Girl-Talk: My Priest, Your Teacher

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Women share sexual adventure stories - first time and today.
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Joan and her best friend, Marcy, were having their regular Wednesday evening dinner together at a favorite little restaurant, hidden at the usual table in the back corner behind the awful plastic shrubbery. The Italian food was terrific, however. Their weekly get-togethers had started only about four or five months ago, although they had known one another casually at work for several years. Now they regularly shared intimate thoughts and were their own self-proclaimed "mutual help society."

Joan seemed to be thoroughly preoccupied tonight. She'd utterly failed at keeping connected to the thread of their conversation, and that amused Marcy - Joan was usually so self controlled. Just now, for the fourth or fifth time that evening, Joan had bumped into something, or dropped something, or simply drifted off into space. This time it was her wine glass, which rocked back and forth until Marcy caught it. She grinned at the reddening Joan, reached out to touch her hand, and said "So? Just what the dickens is wrong with YOU tonight? Something is clearly eating at you... wanna tell Mommy Marcy all about it?"

Joan blushed, hemmed and hawed a little, and finally muttered "Oh, hell! Alright, I'll fess up. You know the night oceanography class I'm taking on Thursdays over at the U?"

Marcy nodded, waiting.

"Well," Joan continued, "... My instructor is..." She paused for a deep breath. "Dammit, Marcy, he's just about the sexiest thing I've ever seen! He's about my age, and a runner, and he teaches the class in shorts for God's sake! With those beautiful runner's legs just dangling all over the place. I can't even THINK when I'm around him, it's like I'm a big Jell-O-bag of galloping hormones! I haven't felt so completely distracted and horny since I was a teenager!"

Marcy grinned, sipped her wine, and murmured "I sort of thought it might be something like that!"

There was another long pause. Joan twiddled with her glass. Finally, Marcy said "Well? So... Tell me, my little Joan... just exactly what are you planning to DO about it? Can you tell if he feels the same way, perhaps?"

Joan looked across the table, thought about it, and replied "Frankly, I'd love to just jump his bones and fuck the both of us to death! But I COULDN'T! I mean, he's my teacher and all... I don't even know if he's married, or has a girlfriend, or..." She blushed bright red and giggled: "Hells bells, Marcy, for all I know he could be GAY!" Beneath the table, her crotch was suddenly dripping wet beneath her nylon panties.

Marcy looked at her across the centerpiece and said "Joan, you'd know it in a minute if he were gay! You're obviously putting out signals, and he's probably responding to them just fine, or else you wouldn't be in such a lather! Given that, I can't imagine that he wouldn't be interested in you... you're a very attractive woman, and I'll just bet he can tell you're hot for him! Men, at least the better ones, can usually figure that out, and I really, really do suspect you've been putting out signals like crazy already. Just look at you! - I'll bet you are right on the edge, this very moment, of being stuck to to your chair! Carpe diem, you know!"

Joan stumbled over the Latin, took a moment to recall what it meant. "Seize the day"... aka "Do it now, you might not have another chance!" She looked at Marcy, who was grinning like a Cheshire cat. They stared briefly at one another, and Marcy continued "You don't suppose he's a virgin, do you?"

Joan giggled and replied "Good lord, NO! Of course not!"

Marcy shrugged, "And you're not one either, are you?"

Joan looked at Marcy, all wide-eyed and innocently puzzled, and replied "Just WHAT are you getting at, Marcy?"

Marcy smiled a sweet, innocent smile: "Well, Joan, no one ever noticed an extra slice taken from a cut loaf, now, did they? Does your sex equipment have a finite lifespan? Mine doesn't, and I'll bet your teacher's doesn't!"

Joan reddened again, and whispered "No... I suppose people really don't miss the extra slice, do they? How would you inventory THAT!? But I just couldn't..."

Marcy suddenly interrupted her with a fierce whisper: "Oh hell, Joan! YES you COULD SO and you know it!"

Then it was Marcy's turn to redden. She continued "After all, I fucked my parish priest when I was just barely legal- and I was living in a state with an age of consent way, way below the national average! If I could do that, then you can certainly fuck your teacher!"

Joan looked across the table at Marcy, completely stunned. "You didn't!" she whispered, finally.

"Oh yes I did! And enjoyed the hell out of it. Every second of the exercise!" Marcy replied without elaboration.

