Ginny and Katy Pt. 09

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Part 9 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/18/2014
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Monday, December 26, 2011, A morning after.

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Katy had the day off and I didn't have any place to go, so we stayed in bed late. Napping and cuddling hours after we'd have usually gotten up. A little touching, a little pillow talk, no sex.

We were laying on opposite sides of the bed, a couple of feet away from each other, looking at each other faces. She was tracing my lips with one finger nail.

She said, "When I said I loved you last night. I didn't mean... I mean... well, there's Betty and..."

I said, "I understand. I meant the same thing. You have Betty, and despite what we're doing this moment, and the whole D/s thing, I'm not looking to be to be the center of someone's life. Or have them be the center of mine. I want to be in someone's life, and have them be in mine. But not the center. I do love you, and you're very important to me, but you're not my girlfriend. You're very significant to me, but you're not my "significant other." And I'm not yours."

"I love you too, just the same way."

She rolled me over on my other side and pulled me to her, putting her arms around me.

She was quiet a moment then said, "We should get Betty in here with us."

She felt me go stiff for a second then I relaxed and said, "Yes, Mistress."

She said, "Oh, no. I know some people do submission that way, but I won't. You're not my slave. I need us both to be happy with whatever we do. Tell me what the problem is. Your body just spoke for you."

I said, "I don't know her. I've only met her once, the day you moved in, and I don't remember her at all. I know she knows about us, but I'd have to know her better before I'd be comfortable sleeping with her. On the other hand, I trust you. If you think we should bring her to bed with us, I'll do it."

She thought a bit then said, "Thank you for trusting me. I think you'd both enjoy each other, in or out of bed, but you're right. Let's get you two together, out of bed, and see if you hit it off. I'm sure you're going to love each other."

I said, "Thank you. You know, I keep thinking of this submissive thing wrong."

She said, "No surprise. Not only is my take on it is a bit different, but movies, TV and even stories play it the way you seem to be thinking about it. We'll work it out. I think we're beyond the point where we'd have to stop."

She paused again. "Changing the subject, my mother likes you."

"Really? I didn't get that impression."

"You'd have to know my mother. She doesn't approve of our relationship, she thinks you're too old for me. Or I'm too young for you. And she hasn't entirely made peace with me being lesbian. She a bit conflicted. First, she believes it's none of her business how I live. On the other hand, she's my mother and cares about me. But she defiantly likes you."

I said, "I'm glad. Listen, can be put the heavy issues aside for a bit? I want to nap here in your arms, and you in mine, a little longer, then get to cleaning this place up. Our clothes are still on the floor over there gathering wrinkles. I'll put them on hangers and take them to be cleaned."

She said, "Thank you, baby. That would be lovely. Take a nap. I have to check on the servers at work in a little while too."

She fell asleep faster than I did. I was thinking about Betty and wondering what it would be like with another woman. Before Brian, I'd been with more boys and men than I could count. And almost all of them, until Brian, had taken advantage of me. I'd been with no one since he died. No one until Katy. And now?

Thursday, December 29, 2011, Invitation to a party

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We're in the kitchen this morning getting ready for breakfast. Katy cooking. We're both wearing robes, but neither of us have closed them. I'm watching her at the stove humming to herself and dancing in place as she works. I got up, dropped my robe on the island, and came up behind her.

I said, "Put the spatula down," then bit her ear.


I said, insistently, "I told you to put it down!" and bit her again.

She asked, "Who's the mistress here?"

I replied, "I am, for the moment."

She giggled, "OK, I'll buy that."

She put the spatula down, I slid her robe off and tossed it on the island on my way back to my seat.

She turned to watch me sit down and said, "I thought you were going to dominate me?"

I said, "I am. The way you Dom me. By watching you. Go ahead and finish cooking."

She smiled, picked up the spatula and returned to her task, doing her humming, singing and dancing thing. She knew exactly what I wanted to see, now swinging her hips more suggestively than usual.

In a few minutes she set out breakfast for both of us then sat across from me. As we eat we exchange the usual morning small talk.

After a while she said, "V, Betty and I were invited to a New Years Eve party. We can bring someone with us. Would you like to go?"

"Oh, I'd be too old for your friends."

"Maybe, but I don't think so. I've told some of them about you..."

