Goddess Next Door

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Anna's run-in with the law is arrested by her odd neighbor.
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Author's note: This story (wherein all characters are 18 years old or older) started as a standard mind control fantasy featuring policemen, though it seemed to grow wilder and stranger in the telling. I pulled great inspiration from the epic show American Gods, all eight episodes of which I highly recommend if you can catch them. Additionally, the spirit of Gene Wilder makes a cameo, as surprising to me as it might be to you, dear reader. Rest in peace, Gene, you handsome devil.

This one takes a little bit longer to get rolling than my first two tales, though I hope you'll agree that a gradual, more patient rise makes for a more spectacular fall.

Also, for those of you keeping score at home, this story takes place in the same narrative universe as my first erotic story (though second published), "Ben's Little Aisling."


Anna sat in her apartment, humming along to the sound of her latest soundtrack CD as she cleaned the last of her dishes, her long black hair tied behind her in a careful bun.

Tonight she was glad it was the weekend; she arrived home feeling just a few steps above shit. Her boss had sent a negative performance review up to corporate -- the first time that had happened in the six months she had been at the firm. And the woman had strongly implied this meant disciplinary action was coming down the pipeline.

All due to a situation that had spiraled out of her control, with the idiots in accounting bearing the brunt of the blame. Well, pass the buck they did, and . . .

And, she wasn't going to think about that right now. At least it was the first week of October. Anna loved the season. She loved Halloween, but more than that, she loved the lengthening days, the macabre atmosphere as the world beyond seemed to peer out from its curtain. She loved dressing up in costumes. She loved the food, perhaps most of all, and she was a damned good cook.

She had the whole weekend to recharge, and that's exactly what she planned to do.

She had cleaned the last vestiges of food off the plate, placing it in the dish drainer next to the sink, when she heard a pounding at her door. Pausing, the insistent knocking sending a line of worry across her face, she called out, "Be right there!"

She stripped her apron off, hanging it on its hook just outside her kitchen door. The kitchen was barely larger than a closet, but it worked for her, as she lived alone.

The pounding continued. "I'm coming," she said. "Jesus!" She grabbed a discarded pizza box off her couch, quickly throwing it in the direction of the garbage can. It almost made it.

Anna pulled open the door, and opened her mouth to apologize for keeping her visitor waiting. Her breath caught in her throat, however, when she saw who stood there.

"Evening, ma'am, I'm Officer Pierce, and this is my partner, Officer Juarez. Are you Anna Hernandez?"

"Yes," Anna said, weakly. She had always nursed an irrational fear of police officers, ever since she had first met one in kindergarten.

"I see. In that case, I'm placing you under arrest for vehicle theft." He held a paper warrant at eye level, though not long enough for Anna to read it.

She yelped as the police officer grabbed her roughly by the shoulder, pulling her out into the hallway as he unclipped the handcuffs from his belt. Her mouth opened in protest, but no sound came out. She saw the policeman's partner smirking, the female officer leaning against the wall idly observing the arrest.

"You have the right to remain silent, and to refuse to answer any questions. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to speak to an attorney-"

"Is there something wrong, officers?"

The question seemed to hang in the air, demanding a response, as the handcuffs clicked around her wrists. Anna turned and saw her apartment neighbor, Tessa, standing in the open doorway to her own apartment, the one directly opposite her own.

"Nothing wrong," said Officer Pierce. "Just making a routine arrest."

"Of my friend Anna?" Tessa walked forward, her eyes meeting the handcuffed woman. "What in the world did you do, girl? Play your Beethoven too loud?"

"She's under arrest for stealing a car," Officer Juarez said clearly. Anna blinked. She wasn't certain of what was normal in this situation, but it struck her as odd at how open the police were being with Tessa.

Anna herself knew little of her neighbor. The woman lived alone, just like her, but what she did for a living was a mystery. She apparently often brought guests home to her apartment, sometimes dressed in strange costumes, but they never made much noise.

This she had heard secondhand from her other neighbors. Apart from exchanging no more than five or six pleasant greetings total over the six months since she had moved in, Anna had barely seen the woman herself.

Tessa leaned over to Anna so her face was at her level; the woman had at least ten inches on her when standing straight.

"So, did you?"

The question bored into her, forcing Anna to respond truthfully. "No," she said. "I have no idea what they're talking about."

