Grace Ch. 18

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Grace returns the favor with an excellent massage.
3.9k words

Part 18 of the 20 part series

Updated 03/13/2024
Created 12/20/2021
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Once Grace and I had cleared the air, things got better all around. She was doing her work as much as possible and her new Law and Government teacher commented on her increased work output. I nodded wisely and said she seemed to be working much harder this semester. If only she knew!

It didn't happen very often, but now and again I would see Grace in the hallway. She was always polite enough to give me a little smile or say hello even if she was with friends. I could tell sometimes that her friends were giving her a hard time over talking to me, but there's nothing to do sometimes about the cattiness of teenage girls. I'd just stay neutral, smile at all of them, and move along. If we were traveling the same direction, though, I always enjoyed checking out her ass and her friends' as well--she seemed to hang out with fit, attractive girls who dressed casually but provocatively. During lacrosse season, this often involved game-day uniforms and tight athletic leggings with cutouts. Naturally, I was perfectly discreet, but those appreciative ogles were always a high point of my day now that they were all over 18.

Shifting gears from "history tutor" to "life coach" didn't seem to make that big a difference in my work with Grace at first. The only real changes were that I asked about her other classes more and tried to help her prioritize. I also spent way too much time letting her vent about the ins and outs of lacrosse politics and pressures, which seemed ridiculous to me but were overwhelmingly important to her, so I played along. My advice was pretty generic, but she seemed to appreciate it.

Because of this extra conversation, we didn't do a great deal of actual tutoring on Law and Government, but Grace told me after a while that she was trying to keep things balanced--one of my life-coach refrains--and I heard through Lindsey that she was actually blocking out time to work and following other practical advice that I had given her. I grinned and accepted her praise, happy that things were going well. It was a pain staying so late one night a week, but I was invested in several ways and figured it wouldn't be that much longer.

The missing piece, though, was Grace's other needs. I had forgotten how motivated and crafty she could be when she wanted something because I was caught up in her less-than-stellar academic issues, but she changed all that on a Thursday in mid-March. Lindsey was on her way out as I arrived and we had a brief but enjoyable make-out session while Grace was upstairs changing. With a final squeeze to my semi-hard cock, Lindsey extracted a promise to finish what she started over the weekend and whisked out into the sunset.

When Grace came downstairs, she was dressed only in her pink bathrobe and her hair was damp from the shower. I grinned at the sight, struck once again by the fresh, youthful vitality of her presence: dark hair, green eyes, tanned skin, and adorable curved lips that I was still obsessed with. At that moment, they were curved in a truly adult and feminine smile that took my appreciative gaze for the compliment it was and expressed her satisfaction at my response. After a moment, I realized I was standing there staring like a fool, so I covered my awkwardness with a question:

"How are you, Grace?"

Very smooth, I know, but it was all I could come up with.

She smiled a little wider and said, "I'm good, Mr. Robertson. And I've got something to show you!"

"What's that?" I asked simply.

"Come here--it's over on the table."

I followed the swirl of her robe and saw a line of papers on the table where we usually worked. As I stepped closer and scanned them, I was amazed. Some were handwritten, and some were printed out, but they were all assignments that Grace had done on her own since we last spoke. Even though I could see some glaring deficiencies, they were a vast improvement over the work she had done (or not done) before and they were on time!

"Wow!" I exclaimed, turning to smile at her. "These look great!"

"I used my study hall all week and I did some stuff after dinner every day."

"That's excellent!" I responded. "Sounds like a much better balance than you had before."

She beamed and folded her hands on the back of a chair. One foot moved back behind the other and rested on tiptoe; she began to twist it girlishly as she continued to look me directly in the eyes. I tried not to notice that her arm position pushed her breasts together and her slight movement made them twitch from side to side, but it was difficult to maintain eye contact with all that nubile beauty right in front of me!

"Do you know why I got so much work done?" she asked innocently.

"Better balance?" I suggested lamely.

"Well, yeah..." she admitted, "but I also was thinking of something else."

My mind jumped back a month to Grace finishing an essay before it was due. Instead of working on that, we spent an entire Sunday having sex all over the house, culminating in a revenge-driven creampie session in her mother's bed. I grinned at the memory and Grace's smile broadened as she saw that I knew what she was up to.

"What did you have in mind, young lady?" I asked, trying to smother my grin.

