Granddad at Play Ch. 03


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"Ohhh fuck!" I gasped suddenly feeling the spasms of a climax about to hit me, "Going to cum - gonna fill you up any minute!"

"Yeah, do it, let it go!" cried Dick as our thrusts became a spasmodic mixture of jabs and deeper thrusts, "You'll set me off!"

"Ahhhh you're setting me off again!" cried Judy again, "Doesn't take much now - ahhhh, here comes another one!"

We both felt her spasm violently once again which made Dick tighten up around my cock and which ignited me as well.

"Here it cums!" I cried as everything tightened inside me, "Ohhh yeah, cumming, cumming!"

One last thrust into Dick's arsehole and I felt my spunk squirting strongly into him.

"Yeah, ohhh ahhhh!" I cried as another load burst from my penis, "And more!"

"Ahhh, I'm off!" said Dick, his voice suddenly squeaky and tight, "Oh, ohhh, ohhhhh - oh Judy - ahhhhh!"

I could easily felt his spasms as he unloaded into Judy's happy hole, each spasm squeezing my cock until the last of his cum had ejected into her, and then all movement ceased except for occasional sudden jerks of nerves firing at random as our assorted orgasms ran their course - and the movement of our heavy breathing of course.

Finally I lifted my body from where I'd been relaxing over Dick's back, my action causing small rivulets of sweat to run down my chest and belly.

"Oh fuck, that was good!" I enthused, "Do you want me to take him out now?"

"Only if you've finished," said Dick as he looked over his shoulder and grinned, "Unless you fancy another round. Do you want to try?"

"Couldn't, well not yet!" I answered honestly, feeling my penis relaxing quickly now, "I'll pull out - let you cool off."

"Nor could I right now," moaned Judy, "I feel as if I've been poked to death - and it's hot under there too!"

We laughed at her plight as we all began to untangle from the heap of bodies.

"There's towels over there," said Judy as she pointed to a cupboard, "Get a pile of them would you Chris."

My now much reduced cock slid easily from Dick's arsehole, accompanied by a brief pulsing bubble of cum, then, having grabbed a number of towels I returned to the scene of the crime, pressed one towel over Dick's arsehole, wrapped another around my cock and handed a third to a grateful Judy. A short while later Dick extracted his happy but exhausted cock from Judy's pussy and moved from on top of her and for a while, apart from the sounds of our still heavy breathing and the gentle brushing noises from the towels there was peace until we'd all cleaned away the assorted spilt fluids.

Judy glanced at the clock and sighed as she lifted herself from the couch.

"Sorry fellas, much as that was amazing and I'd just love to spend the morning fucking you'll need to be on your way; my next patient is due in soon," she said as she began to spray deodorant around the room, "Not sure if old granny Riley will appreciate the smell of sex."

Old Granny Riley, as we all called her behind her back, was a cantankerous old witch and a resident whose path I did my best not to cross and it seemed that Dick did his best to avoid her too, judging from the face he pulled.

"Oh tough luck seeing her!" he exclaimed as we began to pull our clothes back on, "Rather you than me."

"All part of the job," said Judy with a rueful grin, "And at least she isn't coming to see me for sex!"

We all laughed together happily as we checked each other for signs of our sexual engagement but we found none, thank heavens.

But then I frowned as I considered that Doctor Judy was only here because of her connection with the implants and she obviously caught on. Why would she be seeing that old biddy who quite obviously hadn't been the recipient of an implant?

"Are you wondering why I'll be seeing Mrs Riley?" asked Judy observantly and I nodded.

"Yes, I thought you were only to do with the lab and the implant?" I asked but Judy shook her head.

"Actually, there's been a change of plan," she said, "As from today I'm officially your on-site medical doctor - well, me and Shirley and another doctor as well, so we'll be seeing you for all your ailments and not just about your implants."

"Congratulations," I offered, but Dick's view was somewhat different.

"Ahh, that's brilliant! Twice as many chances for some good fucking then!" he said with a big laugh and Judy slapped his arm gently as she laughed too.

"Twice as busy you mean," she groaned, "But yes, you're right to some extent. Bear in mind though that I can only offer long consultations when I'm dealing with your inserts."

"Like no more than once a week?" asked Dick as he cupped his groin and jerked his bulge up and down, "I need more sex than that!"

"Just as well that you all enjoy one another then, isn't it?" she added as she preened herself to look nice and tidy, "Come on, off you go and thanks for the lovely sexy time!"

"You're very welcome," I said with feeling, "Really enjoyed the last hour."

Again, something else caught at my mind.

"Doctor, before we go, can I ask a question?" I said and Judy smiled and waited.

"You just said 'you all enjoy one another' and I know that this place is rigged with CCTV cameras," I said, "So what's going to happen to the recordings?"

