Goddess Hannah's Harem Pt. 02: Kendra

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Sabrina's suspicious girlfriend spies on her.
3.7k words

Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 10/03/2022
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Note: Special thanks to Goddess Hannah for inspiring this story.

"Uh oh, I'd better get going," Sabrina noticed the time on the wall clock.

"Really?" Her girlfriend Kendra tried kissing her neck as they sat on the floor in-front of the couch, hoping to make her just a little late for passion's sake.

"Unfortunately, really," Sabrina smiled, giving Kendra a quick, unsatisfying kiss, seeing the odd spring in her step for an obligation.

Kendra eyed the sight of Sabrina getting up to go to the bedroom to get ready for her evening shift, ears filled with longing as she listened to clothes being taken off. Kendra was a short, pretty girl with red-colored cropped hair. She often didn't think much of her cute look, and blessed whatever deity allowed it that the taller, German-born knockout Sabrina would find her attractive, and have a date that lead to the loving relationship they currently had. But even with being with a supermodel-equivalent significant other, Kendra's confidence levels often fluctuated, and sank below where they should be. She knew it was a constant annoyance, but Kendra felt she needed every bit of assurance Sabrina could give about the blonde being lucky with her, how she turned heads and was deserving of love to maintain confidence.

And though she trusted her girlfriend and never showed jealousy, the last few weeks with her had tripped silent alarm bells. The 'extra hours' she was picking up was much later than usual, and the explanation was often pretty vague for them. There was often a whiff of various perfumes on her Sabrina couldn't complete wash off. And though she always came home a little friskier and more loving, which Kendra really didn't mind, the way she came home easily reminded her of the times when Sabrina was really, really aroused. In a way, listening to her girlfriend change, a growing fear stabbed at her, like what she heard was the rummaging of a roommate just passing by her life, instead of someone she could share things completely with.

"Hey, what if I came with tonight? Maybe I could play a customer that never leaves, and we could play hookie again."

"Heh, maybe, little sweet," Sabrina petted and stroked Kendra's hair, using the pet name the shorter woman both hated and loved. "But I'm not sure about tonight's crowd. They could get a little...handsy."

"Maybe...depending on the person, I'd like that."

"Maybe you'll get that...when I get back," Sabrina sensually cupped one of Kendra's breasts through her shirt material and gently squeezed, something she very much appreciated in the moment, but never had done before these 'evening shifts.'

Dressed with a bag and ready to go, Sabrina departed, blowing a kiss to Kendra who convincingly kept up a smile. But as soon as Sabrina was far enough down the hallway of their apartment floor, Kendra was right behind her, satisfying her paranoid self with a tailing mission. She didn't know what she'd find on it, hoping beyond hope it was all a false alarm and that Sabrina was still completely faithful. Wearing a drab, grey hoodie that seemed way too generic to recognize, Kendra kept a decent pace behind the forward-moving Sabrina. It was a longer tailing than expected, as her heart sunk in watching Sabrina bypass the hotel she worked at in-between modeling gigs, getting a cab from around the entrance. Kendra had to do the same, fortunately having enough money to give to her own cab to simply follow the one Sabrina hailed.


It was a nervous drive all the way to a beautiful, secluded mansion in the palisade part of the city. Departing her cab to keep the same hidden pace behind Sabrina, Kendra watched her go into the house from a distance. She looked like a jogger, running along the sides of the mansion, until she saw a section of windows lit up, and decided to peak in.

Sneaking up to one of the windows, Kendra looked in to see lighting shining specifically in certain parts of the house used for social events. It was huge, complete with a bar in the back lit up with soft, neon lights; the owner obviously wanted their little 'club away from the club' vibe, and Kendra's impressed eyes considered it money well spent. After a few minutes of specifically watching the bar, she saw Sabrina finally show up behind it, setting up like she'd hoped she would.

A deep sigh of relief filled her, realizing her 'extra hours' was spent bartending for a private affair. Her breath caught a little as she realized how private, as Sabrina had suddenly stripped down to a sexy red corset and black thigh highs, both items Kendra couldn't ever remember her wearing in their apartment, she thought very sullenly. She was still preparing to simply serve drinks, so far, but the occupational attire was surprisingly off-putting to her, making her want to stay to observe what this job was about, focusing in on the empty stage where lots of oddly-low lighting was directed, as if ready to put on a show.