Joan pounced: "Okay, Marcy, you now have my undivided attention, so GIVE, already! Tell me, tell me tell me tell me! Tell me EVERYTHING, dammit!" Marcy sighed and began...

1: Marcy's Tale - My PRIEST

"I was a good Catholic girl back then. Like most good Catholic girls, I'd begun fucking very young, and by this time I'd had three or four boyfriends, and had probably fucked about ten times. Hadn't made love yet, however... the guys were too young and inexperienced. But it sure was fun!"

"This all happened at the end of the summer: Our church had a temporary, visiting priest... a seriously-hunky, 42-year-old named Father Jim Flannery, a real Irish Catholic - born in Ireland, believe it or not. He was gorgeous! A big man, handsome, friendly, really well educated. You could just see all the women in the church drooling over him! We had a church picnic, at the local lake, early that summer and he was there 'officiating' in his swimsuit: I found out he ran long-distance and played a lot of handball and lifted weights. God but he was handsome! Jeezusssss!! Girl, I was as busty then as I am today... and he made me so horny my nipples ached!"

A dreamy look: "I was taking evening communion classes and he was teaching them."

Joan poured more wine, said "So?????"

Marcy continued: "Well, he totally occupied my mind. With sex, not catechism! I would get so WET sitting there in the class, it was unbearable. Then one night after classes ended, about 9 o'clock, I just kind of dawdled until all the other students had left, and there I was alone with him. Jeez, I thought I'd faint! He asked me if I had an extra few minutes to help him do some cleaning upstairs, around the altar.

What do you think I said?

Upstairs we went. The whole church was darkened except for a few lights far away from the altar, near the front door. I was trying to figure out what to say to him, not thinking very clearly at all, and just blurted out all of a sudden "Father Jim, are all priests gay?""

Joan goggled, and asked "What the heck did you ask that for? What a way to start!"

"Well, Jim just turned around and looked at me, then asked the same question as you just did, 'Why do you ask?'"

I told him that I'd been reading a story in the paper that morning about a Catholic diocese that was being sued because its priest had molested little boys and all that. Then, before he could answer, I said "And with you that would be such a waste!" I don't know to this day how I managed to say that! But I did."

"And Joan, Jim just looked at me for the longest time, then finally said 'Marcy, darlin', I'm not gay, quite the opposite. One of the hardest things about the priesthood is avoiding temptation, and none of us is perfect. I like women, not men or boys. Always have, always will. Watching you in that pink swimsuit at the picnic earlier this summer was torture! You're a beautiful young woman.'"

Marcy giggled: "He actually remembered my SWIMSUIT for god's sake! Anyhow, I looked at him for a few seconds without saying anything, then out of me came this strange squeaky voice, and it said 'I'd like to fuck you, Father Jim, if you'd be interested...'"

"Jim looked at me silently for a long time, and I was SO embarrassed! I mean, I really don't know where the hell that came from, although I certainly had been thinking of it ever since I met him... And there I was, red as a BEET, waiting, not even breathing, and with my heart going like crazy... I could feel it inside me just trying to get out! I finally started to tell him I was sorry, but he cut me off.

"He said 'I don't suppose you're entirely without experience, are you?'and I just shook my head. Then he sighed, and seemed to reach a decision. He said to me 'Marcy, you're a beautiful, smart young woman. I'm tremendously flattered and very tempted. But I would have to know for sure that you're really, really not just doing something horribly impulsive, something you'll regret the next day, and then hate yourself, and me, for, for the rest of your life. This is NOT a trivial thing to do, you know."

He paused then, thinking - I just stood there sort of silently shivering inside, waiting. After a few seconds, he said "Marcy, I want you to walk slowly down the aisle. Go to the light switches down there beside the main door and turn them all off. Then go check the big doors and see that they're locked. And all the way, I want you to think about what you've just said. When you're at the doors, you can either turn around and come back here, or just leave. The choice is up to you!'"

As Marcy paused to sip her wine, Joan stared at her, her mind in a whirl, not knowing what sort of comment to make. She confined herself to a neutral "Oh, wow! And then... what?"

Marcy picked up the story again. "Joan, my pussy was simply drooling with lube, and I was shaking mentally so hard that I was shaking physically as well! I had absolutely scared myself silly! So I did what he said, and walked down the aisle, thinking. And frankly, all I could think of was him in his swimsuit, or rather getting OUT of his suit, and me spreading my legs for him! God how I wanted that man! So when I got to the front, I turned out the lights, checked the doors, took a deep breath, and turned around and started back up the aisle."

