Good Advice


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Then, without another word being said, I washed my hand and straightened my hair as Daddy pulled his zip up and helped me with my dress. It was a good thing that he had on a black waistcoat atop his shirt - it would have been a tough task to explain away how my blood ended up getting all over his back. Without thinking, I stuffed the panties into my handbag, ignoring the fact that it would get everything wet, and dabbed some lipstick back on. Hoping no one would notice anything, Daddy and I went back, hand in hand, feeling like teenagers every step of the way.

"Why, honey, you forgot the bandage," my mother remarked as we sat down.

"Oh, it's nothing, Mom, just a small cut. Besides, I washed it with soap and hot water. It should be fine soon."

But when I picked up the fork, I winced - it was a purely reflexive action, but Mom started to get concerned. "Put something on it, Kelly. Where's that bandage?"

"Oh," I said, thinking quickly, realizing that she wasn't letting go that easily, "I don't think it's in there. I forgot -"

"Nonsense," Mom retorted, and before I knew it, she grabbed the handbag from me. "I put in a fresh strip just the other day." With an impending sense of doom, I watched helplessly as she opened the bag.

Her eyes widened as she saw the wet garment inside my handbag, and in spite of the fact that we had company, she pulled it out. Even as she watched, a blob of semen and cum, Dad's and mine, dripped back onto the handbag, evidence that it had been only very recently released. It was a good thing we had a dark corner all to ourselves - because Mom immediately put two and two together, Dad's and my absences now explained, and her eyes were on fire.

"Slut!" she cried, "You cheat!" She threw the damp material at Dad, hitting him squarely across the face, then turned to me and slapped my cheeks. She stared at us for a second with eyes full of contempt and hatred, no longer sure what to say, and stormed off.

The doctor and his daughter were the first to recover. They hurried after Mom, but the Doc turned back just as he was halfway across the hall and scurried back to us. "Megan and I will talk to her, okay? We'll try and explain everything - give us a couple of hours. Then come back to the house."

Dad started to say something but he was politely cut off. "It's all right, John. I understand you."

With that, he turned on his heels and walked away, leaving two very shaken people to their own guilt. Everything had happened so quickly - we had never figured Mom would catch on so soon.

Dad was the first one to speak. "You know, there's a policy of mine. If you get your feet wet, you might as well have the entire shower."

In spite of everything, I couldn't suppress my smile. Now that we had nothing to gain by moving apart, we might as well do it well and proper. I grabbed my handbag and stuffed the panty back inside, then leaned over and kissed Daddy full on the lips.

"I take it that's a yes."

"Daddy, in case you want me to spell it out for you, y-e-s!"

Laughing, Daddy and I stood up. He linked his arm through mine and as if I were his date, strolled to the concierge and handed him a few hundred dollar bills, perhaps well in excess of what the evening had cost, and escorted me out of the restaurant. Thankfully, Mom must have been talked into going home with the Malwinches - our car was still there. After tipping the valet generously, Dad, ever the perfect gentleman, held the door open for me while I climbed inside.

Wordlessly, we drove into a secluded park not too far from our house. It was a place famous among the kids but notorious among their parents, if you know what I mean, and I knew exactly what Daddy intended. There was a late game on, so there wouldn't be a lot of risk in the two of us going there. Much to our delight, when we pulled in, there was not a single other car in sight.

Dad and I would have all the privacy we needed.

Dad pulled to a stop at the farthest point from the gate, turning off the lights. Only a couple of lamps on either side of the car offered any illumination, but that was all I needed to notice the tent his dick. Dad reached over and pulled me over to his seat, and our lips met softly.

It was a soft and sensual kiss, quite qunlike the one we had had barely half an hour ago, but it promised the same emotions. Our lips lingered together as we parted, then simultaneously, as if we knew what the other was thinking, opened our doors, stepped out and entered the back seat. There was more room here, and as soon as Dad was inside, we kissed again. His hands started to knead my breasts into submission, and I clutched the hair at the back of his head.

This time, we knew, everything would be perfect.

I started to slide off my strap, but Dad placed his hand on mine and shook his head. Then, with a deliberation that bordered on being motionless, he slowly pushed it off my shoulder, then tugged at it, pulling the gown down along with it. As one breast was bared, then the other, I shivered as the cold night air wafted into the room. My nipples were still hard - I don't think they had gone soft the entire evening - and Dad, grinning at me, tweaked my right bud lightly.

