Gold Coast Pleasures Ch. 01


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I just had to really feel that penis up close and suddenly I found myself on my knees, feeling that stiff cock of his brush against my cheek as jerked at my approach. In an instant my hands held it, a warm throbbing length of incredibly hard flesh that jerked quickly again as I touched it. I gripped it tighter, now feeling the pulsing of Steve's blood as it kept his cock rigid. I felt the skin of his penis sliding in my hand and pulled it back to let his helmet out into the open. I was unable to resist my moral grounding because son or not, I wanted so much to get that lovely thing inside me now.

Almost manically I scrabbled around, feeling his generous balls; thumbing the now slick tip to his cock; smoothing the precum around his knob; feeling the rubbery rim of his helmet - and all the time just wanting to absorb that instrument inside me.

I knew I was soaked down there, I could feel the heat and wetness of my desperate pussy even through my shorts and my knickers - clothes than seemed way too intrusive now.

I turned my head and planted a big wet kiss on my son's cock, an action that brought a gasp from him, another big jerk from his cock and a small trickle of precum that slowly ran over his skin. Steve's hands moved and one rested on my head as he let me pleasure him.

Unable to resist I stuck my tongue out and gathered the trickling nectar, savouring the slight taste almost delicately although in my mind I wanted things to be anything but delicate.

I stood up quickly and pulled at Steve; pulled him against me, rubbing his cock over my knickers and pushing it down between my legs. The heat from it seemed to make my pussy practically boil over, I shuddered as I felt a trickle of my juices run down my leg.

"Knickers..." I gasped, "Get them off me - quick!"

I pulled Steve towards me even harder, suddenly realising that the back of my legs were against the bed and as I lost my balance so I fell back onto the bed just as Steve's hands held my hips.

Immediately his hands found the material of my knickers and then I felt them sliding, slithering down my legs until they fell from my toes. The feeling that I was now exposed to a man - my own son, no less, was so exciting that not only could I not look but suddenly I felt virginal and young and pure - and yet so damn ready to be fucked.

I opened my eyes and there he was, my son looming over me, his strong features making him look godly and so desirable. And down there, nearer my now parted legs, nearer my pussy, his huge cock stood proudly from his body.

"Can I?" he asked, his voice quivering and I tried to calm him.

"Yes, yes please darling, I'm so ready for you," I entreated him, my voice squeaking with urgency, "Come to me - come here lover boy."

I knew that I was so completely soaked, so slippery and wet, so ready that I felt I could have accommodated any sized cock - even a cucumber, an aubergine, a marrow - but even so, when the tip of Steve's instrument touched me I felt a sudden chill run through me as if I'd been speared by something far more massive.

We were about to cross a boundary that few even considered, that few even thought about.

It was scary and frightening and thrilling but I knew that I couldn't stop now - I had to have my son's penis inside me right now.

"Do it!" I said, as I gulped breath, "Don't keep me waiting!"

And he didn't delay - one moment he was touching me; the next I was panicking - and the next moment he was in me, sliding so easily, deep into my body. I felt the weight of his body pressing against mine before he lifted up slightly so that he was hardly touching me.

My son's cock was now entirely inside me, probing right into the depths of my pussy and already it was sending waves of wicked pleasures to my brain.

"Uhhh! Oh Stevie, you're in me!" I breathed, shocked, incredulous and yet delighted, "That's wonderful!"

"Oooh fuck mum," sighed Steve, "It's incredible! You're so smooth; I just slid right in - it was wonderful, wasn't it?"

Still recovering from the thought of incest, I managed to let my body relax enough to appreciate the facts. Here was I, laid out on the bed with my son's penis embedded in me; the penis that I'd lusted over during the day; the penis of the boy I'd given birth to; the penis I'd watched grow over the years - and the penis that should never be where it was.

I shuddered all through but instead of being revolted, my body was now responding to it's needs, pulling, squeezing, caressing that penis with muscles inside me that had been idle for far too long. And as those muscles began to awaken so again did my sexual desires. I wanted cock; I wanted orgasms - not those that I could produce by hand - but proper orgasms on the end of a nice big powerful penis. My vagina began milking that penis, working it, loving it, giving it all the stimulation it needed and Steve felt it too.