"Enjoying the show?"

A whisper from behind nearly made Kendra jump out of her skin. Backing up towards the wall near the window like a cornered animal, Kendra beheld her predatory with a surprising gasp after the initial one of shock. Her breath caught as she looked with involuntary interest at the near six foot beauty standing, smiling nearby. Wearing a sexy black lace dress that Kendra swore was see-through, eyes helplessly scanned attractive curves, scared but literally magnetized at how this woman carried herself. She obviously wasn't any kind of security for the house or party, yet she stood poised, carrying the utmost confidence in herself, and whatever was to be done with Kendra's presence.

"I certainly hope you're enjoying the show," Hannah smiled, letting her English tone grace Kendra's ears playfully, giving her all the time she needed to possibly notice the double-entente.

Knowing she'd been caught spying and trespassing, with no recourse or explanation for being there, she spoke to the only flotsam she could latch onto.

"S-show? What show?"

"Why, my magic show, of course," the taller woman announced with slight fanfare, standing in the house's inside lighting like a performance headliner, before giggling to herself a little. "I'm Hannah the magician," she offered her hand to shake. Kendra hesitated a little before reaching out to shake it.

"And you are..." Kendra might've answered, but the young English woman posed the question like she was searching for it on her own. Bringing her free hand to her temple, thinking hard about it, she came up with a name.

"You're Kendra."


"I'm also a mentalist," Hannah gave a dazzling smile, letting the lighting show off her red highlights, nail polish and lipsticked grin.

"Do you know what else I know?"

Totally mystified, Kendra could only shake her head 'no'.

"I know I'm also a great hypnotist as well. And you're a great subject."

"Subj-I...I'm sorry, what do you mean?"

"I mean, dear Kendra, that your ability to slip into hypnotic trance is impeccable, impressive really. Given hypnotic suggestion, you really think you're watching this performance from outside the house. But truth is, you're really on stage right now."

Kendra's triple-take, from the lit stage inside the mansion, to Hannah, made the magician giggle helplessly.

"And you seem to find that very hard to believe right now, don't you?"


"Yes, because your mind is so set on the details surrounding you, it doesn't have time to process what or who determined those details. It's like if your mind played tricks on you, as if it enjoyed playing tricks. Magic tricks especially, because doesn't it seem like magic how you can be one place, and convinced of really being in another?"

Occasionally Kendra kept her point of view cycling back to the stage, wondering if she looked long and hard enough, she'd see herself on that stage along with Hannah, flitting thoughts veering off to how good she would look in brighter lighting. It made her glance over to the hypnotist herself as she was talking, her voice developing a confusing, crooning cadence. It grew harder to look away from the supposedly real Hannah standing outside; the more she'd back away from the window to give Kendra a better view, the more striking, dark green eyes almost glowed in the night's darkness.

"It may seem like that because some tricks can be fun, and lots of times magic is the essence of fun. Something you seek out, something you enjoy, something you want to indulge in as much as you can. And if you let it, you can find magic anywhere. But how good would it feel if fun, if pleasure, if magic found you."

Other than the attention Sabrina could give, Kendra had never been aware of a presence so focused on her, like a gravitational or magnetic pull, closing the distance. She swore she never moved an inch, and yet those impossibly-glowing green eyes drew closer, as if Hannah was closing the distance. Or as if Kendra, more than anything, wanted the distance to be closed, wanted to sink into the beautiful color.

"Just imagine what that would be like, Kendra. Magic finding you, standing before you, setting its mystical, enchanting sights on you. The more magic stares at you, the more it likes what it sees, the more magic is pleased in what it has found. How it notices the easing of muscles, still and relaxed yet fully supporting a standing posture."

Kendra felt surprised at how she had not collapsed to whatever ground was beneath her, held up only by the simple suggestions from the English-accented voice.

"How each breath brings you closer and closer to the state you find yourself descending into, like a long tunnel, trying to reach the light."

Each breath really did bring her closer. The smaller woman's breath deepened perhaps for no other reason than to bring her closer to a light she couldn't look away from, despite trying to, amazed how stuck she was.

"How you can see that light at the end of the tunnel is glowing. Glowing green. An enchanting, fixating, magical green that gets closer, and closer. And even closer."