"They'll be kept for our records - it's all officially approved," she said calmly, "Then when we've extracted all we need to know about this implant we'll probably edit them and let you all have some DVDs of the highlights of your various sexual escapades."

"Hey, that'll be great!" enthused Dick and I together, "That'll be something really hot to watch!"

Judy grinned widely as she guided us towards the door.

"They'll probably be encrypted for use only within these walls or something; we'll work on that for your privacy," she explained, "But whatever, I'm sure they'll be well worth watching."

"I bet!" I answered with a laugh, then I remembered something.

"Damn, you still didn't measure my cock!" I exclaimed and Judy laughed with amusement.

"Don't let it worry you," she said, "All the more reason to come back and see me again - eh?"

Before I could answer she was pushing us out and then, with a parting blown kiss she closed the door behind us.

A moment or two later and Dick and I were heading back to the main lounge where we sat and relaxed and ruminated on the fun we'd just enjoyed. It would soon be lunch time and inside an hour we were settling at our table where we were soon joined by Peter, but Joe and Bill were missing. It was nothing unusual for residents to skip meals because most of us were still quite active and would head into town or go off to visit relatives and friends so nothing was said about their absence. Peter himself was often missing because he had to go to Head Office quite regularly but today he was able to join us and have a good relaxing chat.

We covered a lot of ground as we ate but then as we finished our meal the subject of sex arose, as it often seemed to do these days.

"So you're gay, you said," asked Dick of Peter, "So how are things here - plenty of sex?"

"Hmmm, well, some," admitted Peter somewhat bashfully, "Not enough though!"

"What's 'enough' to you then?" I asked, which set Peter thinking.

"Every other day perhaps," he said as he began to squirm in his chair, "More often if I could, to be honest. The trouble is that I just haven't had time to ummm, what's the word, 'explore' the residents yet."

"So when was the last time you had sex?" asked Dick, his tongue licking his lips, "Was it with anyone interesting?"

Peter shook his head, then glanced back and forward between us.

"To be honest it's ages since I enjoyed some good sex, apart from using my hand," he said, miming jerking off, "About two weeks actually and it wasn't with anyone you know."

"Oh poor you," said Dick sympathetically, "Bet you're really horny by now!"

I frowned at Dick's audacity and bluntness but Peter just smiled back.

"Course I am!" he said, "Look - I'm all ready to go!"

He lifted his arse from the seat to reveal a bulging groin with the outline of his penis clearly visible.

"Couldn't help it," he said as he outlined his already stiff penis, "Just talking about sex has made this thing come up!"

"Wow, look at that lovely thing, I'll have some of that!" enthused Dick, "Fancy heading my way? How about you Chris - would you like to join in?"

"Yes, sure, sounds good! Looks good too!" I said, feeling my penis moving as it began to fill out despite already having enjoyed at least my normal share of sex for one day.

"Mmmm, love to join you both," added Peter, "Be great fun to have a nice sexy threesome."

"Come on then," said Dick as we all rose from our chairs, "Let's go and enjoy some after-lunch sex then!"

We quickly made our way down the hall to Dick's unit and just as we opened the door his phone began to ring. He hurried to answer it while we stood in the doorway and waited quietly and as we did so I began to ruminate, amazed by our sexual energy. Here were Dick and I targeting our second sexual interaction in the same day...whereas for at least the last few years, one eruption a day had been more than enough. I shook my head gently as I considered our astonishing revival. With me in my sixties and Dick in his seventies, our sex drives should normally have quietened down but the opposite seemed to be happening!

After a short while Dick slapped the phone down and turned abruptly to us.

"My bloody sister's on her way to see me," he moaned, his face full of misery, "Oh god, she's a pain too - non-stop yacking about nothing!"

"Why didn't you tell her you were busy?" asked Peter but Dick shook his head.

"Wouldn't work - you don't know her - that wouldn't get rid of her and anyway she'll be here in about ten minutes, she said," he groaned, "Guess I'll have to let you two enjoy yourselves without me."

Peter and I looked at each other, then we both smiled happily as if knowing that we'd now be able to concentrate on each other more completely.

"Sure thing Dick," said Peter as he hugged him and then me, "We'll manage!"

A little while later Peter and I were in his unit, more or less checking each other out. He was a little taller than me and substantially skinnier than me and of course, the best part of twenty years younger too. His face was a bit narrower than mine, I considered; his hair was mainly brown and of fairly short length and in his polo sweater and jeans he looked quite wholesome. I could feel his eyes covering me and I automatically pulled in my slight paunch, causing Peter to laugh gently.

"You don't have to do that," he said, "You look fine to me and anyway, it's your arse and your cock that I'm after, not your belly!"

"My arse?" I questioned, still being unaccustomed to all this anal activity, "You sure?"

