Given Enough Rope


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Once in there room, actually a small suite, she peeled off her clothes. In bra and panties, she saunter up to him. "After talking to Brent today, I need my husband, my real husband. I need his cock up inside my custom fit pussy.."

He gathered her into his arms and said in little over a whisper, "That sounds good ta me, my lady. Then we can get a shower, go get some lunch, then off to a mall. Since I am gonna introduce you as my fiancé, you need a ring on your finger. I called the senior partner of the firm and told him that I caught my wife doing it with two other men. That I was in the process of dissolving the marriage, and that I was bring my next wife with me to this event. We also need to find a dress for you. No, make that an outfit. I want my lady ta look good, tomorrow evening. I want her ta look exceptional, which she already is... We'll just amplify it some."


As Woody presented the invitation, Cassie gazed into the large hall. A bit more elegant then what she was accustom, but the major difference was that she felt that she belonged here, that she fit. Maybe it was her outfit that made her feel so good about herself. Or maybe it was the $400.00 worth of hair, nails and make-up. Then again, maybe the difference was that she was not one of the stars of the show. She would not be up on the stage simply for her physical beauty, like some magnificent work of art. The man she now regarded as, for all practical purposes, her husband, her oh so handsome escort, was one of the stars, tonight. Woody took her arm and she heard the young man in front of them say, "Mr. Anderson, Ms Hopkins, please follow me to your table." They were led to a table up front. The young man, a few paces ahead of them, announced their arrival, "Mister Hollingworth, Missus Hollingworth, ladies and gentlemen, I am please to announce the arrival of Mister Woodrow Anderson and his fiance, Ms Cassandra Hopkins."

Cassie's chair was pulled out for her and once seated, Woody's chair was pulled out for him. He was stunned to find that he was being seated to the left of Charles Hollingsworth, senior partner and CEO of the company. Once seated, a large right hand was extended to Woody, "Mister Anderson, Charles Hollingsworth." He gripped the hand in his right hand in the firm hand shake Woody was known for since high school. Charles continued, "So, I finally get to meet the Texan that I have heard so much about. Welcome to Denver, Colorado."

Woody grasped his hand and said, "I'm pleased to meet you Mister Hollingsworth." Then looking to his left, Woody introduced Cassie as his soon to be wife.

Charles extended his right hand to Cassie, "I'm pleased to meet you, soon to be Missus Anderson." He then introduced his wife, Martha Hollingsworth.

Dinner was served and Woody chatted with Charles as Cassie looked around the room thinking, "I should feel right at home at an event like this. It reminds me a lot of the long road to the Miss Texas Pageant. All of those events just seemed to run together. My soon to be ex-husband pushed me into anything that he thought that would get the Hollywood scouts to notice me. They did, but that is not the life I want. The wife of Woody Anderson and the mother of his children is the life I want..."

Then they heard what sounded like a problem at the entrance. Shortly thereafter the hotel's night manager approached their table and nervously said, "Mister Hollingsworth, sir, we have a young man out in the lobby who identifies himself as Brent Harris, up here from Texas. He says that his wife and her lover are in here. He demands to have us bring her out to him so he can take her back to Texas..."

Before Charles could respond, Woody showed him a document on Woody's iphone and said, "Sir, this is a copy of a restraining order that he should have in the packet he was served containing the Petition to Dissolve their marriage. A lawyer in Texas, who is a member of the Colorado Bar, filed it with the courts and police here in Denver, and with the Colorado Attorney General's Office. All three agencies sent back confirmation of receipt and agreed to enforce the order. Security should call the police and have him arrested for violation of a restraining order. I'm sure that it is less than 250 feet from here out to the lobby."

Hearing what Woody had to say, the manager was immediately on his cell phone, calling 911.

After Brent's arrest, dinner proceeded uneventfully. As the dinner plates were being cleared, Charles, Woody and three others at their table joined a few others upon the stage for the presentations. Cassie found herself sitting alone on one side of the round table until Martha moved into Woody's vacant seat and asked, "Why would that young man follow you all the way up here to Denver?"

