I know you like it," he teased, then cupped between my thigh gap, drawing fluid from my teenage cunt.

"N-no... No!" I squeezed my legs to hide my wetness.

"You can't lie to me, girl." He slowly spread my thighs until the sticky sheen was visible.

"Ahhhh!!" I shot out a husky groan when he traced around my puffy lips to collect my juice. He tasted it and sighed happily.


"Stop, please stop!" His fingers were nearly inside me and I'd never been penetrated!

"Don't worry, Dolly girl, you're okay. I got you."

He continued to rub all around my thighs, lips and ass, but never sent a finger inside. When I finally calmed down, something weird happened. It started to feel really.... goooood...

"Ooohhh... Mr. Wolfeee...." I conceded a sultry moan when he grazed my clit.

"You like that?" he asked, but I didn't reply, too ashamed of my wanton desires.

He played with me for another few minutes, cooing into my ear as he tickled my pussy, telling me everything was okay. I hated how much I liked his touch and my shame ultimately became too strong.

"I'll tell you when you can go. Don't forget who's in charge," he reminded when I tried to squirm away.


"That's okay. Now why don't I leave so you can finish up. And Dolly, I want to see you here tomorrow at the same time. I have another load for you to take care of, so to speak. You know, now that you're my little chore girl."

He gave my butt a possessive squeeze and left his hand there. "And one more thing. Think twice before you go around telling people things they don't need to know. We wouldn't want everyone thinking you're a little slut now, would we? Running around and lifting your skirt for me. Always so wet. Do you know what people think of loose girls?"

"Y-yes, Mr. Wolfe, of course. I-I won't..."

"I know you won't," he cut off sharply. I was petrified. "Tomorrow, Dolly. Same time. And don't forget how I like those shirts. Bye now!"

Mr. Wolfe adjusted his crotch and exited, leaving me in a dejected state. I felt like his puppet, his doll (no pun intended). I was now doing my landlord's laundry after he molested me and I never even fought back! I just let him do it! And worse, I was sure I'd let him do it again!

No, maybe I'd go to my stepmom. Make him pay for what he did. Like she'd ever believe me though.... She'd take his side in a heartbeat. I'd be a worthless skank trying to bag a rich man and she'd kick me to the curb. I'm just so.... powerless...

That night was one of the worst. I couldn't stop thinking about Mr. Wolfe, his big hands, his naughty fingers... Every time I heard a creak downstairs I'd flush with nerves knowing he was just below me. Then I'd get hot in other places, his mere presence enough to shock me into a state of horny terror. My hands trembled beneath my skirt and I felt around my panties. Wet, of course....

The next day I felt sick as my "appointment" neared. Would I go back to the laundry room like he told me? If I did, what would he do to me? Or worse, what would he do if I didn't...?

In the end, my shaking legs brought me right where he wanted me. I washed some of my half-siblings' clothes even though they were already clean to distract myself and act like I had a reason to be there. The wait was excruciating, almost 15 minutes before the doorknob finally turned.

"I knew I'd find you in here," Mr. Wolfe exclaimed victoriously upon entry, as if he hadn't commanded me. "A good girl like you is always in the laundry room, just like you should be."

"H-hi, Mr. Wolfe...." I stuttered back, painfully embarrassed by his chauvinist remark.

"Were you doing your chores? I love seeing a girl do her chores."

"Umm... yes..."

I tried to keep my eyes off him but he started moving closer. His signature scent, a musky vanilla that was far too sensual for daily use, wafted in and I bit my lip.

"You know I like good girls, right, Dolly? I only like good girls. Have no use for the bad ones, they're worthless to me." He stalked me like a shark, teeth bared.

"I like girls who listen to me, Dolly. Who do what they're told and don't ask questions. Who know their place. Do you know your place, Dolly? Are you a good girl?"

"Y-yes!" I peeped fearfully, his beastly body now all up in my space. From behind, he grabbed my shoulders. I jumped.

"Shhhh, relax. You're not doing anything wrong. You're just being a good girl, doing your chores, obeying the man of the house."

"Unnnhhhh... Hnnnggg!"