She didn't get to finish the sentence. I gasped, dropped my fork, and covered my breasts with my hands. I was staring at her wide eyed. She looked back at me surprised.

I said, "You told some..." and trailed off.

"No, Virginia. Only that we're friends, I like you a lot and that we went to each others holiday dinners."

She pointed at my hands. "That's an interesting reaction. What you are doing there?"

I looked at my hands "Covering myself, I guess." I picked up my fork and started eating again.

"As I was saying, I've told some of them about you and they'd like to meet you. We'd be meeting Betty there. If you decide not to stay you can take my car home. Or we could take yours. I can get a ride home with Betty"

"Well, OK. What do we wear?"

"It's sort of dressy. It think the outfits we wore to my mothers." She noticed my nipples stiffen. "You like that idea?"

"Well, yes, I love those outfits. You looked wonderful, Katy. And I loved taking them off later."

"We both looked good. And you'll have a chance to talk with Betty."

Saturday, December 31, 2011, Betty.

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The party wasn't until nine, but we started getting ready at six. We showered in my bathroom, played a little but didn't quite have sex. Just having some fun. We did each others hair, but Katy did our makeup. We'd found that even when we tried to do it the same, we each had different styles which produced subtle differences. Her style was a bit more colorful, my style more muted.

We'd each done our own for Thanksgiving at my sisters. I'd done both for Christmas at her parent's, since we were trying to be identical. This time she did us both. We'd used just gloss, no nail polish, for dinner at her parent's. This time we used bright red matching polish and lipstick. Then took our time dressing each other.

We were ready by a bit after eight, but Katy wanted to wait a little to get us get there a little after nine. So we stood on the front porch watching the neighborhood. The folks across the street were having a party. I knew a few of the people going in and they waved at me. We chatted until eight-thirty when Katy's cell phone rang.

She looked at the caller ID then answered, "Hi, baby... OK..." She looked at me. "Yes... probably not... yes, you can spend the night here..."

I looked surprised and she covered the phone and said to me "We'll sleep in my room. Is that OK?"

I said, "Of course."

I found that I felt vaguely disappointed. I hadn't really expected Katy to sleep with me tonight. I'd been sure she'd stay out much later then me and spend the night at Betty's place.

She uncovered the phone and said "No, silly, you won't need any clothes for the morning."

Then she realized she hadn't checked with me about Betty going nude, or whatever she had in mind. She looked enquiringly at me. I nodded OK, though I wasn't entirely sure it was OK. Well, I could always wear a robe or even get dressed.

"Sure. See you in a bit. Love you."

She closed the phone and dropped it in her purse.

We went in then through to the garage and took my car. She put the address into my GPS and I noticed that the predicted travel time was forty five minutes. We'd be getting there about twenty past nine.

The drive was uneventful except for being stopped at a drunk driving check point. We were both pretty giggly, so they had me get out and do a field sobriety test. Katy got out to watch and we attracted some attention from being dressed as were and matching. People pointing and the police officer even commenting on how perfectly we matched.

When we arrived there were already quite a few cars in the driveway and on the street. We parked a minute or so walk away from the house. We got out, stopped under a street light and adjusted each others skirts and petticoats and headed into the house.

As we walked in Katy said, "There's Betty's car." A little white boxy shaped two seat sports car. "It's twenty-five years old. She found it barely running and restored it mostly by herself. It's her pride and joy."

I said, "It's cute."

Katy smiled at me, "She's indulgent when I say that. If she takes you for a ride in it, be sure to put on your seat belt and tighten it. I've been on more sedate roller coaster rides."

We went in and Katy made introductions. We'd met a half dozen people before meeting a couple who knew of me.

He said, "Ah, you're the famous Victoria."

She said, "No, dear, I think it's Virginia."

Katy said, "Yes, Virginia."

As at her mothers house, there was a lot of talk about Katy wearing a dress and us matching.

Then someone said, "Has one of you been here a while? I thought I saw you earlier."

She looked at Katy and I more closely, "No, that woman as a red head. And wearing glasses, I think."

Katy said, "Sorry, not us." Then she said to me, "Betty. Let's find her."