Cassie smiled "Oh Missus Hollingworth, he is just a spoiled, rich brat. A little boy that might be getting older, but refuses to grow up. A juvenile that has all kinds o' trouble with the word 'No'."

Martha laughed and said, "Yeah, there's a lot of that going around. I can assure you that we have more than our share right here in Colorado. However, our police are quite good at handling his type." She paused then said, "Do you let people call you Cassie?"

Cassie shot her a big beautiful smile, "Sure, everybody I know calls me Cassie."

"Okay, if I can call you Cassie, you can call me Marty. Deal?" Marty said, extending her right hand, which Cassie took into hers. The beginning of a long lasting friendship between the two women.

Cassie went on to tell Marty the whole story. Beginning at the homecoming float during their junior year in high school, right up to their trip to Denver, sharing a bed for three nights. Marty asked, "You and Woody had sex?"

"Oh Marty, I felt like his wife when we were in the lawyer's office. But, ya know? We don't just have sex. We make mad passionate love to one another. Then, we have loving, intense sexual intercourse."

Marty sighed and said, "Sounds like my husband and I. Thirty five years of marriage and we are still very much in love. We show it to each other in the bedroom, often. And, we do what we need to do to keep it fun, alive." Then she started laughing. I just had a thought, "You and Woody gave them enough rope and they hung themselves.., and they did it together. At the right time and place. How convenient for you two."

That started Cassie laughing. Then she said, "That's exactly what my dad said. He's the only other person in the whole state of Texas that knew what we were doing. Well, our pastor and his wife. Brent had ask my dad at least a half dozen times for my hand in marriage. But, when Woody explained the plan he agreed to let me marry Brent. He felt that it was a real big gamble, but it had a good chance of working out, and it did. He's a happy man right now. So's my whole family. They never really liked Brent or his stuck up family."

A laughing Marty asked, "Did you have your fingers crossed when you said 'I do'"?

Cassie squealed, "Yes!! Yes I did!!"

The two women laughed together. Then Marty said, "That's quite a story. But, every strong marriage that I know, including ours, has a story like that behind it." Marty said, then beckoned the man with a tray of drinks. "Champagne?" she asked Cassie.

"Ya know what Marty, I'm not that much of a drinker. But,I would like a bottle of beer."

"That can be arranged. As a matter of fact, I think I'd like one, too. Any special brand?"

"Well, I'm going to let my middle class leek out here. Miller High Life, please, in the bottle."

"Nothing wrong with middle class, I'll have the same."

"Glasses with the beer?" asked the waiter, coolly

Cassie replied, "In a place like this, yeah, I think we should have glasses."

Marty said to the waiter, "Yes, she's right. Two glasses, please." Then she turned to Cassie, "I like your style, girl. I'm sure you and I will get along very well. So, where are you going to be staying while Woody's in training?"

"Tomorrow, Woody plans to get a hold of his roommate in college that's a C.P.A. up in a town around Fort Collins."

"Fort Collins is 50 or 60 miles north of here. That won't work. The training is in our offices in Aurora, southeast of the city. No, No, that will not do, you two can stay with us." Marty looked up to see Charles and Woody returning to the table. "Here comes our men right now. I'll check with Charles. But, I'm sure it will be alright. We have about eight bedrooms and Charles and I only use one. The place would make a great country inn."


Woody held the door to their hotel room open for a giggling Cassie. She skipped in to the middle of the sitting area and spun around to face him. He pushed the door shut, then in a few steps was close enough to wrap his arms around her. She wrapped her arms around him and purred, "You were well accepted here tonight, my husband."

He looked her in the eyes, fondly, and in little over a whisper, "Correction my dear, we were very well accepted here tonight. How you managed to get an invite to stay at the Hollingworth's through out my training, and call her Marty. Wow, she's the queen bee around here. However, it pretty much guarantees a bright future for us at this company. Then, when we all parted this evening, you'd think the two of you had known each other for years. I do love you Cassandra, 'til my dying breath I will love you..."