My landlord's grip tightened as he expertly massaged my neck, which was admittedly stiff from the new mattress. Though I was terrified, his strong hands felt exquisite, rubbing all the right spots to undo my knots.

"OooOooOooo," I accidentally let out.

"That's it, you're okay," he whispered, moving down my waist and onto my skirt.

"N-no... wait..."

"But isn't this why you came?" he teased. Maybe he was right....

He dipped under my pleats and again fondled my pert, teen globes.

"Unnhh! Unnnhhhh!!"

I moaned noisily as he pulled my bubble cheeks apart and jiggled them back together, each time separating my damp pussy lips, exposing my needy hole to my thong.

"Such a beautiful rump...." he sighed while moving a hand to the front. "Mmmmmmmmm..." he let out hotly when he grazed my moist panties. "You like this don't you?"

"Hnnnnnggg! I... I..."

I didn't know what to say. I was so repulsed by this man, by the power he abused, by his ability to force obedience, yet I desperately craved him. I found my legs involuntarily spreading, my hips grinding back so he could feel more of my most intimate parts.

"You're going to have to wash these panties, little girl. You're soaking."

I felt him tug at my G-string, the final barrier between him and my sacred flesh, but I couldn't get myself to stop him. I just writhed back into his broad chest while he crouched over and planted his stubbled jaw on my nape.

"Just so wet...."

With his pointer and ring finger he pried apart my lips, then gently stroked my wet hole with his middle.

"AHHH!! AHHH!!!!"

I wasn't an avid masturbator and rarely messed around down there. Even though he hadn't yet entered, the slight grazes drove me wild.

"My little Dolly likes when I play with her pussy, huh?"

Shocks jolted up my spine with each tickle between my sensitive inner lips. I could feel my pulse quickening against his fingers.

"HNNNNGGG!!! Please!!!!" I whimpered. I couldn't tell if I was begging him to stop or continue.

"Since you asked nicely," he laughed before gliding his massive digit passed my lips, right into my tiny, pink tunnel.


He was now inside me, my body, my temple, working me from my core, an area no one had ever touched! I was on fire as he dipped his finger in and out, curled it, scrambled it, vibrated. I gripped his hairy arms, knuckles white, juices gushing.

"Shhhh, girl, that's it. You're okay."

He repeated this mantra to trick me into believing he wasn't molesting me, taking advantage of my nubile body.

"Hnnnnnn, HNNNNN!!!"

Fearful moans spewed out, sweat beaded at my forehead, my eyes frantically looked for an escape! The insane pleasure I was experiencing verged on pain when he placed his palm on my hardened clit. It was all too much!

"Ahhhh! Ahhhhh!! AAHHHHHH!!!!!"

My legs contracted while Mr. Wolfe gave me one of my first true orgasms. He kept his finger in as deep as it could go, shaking his arm violently throughout my explosion. With his other hand under my bra fondling my plushy tit, I was putty.

He made me cum harder than I knew I could and he'd only used one finger! I was on cloud 9, but also felt pathetic, weak, controlled. He could make my body do things without my consent, make me betray myself! I didn't want to cum for him, but I couldn't stop it....

"That's a good girl. That's my Dolly."

Mr. Wolfe comforted and petted me. Too drained to fight, I just let him.

"You're such a pretty girl," he whispered with a kiss to the top of my head. "Such a pretty little hole."

His back-handed compliment nearly made me cry, it was so humiliating. I felt used and just wanted him to leave me alone, to never see him again! But I knew that wasn't possible as long as I lived here.

"I'm sorry to leave you but I have to go now." That bastard! As if I enjoyed his presence! "I'll see you here tomorrow at the same time, Dolly, don't keep me waiting. But I know you won't. A girl like you? Ha, you'll come running back."

He let me go with another kiss to my head then walked out. I stood paralyzed for a good minute before remembering my panties were still around my ankles. When the lace settled between my engorged lips I shuddered. My pussy was still on fire so I decided to touch it, and sent my dainty fingers under my panties to swipe my still-plump clit.

"Uhhh...." I brushed it again. "Uhhh!!"

