Girlfriend becomes a World Cup Slut

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My sweet girlfriend shows her slutty side.
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Brian is a business associate who I don't know all that well, but we always get along well when we talk. He's a salesman from a company that our company does business. We usually talked sports.

Last week, since the World Cup had started we talked about some of the matches that had been the most exciting. I told him my girlfriend Hana was excited that her team, Japan, had made the World Cup and was thrilled that they had made it to the final 16. He asked more about her, then said that we should come over to his place to watch their match against Belgium on Monday. He had friends from Belgium who would be coming over to watch and he said he had a giant screen. I had planned on taking Monday afternoon off with Hana to watch the game, so said I'd love to and asked for his address.

When I told Hana she agreed would be fun to watch with a group. Hana was usually game for anything. She had come to the US from Japan for college and had stayed after graduating. We had met only two months ago but had spent most of our free time together since then so we are pretty serious. In fact, just a few weeks ago Hana had asked if I thought that we should be exclusive. I had assumed we already were but, remembering that my last girlfriend found me to be clingy, I tried playing it cool.

"I think we have a great thing going Hana, but let's not put a label on it. We're having fun and we can each make the choice to see only each other."

Hana seemed a little surprised but she said that worked for her. She was generally easy going, with a joy for life that was infectious. Almost always smiling, Hana isn't exactly hot, but she is objectively super-cute. She has perfectly smooth skin I love to touch, darker than most Japanese girls. Hana's perky tits, are small enough that she seldom wears a bra, and just big enough that you would take a second look when she walked by. Her cherubic face is dominated by big eyes that draw you in. The fact that they are green (she wears contacts) gives just a hint of her playful nature.

When Monday came I got back to our apartment before 1pm to change for the game. Hana was already there. She told me the Japanese soccer jersey she had ordered for the World Cup, which had arrived late, was way too big but she was going to wear it anyway. She had decided to make it into a sexy dress. I was a little concerned that she would be going to the party wearing just panties and the jersey, but it went half way down to her knees so even though it gave her a naughty look, it really wasn't more revealing than many summer dresses. She finished the look with flip flops that showed off her french pedicure. I got hard just looking at her and wished I had time to fuck her before we had to left. Instead, we headed off to Brian's.

When we arrived I noticed immediately that Brian's three friends, were all guys. They all looked Hana up and down as we came in. There were shot glasses on the table and it was clear the guys had been 'pre-gaming' a little. I introduced Hana to Brian who gave her a hug hello, then introduced her to his friends. Bob and Louis were both guys he worked with. Bob was American, Louis from Belgium. Adam was Louis' friend who was visiting from Belgium. I shook their hands and Hana gave a shy wave, perhaps noticing their eyes on her bare legs.

Bob poured a round of shots and encouraged Hana and I to catch up. Hana normally doesn't drink anything but beer, but perhaps feeling a little nervous, she drank her shot down with all of us. Louis had brought Belgian beer for everyone to enjoy, which was delicious but also very strong at 8% alcohol. We made some small talk, with the guys asking Hana several questions about when she came to the US, what she studied etc.. Adam, a tall, lean and gregarious guy, teased her, telling her that Japan was about to lose face in the game. Hana stuck out her tongue and said we'd see. As the game started we all settled in, beers in hand, to watch. Hana sat down in a chair next to mind. I noticed Bob and Andy, sitting across, took the opportunity to watch her jersey climb up her legs.

I am not a big soccer fan, but this was a fun game to watch. Everyone at the get-together was into the game, perhaps helped by the alcohol we were consuming. There were a number of chances and we splayed some drinking games as we watched what was becoming a tense match-up.

The half ended 0-0 and it seemed it would be a close game. When Hana returned from a trip to the bathroom I could see she was pretty buzzed but she looked so coquettish. She was now in bare feet, her smooth tanned legs looked sexy under her jersey and her nipples were poking out a little. She smiled at me and I felt myself harden as I smiled back.

We all stood for another round of shots, but when Hana went to sit down, Bob gently guided her to sit on the couch between him and Adam. She complied and I noticed when she sat back her jersey was riding very high. She didn't cross her legs and from my angle I could clearly see her pink panties and knew Brian could as well. I thought for a moment to try to tell her, feeling a little embarrassed that a guy I worked with was clearly looking up my girlfriend's skirt, but I could see she was not in a mood to care and decided to just let her enjoy the game. As the game started up again I did notice Adam had positioned himself so his leg was pushed against hers. His hand was often touching her leg as they both moved around following their teams.