She rose up to bring her lips within four inches of his and before they locked lips she said, "I love you too, Woodrow. 'Til that instant that life leaves me I will love you."

Arms still wrapped around each other, he said, "It appears that you were quite a hit with my team leader and his wife, Frank and Barbara Jones., And, I guess they are going to be guests of the Hollingsworth's too, for the weekend."

She smiled, "Yes on both counts. Did you know that Barb worked as a waitress to get him through accounting school out in California. Some place called Turlock, in what she calls the Central Valley. They were both born and raised in a city called Modesto. Middle class like us, I might add."

"California State University, Stanislaus. One of the best and least expensive accounting schools in the nation. If I were born in California, I would have definitely attended there. It's right up there with A&M. So, you Barbara and Marty seemed to get along very well."

"Oh yeah, the three of us are going shopping tomorrow afternoon. Then, when we get to Omaha, Barb is going to show me all the best places to get the most 'in' stuff at the best prices.

"Am I going to have to ask for a raise just to keep up with the Jones?"

Cassie laughed, "Oh, I don't think so. Barb sounds like a real bargain hunter to me. She and Frank were dressed as well as anybody there tonight. But, I'll just bet a dollar to a dime that they didn't pay what most everybody paid for what they were wearin'. And Woody? Barb goes to garage sales. So does Marty. Barb does it about two Saturdays a month, weather permitting."

"Okay, my lady. I love you. You were just perfect tonight, just perfect. By the way, Charles wanted to get the three of us guys together this weekend. So, with you three ladies going shopping tomorrow, it's going to work out exactly the way he wanted it." Woody said as he picked her up and dropped her on the bed. "Now it's time for us. We are to meet the Jones for breakfast at 9:30 - 10 o'clock.?" He glanced at his watch and whispered in her ear, "I think we could enjoy each other's bodies and still get a good nights sleep."

She giggled "I like the sound of that. But first, I think we had better get rid of some clothes..."


Brent Harris sat in his car across the street from one of the largest Baptist churches in Abilene. The wedding bells tolled and he knew it was over. Woody and Cassie were now officially husband and wife. A winner most of his life, today Brent felt like a total loser. The Colorado judge's lecture rang out in his mind, "It's all your fault!" said the judge. He went on to say that if Brent had any self control at all, he would not be in there in his court. That mostly likely Brent would not even be in Colorado. "What did you expect to accomplish coming here?" asked the irate judge. Brent had never been talked too like that. In all the scrapes he had with the law the longest he spent in jail was a couple of hours. In Denver, it was almost four days. He had come to Abilene with the intent to sneak into the wedding and make a scene. However, all the side doors were locked and Cassie's brothers were standing around the front entrance. He knew that if they got a hold of him, he would be the one that needed an E.M.T. When the wedding started, the brothers were relieved by three security guards.

It was just as well. Still on probation, had he been caught outside the church trying to enter, he would have been arrested for violation of what was now a permanent restraining order. That would have brought jail time for sure and his career as an E.M.T. would be over. As it stood, he was on probation with them, too. At least he had accomplished one of his objectives in coming to Abilene. His counselors had told him that he needed to get "closure." Knowing that Woody and Cassie were officially married went a long way in getting closure, at least in Brent's mind.

Glancing at his watch, Brent realized that he had to get back to Dallas and get ready for duty. Even five minutes late could weigh heavily on his probation. He started his car and pulled out onto the street thinking, "Maybe I should just take my anger management councilor's advice and forget about it. Just move on with life, without Cassie... But, she was suppose to be mine. Everybody said so... Oh well, maybe I can get a date with that cute nurse that just started on our shift."


At the end of the reception line found Allie and a handsome young man who was a couple inches taller and looked a few years older. Allie hugged both Woody and Cassie and said, "Thank you for inviting me." The she clasp her hands and said, "You two look just so, so, just so right together. Oh, ah Woody, Cassie? I would like to introduce Richard Weatherby, M.D. Rick has asked me to marry him." She held up her left hand to show them her ring. "Our wedding day is about six months from now."