The ubiquitous nature of magic made it so there was nothing but Hannah's green eyes, the dark edges of the night fading into bordering, overwhelming, sparkling green.

"That light is the light of my eyes that you look into. Look into my eyes Kendra, and feel the magic wash over you. My magic eyes, a hypnotic light in the darkness of trance, bearing irresistible qualities. Gorgeous eyes that always catch your attention. Alluring eyes that keep your attention. Zealous eyes that want your attention. Ensorcelling eyes that bewitch your attention."

Hannah's eyes opened wider for effect on some words, drawing Kendra mindlessly closer. Looking directly into her eyes was a fresh wave of hypnotic power, blinding Kendra to other thoughts, paving the way for all of Hannah's magical, impressionable suggestions.

"That's right, Kendra.





GAZE, dear Kendra. GAZE into My eyes."

The trigger Hannah constructed in her mind set Kendra's reality to complete fixation every time she uttered the command she was desperate to obey, gazing as deeply as she could into magic eyes. Barely aware of her neck muscles shifting to look up, the slight annoyance of moving was a paltry cost compared to being able to look up and drown in eyes towering over her.

"GAZE into my eyes, Kendra. The command I give to GAZE is very important to you; it is pure proof of magic, that you are deeply under my spell, that you truly are on-stage with me, ready to continue being a wonderful participant in Goddess Hannah's magic show.

Don't lose your GAZE as you follow me..."


It was so strange for Kendra, seeing through closed eyelids the path to pleasure. She knew she was hypnotized. She knew she loved it, and that it was the essence of Hannah's magic, accepting and obeying everything that a goddess like Hannah bid of her.

She loved that everything took her deeper. Every blind step she took with Hannah's guidance, every mental image of Hannah's glowing green eyes, all of made a story about her girlfriend all the more engaging. It took an unknown amount of time to register that Kendra had a girlfriend, but hearing the English voice sensually whisper Sabrina's name resonated strongly. The story of Sabrina made Kendra feel warm inside, to imagine her girlfriend working her hotel bartending job on a particularly boring night, only to be greeted by a lively, engaging presence; another woman she could talk to with ease, that brought out feelings that began to match the state Kendra floated in.

Both Hannah and Kendra seemed to smile deeply at Sabrina's initial reaction, being so taken by the English patron, almost succumbing to the magic, but pulling herself away, almost falling into dark green eyes accidentally without prompting. Kendra partly couldn't understand how or why Sabrina managed to resist, but inwardly smiled deeper as Hannah let her tend to her duties, only to meet her at a dimmer part of the bar some time later, where her dark eyes could stand out more and draw her in, applying a deeper spell she wasn't prepared to resist.

"Look deep into my eyes, Sabrina. Look deeper. Stare deeper. GAZE deeper."

The story-teller smiled at how the recipient gasped, imagining a wide-eyed need to put herself in her girlfriend's place.

"The longer you GAZE, the deeper you go into this wonderful feeling. You can feel it deep in your mind, like the taste of a drink that gives you an oh so lovely buzz. You serve so many delicious, inebriating, intoxicating drinks on your job, and none are more potent or powerful to the mind than a green-colored cocktail known as 'Hypnotique.' And with every moment you stare into my eyes, every other moment is another sip of Hypnotique swallowed, subduing brain cells with soporific effects. More and more of your mind sleeps as you become drunk on Hypnotique, deep in my power..."

A small pool of drool formed on the bar as Sabrina grew love-drunk on Hannah's eyes, until she was ready to do any and everything she was told to. The description made Kendra start to drool as well, until familiar, negative thoughts accompanied it. Successfully cutting through a lot of the fog enwrapping Kendra's senses, the still-hypnotized girl showed physical signs of sadness, believing in her own growing insecurities about not being good enough for a woman like Sabrina.

The loudest voice in her consciousness grew curious of these feelings. They could have just as easily begun to suppress and smother them with staunch unyielding dominance, but instead emphatically, with sincere support, asked her to expound on her feelings. Typically scared to share these feelings with anyone, Kendra's loneliness cautiously took advantage of having a chance to be understood and heard.

"Sabrina is so beautiful, I'm not good enough for her."

"But you are," a countering comment followed Kendra's honest thought, shaking the foundation of it.

"She's gorgeous, I'm barely cute."