I wondered why she would think Betty was one of us, when I was a surprised to see what looked like Katy or I from behind. Same dress, same stockings, same shoes. Hair styled the same as ours, but red. Katy saw her too, pulled me through the crowd, then let go of my hand and put her arms around the woman and kissed her on the back of the neck. She turned and I'd met Betty.

As with my description of Katy, some of this I learned later. Beatrice Rachael Campbell. 19 years old, 5' 8" tall, weights 135 pounds, measures 36C-27-36, has straight red hair, usually parted in the middle but often styled in various ways, and very green eyes. She regularly exercises, but skips days when she's busy. She also plays tennis occasionally. Her overall physical condition is about the same as mine.

She can also be described as "pretty" and/or "cute." Probably prettier, but not as cute, as Katy. And, again, on some occasions "beautiful."

She works as a senior engineer at a local mechanical design company.

She's a bit near sighted and usually wears small oval steel rimmed glasses, often a bit down on her nose so she can look over them, pushing them up when she needs to see distances.

She glanced at me then she and Katy kissed, careful of their lipstick. Her makeup matched ours pretty closely. As Katy introduced us, she turned her attention to me and smiled. And in that moment I wanted her. I gasped and my mouth dropped open and I felt my nipples pressing against my bra and dress. Her eyes dropped to my breasts then looked into my eyes. I looked away, embarrassed, then managed to shut my mouth and turn back to her.

I stuttered, "Hello, Betty. I've heard so much about you."

Still smiling she said, "It must have all been good. You seem very happy to see me."

She reached up with one finger, gently pressed one of my nipples, then withdrew her hand. I became aware that my hair was being stroked and turned to see Katy smiling at me and, well, petting me.

She asked, "You OK darling?"

I said, not caring if Betty heard me, or maybe actually wanting her to, "I think I've soaked through my panties."

Katy giggled and ran her hand down my back, tickling me at my waist band.

Betty leaned forward and whispered, "I think I just did too," then straightened up.

I turned back to face her. She continued, "You're every bit as beautiful as Katy said you were. I hope you'll let me play dress up with you some day."

I said, "Um. ' dress up...' Um. I mean, yes. I mean, thank you."

They were both looking at me, on the verge of giggling. I was struggling for something a bit more intelligent to say and caught on the panties comments.

"Betty. Are you dressed entirely the same as we are?"

She leaned forward again, then looked down into her own cleavage. I followed her eyes and watched as she pulled her neckline down, the same way Katy and I had at her mothers.

She said, "See for yourself."

I saw the same bra, though a different size, of course, as Katy and I wore. She let go, then straightened up again.

I turned away from them and said, "I need a drink."

Betty asked, "How about the one in your hand?"

I looked down to see that I hadn't finished the one somebody had handed me when we came in. I gulped it down and felt an arm go around my waist. Katy. Then another from the other side. Betty. We started moving through the crowd to the bar when I heard someone say "My God, look at these three."

People were looking at us and some camera phones flashed. I guess we must have been a sight.

When we got to the bar they put me on a stool and we asked for drinks. Them standing behind me, behind my shoulders, one on each side.

I asked, "Are you coming home with us tonight Betty?"

I could hear the smile in her voice, "We've only been here a half an hour, Virginia."

I said, "Of course." I'd totally lost track of time.

Then Katy said, "She's coming home with me. Do you want her to come home with us instead?"

I didn't get a chance to answer. The guy serving drinks asked, "You're Katy's Virginia?"

My hand twitched on my glass, thinking he was talking D/s. I looked up at him. And decided that, yes, I was for damn sure still interested in men. He was gorgeous. Tall, muscled, perfect face, clean shaven, short brown hair.

Betty said, "Yes, this is the Virginia Katy talks about so much."

At the same time Betty was speaking, Katy spoke closely into my ear, "He didn't mean it that way. Only Betty knows. Of course, he might have overheard something." I was calmed and took a sip of the drink he'd made for me.

He said, "Wow, a lot of us were starting to think she'd made you up."

He was openly staring at me, but at my face rather than my breasts. Well, they got some of his attention too, but mostly he looked at my face.

He asked, "Have you done any modeling? Glamour photography? I could do things with you."

Katy said "John's a security expert and computer wizard, but his latest adventure is to become a professional photographer. He wants to do glamour and lingerie pictures for a living."

I asked, "So, I wouldn't be wearing clothes?" I was thinking that I hoped not.