"And I'm quite sure of this, Jim had known for sure all along just what I'd decide! Marcy, while my back was turned he had lit about half a dozen candles around the altar: that was all the light there was in that huge space. He was standing facing me with the candles behind him, all backlit. I couldn't see his face at all. It was awesome, and mysterious, and the sexiest and scariest thing I've ever done, to walk up towards him. But I did it."

"When I got real close, just outside of arm's reach, he held up his hands to stop me, and asked 'Are you sure?' and I nodded. Then he said 'Alright, Marcy, I want you to take off all your clothes right there where you stand. Just let them drop to the floor.'"

Joan whispered "So did you? Really? I mean, all the way to naked?"

Marcy nodded. "I just stripped, but very slowly. Somehow, intuitively, it seemed like a good idea not to hurry. By the time I got all the way to naked, my nipples were hard as rocks, and my whole insides were really just churning. I wanted to fuck so badly. My GOD! Talk about biology taking control of you!"

"Then, finally, Jim said 'First, kneel down here in front of me, on the cushion.' "

"Joan, he'd gotten out a confessional cushion and set it on the floor right in front of the altar! I knelt there, just like I was going to take communion, and he stepped up towards me. That was when I realized he had on his black priest's robe and nothing beneath it! And poking out in front was the thickest, longest, and most beautiful rock-hard cock I've ever seen in my life. It certainly wasn't at all like the cocks of the few guys I'd fucked. There was something very, well, I don't know, sort of experienced, and confident, and 'I'm not in a hurry' about it... It actually seemed to have a sort of 'attitude'! Hard to explain. But I was completely fascinated, just like a mongoose facing a cobra, and I still dream about it! I'd never really sucked a cock yet, but I knew exactly what he wanted, and did it... at least, that's how we started the evening's festivities!"

"I sucked on him for lots of minutes, with his fingers tangled in my hair. Girl, I was so horny and so high that I was almost climaxing, and he hadn't even touched me, except for my hair and earlobes. Sometimes he would hold his cock in his fist for a second as I sucked on it. But he didn't let himself come, even though I could hear him groaning a little bit."

"I learned a lot really quick about blowjobs... he was big and hard and urgent, wanted to be deep as he could possibly go. At first I thought I'd gag, but that didn't happen. I loved the way his cockhead sort of stroked across my tongue and bumped into the back of my throat. And he was SO careful not to just poke it into me. He let me go at my own pace, and pretty soon I was really flailing and we were both enjoying the hell out of it. Things got so juicy that spit was dribbling down my chin!"

"Then suddenly he stopped me, and just reached down and picked me up like I was a rag doll, he was really STRONG! and kissed me so hard and deep, Joan, you wouldn't believe it. He was awfully, awfully good at it! And THEN he carried me over to the altar... to the ALTAR, Joan, the holy seat of Jesus Christ Son of God Almighty Himself, and set my naked butt down on it, laid me back, spread my legs open, and ate me. That was the first time I'd ever had a man go down on me, and even today the thought of him tingles my clit! Joan, you have no IDEA how good that man was! I believe he really cared about me enjoying myself, and he knew everything there was to know about how to diddle a woman with his tongue... and all the other implements. Sheesh!"

Marcy was squirming in her seat, and during her pause the waiter appeared to enquire about dessert. Joan looked at Marcy, then at the wine, and ordered another bottle of the same. Marcy sighed and smiled, her fingers entwined in Joan's. The wine arrived almost instantaneously, glasses were refilled, and Joan ordered "So? Continue!"

Marcy sighed deeply: "You know, I must have started climaxing about thirty seconds after his mouth hit my pussy... I just don't know. I DO know it went on and on and on, there in the flickering candle-light. He spread me wide open with those big hands, and his tongue must have gone half way up my vagina - and half way up my ass, too! His fingers were covered with my own juice, and they went everywhere, in my mouth, up my pussy, and in my ass as far as he could get!"

Joan sighed, remembering, shook herself, and went on: "Then, after what seemed like an eternity, he lifted his face and stepped up between my legs... Joan, he was so loving and careful and kind. It was marvelous! He slid that lovely big cock right up all the way inside me, all the way inside with one long stroke, and it felt SOOOOO good! He had the most incredible control, you know..."

