Ginger & Bruno


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Then he smiled to himself. 'Look who's talking, did I shower this morning?'

Even as Ginger moaned into his ear he was still thinking along those lines. 'What about all that beer I sucked up earlier. Fuck it, I ain't no prize either. If she can take me, I can take her. Except I ain't gonna eat her, not with the rag on. Ugh, no way.'

"Flatbush and DeKalb, folks," the driver called out, turning and looking his shoulder at them. Ginger quickly wriggled her dress back down and started buttoning up.

"Err, driver," she said; "go down DeKalb another two blocks." Ginger stopped buttoning and thought about a place for them. 'The Rossi's,' and suddenly filled with exhilaration at the thought. 'They're in Italy! No one's home, we can use their porch, it's late, it's dark, yeah it'll work fine.'

"Here driver," Ginger instructed, "right here."

The cab pulled up to a house with a screened front porch. Bruno thinking with his cock assumed Ginger lived here. He paid off the driver, who looked at him pleadingly. Hoping to be invited to join in the fucking he knew would begin shortly, the driver raised the courage to ask, "Kin I hang wit you guys a while? I got nowhere's to go. Slow night ya know?"

Bruno was amused by the driver's request and held the door open for a moment before pushing against it, closing it with a soft click. "No thanks," he grinned, "three's a crowd."

Bruno turned away, taking Ginger's hand and escorted her up the steps to the screened porch door. The driver quietly cursed his bad luck and drove away into the night.

The coolness of the breeze whipping in on them from the cab ride was forgotten as the oppressive heat rose up from the steamy street and enveloped them. Opening the screen door, Bruno followed Ginger inside. She made no move to open the front door, casually tossing her purse into a corner of the porch.

Perplexed, Bruno said, "I promise to be quiet. I don't wanna wake your folks up."

Ginger smiled and came into his arms and ground her cunt against his rigid hardon. He sucked on her lower lip, enjoying its swollen fullness. She allowed the kiss to continue working her tongue into his mouth and dueling with his tip to tip. Abruptly she broke away, pulled her sweat-stained dress over her head, tossed it away and squatted nude in front of him.

"Right here, right now." Ginger said with wanton huskiness.

Bruno stripped and hunkered down on the floor with her. He reached between her legs and pulled her Tampax out throwing it in the musty corner near her purse. His gaze lingered on her cunt, the night shadows made a clear look at it impossible, but the streetlight some yards away provided enough light to let him discern it was wet and glistening.

Ginger unhurriedly lowered herself to the floor, spread her legs and wrapped them around him. In a naked embrace, they explored each other's body.

Bruno teased her nipples with his thumbs before lowering his mouth to them. As he sucked upon them Ginger started humming for she felt the heat in her cunt begin to boil. She grabbed his cock and squeezed it hard. Nothing gave; it was as though she were squeezing a steel bar. She launched into a languid masturbation, enjoying the feel of his precum as it oozed out of his slit and onto her hand. Marveling at his size, she gripped him with both hands and toyed with his cock.

'What the fuck,' she thought, 'my period's almost finished.' And she hungrily inserted him into the portal of her cunt. Bruno reacted automatically by raising his hips and thrusting inward. Ginger was wet enough to accept him fully after only three thrusts.

They began fucking frantically, clasping one another in a death clinch, rolling and tumbling over the filthy porch floor, like socks in a washing machine. Bruno wanted everything. He withdrew his cock from her cunt, and placed his blood-encrusted cock in her mouth. Ginger accepted this, sucking and licking his cock with abandon. Reveling in the taste of herself and his cock.

'His gorgeous cock,' she thought as she fondled his balls. 'Ohhhh, I gotta lick those balls,' and so she did, taking them one at a time into her mouth.

Bruno, jubilant from her cocksucking, reprimanded himself for not going down on her. I can't. It's disgusting. He grimaced. The fuckin blood and the fishy smell. No way, I can fuck her but I can't eat her.

Instead, he inserted two fingers deep in her gaping cunt, and methodically moved them in and out in synch with her muscular contractions. Ginger's cunt was wet with clots of blood and juices and as Bruno began using his thumb on her clit, he brought her off. Watching in awe, at her rippling belly muscles and frantically pumping pelvis as her orgasm approached.