"You are so very sexy Kendra, especially when you're deep in-hypnosis." It was like competing voices arguing opinions in her head, and the words of the latter sounded so foreign to Kendra's subconscious, but simply, inexplicably couldn't be argued against.

"Sabrina is probably with another woman, it makes sense."

"It makes sense that Sabrina with you. Beauty gravitates towards beauty. GAZE into my beautiful eyes and know that you are beautiful. Do you know it?"


"Say it, Kendra."


"GAZE deeper into My eyes now Kendra. You cannot look away. You cannot disobey. My eyes and my voice tell you what is; they tell you that you are beautiful, and sexy, and deeply hypnotized. Obey Goddess Hannah now and say 'I am beautiful.'"


"Good girl, but you can be more convincing, or just more convinced. Say it with more feeling, more conviction."


"Better, but more feeling. Make Goddess Hannah believe it."

"I...I am..beautiful."

"No hesitation, only belief. What are you, Kendra?"

"I am beautiful."

"Yes you are. You are also sexy; say that you're sexy. Believe it."

"I am sexy."

"Of course you are. And say that you're hypnotized too; goes without saying, but I never tire of hearing it."

"I am hypnotized."

"Such a beautiful, sexy hypnotic slave you are Kendra. And in a moment, you will feel the need to show me that, and not only me. With every word I speak from now until I tell you otherwise, you will feel your body loosening, filling with energy reflecting your sexy essence, feeling the unquenchable desire to share your sexuality, your sensuality with others, to seduce them to show them how sexy you are, to dance and entice them as gracefully and provocatively as you can. When I tell you to open your eyes, you will show the world what a sexy dancer Kendra is. Open your eyes now, Kendra."

As if rousing from a deep sleep, Kendra found herself on Hannah's stage, just like Hannah said she was. Whatever show she was part of, it must have been going swimmingly for Kendra to believe she snuck to the house to spy on the girlfriend because she wasn't sexy enough. Kendra smiled to herself, but felt her body wanting to move, to sashay, to tempt everyone there with what she could do. She knew that was just another hypnotic suggestion to follow, but that made it so much more sexier in her mind, easily helping her to perform.

Kendra knew down to her bones that she was good enough to entice wearing casual, jogging clothes. She spun on her toes a few times, letting her arms wave towards the crowd she was at first oblivious to, knowing they would all be drawn to her. She toyed with the zipper on her hoodie, teasingly lowering it more and more, until she let it fall and thrust her smaller but visibly pert breasts outwards. It was fun to kick off her shoes and socks, showing off manicured feet, taking measured steps toward the edge of the stage.

Slipping a hand beneath the shirt material to fondle herself, while the other squeezed her breast through the shirt material, her eyes were shut as she imagine however many were gasping, staring that the sexiest woman in the room. She eventually threw her shirt off, and slipped her sweat pants down her legs, giving a few of her fantastic ass.

Eventually, her hazy vision focused in on a familiar blonde, someone staring at what looked like an impossible sight. Sabrina was conscious enough to see her girlfriend as confident in her form as she'd ever been, as if a bizarro version of herself emerged from another dimension to enslave with her sexuality. Kendra smiled lewdly as she found a target worthy of her attention. Almost skipping to the bar with an aroused giddiness, she slowed her pace as she watched a shocked Sabrina back up against the bar. Kendra was gentle with her girlfriend at first, framing her face with light touches and ghostly kisses to her cheeks and lips. Never had the redhead been so assertive, borderline aggressive with her insistence, and both found it quite intoxicating.

Sabrina found her head gently pulled down to Kendra's cleavage finding herself unable to start kissing and licking the heated skin, before being abruptly pulled into a long French kiss of dueling tongues where Kendra unquestionably controlled. Sabrina nearly moaned as Kendra ended the kiss, just as abruptly. Sabrina was left to stand as Kendra treated her like a dancer's poll, hands caressing her body as she sunk down facing her, then rubbing her ass deep into a bewildered barista's front. Inspired to share something similar, Kendra softly took Sabrina's head, having it sway from side to side, gradually lowering it to the bra Sabrina helpfully removed, sucking on pert nipples like never before, drunker on Kendra's grandiose than any patron on any other drink. The girlfriend's worship didn't stop as she was lowered all the way to her knees to lower a pair of soaked panties, licking the exotic dancer to a climax she was easily closing in on.