He said, "Well, lingerie. Maybe some nudes, if you're OK with that. But I'd like to do you even if you want to keep all your clothes on."

I smiled and asked, "'Do me'?"

He replied "No. Well, yes, I'd like to do that too." And he actually blushed.

I was really liking him. He smiled then gestured around the room. "But there's nothing special about me. Every straight guy and gay woman in the room want's to 'do you,' Virginia."

I said, in an expression of surprise, "No."

"Maybe a bit of an exaggeration, but you're really quite beautiful. I'd love to get you in my studio and under the lights."

He paused for a second and actually blushed again and said in a quieter tone, "Or in my bed and under the sheets."

Katy said, "Bed aside, Betty and I have already modeled for John. You should do it. It's fun."

I looked up at her then gestured for her to put her ear near my mouth and whispered, "Mistress?"

She whispered back, "You want me to decide for you?" I nodded "yes."

She was thinking that over when he said, "Hey, how about all three of you? You'd be great together. Different heights, hair color, shapes, but all good looking. Maybe with those outfits, do something retro. Sure, you'd be great together."

Katy said, "That might be cool. Betty?"

"Sure, fun."

Katy said, "OK, we'll do it. Give me a call in a couple of weeks."

Monday, January 1, 2012, Three of us

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We stayed until well after midnight. I recalled drinking a lot more than I'm used to. I often don't drink for months at a time, except wine with meals. And a couple of times Katy and I had finished off a bottle, or even two, talking way into the night and morning. There was also a lot of talk and quite a bit of dancing. I danced with both men and women, mostly slow dancing but some faster numbers too.

And there was the guy who had his hands under my skirt grabbing my ass and would not listen when I told him to stop. I pushed him away and when he came back Betty decked him with a single punch. It was quite impressive.

That might have happened twice with two different men. I also remembered distinctly Katy and I sharing a long passionate kiss and people cheering us on. And a shorter but also passionate kiss with Betty, with Katy applauding. Then the three of us going to fix our makeup.

Katy and I were both too drunk to drive. But Betty hadn't drunk at all. I'd learn that she drank even less than I did and only if there was no chance at all she'd have to drive. I was reluctant to leave my car there since I'd bought it only a couple of months ago, and Betty's only seated two anyway. The couple that owned the house let Betty put hers in their garage, and she drove us all home in my SUV. It took me three tries to enter my code to open the door from the garage to the kitchen.

When we got inside Katy said "Take off your dress and jewelry, V."

I glanced at Betty, remembering that she knew all about this.

I said, "Yes, ma'am," took my dress off, carefully laying it on the island, then my jewelry, putting that on the kitchen table.

She said, "Now mine." I did hers, just as carefully, dress on island, jewelry on table.

Finally, "Now Betty." I looked at Betty. She stood there and smiled, looking down at me.

Katy asked, "Do you need a time out?"

I said, "No, Mistress," but still looking up at Betty. She pulled the zippers down on each side of her dress and waited smiling. I repeated the process I'd done with myself and Katy. Three dresses on the island, three sets of jewelry on the table.

Betty said, "Thank you, Virginia."

We went upstairs, with them following me, watching me. We paused in the hallway between my room and Katy's.

She asked, "Do you want us to get undressed together V?"

I took them both by a hand and pulled them towards my room. I turned the lights on low so we could all see ourselves and each other in the mirror. It was a repeat of the night Katy and I undressed each other except that there were three of us. And two of us were a little unsteady from being pretty drunk. We were still pretty drunk.

When we were down to nothing I found myself standing in front of Betty with my hands on her hips. I dropped to my knees to lick her, but she pulled me back up to my feet.

She said, "Not tonight, Virginia." I was surprised and disappointed. More like crushed, really.

I asked, in a tiny trembling voice, "You don't want me?"

She said, "Oh, I very much do. But you're too drunk to really give consent. Even if you never had any regrets, I wouldn't feel right about it. I don't want to take any chances with our first time. It's too important."

That made me feel a lot better. Katy said, "Let's get some sleep and see how we, you, feel in the morning."

I said, "But I'm..." I pinched my own nipples.

Katy said, "You're horny now. So am I. So is Betty. We can all keep it for a while. Or if you can't, we'll leave for a few minutes while you relax yourself."