I closed my eyes, for so delicious was that single feeling... I raised my hips as Daddy slid the entire gown down my body, leaving me in only my heels, naked and exposed to his eyes. Carelessly, it was thrown into the front seat, his coat and shirt following it soon after. Daddy stepped outside for a moment to take off his pants and trunks, and was back inside even before he had gotten everything completely off.

Ahhh... I don't think I can quite recall the actions of that day, of that night. I can only recall my emotions, as making love with Dad proved to be far more fantastic than I had even dreamed of. Maybe the taboo of fucking my Dad was a part of the thrill, but he definitely made me feel more like a woman than anyone had ever. He suckled on me, drank me, kissed me all over... it gives me the bumps just thinking about it.

And when it was all over, it wasn't over. Dad and I lay in each other's arms, just loving the way our sweaty bodies pressed against each other, and just kept saying "I love you" over and over again. And still, it didn't seem like enough. That's true love, I know, and if the world had ended for me right then, I would die knowing that I had found the only man for me. Isn't that what every woman wants?

"Tell me, Dad," I asked as the question came to my mind. "If Mom offers you a choice, me or her, who would you choose?"

His immediate reply was, "I love you." Then, after a pause, he continued. "But your mother's just had some serious trauma - if she needs support, you know I need to be there for her. I love you more, sweetheart, a lot more than I've ever loved anybody, including your mother, but... as her husband, it's my duty to support her. You have my heart, darling, heart and soul. I hope you understand."

I was touched by his frank admission. "I understand, Daddy," I said softly.

Although it was a sombre mood, we soon fell into a frisky game of touching, and before long were making love once again. By the time either of us had any sense to look at the time, it was a quarter to ten already. And that meant that we were close to an hour late!

When we got home, Doc Malwinch was standing by the kerb, about to get into his car. He gave a sigh of relief when we pulled up. "Thank God you are here," he said, coming over, "I was just about to come looking for you."

"How's she?" Dad asked, nodding towards the house.

"Calmed," the doctor replied, "For now. We gave her the entire background, even took the blame upon ourselves. But she wants to talk to you. Both of you."

As if it were the most natural thing to do under the circumstances, Daddy held my hand gently within his as we went inside. Mom shot us a look of such intensity and contempt that a shiver ran down my spine. Still, Daddy did not let go of my hand. And that fact did not escape Mom either.

"Well, well, well," she started sarcastically, "If it isn't Romeo and Juliet..."

Neither Dad or I said anything.

"You know, John, I've always figured I would catch you the moment you become unfaithful, but to actually cheat on me with your own daughter... at least, you could have sought some other whore for your playmate, not your - our - flesh and blood. Why, did you think that you would have to pay a lot to any woman just to get her to go to bed with her?"

I clenched my fist, angered at her insulting Daddy. I would have cut her off had it not been for Dad giving me a slight squeeze with his hand. I looked away from Mom, pointedly ignoring her, inviting a pout on my face.

"Look at her," Mom said, referring to me, but I did not take the bait and look at her. "Miss High and Mighty. The woman who could have any man she wanted, so she wanted her own father... A regular Mata Hari, isn't she, John, the pathetic whore? I mean, she would have been a Broadway slut - "

"That's enough," Dad interrupted her, his voice steady, but bordering on explosive anger. I squeezed his hand, but he did not let up.

"You insult me, okay. As your husband, I guess I deserve that; but you have got no right to talk about Kelly. She's the sweetest person I know, and she doesn't have to stand here and listen to your trash talk. We did not have sex, my dear 'wife,' we made love. That's one love more than we've had in months, isn't it?

"Did you know that she was the one who said No when you came back? And you dare call her a slut, all on the basis of finding wet panties in her handbag... I wonder why it never even occurred to you that it might have been someone else, someone other than your husband?

"That conclusion came out of your head, not mine, and that meant you already thought of Kelly and I that way. I am not being morally righteous, but a woman who truly believes her family doesn't jump to such conclusions. But Kelly is now more than our daughter - she is now my lover.

"And would you believe it? When I asked her if she would mind if I did the right thing - come back to you - she did not say no. That's the world of difference between you and her, my 'wife,' and Goddam it! I don't care if it's the wiser thing to do, but I am just going to follow my heart instead of my head."

And with that, Daddy just pulled me towards him. Before I knew it, he was kissing me full on the mouth, his hands locking mine on my back, and although I could feel the intensity of his emotion, his kiss was as gentle and loving as it had been before. I knew everyone's eyes were on us, especially Mom's, but suddenly, I didn't care anymore. If Dad had asked me to, I would have made love to him right then and there.

"I will bring the law on you." Mom said in an incredibly calm voice when Dad and I finished kissing and looked at her.