To everyone's surprise, Japan quickly went ahead 1-0. Hana, clearly uninhibited from the drinks, jumped up and down in excitement. Even the disappointed Belgian guys enjoyed the view of her small tits bouncing and the amount of leg she was exposing. When she bent over to give me a kiss I wondered if she was showing them a little of her ass. I was now hard and if we were alone would have tried to take her right then.

The game continued and as Belgium pushed Louis and Adam cheered them on aggressively, but Japan pushed back and...scored! 2-0 Japan. Hana was delighted and repeated her performance of jumping up and down. This time, Brian and Bob were sure to not miss any of the show. Louis had his head down in frustration, but I noticed Adam was watching Hana's celebration closely and this time was pretty sure he could see at least some of her ass when she bent over to give me a longer kiss.

Hana was elated and started to dance, singing "2 to 0!" a few times. I smiled as I looked at her knowing how lucky I am. My smile faded a little when I saw Louis steaming, clearly frustrated by his team and not enjoying. Hana taunted Adam a little telling him it was Belgium who was going to lose face. Louis looked pissed off, but Adam seemed to enjoy bantering with her. They went back and forth before Adam finally said, "Want to make a bet?"

Hana quickly agreed saying they could bet $20 but Adam said they needed to make it interesting, especially since Belgium was far behind. He proposed that if Japan won he would pay her $50. She agreed but then he added a kicker. If Belgium came back and won before penalty kicks, "You give me a nice long lap dance."

The room went quiet for a moment. Adam kept his eyes on my girlfriend but she and the three other guys all looked over at me. I said nothing. Maybe the drink slowed my reaction, maybe I was a little intimidated by Louis' serious stare or maybe it was because I felt self-conscious about my erection...but I just sat there with the trace of a smile still on my face. Hana must have taken this as assent, because she looked back into Adam's eyes and stuck out her small hand.

"Deal" she said cockily as he shook her hand and they both smiled.

There was now less than 25 minutes left in regulation time. I knew enough about soccer to be confident Belgium could not win without penalty kicks, but I still felt a little anxious. Hana sat down beside Adam again and this time his hand seemed to be on her leg more often than not as they watched the play intensely.

I was now distracted by their interaction, and noticed that Brian was also keeping his eyes as much on Hana as he was the game. I was watching Adam's hand rest just above Hana's knee when he startled me by jumping up. Belgium had scored, cutting Japan's lead in half. Adam and Louis high-fived then Adam taunted Hana by opening his arms as if she would jump up to embrace him. I was happy when she slapped his hand away and pouted playfully. There was only 21 minutes left in regulation. Japan was likely to win, and certainly Belgium would not get two goals before the end.

Five minutes later Belgium scored again. Louis let out a big cheer of relief and celebrated with Adam. Hana looked crushed. She really was excited that her team was going to the quarter finals and now it seemed they may lose. When Adam sat back down she put her head on his shoulder and he stroked her bare leg in consolation. After this his hand did not leave her leg instead he would stroke and squeeze it as they watched the game together. Her hand was often holding on to his arm or leg. I watched all this almost as if I was a spectator, and frustratingly stayed hard.

I was now very nervous that Belgium might actually score and Adam might actually expect Hana to give him a lapdance. I kept one eye on the game and another on her. Mercifully regulation ended with the two teams tied. There was 5 minutes added to the clock, but it seemed likely the game would be decided on penalty kicks. In extra time Adam and Hana actually held hands tightly, both rooting hard for opposite teams. With the clock about to count down Belgium made once last push and with a counter to the middle a beautiful kick...went into the Japanese net.

There were cheers from everyone but Hana and I. Louis pumped his fist and fist bumped Adam. Brian and Bob, who had earlier seemed to be rooting for Japan, also celebrated.

After we watched the replays and some of the Belgian fans celebrating, Adam said what was on everyone's mind.

"So Hana, I'm ready for that lapdance."

Hana, still sitting on the couch, looked embarrassed and said nothing, but when Adam put out his hand she took it and let him help her up. Adam took her place on the couch and asked Brian to put on a song. Brian, who I thought was a friend, did exactly that. Hana was facing away from me now but gave me a quick look over her shoulder. Her face seemed to be a mix or sadness, embarrassment, but also...arousal? My hard-on stubbornly persisted and I stayed seated.