"Well, I was kind of thinking that I owe you a massage..." she said slyly.

"And there's nothing you have to do for school tomorrow?" I asked, clinging to one last vestige of professionalism before I caved entirely.

"Nothing. But someone I trust told me that it's important to take some time for myself and do things that make me feel happy and let go of school and lacrosse every once in a while, you know? And I believe him."

Since that was me, all I could do was nod and smile.

"Good advice for anyone," I opined.

"So I came home after practice and ate dinner really fast and got everything ready!" she finished in a chirpy rush.

"Well, then...I guess a massage sounds like a great idea! Where do you want me?" I asked, unconsciously echoing her language from our last encounter.

"Well, there's that big flat couch out by the sauna..." she said suggestively.

Before I could reply, she grinned and whirled and her bare feet pattered across the kitchen floor. I followed eagerly, tossing my jacket over a kitchen stool on the way past and walking quickly to catch up. I followed the sound of her footsteps through the long, dim hallway, past the guest suite, and found the final door open when I got there. The smell of ozone and plants washed out and as I closed it behind me, I saw Grace standing by the couch with her phone in her hand. The lights were already dimmed, bringing back happy memories of my time with Lindsey in that room, but Grace added a twist of her own. As she put her phone down, soft instrumental music swelled all around us from hidden speakers. It was Nirvana, but with no vocals. She grinned at my reaction.

"All 90's music--is that okay?" she asked.

"It's great!" was all I could manage in response.

She stepped closer and her nimble fingers began to unbutton my shirt. I kicked off my shoes and waited for her to finish, then when she pushed my shirt back off my shoulders, I leaned down quickly and caught her off-guard with a kiss. She giggled and kissed me back, shoving my shirt off my arms all the while and then wrapping her arms around my waist. I grabbed her ass through the soft pink fabric and nuzzled her neck as I caressed the firm flesh beneath. After a minute, though, she pulled back and scowled at me.

"Hold on, mister! You're here for a massage, so get the rest of those clothes off and lay down!"

I snorted at her imperious tone but let go and unbuckled my belt. As I pushed my dark jeans down, she moved to the side of the couch and I noticed for the first time that it was lavishly covered with towels. She grabbed a tall, clear plastic bottle and watched my progress. After my pants were off, I shoved my socks down and left them by my shoes, straightening up to face her wearing only dark boxer briefs that bulged lewdly from my arousal.

"Them too!" she said pointedly. "And then lay down on your stomach."

"Yes, ma'am. Right away, ma'am!" I grinned as I followed directions.

The towels were soft and sweet smelling as I made an arm pillow for myself and settled down flat. The wide cushion shifted as Grace knelt between my feet and I heard the click of a plastic bottle top. Warm drops fell onto my back, tracing a twisting, spattering line from my neck down to the small of my back and a new smell--a rich botanical scent I couldn't place--filled the air. I felt the brush of Grace's fleece robe as she moved higher to straddle my hips, settling herself on the backs of my thighs. She leaned forward then and her hands made parallel lines up the long muscles beside my spine, spreading the oil around gently as she worked her way to my neck. The smell intensified and I breathed deeply and smiled blissfully.

"Moringa and black seed oil" she murmured as her hands spread the warm, slick stuff across the muscles of my shoulders. "Very good for you."

"Feels pretty good!" I mumbled.

I heard her snort in response, but focused on the feeling of her hands gliding across the muscles of my upper back. She was no professional, but it felt damn good anyway and I could also feel the brush of her bare thighs against mine and thought about where this might lead. After a few minutes, she moved down to my lower back and used her thumbs to press in the gap of each vertebrae before spreading them out to release the tension. I smiled at this move and hoped for even more.

Disappointingly, she shifted off of my thighs and crawled backward a step to kneel between my feet again. I heard the bottle cap click once more, but this time she didn't drip it right onto me. Instead, she poured a little into her palm, rubbed her hands together, and stroked my leg from ankle to thigh, spreading the oil around. She had used just the right amount to lubricate my leg hair so that her hands slid easily. She did the same for the other leg and then--to my delight--repeated the process to lubricate my ass as well, swirling her palms across my cheeks and down the sides until her fingers brushed the towels. Then she did her amateur best to massage my calves and hamstrings. I closed my eyes and savored the sensations, trying to enjoy the moment but wondering when she might take things to the next level.