"Well," said Tessa, turning back to Pierce and Juarez. "Why are you arresting her, again?"

The answer surprised her.

"The car she parked outside was beat up quite a bit," Pierce said. "We figured we could get a vehicular theft charge to stick for a few days, so we could meet our arrest quota for the month. She'd be out of jail once she posted bail, and we'd drop the charge before it reached court."

Tessa made a disgusted noise at the back of her throat as she listened to the unusually forthright explanation. She glanced over at Officer Juarez, who was still smirking. The officer apparently didn't see anything strange with her partner's truthfulness.

"Ok, this is what is going to happen," Tessa said. "You are going to uncuff my friend. Then, all three of you will join me inside my apartment." She turned, staring off into space, as if deciding something. Then she nodded to herself. "You'll all be staying the night, most likely."

Every word her neighbor spoke seemed to fill Anna's mind to the brim, bouncing around between her ears like discordant echoes. What she said was truth. It was bare, naked fact. Anna could think of nothing that would contradict her apartment neighbor's simple statements.

So it came as no surprise as Officer Pierce unlocked the handcuffs as quickly as he had cuffed her.

Anna nodded gratefully to Tessa, who winked in response. She was thankful for the help, though she had no idea how or why such help had come. In any case, she pushed those concerns to the back of her mind. She shuffled behind Pierce and Juarez, the three of them obediently following Tessa inside her apartment.


Tessa sat the two officers down at her dining table, itself a solid oval oaken slab that looked like it was cut as a single slanting piece from its tree.

Anna looked around at the rest of the apartment, and was awed by all the oddities tucked into every corner. A glass pyramid sat on a niche beside her, strange runes carved into it. Above it hung a faded wooden mask that looked vaguely Swahili, and hanging next to it was a small glass case presenting a simple golden chain necklace. And that was just in a single corner.

The rest of the place was filled with similar pieces, apparently taken from all around the globe.

"All right," Tessa said, taking a seat next to the officers. She looked up at the clock standing next to her flatscreen television on the far wall, a full grandfather clock Anna wouldn't be surprised to hear she obtained in some out-of-the-way European village.

It showed quarter to eight.

"Hmm. I think I can get you ready in about forty five minutes," Tessa muttered, almost to herself. Then she turned back to the officers and addressed them directly. "Ok, here's what I want you two to do in the meantime. Pierce, I know you have an overwhelming sexual attraction to your partner."

As she spoke these words, they became undeniable truth. Pierce nodded sheepishly, straightening his pants.

"It's tragic, because your partner doesn't share that attraction. It drives you crazy."

Juarez scooted a bit further away from her partner.

"Juarez," Tessa said. Anna realized the officers hadn't told her their names. Somehow, this didn't surprise her. Well, it did, a bit, but it seemed to fit the crazy world she had been plunged into.

"I know you're something of an exhibitionist," Anna's neighbor said. "Don't deny it, girl! It's nothing to be ashamed of. That's just how you get your kicks."

Juarez shot Tessa a guilty smile.

"So, you still don't want anything to do with Pierce sexually. And yet, if you keep him under control, he could be the perfect captive audience for your . . . performances."

Tessa crossed over to her open kitchen stretched out beside her apartment's front door. (It was far larger than Anna's -- not that she was jealous). She pulled an egg timer from the counter, and twisted it to forty-five minutes.

"Juarez, it seems to me like this is the perfect opportunity to put on a little show for your partner. Pierce, you're not allowed to touch her. However, jacking off to her peep show should be kosher. I just need you to keep from cumming all over yourself for the next forty-five minutes," she tapped the timer. "Think you can do that for me?"

Pierce was already unzipping his pants, having deposited his belt and firearm at the base of his chair. "Sure," he muttered. "I can do that."

Anna saw Juarez unbutton the top of her uniform shirt as she shot a leer at her partner.

"And Juarez?" Tessa said. "You, my dear, can cum as many times as you like."

Juarez sent her a quick, grateful smile, one laced with sexual anticipation. She took down her second button as her eyes swiveled back to Pierce.

"Splendid," Tessa said. "That should give us enough time-"

"You should know," Pierce said, as he pulled out his already hardening penis. "They'll be sending officers after us if we don't report in within the next ten minutes or so. They'll think something happened to us."

Pierce said it innocently; it did not come out like a threat.