Woody held out his hand to shake Rick's "Pleased to meet you, doctor."

Cassie extended her hand and said, "Yes doctor I'm pleased to meet you. May I ask if you are related to the rifle and shotgun makers?"

Rick smiled and said, "Yes ma'am, guilty as charged. I usually don't admit it unless pointedly ask, as you just did."

Woody chuckled and said, "I'm not surprised that my dear wife would know that. Brent called on way to Denver a couple of days after he was served. Cassie ended the call by telling him that she was going to buy a gun and the next time she saw him, she would put two more holes in his head. So, after she terminated the call I asked her if she was really going to buy a gun. She said she might, that her mother carried one. Had a permit for it too. That it was a 357 mag, loaded with hollow points. She also mention 45 ACP and 50 caliber.."

Rick said, "Wow, those are some knock down hand gun rounds. You wouldn't have to put two holes in his head. One would do just fine, most likely take out the back of his head while it was at it."

Cassie was blushing now. Eyes cast down she said, "I know a little about guns." Regaining some of her composure, looked at Rick and said, "I was in a ladies rifle competition over in Dallas about a year and a half ago, shootin' amateur. So, I went and watched the experts. Weatherby's Jessie Duff was there. She's one crack shot. Took one of the top spots." She then turned to Allie, "You just have to introduce Rick to my father and brothers. We gave my father a Weatherby V for his last birthday. He thought he'd died an' gone ta heaven."

Allie smiled, "I'll do that Cassie, for sure. Ah Woody, Cassie? My whole family wants to thank you two for going along with Sharon in keeping me and our family out of the news media. It may just had killed my father if Sharon had done to us what she did to the Harris'. Brent's mom still won't come into town. She stays out at their estate. Brent transferred to Dallas. It was brutal for at least a week, maybe more."

Woody said, "Well, Cassie and I agree that you were as much a victim as you were a participant. That we would like to remain friends with you guys."

Allie smiled big and said, "We would like that, we would certainly like that. Cassie? You and I should get together later and exchange addresses so I can send you guys an invitation to our wedding. Ah, Sharon and a counselor friend of her's have shown me how the use the whole event to become a better wife to my doctor husband. I know that I've grown up some from the whole ordeal."

The photographer approached them and said that dinner was to be served in about a half hour. That he would like to round up the wedding party and get some pictures. Woody, Cassie, Allie and Rick agreed to talk some more after dinner and parted.


As he merged onto Highway 20 east, Brent, in his car alone, almost shouted, "Screw marriage! Been there, done that, too confining. Now, I can go out and fuck who I want. Maybe I'll start with that forty something EMT on the other squad. She keeps flirting with me, and says stuff that makes me think that her husband isn't taking care of her like he should. She seems horny as hell, and now I can do something about it. Yeah boy, time ta move on with life, sticking it where I can as often as I can..."

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buzzsawlennybuzzsawlennyabout 1 year ago

Wait? So their master plan was that they were in love secretly...but they would both marry other people, then hopefully catch those other people cheating, so that they could both divorce then finally be together? That's a really shit plan, that makes less sense than trickle down economics. So what if the spouses never stray, they stay unhappily married forever? Why did she have to marry her high school boyfriend? Because that's just what you do in Texas? I understand very little of all this and I don't think that's on me.

schulz777schulz777about 1 year ago

Awful writing, absolutely predictable right from the start, no twist there

2 starrs

servant111servant111over 1 year ago

Not a great effort here. Lots of significant probems... Lots of plot holes that the author attempts to cover over with a lot of deux ex machina off stage entrants. The plot dialogue is specious and trite... There really is little pathos so the story just kind of is stillborn,

3 stars,

kirei8kirei8over 1 year ago

With all the goo goo talk about loving till you die or take last breath, I thought sure old Brett would kill one or both of them in revenge. What did Allie do to find a fiance' so quick, take out an ad in the paper?

AA82ndAAAA82ndAAover 2 years ago

This story is like a bunch of 8 th graders are telli g it....

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