The bottle cap clicked again, and I waited for a new application of moringa and black seed oil. I could feel her moving, but she wasn't touching me, so after a few seconds, I opened my eyes and twisted my head slightly to see what she was up to. God, I'm glad I did!

Somehow, Grace had shed her robe and was kneeling there nude and looking down at me with intense eyes. Her hands were busy spreading the fragrant oil across the smooth skin of her belly and up over her breasts. When she saw me watching, she smiled just a little and reached for the oil again.

"I saw this on the internet," she murmured as she tipped a little more into her hand and oiled her shoulders and arms.

"I LOVE the internet!" I moaned, rolling my eyes.

"You're a goof!" she giggled as she set the bottle aside again. "Now be quiet and close your eyes."

"Yes, ma'am," I whispered in response.

Her weight on the cushions shifted again and I grinned with anticipation as I felt her straddle my thighs once more. Her hands landed just beside my shoulders as she leaned forward and I could feel the warmth of her body just above me. I hummed happily when her nipples grazed my shoulder blades and her knees crept in to rub against my upper thighs. Then she settled a little lower and the slick, soft skin of her arms and stomach and breasts draped across my back and shoulders. I heard her take a deep breath and let out a sigh that matched my own, and then she began to move.

Slowly, sensually, Grace slid her body up mine until her breasts passed my shoulders. I could feel the firm muscles of her thighs beside my waist and the tautness of her belly against my back. When she slid down again, I focused on the warm swell of her breasts as they traveled, pulling back over my shoulders and then down lower, their firmness only accented by the drag of her nipples along my oiled skin. Her belly slipped up and over my ass and she only stopped when she couldn't bend her knees any more. Once her weight was fully on my torso, she moved her hands from flat on the bed to my arms, stroking their length and she glided up and down. I breathed deeply, smelling the sweetness of her hair and her breath through the rich scent of the massage oil. My eyes closed as I basked in the amazing feelings she was creating for me.

On her next trip up, she kissed my cheek and paused lying full length on my back. Her toes pivoted up to hook on my calves and I felt her hip bones pressing into my ass.

"Are you ready to turn over?" she whispered in my ear before biting the lobe gently.

"You know it!" I whispered back, opening one eye to show her that I was smiling at her.

She lifted herself up on hands and knees so I could roll over, then sat back on her heels again and reached for the oil. This time she was even more thorough. One palmful went on each leg, one went on my stomach, and one coated my chest. She grinned before she finished the job and then spread a generous amount all around my groin, slicking down my trimmed pubes and coating the shaft of my cock thoroughly. It twitched happily at the attention and lay proudly against my stomach when she let it go. I watched through half-open eyes as she poured another handful of oil for herself and bit her lower lip. Then she rubbed her palms together momentarily and brought her hands up to her breasts, cupping them fully and making them shine with a fresh layer of lubrication. There was still plenty on her hands, though, and as I watched, she slid them languorously down her belly and thighs. When she reached her knees, she reversed direction and I craned my neck to watch even more closely. Her own eyes closed as her palms traveled up the inside of her thighs. When her forefingers reached her labia, she rubbed them carefully up and down, pushing her hands deep between her own legs as her lips parted to let out a deep sigh. I saw the flash of her even teeth and then the dart of her nimble tongue as she licked her lips and kept rubbing oil into her most intimate spots. Although I wanted the massage to proceed, I was entranced by the simple, powerful eroticism of her display and I kept myself still and quiet so as not to disturb her.

Finally, though, she pulled one hand out and rubbed my leg idly while her other hand turned 90 degrees. I could tell that she was rubbing her pussy directly and imagined the slick heat she was building up beneath her fingers with each stroke. What started as simply oiling herself had become something much more stimulating for both of us! Her breathing grew deeper and her breasts rose and fell. They glistened iridescently in the soft illumination of the room and her nipples and areolas tightened as her arousal grew. After only a minute or so, I saw her freeze and push her hand hard against her pussy as her whole body trembled. Her beautiful lips parted even more as she gasped in pleasure and took in a deep, shuddering breath. Then her eyes opened a tiny bit and caught mine. A guilty smile twitched across her face.

"God, I'm sorry!" she murmured. "I kinda got caught up there!"