"Oh, do so by all means," Dad replied scornfully, still holding me close. "As long as I have Kelly's love, I will die a happy man. And you can throw me into the slammer or the chair all you want, but you can never stop me loving Kelly as a woman."

Mom and Dad stared at each other, two beasts challenging with all their fury, promising a devastating battle, and then Mom surprised all of us by coming over and hugging Daddy.

"Oh, John, look at you. You still haven't changed..."

With an amused expression on her face, Mom turned towards me. "Honey, when we were just sixteen, and your Dad knocked me up with you, I was terrified of what my father would say. He was a mean man, one who shot blacks during the fifties, and everyone was glad when he finally got himslef killed - but your father just walked upto him and said that he was marrying me. Just like that.

"Daddy reached for the shotgun, but your father stood his ground - he would marry me. Dad kicked me out of the house, but he didn't lay a hand on John!"

I guess my expression conveyed my incredulity, and Mom laughed. "I just wanted to see if he still had the same guts."

Then she gave me a hug!

"Kelly, Doc told me everything. No, I haven't forgiven you for what you did today, but you are still my daughter. And I love you. And ... I'll admit I am still mad at you two for having me find out the way I did tonight..."

Seeking to make amendments, I offered, "It was the first time tonight, for us too, Mom... I thought ... maybe just once..."

Mom smiled benignly. "If that's a relief, I am not too sure I feel relieved... because I know - at least I think I do - what must have happened during the last couple of hours to give you that glow on your face - " I blushed furiously at this - "But I guess it's pretty clear it's not the last time, is it?"

Slowly, Daddy and I shook my head. No.

Mom sighed. "That's what I thought. Oh, well, if you can't beat it, at least you can let it, right? It will take some time to come to terms with all of this, but it's a necessary evil - Don't look so shocked, honey, I just love you guys too much to lose you."

The Malwinches allowed for a happy family moment before excusing themselves, but Mom asked them to stay over for the night. "I am having one couple already, I might as well have another one for an orgy," she explained with a grin.

Dad had by now recovered somewhat from his immense relief, and moved over to the bar cabinet. "I guess this calls for a round for everyone. What do you say?"

"I second his idea," put in Doc Malwinch.

"It's unanimous," Megan added, linking her arm through her father.

As the drinks were handed out, Mom poked me in the ribs with her elbow. "And no sneaking off into the bathroom for anything, okay you little minx? We've got a nice, large bedroom upstairs that you are welcome to."

When I walked into the kitchen the next day, Mom was already up and preparing breakfast for us. The Malwinches' coats were still in the hallway, so I knew they had not left. I sneaked behind Mom and hugged her, feeling the return of all the love I had ever felt for her returning in one huge wave. "Thanks, Ma." Ma was our little indication of deepest feeling.

"Did you sleep well?" Mom asked after a moment of silence.

"Yes," I lied. Dad and I had been so ecstastic over everything correcting itself that we had ripped each other's clothes apart, made love four times at a stretch, then lay in each other's arms just talking. And if it hadn't been five in the morning already, we would have gone on for a couple of more hours.

Mom turned around, an indulgent smile on her face. "I'll take your word for it, but then I would have to say that your boyfriend must have had some other woman in your bed - the moans and groans... sheesh, you would think she was the only woman in the world."

I blushed, knowing that Mom had trapped us once again. Still smiling, Mom continued, "I suppose that's how it is with you young people these days - Megan and the Doc were up most of the night too, and it took me a long walk around the block to ger all those sounds out of my system."

"Sorry, Mom."

"Don't be. It was a voyeur's delight, I'll admit that much, lying in your room and thinking about the frantic coupling of fathers and daughters on either side of me. Thanks," she added with a wink, "Peachie-pie." That was what Dad had been calling me for the entirety of the previous night.

"Mom," I ventured, "Are you really cool?"

Mom ruffled my hair, a nostalgic bookmark of my younger years. "I am... cooling. Life doesn't exactly prepare you to find out that your own daughter is now your replacement... maybe the years and the grandkids will take care of that."

"The WHAT?"

"Well, your father's still got enough in him to start another family, and I assumed that now that you two are an 'item,' you might want your own kids. Don't tell me you don't want to have his kids..."

"I would love to, but we - Dad and I - thought you might not allow us to go that far."

"What do you want me to do, dump all your birth-control pills out of the window and give you fertility pills to prove myself?"

The two of us laughed together. "Don't worry, Mom," I quipped as I carried the cup of coffee upstairs, clad only in my robe. "I'll do that myself!"

Dad mad sure that breakfast was a little late for us that morning.

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