Touching this nerve bundle felt incredible so I continued, even getting curious enough to shove a digit inside my dripping hole. Sadly, mine was thin and didn't even get close to filling my pussy up like Mr. Wolfe's. But that didn't matter right now. What mattered was getting off again.

I tried but was unsuccessful; my self-sodomizing just wasn't enough. But then I remembered a trick I'd seen in a movie and plopped my bottom on the running washing machine.

"OoOooO!" That felt GOOD!

There I sat, my skirt hiked up, panties back around my ankles, finger deep in my sopping cunt as I ground against my new mechanical boyfriend. It still didn't feel as good as Mr. Wolfe, but this would have to do. My landlord had awoken a little slut and she was becoming insatiable.

"Oooo!! AAA-" I covered my mouth halfway through to silence my second orgasm in minutes.

While breathing heavily after, I felt a strange combination of shame and satisfaction. Shame that I'd become one of those girls who couldn't control themselves, who let their lustful tendencies run wild; satisfaction at maybe not giving a fuck....

That evening, Mr. Wolfe stopped by for a drink. I'd just showered and was in a pair of booty shorts and crop top, my wet, brunette hair fresh out of its towel turban. When I saw him on the couch I jumped and tried to leave, but with just one command he froze me.

"Where do you think you're going, girl? Your man wants to see you."

It made me sick that he called himself that, "my man", like he owned me or something--gross! But I was under a powerful spell so I walked towards the man who'd just molested me.

"There she is, there's my baby girl."

He stayed seated and put his hands on my trim tummy. I tried to squirm away but he assured me my stepmom was picking up the twins and that no one would see, as if that was my only issue!

"I don't like when you run from me, Dolly. Not one bit."

He started working up my legs, into the loose holes of my shorts. My naked cunt was exposed and to my shame, already leaking. When his warm hands got up to my lips, my fluids really began to flow.

He burrowed back inside and I gasped. Penetrated twice in two hours! After a few internal rubs the shock dissipated and my eyes fluttered down blissfully. He was home.

"You know you're my girl now, right?"

He gazed up at me while I stood straddling one of his bulky thighs, chocolate eyes melting through my deep blues. At this angle he actually looked sort of handsome, like a sophisticated older gentleman. And his uniform--suspenders, suit pants, an unbuttoned white shirt--suddenly seemed less austere, more sexy mob boss. But ew, he's so much older than me! That's gross!! Isn't it? Isn't it...?

He didn't give me time to think and sat me down on his leg, finger still lodged deep.

"OooOOO!!" I whimpered once settled, then tried to answer his question. "Well, ummm..."

"There's no need to pretend you're not. You know it, I know it, and soon everyone will."

"B-but Mr. Wolfe! You're so much... older than me! I c-can't be your girl...."

"Oh but you can, my sweet, and you are." He sent a hand up my shirt and tweaked my pointed, pink nipples. "Don't you know every man needs a girl? A warm hole that's just for him. You're my girl, Dolly. My warm hole."

His cutting comment made me bubble with tears. One rolled down my cheek as he bounced me on his leg.

"Uhhh... Ooohhh... Hmmpphhh..."

There were sniffles interspersed with my moans so he pulled me in by the waist for a long kiss. I reluctantly opened my mouth and accepted his tongue. Scratchy 5 o'clock shadow scraped my smooth cheeks as we smooched in my living room.

"That's it. See, I knew you'd like being mine."

I was now bouncing more vigorously and he'd shoved in another finger. My cries were getting louder, I was so close to round 3, when suddenly my stepmother barged in!

"I'm home!" she barked. "The table better be set!"

My heart nearly exploded! I scrambled off Mr. Wolfe's lap and pulled up my shorts--he'd tugged them down at some point during the action.

I ran to the kitchen filled with shame and despair; at possibly getting caught, at being such a slut. But when I looked back at Mr. Wolfe he had the smuggest grin, not a care in the world. He hadn't even bothered to get up and was dragging his fingers in front of his nose, inhaling the scent. He sucked one and winked at me.

"Would you like to stay for dinner?" my stepmom asked him with a flirty shoulder rub, likely smelling my cunt unbeknownst.