Lost in lust and succumbing to the need to have her pussy sucked, Ginger's body betrayed her mind, and Bruno heard her throaty voice croak out, "I want a woman! I need a woman, now!"

His male ego shattered, he responded by slapping her face hard with his free hand.

Unconsciously, he continued finger fucking her. For her part, Ginger wanted him to hit her again. Aware that she was acting like a bitch, she'd lost all self-respect for the moment.

She was confused, in heat and craved even more satisfaction. 'Hadn't she come already? Didn't she want this lug to fuck her again? What had caused her to say she wanted a woman?'

Then Ginger realized that she did want a woman's mouth on her; and she did want him to fuck her. She wanted both and more.

Bruno had an urge to strike her face again, but didn't. Instead he slapped her ass. The sharp crack of his hand on her ass rang out into the night and for a moment Bruno thought they'd wake her parents with the noise.

Ginger shrieked, but failed to move away from his punishing hand. This lack of resistance to his assault gave her away. Bruno sensed that Ginger liked it, wanted to be punished. He slammed her ass ten times before stopping. Then his fingers entered her cunt and found it sopping wet with her juices. Withdrawing the fingers and without rancor he raised his hand again and smacked her cunt flush on the lips.

Ginger groaned. "Ohhh, you fucker! Oh, you fucking bastard!"

He worked his index finger up her ass, twisted it in as far as he could and pulled it out only to stick the finger in her mouth. Ginger, coming hard, began to flop on the floor like a fish out of water, eagerly sucking the remnants of shit off Bruno's finger.

Ruthless in his quest for revenge, he taunted Ginger, asking permission to fuck her ass, knowing the answer before she did.

"Yes, Yes, Yes, ram it up there," she panted. "Can we get a woman too?" she sniveled ever hopeful he could work a miracle even at this hour, in this place.

"Bitch you better shut your mouth!" He snarled.

Cowering from his tirade, she lay on her back; Bruno placed her legs on his shoulders and shoved her soiled dress and then his pants under her ass. This put her asshole into an assailable position. He spit on his cock and began to work it into her ass. Ginger bent her knees, pulling them back to her chest, knowing from frequent use of her dildo back there that this would help his cock ream her ass.

He was surprised with the ease of entry. She was tight, but he met with almost no resistance. Bruno stopped for a moment then pulled back an inch or so before her ass pushed back at him and he lunged hard, his cock rammed forward, fully penetrating her asshole.

Ginger moaned with a joyous pain. "Ughhhh! Oh...yeah!"

"Like it up your ass do you?"

"Yeah! Oh, fuck me! Fuck me!"

Realizing he was nearing his first climax, Bruno resorted to short, quick strokes while holding on to Ginger's shoulders. As his climax approached, Bruno told himself he'd send the bitch home with an ache in her belly; he'd ream out every wrinkle in her ass.

"Yeah! Here I come! He grunted, exulting as he imagined making her ovaries incandescent with his lightning bolts of cum; conveniently forgetting which hole he was fucking. Rising up, Bruno pulled his cock out of her ass with a soft pop, spurting the remainder of his load onto Ginger's belly.

A car's headlights exposed them as it drove by. Ginger wondered if they'd been spotted.

Bruno'd seen it too, and thinking it was the police, reached for his white shorts. As he pulled them on over his steadily shrinking cock, he was agitated to find them covered with dust, grime and blood.

As his lust waned, he took in his surroundings for the first time and figured that the house was empty and had been for some time.

He glanced at Ginger and found her carefully regarding him.

"Christ," he said, "we were fuckin' in a pig sty. We're as filthy as this fucking floor! Where'd ya find this fucking place?"

"I... I didn't know it was this bad." She said haltingly, fearful of his wrath. "I just knew it was available. Ya know, I...I mean I never used it before...." she ended lamely.

"Umm . . . ya got something to wipe this... cum offa me?" Ginger hesitatingly.

"Fuck it," Bruno said glumly and finished pulling on his pants. He bent down and tossed Ginger's dress to her. She caught it and using the hem, wiped his semen off herself then drew it on over her shoulders. Bruno watched, somewhat disappointed, as her gorgeous body disappeared from view in the dim lighting the porch provided.