"Ah," said Tessa. "Thanks for telling me, dear. I should be able to take care of it, though." The woman pulled her cell phone from her pocket. "Could I get the phone number of your precinct?"

"Sure thing," Pierce said, and he rattled off the number as Tessa entered it into her phone. She hit the dial button. Juarez had unbuttoned the rest of her shirt, and was undoing her bra.

Tessa leaned against the counter as Anna heard the phone dial tone from where she stood across the room. Then, she heard a click as the other end picked up.

"Yes, this is Tessa, a local resident of Cottonfield Heights."

. . .

"No, I wouldn't need to report anything right now. I need you to listen to me very carefully, though."

. . .

"Good, good. Now, tell me. To whom is Officers Pierce and Juarez reporting to tonight?"

. . .

"I see! Well, put me through to the Chief of Police, then. Let him know it's urgent."

. . .

"Thanks. I'll talk to you soon, hun."

. . .

"Yes, this is Tessa. I'm a local resident of-"

. . .

"No, Chief. This is very important. I've interrupted you for a very good reason."

. . .

"Apology accepted. Now, I have your Officers Pierce and Juarez with me in my apartment now. I'm afraid they won't be reporting in for the rest of the night."

. . .

"No, no, don't worry. Though I'd recommend you rethink the concept of arrest quotas, to keep this from happening again. Anyway, just reassign the beats for the night to cover their area. They'll report in tomorrow as usual."

. . .

"Very good."

. . .

"Actually, yes, one more thing. Are you alone in your office?"

. . .

"I'm flattered, believe me. No, I actually want you to call in your secretary, Sarah. Close all the blinds on your office, or do whatever you have to do so you both have some privacy."

. . .

"That works. Let me know when you're both here. And put me on speakerphone so both of you can hear me."

Anna smiled as she belatedly realized what Tessa's game was. She eagerly waited as the police chief completed his assigned task.

A glance over to the officers saw Juarez with her back to Pierce, her hips rolling in some sort of slow booty dance. Her pants hung a few inches below her waist, for now, her thick thighs planted below a full, round ass.

After a moment of silence on the line, she heard the police chief return.

"Good to hear you both! Now, I'm probably not telling you anything new, but I know you two are wildly attracted to each other sexually."

. . .

"Hey, I'm not pointing any fingers. The heart loves what it will, and so will the dick and pussy, as the case may be. I just want you two to consummate that lust tonight."

. . .

"No, you're getting the wrong idea. I want you to do it here, in your office."

. . .

"Don't worry about that. Worry about how wild the next hour or so will be for you both. That's what I want you two thinking about."

. . .

"However you wish. Just make sure you're both having fun."

. . .

"Thanks, my dears! I'll say bye for now."

. . .

"Aww. I love you, too!"

. . .

"Well, both of you. Take care, you cuties."

And with that, Tessa hung up. Anna was disappointed that she couldn't see what was happening on the other end of the line. Though, with the show Juarez was putting on, she supposed she couldn't complain too much.

"Well, that's taken care of," Tessa said. "And that only took about ten minutes. Hey, Pierce!"

The officer looked up, still stroking his full erection from tip to base.

"You have to hold onto that cum for ten minutes longer than I said, kay?" Tessa twisted the timer so it sat at forty five minutes again. "Don't cum until this goes off. Then, you can go off however you like."

The officer wordlessly nodded, his eyes snapping right back to Juarez. She was teasing her breasts now, peeling her shirt back enough so the man could barely catch a glimpse of the edge of her areolae. She sported a perky pair of B cups, from what little Anna could discern.

"Come on, my dear," said Tessa, taking Anna's hand and leading her to the hall toward her bedroom. "We're gonna have our own kind of fun."


Tessa's kind of fun started off with a long, hot shower.

Anna hadn't realized how tense her muscles had been until the long, nearly scalding stream sprayed against her back, forcing her muscles there to relax. She luxuriated under the water, wondering how, given they were living in the same apartment building, her neighbor managed to get such ready access to much hotter water. Her own supply was quite tepid in comparison.

The bathroom door opened and through the steam Anna saw her neighbor, completely nude, approach the glass shower door.

"Mind if I join you?" Tessa asked.

Anna simply shrugged and made room for her oddly powerful new friend.