I watched as my girlfriend seemingly shyly moved her hips back and forth in front of Adam as she looked down at him. She was really going to do this! The rest of us all watched her ass sway back and forth. Aside from murmurs of approval from Adam everyone was quiet. Hana seemed to be warming to the task and gaining confidence. She wiggled down until she was crouched before Adam, looking him in the eyes as she had a hand on each knee. I watched as her hands moved up his legs and I could see his hungry look. It looked like she might grab his cock, but she stopped just short and I heard her playful giggle.

Adam groaned but Hana now turned to face me and the other guys while shaking her ass in Adam's face. She caught my eye and smiled, then slowly started to lift her jersey. I was paralyzed and felt my hard cock twitch. Hana stopped for a moment where likely just the bottom of her ass cheeks were exposed to Adam, then gave me a smile, looked away and lifted it up completely. Now there was just a pink thong covering her ass crack as she wiggled her ass for a man she had just met a few hours earlier.

I watched her lower her ass into Adam's lap and it occurred to me to wonder if she had ever given a lapdance before. She seemed to know what she was doing. I noticed she was now looking at Brian who was smiling at her, and I wondered how strange it would be to work with him after all this.

My thoughts were interrupted when I saw Adams hands run greedily along my girlfriend's legs, then saw her turn her head and meet his lips. Hana was making out with another guy right in front of me. They were both in their own world now and it was clear Hana was grinding harder into his cock through his pants.

Hana got up, turned around to face Adam then bent down to make out with him more. We could all see her hand was now stroking his hard cock through his pants. This went on a while before Adams whispered something to her. Hana giggled then positioned herself over his lap, her ass facing up for him. Adam pulled down her panties and spanked her ass hard several times. I know Hana loves to be spanked and wondered if she was wet enough to stain Adam's pants.

Adam nodded to Louis who walked over and spanked my girlfriend several times on each cheek, telling her to never bet against Belgium. Hana wriggled her ass and apologized, not objecting to his spankings, or the squeezes that followed. As Louis moved away I saw that Adam had been squeezing Hana's nipples. She was clearly very into this and when Adams told her to stand up, she seemed eager to follow his instructions. Adam stood up in front of her. He steadied her then commented that she should not wear a loser's jersey. He reached down to the hem and started to pull it up. Hana submissively put her hands in the air to allow him to peel it off of her. My girl was now next to nude in front of four other men, with her pink panties barely covering her pussy. Adam gave her a long kiss. As he groped her bare ass Hana's asshole came in and out of view for all of us spectators. I heard Brian telling Bob he couldn't believe what a slut Hana was.

Without a word Adam took Hana by the hand and led her out of the room, into the hall then back into Brian's bedroom. None of the other guys followed but Adam did not shut the door so every guy was sure to stay in a position where they could see most of the action as Adam fucked my girlfriend in multiple positions and had her suck his cock. It occurred to me to leave, but somehow that felt as though it might be even more shameful than staying.

When Adam was done with her, Hana finally came out and it was a little like a spell had been broken. Wearing just her pink panties she walked past the guys and stroked my hair with a small sweet smile. She put her jersey back on and suggested I get an uber as she looked for her flip flops. Adam came back out and gave her a kiss goodbye. When Louis reached over for a last grope Brian did the same, somewhat cruelly looking at me when he told her she was welcome any time.

As we left Adam reminded her to call him so they could watch the next game together.

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mattenwmattenw4 months ago

Where is the problem? He gives her a kick in the ass and looks for someone else. Girls are a dime a dozen and most of them are loyal and not cheating whores!

jerryskidzjerryskidzalmost 2 years ago

Fun story, well executed. Like others here, I wanted to see Hana take on everyone there - except her loser boyfriend. He needed to watch while Hana revealed herself as an insatiable slut. I couldn't help but wonder if Hana would ask to attend another soccer viewing match. Maybe next time she'll screw everybody there.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

It would have been better and real if once they took his slut girlfriend into the back room each one took a turn on her. Standing and looking at him before walking back and sticking their dick in her. They walkout talking about how easy and full she is completely disregarding him calling her a just another asian slut for white men.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Great story. The build up to the her ultimate betrayal was very well described.

Agree with a previous comment though that when she fully submits that should be drawn out as well. Hope to read more of Hana soon.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Great story

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