"Oh mum, that's brilliant, I can feel you now, you've tightened up," he enthused, "I've really got to push; you're holding onto me like it's your hand in there."

My wicked body worked harder, my hips now squirming and jerking; my thighs now gripping my son's own thighs; my hands caressing his belly and his chest as he slid his lovely penis in and out of my welcoming hole.

"Oh, I needed this," I breathed as I felt my pussy shudder and contract suddenly, "You feel so bloody good in there."

"Feels damn good up here too mum," replied Steve, "Oooh yeah, I think I'm getting close though..."

I hadn't thought of the end yet; I was still rising up on my orgasmic elevator and had a long way to go before I'd be satisfied and a sad mental "Ohhhhh" rose and flooded my brain.

But then I reconsidered; Steve was a young lad, full of energy and spunk but also being young, his trigger would be very sensitive too. Of course he'd get there first but his strength could also last longer and he could probably come again. Immediately a decision was reached and my pending orgasm became more controlled.

"Stevie darling," I said, "Let it go - do it! But don't stop; try to keep going and you'll get me off too."

"I won't be able to stop it if I keep going," murmured Steve, his penis now only moving very slightly, "I'm so close I can't move."

"Don't worry. Just do it - push hard - fuck me harder - come, let it happen!" I implored now, feeling my vagina starting to work on his cock again.

"Careful mum," Steve hissed as my pussy worked him over, "Gonna come, gonna come any minute."

I was panting with desire now, urging him on, wanting his orgasm to flood me, almost desperate to feel his penis jerking and throbbing and as Steve picked up the pace again I knew I wouldn't have long to wait.

"Ohh fuck, fuck, fuck," grunted Steve as his penis drove into me, his pelvic mound slamming against mine, "Here it comes mum, here it comes!"

"Don't stop," I implored, "For fuck sake don't stop now, I think I'm going to come too."

With the tension and action and eagerness all combining, my slowly rising orgasm was now under jet power and was about to peak. If I wasn't careful I'd even get there before Steve - but this was going to be just my first - I wanted more. Steve would have to keep up the good work for a second round.

Right now however, there seemed as if there was no way that he could stop; he'd as good as lost it. His hips were pumping his cock in and out of me so fast that I almost expected steam to be rising. His hands had found my tits again and his fingers and thumbs were working on my frantic nipples, adding impetus to my imminent orgasm. His whole body was working his cock and my pussy and the end was only moments away now.

"Coming!" he grunted suddenly as his penis drove hard into me, "Uhhhggg! Uuuuhhh! Oh fuck!"

I felt his spunk as it flooded into me; felt it against my inner flesh; felt the heat; felt the pressure and the urgency and the eagerness as he erupted again and again inside me.

In my mind's eye I saw his penis tip opening and the hot sperm flooding out in sudden gushing waves. Mentally I saw his creamy spunk jetting from his penis as it flooded the space inside my vagina and it was all too much for my brain.

"Ahhh, coming, you've made me come!" I squeaked, "Oh fuck; oh you lovely man; oh you wonderful creature!"

Everything about me seemed to be in action now; my arms were gripping Steve's, my legs were holding his ass, my breasts, now untouched, were thrusting forward as my back arched and my pussy was pulsating and sucking and squeezing absolutely non-stop!

I was off into a world where nothing mattered apart from my orgasm; a world wherein I was utterly insatiable too.

I seemed to be just absorbing my son's spunk; somehow I was letting it fill my body rather than spill out past his driving penis and it was all just so wonderful; so delicious and so naughty.

And then everything began to turn to jelly as I flopped down onto the bed, still impaled on my son's penis.

"Oh Stevie!" I breathed, "That was wonderful - oh darling, I needed that."

"So did I," said Steve from above me, "You were fantastic - you made me come so quickly!"

"You are going to come again, aren't you?" I asked, my voice full of need and Steve smiled cheesily down at me.

"I'll try," he said, "If your pussy can stay as nice as it's been it won't be a problem!"

"My pussy's always nice!" I answered and let it squeeze his cock firmly, "It's your cock that needs to stay hard for me though."

I could feel that he was still big inside me but the hardness was no longer there now even though my vagina clutched at his shaft.

"Give me five minutes," Steve asked and I nodded my assent.

He was kneeling now, leaning over me and perhaps it would be better for him if he was lying down.