Ginger looked at Bruno rather wistfully, and spoke shyly, embarrassed at how the whole thing had turned out.

"I... err, gotta go."

"Lookit," he began, but she interrupted him.

"I mean I gotta pee."

"Oh, yeah, of course," he replied, wondering where she could possibly piss at this hour.

Ginger squatted in the near corner, making sure her dress was hiked up enough not to interfere with the flow, and released a torrid stream. Bruno took this in and when she'd finished he stepped forward and emptied his bladder in the same area, creating a minor flood.

Zipping up his fly, Bruno turned to face Ginger and resumed talking.

"Um, listen...Ginger; I'm sorry I slapped you back then. I mean the slap to your face."

Haltingly, he reached out and took her hand. "Maybe we could try this again. I think you're a great broad, ya know. . . ."

Ginger stood there waiting for him to finish. She just wanted to go home, worried that her father would meet her coming in. She knew she looked terrible and he would know... he would certainly know what she'd been up to. She was also concerned that Bruno would follow her home. She didn't want him to know where she lived.

'This whole thing was a bad idea,' she thought.

The air around them was still and humid. The added stench of their urine drove them from the porch to the street. Side by side they drifted down the block, leaving their fouled love nest behind them.

It wasn't much better. The smell of rancid butter gravitated to their nostrils from an unlidded garbage can. With practically no breeze, the stench hovered over the street, cloyingly distasteful, causing Bruno to wave his arm as though cleaving a machete through jungle brush to clear the air. They moved further on down the street, where they stopped. Both saturated with perspiration and grime.

Bruno leaned towards her, his hair plastered to his forehead, but then held back, thinking, 'I can't kiss her. She's sucked me off and she had the rag on; and I stuck a shitty finger inner mouth. Shit!'

He was unable to overcome his revulsion. But realized he was not sure which of them disgusted him more.

For her part, Ginger realized his dilemma and inwardly cringed. She rubbed her hands on the front of her dress and felt the spongy traces of semen still clinging there. Unconsciously, she rubbed it into the material as she tossed her head in a futile attempt to jounce the hair from its new home over her right eye. Disconsolate, Ginger began talking to herself.

'I must disgust him. What a slut I am. I never should'a let him take me here. Lookit me, I'm a fuckin' mess!'

She was surprised she wasn't crying. She certainly felt like crying. Feeling sorry for herself, she thought, 'Probably got menstrual blood on my face. Jesus, I'm filthy. He's filthy. He's right! It was a pigsty and I led him to this friggin' place and we rolled all over it and then peed in the corner.'

A tear formed in the corner of her left eye.

'I hope to Gawd that nobody shit on that floor before we got there. Naw, I guess not, we'd of smelled it by now.' Shaking her head once forlornly, she managed a wan smile as she considered her fate this night. I'm filthy, sure, but worse, he didn't get me off like I thought he would.

Emerging from her reverie, Ginger realized Bruno was talking to her. "Oh, sorry. What'd you say?"

"Um, ya wanna gimme your number?"

"Oh, sure," she said, the lie came out automatically, "its 458-3901," tossing the number out as though it was confetti. Then she glared at him defiantly before turning away to face the bleak street.

Dutifully, he wrote it down. Ginger was startled when he suddenly yanked the purse from under her arm and rummaged through it until he found her I.D. and compared it with the information she'd given him.

"You cunt!" He spat out at her. "You lying cunt!" He snarled and backhanded her across the face, causing a trickle of blood to run from her nose.

"So you want a woman do you?" He roared in the empty streets. "My cock's not good enough for you?"

She cringed before him and stammered, "I...I...didn't mean anything. Please don't hit me again." Her hands covered her face as she cowered before his rage.

"No Ginger," he said, having calmed down a little. "You don't understand. I ain't gonna hit you again."

He bit his lip with a concern that hadn't revealed itself earlier. "You sure got a knack for pissing me off, okay? Fact is, I'm sorry I hit you in the first place."

His hand moved out to cup her chin as he studied her face. "I kinda figured you'd fuck me on the number. It wouldn't have been the first time, but still, it hurt, ya know?"