Marcy paused again, once more going dreamy-eyed. "He must have stroked me for ten minutes with that thing, and kept his thumb on my clit. Except for lots of deep Frenching, he kept his mouth on my nipples the entire time. I probably bruised his spine with my heels, I was coming so hard! Finally, I could feel a change in him and I knew enough to figure he was about to climax... then he pulled out of me, very slowly - and WOW how empty I felt!"

"Then, Joan, he muttered something like 'Marcy, we do have to hold to some of the Church's tenets, you know. We can't be completely apostate! We don't dare take a chance on getting you pregnant, and that means there are only two barren receptacles for my seed...'"

Joan sputtered: "He DIDN'T!!?? No one could possibly say THAT! Not in real life!"

Marcy laughed and replied "Honest to GOD, Joan, he really did say 'My SEED' just like in the Bible! Then he picked me up again - he was so amazingly strong, it was like being tossed by a friendly wave at the beach, nice but it really makes you know just how helpless you would be if he chose to use that strength against you. Shivery! "

"Anyhow, Father Jim stood me up on the floor in front of the altar, facing it. The thing was about waist high, Joan, and marble, cold marble. He stood behind me and bent me forward until my tits were pressed against that slab, and even today any time I touch shower tiles with my nipples they go hard like ball bearings, just about instantaneously! He knelt behind me for a minute, spread my legs wide apart, and then tongued the bejeezus out of my whole crack. Made a believer of me, he did! His tongue washing over the backside of my clit was incredible, and drove me absolutely bonkers - I think that was when I had my first true monster-orgasms of the evening!"

"Finally, he stood up behind me, and told me to grab my butt and spread my cheeks for him. Of course I did what I was told: I really didn't have any idea what was going to happen, but whatever it was, I knew I wanted it! Then he slipped that cock into my pussy again, but just for a second. While it was in there, he put his thumb up my ass, too... and when he pulled out his thumb, he slid that big hard cock of his right up my butt. I mean balls-to-buttocks, the whole nine yards, and all in one push! Scratch one more virginity for me!"

Joan gasped, and asked "Jeez, Marcy!! Didn't that hurt? I've heard about it, buttfucking, I mean, but can't imagine really doing that!"

Marcy kept right on: "Nope! Not a bit. I mean, not only did it not hurt, but it was wonderfully exciting and erotic as hell. Just imagine how I felt, fucking a priest, on top of the altar, and getting my ass cherry taken all at once! Joan, that man really knew what he was doing. He was so kind and considerate and sexy and compelling. Just utterly compelling. He was TOTALLY in charge, I just knew that no matter what he did TO me or WITH me, he was never going to hurt me - I somehow KNEW that he wouldn't hurt me no matter what, and he just very gently and very firmly slid that thing right up my ass. My body didn't protest in the least. To tell the truth, I've never again felt anything quite like that first time, all full and hot and sort of helpless and willingly violated. It really, really turned me on, even more than I was already, which I would never have thought possible."

"He took his own sweet time stretching me out, did a couple of nice, long, gentle strokes to let me get used to the idea and the feelings. And THEN he began to pound me! God, I thought I'd been fucked before, but it was nothing compared to that priestly ass-fucking! He had me holding my butt wide apart for him so he could watch his cock go in and out, and he kept up a running commentary about what he was seeing, and how much he liked it, and his voice was like warm honey dribbling over my clit. If you've never had a man talk to you as he fucks you, telling you all about how it feels to him and what he's thinking of, well, then, you've really missed something special, I can tell you for sure! "

Marcy paused, and Joan said "Wow! I guess there's plenty left of me to explore, isn't there?"

Marcy grinned, nodded, and continued. "His cock seemed to bang on my tonsils with every stroke. Nothing has EVER gotten so deep inside me, before or since! And he had ahold of my hair and was pulling it back with one hand, while his other kept playing with my clit... He NEVER stopped diddling my clit, Joan, never! Even when he finally climaxed he kept his hand playing with my clit. I must have come at least six dozen times that night, maybe thirty times lying across the altar with his cock in my butt!"

"Joan, my head was arched up as he pulled on my hair, and there I was, looking straight up at the face of Jesus on the cross, glistening and shimmering in the candlelight, with Father Jim's holy sanctified celibate cock all the way up my ass, and his fingers in my pussy, and me spreading myself to make it all possible, the pair of us spraddled across the altar... and you know, I still think to this day that goddamned statue grinned at me!"