Tessa opened the door and slipped inside the shower. Now with far less steam between them, Anna couldn't help but gasp at the natural beauty that stood denuded before her. Every part of Tessa seemed proportioned artfully, from her delicate camel toe, to her bulbous breasts sitting askew against her trim chest, to her long, thick legs racing ever downward.

"Mmmm," Anna caught herself humming, her fingers trailing down to a tingling pussy.

Tessa laughed at her reaction. "So you are drawn to women," she said, her own eyes roaming over Anna from head to camel toe.

"Yeah, but don't tell my folks that. Bisexuality seems . . . beyond their ability to comprehend."

Tessa glided closer to Anna, and motioned her to turn around. Her hands went to Anna's shoulders, and she began to expertly massage them. "Small minds, small hearts," she whispered in her ear. "I think yours are large enough for them both."

Anna groaned in earnest as Tessa's practiced hands worked down her back, relaxing her more than she had thought was possible. Then, she felt a curious, warm sensation spill across her back. She turned in surprise, and saw Tessa was emptying an amphora -- a goddamned ancient Greek stone pitcher she had pulled from somewhere -- full of oil across Anna's back.

She rubbed the oil in, and the curious, sensuous smell of it assaulted Anna's nose, causing her eyes to roll back into her head.

"You like it?" Tessa asked.

Anna nodded mutely in response, as her neighbor's hands reached her ass, working the oil into both cheeks. She teased the opening of her sphincter, which in Anna's state sent a shudder of pleasure through her whole form.

"Thought so," her neighbor muttered, and she began to work the oil -- her supply of which never seemed to diminish -- into Anna's thighs.

Anna closed her eyes, luxuriating in the delightful cornucopia of sensation Tessa was inflicting upon her. Soon, the woman's touch was at her shoulders again, turning her around and beginning to work the same golden oil across her chest.

"Huh," said Tessa, as she hefted both Anna's breasts ("mmmMMMmmmMMM!"). She was kneading the oil across them as Anna heard her say, "C cups, I see. Isn't this the third story in a row where our leading lady features plump C cups?"

"Hm?" Anna asked, her mind slowly descending back to earth.

"Don't worry about it," said Tessa, giggling.

It seemed an eternity -- though perhaps it was just a few minutes -- but Tessa's pianist fingers made it to their final destination on Anna's body: her pussy. She combed down the pubic hair that sat there, and pressed her small finger against Anna's clitoral hood.

"Mmmm-aaaa-AAAA-aaah," Anna exhaled, too relaxed to truly jolt, but violently shuddering under Tessa's contact nonetheless. She felt like a bobble-headed doll, though it was her whole body that pitched all about under every pinch and knead Tessa saw fit to tease her with.

Anna dimly realized Tessa had slowly but surely worked her to the point of orgasm. Her stomach jolted as her neighbor let her fall over the edge, her firm grip keeping Anna from collapsing as waves of deep pleasure washed through her. Each pulse seemed to hold her for an age, the languid atmosphere governing even the very height of her sexual pleasure.

Eventually, the last of her orgasm faded, and with it the shower stopped. Anna sensed Tessa step away.

"You can open your eyes, now."

Anna did, and she was amazed as she looked down on herself. Her skin practically shone with an inner light; the oil, it seemed, she had absorbed, leaving not the usual glossy slipperiness she had expected, but a subtler sheen. And, to her surprise, every blemish she remembered bearing on her skin had been lifted. Every hair save those upon her head had dropped away; her pussy was as bald as the smoothest marble statue.

"It's a great start," said Tessa, who crooked her finger, signaling Anna to follow her out of the shower. "I always love this next bit, dolling 'em up."

Tessa led her to a seat in front of the bathroom mirror, where she began work on her hair. Anna sighed, still regaining her composure as her neighbor tugged as much shine as she could from her long black locks. Then, comb now held in her teeth, she started experimenting with various styles.

"You like the classic 20's style?" Her hair came down in a short bob, and a mental image of her body filling out a flapper dress passed before her eyes. "Or, maybe something more contemporary?" The hair was flipped into a classic rocker style, long and unkempt. "Hm. No, that's no good. How about something more Oriental? I visited a Chinese prostitute once who sported this particular conflagration . . ."

She pulled two chopsticks from a side drawer, and used them to bun Anna's hair in a complicated design that hung two tresses of hair to the left of her face, one to her right, framing it in a unique zen look. Hanging from each chopstick was a Chinese coin, square hole cut in gold.