He wiped a tear from his eye. Ginger saw that his remorse was genuine. Reaching into his back pocket he produced a clean handkerchief and dabbed at the trickle of blood flowing from her nose. Somewhat confused, Ginger took the handkerchief from him and sniffled into it.

'What is it with this guy,' she wondered as he wrote down her phone number and an address in the Village along with another address in Brooklyn.

He put his arm around her and pulled her closer. Ginger closed her eyes, and sighed, her nose was no longer bleeding. Tentatively, she leaned against him, pressing her breast into his side. 'This is strange,' she thought, 'he feels so good against me.

"Listen to me now," his voice was gruff, but no trace of anger remained. He confronted Ginger, placing both hands on her shoulders and stared into her eyes. "Tomorrow, at seven, I'm gonna pick you up at your place in the Village."

Ginger's eyes were downcast.

"You hear me?"

A pathetic looking Ginger nodded that she did.

"Okay." Bruno licked his lip and continued. I admit I got kinda pissed at ya when you called out about wanting a woman. You put a dent in my pride, you understand?"

Ginger nodded again, now looking up at his face. She found herself riveted by the depth of his brown eyes. Even with the dim lighting they seemed to be calling her, telling her to dive into their bottomless pools.

"You be ready for me, hear?"

Again she nodded.

"If you really want a woman so, I'll take you to my friend's place over in Hoboken. You'll like him. He's... well, ya know, he looks like Buddha and his bar... well, it caters to Lesbians. You come with me and Fria'll set you up."

"Are you serious?" This was unheard of, she couldn't believe her ears.

"Sure! Look, I never been there before, but we go way back. You can look the girls over and pick yourself a partner. Fria, that's his name, will set you up. Course, she's gotta be available. But you'll have your woman and me too."

She gave him a quizzical look.

"Yeah, I come with the deal." Bruno said and paused to catch his breath.

Ginger was getting excited again. She was thinking about wrapping her legs around him and forcing another fuck out of him. She knew she'd come this time. She had the buzz already.

"Now ya gotta take a bath before you meet me tomorrow." Bruno uttered these words with parental authority.

Her buzz left abruptly. 'Who the fuck does he think he is?' She thought.

"I mean it," he continued, "I want to taste your cunt. I really do. But... I couldn't. I never have done it with a woman before... going down I mean, and I'd like it if you were my first."

Bruno moved closer. His lips only a fraction of an inch from hers. "I wanna kiss your mouth and I wanna stick my tongue up your ass, but I'm sorry... you gotta be cleaner than you are right now."

Stunned, Ginger told herself she couldn't have heard him right. Still, she readied herself for his kiss and closed her eyes.

It never came.

Bruno rambled on. "I just can't bring myself to do it tonight, what with you having your period and all. Lookit you. You really need to be scrubbed down. You know what we'd a done to you in the Navy?"

Not waiting for a reply, he continued, "We'd have thrown you in the shower and scrubbed you down with a Brillo pad, or wire brush. Then, because you're a broad, we'd have gang-banged you. But you would have been clean."

Ginger looked at him horrified. This couldn't be happening. He couldn't be saying this to her. Images flashed through her mind. Her mother badgering her to clean up; to clean her room; to wash the makeup off her face.

Oh Gawd, she thought mortified; it was all coming back to haunt her.

"So, um... I'll see ya tomorrow, okay?" He asked in a voice so gentle the hairs on her arms stood up.

Clean yourself up, she thought, getting angry. What the hell was he saying now, the bastard?

"Where's the subway, Ginger? I'll never get a cab at this hour."

Tomorrow? He wants me to go to Jersey with him tomorrow?

Biting her lip to refrain from saying something that would bring on another wallop, she took a moment to think, then pointed him in the opposite direction and said, "About five, maybe six blocks that way."

"Yeah, well . . . I'm out of here." And he strode off in the wrong direction.

Now, Ginger said to herself, how the fuck do I get back to the Village?


Dear reader: Please let me know if I should pick this story up and have Bruno take Ginger to Hoboken the next evening.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago

that disgusting,..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Yeah, definitely continue!!!

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