"Sure, let's get on the bed properly," I suggested, "Take it out and we'll move."

I felt the thickness of his penis sliding away from my core and it was all I could do not to hold him in place but I knew that he'd be back.

Steve moved slowly, letting his lengthy cock slip until only his knob was still between my lips.

"Do you want me back in there?" he asked and with a sudden thrust he was back, deeply inside me again!

"Ahhh!" I gasped, "Bastard!"

As we'd uncoupled so some of his obviously copious outpourings had followed his penis and now, as he'd driven his cock back inside, so the overflow squirted out over my thighs and pussy and I felt it slithering down between the cheeks of my ass before soaking into the bed.

"You've made me all wet now," I complained, "Wet and sticky!"

"We can have a shower later," said Steve as he climbed onto the bed, "Come on mum, I want to do that all again, I think I'm ready."

Immediately my body perked up again and the degree of discomfort fell quickly as I realised that Steve was wanting me again. I was still up on a plateau somewhere - not only was I still eager to continue but I was also ready to continue my climb to the very apex of pleasure. I'd had an excellent orgasm - now for a really good one!

It didn't take us long to adjust our positions and now I was on my back again, this time with my head on the pillow and with my eager son between my legs once more. For a few elongated moments nothing happened and I was about to ask Steve to get moving when he lowered his head and a moment later his lips were attached to my nipple.

I gasped with pleasure as ancient memories sent waves of erotic stimulation all through my body. I felt my pussy jump and tighten as his lips and teeth gently chewed my nipple and the feelings were compounded as Steve's hand moved and held my other breast.

He was my child again, suckling at my breast and giving me such earthy thrills that it seemed a shame to think that breast feeding should ever end. For now my son was back at my breast even though his desire wasn't for milk this time.

Soon he was alternating, sucking and chewing each nipple in turn, nipples that seemed to have grown both in size and sensitivity but much as it was so wonderful, there were other places that desired his attention too.

My hands found Steve's shoulders and I pushed him, causing Steve to lift his head and to look at me.

"Down," I said, "Down there please!"

I saw his eyebrows lift and then he was wriggling away down my body, his lovely lips softly kissing my breasts goodbye first. And then those lips were sliding down my torso, finding my belly button, kissing my abdomen...and coming to rest just a few inches above my trimmed pubes.

"Oh damn, don't stop!" I implored, "Please don't stop!"

"Just checking," he answered, his breath whispering over my excited abdomen, "You might have been too sensitive."

And then he was moving again, his lips now parted to allow his tongue to slide over my skin. I found that I was holding my breath now as he slowly neared my sex and also found that my whole pussy was aquiver as it anticipated the forthcoming contact.

Then his lips touched mine; I felt the probing point of his tongue against my outer lips; lips that were parted and wet and so ready to receive his cock once more. But this was different, better perhaps - much more personal somehow even though the action of having a cock inside me had been very personal indeed, but this was even more so in it's own way. Few people had ever touched me in this way and now it was my own son who was starting to explore the opening that he'd popped from all those years ago.

I gasped as his tongue swiped up the length of one lip and gasped anew as it came to rest right beside my clit. I was quivering all over as I awaited his further touches...but Steve moved away and I had to let all my breath out again.

"Ohhh!" I cried, my hands stretching out to find him, "Come back, come back!"

"I haven't gone anywhere," his voice reached me, "I'm just having a look at you."

I let his words just lie there unanswered and then Steve lifted his head and looked up at me.

"You're beautiful you know," he said softly, "Like a soft pink rose flower with a little bud right nearby."

"Eh?" I queried, wondering what he was on about but Steve shushed me and instead of speaking he moved again.

A second or two later and as I gasped my hips rose suddenly and uncontrollably to meet his lovely mouth as it descended over my clit.

"Ahhhh! Oh God, yesss, yesss," I heard myself cry as my hands covered Steve's head to hold him in place, "There, right there, more, yes, more!"

It was sheer bliss to have my urgent clit in his mouth with his wicked tongue twisting and swirling around it. Every so often his lips would tighten and suck my clit, stretching it outwards - then letting it go and the rebound of my stretched flesh sent shockwaves right through me each time it happened. His tongue seemed to have turned into a prehensile instrument capable of pushing and pulling my clit; twisting it, rolling it, even squeezing it and every action just served to push my sensual feelings higher and higher until I had to push him away.