"No need to apologize, Grace--that was the sexiest thing I've ever seen!"

She flushed at the praise and laid herself down so that her body rested on mine and her dark hair fell around my face.

"This..." she whispered as she kissed me lightly for punctuation, "is supposed to be...YOUR massage!"

"It's already great!" I whispered back against her lips.

Her tongue parted my lips in return and flicked playfully at mine. Her hips, meanwhile, began to rock in slow, wide circles, sliding her belly across the underside of my cock. Her breasts stayed relatively motionless on my chest and I lost myself in the combination of sensations. My hands, though, had their own agenda and came up reflexively to stroke her sides from armpit to hip, gliding effortlessly along her slippery young skin.

At one point, though, I went too high and tickled her. She snorted a laugh and pushed herself up off me which broke the spell of what she was doing.

"Hey!" she snapped playfully. "No touchy-touch!"

I tried to look apologetic and tucked my hands under my back, grinning all the while.

"That's better," she allowed.

With a smoldering look in her eyes, Grace lowered herself again and slid her body down mine. I felt the couch move as she shuffled herself further down between my feet and then broke into a happy smile of my own as her breasts surrounded my cock and rocked back and forth. She raised herself up just a bit to create room and brought her hands in to push her breasts together around my throbbing shaft, using her fingertips to close her sweet, supple flesh around me entirely. All of a sudden, I was trapped in a slick, firm tunnel of young boobs--I wish I could explain how amazing it felt! She smirked when I groaned and rocked herself up and down a few inches, burying my cock again and again. When she felt me begin to thrust against her, however, she raised her eyebrows and then lifted her torso up higher, releasing me entirely.

"Not yet, mister!" she taunted me.

Before I could formulate a protest, though, she pushed down on the towels beside my hips and vaulted herself into a new position, sitting erect and straddling me once more. When she settled her weight this time, her pussy was lined up perfectly with the base of my cock and she slid herself up all the way to the very tip. My rigid flesh forced her labia apart as she did this and I could feel the slippery heat inside her warming every inch of me as she backed down again. Over and over she did that, spreading herself onto me from crown to balls, adding even more lubrication and heat with each passage. Every time she hit the top, she paused momentarily with the head of my cock trapped against her opening and ground down just a bit, making me think she would let me inside before backing away again. I groaned with pleasure and frustration and she smiled impishly as she watched me suffer.

"Oh...there's another thing I saw on the internet!" she said at that point, pausing her movements again.

"What's that?" I croaked.

She smiled enigmatically and leaned back, letting her hands fall behind her. That tilted her hips and when she slid up again, my cock slid not only along her pussy but in between the firm cheeks of her ass as well, adding a whole new level of excitement that made me pulse and leak precum with every stroke. She giggled at my twitching cock as it emerged and pushed harder.

"Someone likes that!" she said merrily.

"I fucking LOVE it!" I groaned.

"Then you should like THIS even more!" she replied, sitting up again.

Her ass was on my thighs at that point and she held herself upright, reached down, and pulled my cock up tight against her. The clasping heat of her pussy bathed the underside and her fingers slid deftly up and down the top of my shaft. With very short strokes, she ground her pussy against my throbbing cock. After a moment, she figured out the proper rhythm and rocked herself against me once more, stroking me with fingers and labia and inner thighs and that marvelous ass all at the same time. I was in paradise!

There was a benefit to that position that I didn't notice for a long while because I was too wrapped up in what I was feeling. Every time Grace pulled me against herself, she was rubbing her clit as well as massaging me. I only spotted this when she hunched forward a little and her fingers began to pull more urgently against my shaft, driving my cock into her clit harder and harder and breaking the sweet rhythm she had going before. I opened my eyes to watch her again and didn't complain at all as she drove herself to another peak of pleasure. The last few strokes she took with my cock were almost frantic as she hit just the right spot to trigger her orgasm. Thank god she did because I was close myself. When I felt her pussy throbbing against the underside of my shaft, I took advantage of her distraction and pulled my hips down, slipping my cock low enough to line up with her opening. Her eyes flew open when she felt that and she grinned savagely, slamming herself down just as I thrust up into her pussy full length. I grabbed her ass and pumped myself three times before I exploded inside her. She held stock-still above me, her eyes half-closed again, savoring the feeling of my orgasm filling her while hers still lingered.