I lay there, my hips jerking spasmodically, my clit tingling and my pussy pulsating as I awaited the return of my son's trusty cock and the return of some more deep orgasms.

Above me Steve now knelt upright, revealing his penis, once again hard and aroused and ready, his hand around the shaft. Even with his shaft partially hidden there was still a number of inches of glowing flesh visible, including that lovely shiny, bulbous, purple crown of his.

"You ready mum?" Steve asked and I nodded energetically.

"So damn ready!" I breathed, "I need you - now!"

Everything was tingling now after Steve had stirred my clitoris so delightfully and my pussy felt like the proverbial swamp, admittedly a swamp full of writhing fingers and muscles. Most of my body seemed to be in motion as I awaited his penis - if it wasn't tingling then it was quivering, shaking, jerking or just plain humping up towards Steve's looming penis.

I didn't have long to wait though, even though it had seemed like ages because now Steve leaned forward over me, rested one hand on the bed to support his weight and used the other hand to guide his cock towards my eager cunt.

And yes, it had become a cunt - an eager, lusty, demanding place that was a far cry from the usually demure place than my pussy had been in the past. Steve's energetic cock had awoken the lust in me; awoken the devil perhaps and it was going to be me who was the wild animal - the cougar, I guessed.

Indeed I was almost growling as Steve's penis closed in; my lips quivering as I held my need in place - and then he touched me with his cock - a gentle touch as he slid his knob up and down my wet slit. I heard the sticky wetness of the contact but more importantly I felt the contact against my sensitive lips and I also felt another wave of lubrication ooze from inside me.

"Oooohhh Steve, hurry up, I want you in me," I cried as my hands raked at his hips and then it was "Ohhhhhhh yesss!" as he began to stretch my lips open.

"Mmmm mum, you're so wet," said Steve quietly, "So hot and ready, aren't you?"

"I may be all wet but I'm burning!" I said, "Hurry up - get that thing in me!"

"My fire hose eh?" said Steve, "Doubt that anything will put your fire out now!"

And then he plunged downwards, driving his lengthy thick penis into me suddenly; parting my flesh and opening my vagina with so much ease that it seemed as if his cock really did belong in there.

Moments later and Steve's body was resting lightly on mine while his penis seemed somehow to continue to advance deeper and deeper into my body.

Then it would go no further and Steve looked into my eyes, his own eyes full of love and happiness.

"Is that good?" he asked and I nodded quickly.

"You don't know how good," I breathed happily, "It feels so natural for you to be inside me like that - you belong there darling."

I stretched upwards with my lips puckered and extended and Steve leant down to meet me, both of us jerking slightly as we made contact. I could taste the mixture of our juices on his lips and the taste was so deliciously erotic that for a moment or two I just wanted to lick and suck his lips clean. Our lips remained connected and very quickly Steve adjusted to a real kiss with his mother - not just a friendly and chaste kiss but one full of desire and love.

Our lips softened and meshed now, flexed and dampened, writhed and clung together - then suddenly Steve's tongue was there too, quickly finding mine.

Instantly our tongues began to play together, twisting and turning and curling and pointing and all the time there was Steve's lovely cock buried inside me too, slowly and sensuously probing and moving and I knew damn well that I was on my way to a huge climax.

I don't know what had set me off - oh yes, having my son's cock inside me helped but I think it was the very intimate and loving kissing that had really roused me. Of course we'd kissed mouth to mouth before - almost every time we met - but these kisses were somehow so much more intense than just a cock in my pussy somehow.

But I had no time for ruminations right now because Steve lifted his mouth from mine and now centred his actions lower down. His cock was starting to slide around, stretching my vaginal walls, discovering my G-spot, exploring my cervix and generally making me feel wonderful.

"Oh Steve, I love it," I cried happily, "Don't stop loving me, ever."

"Wasn't going to stop," Steve answered, a cheeky look on his face, "Don't think I could do without you either now!"

His penis thrust hard into me at that moment, causing me to gasp with pleasure.

"Bloody hell," I said, "How far up are you pushing that thing?"

"All the way mum, all the way," said Steve with another deep thrust, "I want to be so far inside you that I get stuck there and we have to be together all the time."

He laughed gently at his humour, then started to slide his cock in and out more sedately.