"Mmmmm," mused Peter as he stroked his chin, "Looking forward to penetrating it!"

I felt my hole tighten at his words, even though I'd been indulging in some anal penetration of my own just a few hours ago and Peter obviously saw my looks.

"What's up? You're not a top as well, are you?" he asked, losing me for a moment with his terminology.

"Umm, oh no, I think I go either way," I admitted, uncertain if I was saying the right thing, at which Peter smiled happily.

"Oh, that's good - you're versatile then," he said as he began to undress, "Well, today you're going to take the bottom role."

Regardless of my reticence I was still eager for some more sex and I too began shedding clothes until we stood together, naked as the day we were born, both with proud erections standing before us.

"That's a good looking cock!" said Peter, "Hope you don't mind if you don't use it much today but I really need to feel a nice cock inside me! I will suck you off though."

"No, I've had my quota for the day anyway!" I answered, "You'll be lucky if you get much from me I reckon."

"I bet I can!" laughed Peter as he stroked both our cocks at once, "There's always a reserve load in the tank!"

"Your cock looks good too," I said as I admired his tool and felt mine jerking with enthusiasm, "Mind if I have a feel?"

"I'll be annoyed if you don't!" laughed Peter as we came together until our cocks met, "Get hold of them both and rub them together like I was."

We moved a little closer until our two cocks were side by side, then I wrapped my hand around them both as best I could, feeling the stiffness of his penis and the delicious way our two foreskins slid back and forward.

"Hang on, I've got some stuff here, let me spray some of this on," said Peter and as he spoke he spritzed something over our cocks, "Ahhh, that's better."

My hand now slid far more easily and immediately the feeling of becoming sexually excited rose powerfully. I felt Peter's cock jerking and found my own doing the same and with our extra excitement we both began to produce precum that added to the slipperiness.

"Ahh, I think we're ready now so let's not go on doing this - I don't want to cum while we're standing up here," said Peter gently, "Let's go to the bedroom and get comfy."

Placidly I followed him and in a few moments we were lying side by side on his bed, stroking each other's cock. His penis was quite as long as mine and possibly a little thicker and his knob glowed a deep purple and glistened with his precum. It actually looked quite edible to me and I found myself licking my lips!

"Do you want to suck me?" asked Peter, having obviously noticed my reaction, "I've gotta cum fairly soon, then we can take a little break and then I'll soon be ready for your arse."

With no further words we shuffled around until Peter was poised above me, his stiff penis jutting towards my mouth. I grasped him and pulled him to me and, noticing a nice newly-oozed blob of precum forming at his tip I stretched out my tongue and let it slide over the bubble of juice. He tasted clean and delicious and I quickly pulled him closer until I was able to sink his cock into my mouth. I closed my lips tightly and ran my tongue around the rim of his knob and felt another blob of precum pulse into my mouth.

"That's nice," I murmured as I sucked him, using my hand to rub his shaft too, ""So bloody hard, aren't you?"

"Need emptying urgently!" gasped Peter, his hips thrusting down at me urgently, "Got a real load here for you; a big load I reckon!"

"Mmmm, give it to me!" I urged, my desire now sky-high, "I want it, I want to taste you!"

"Keep sucking me like you were," said Peter, his cock jerking powerfully, "This one will be quick - I know it!"

I began to concentrate on his penis alone, rubbing it madly; sucking as if my life depended on it and swirling my tongue everywhere, eager to enjoy his cum. By pushing his foreskin forward using my hand around his shaft I could also wriggle my tongue under his foreskin and it was obviously the right kind of thing to do.

"Ohhh fuck - you're good!" panted Peter as his cock began to drive into my mouth, "Getting so close now!"

"Just let it go!" I said quickly, so as to keep up the momentum, "I'm ready!"

"Uhhhh!" he grunted a few moments later, "Here it cums! Uhhhhh! Oh yeahhhh!"

A big blast of cum squirted at me, almost overwhelming my reflexes as he filled my mouth. I swallowed quickly and just as I did so Peter thrust forward and I felt his cock slipping down into my throat!

"Ahhhh!" he cried as what felt like a huge gush of cum sprayed into my throat, "Ohhh fuck!"

He pulled back, partially pushed by my hands on his belly and let loose another tasty offering of cum that seemed to fill my mouth again. I held it there together with another gush and even before I had a chance to swallow, another pulse of cum joined it and then he suddenly began to relax as his orgasm died down.

His penis remained in my mouth however, allowing me to enjoy the slippery bulging knob as it oozed out the last of his offering then finally I pushed him away and his cock slipped from between my lips. Even without his penis, my mouth felt full and I swirled his cum around sensually. His juices seemed deliciously thick and sticky and very tasty too and I actually felt reluctant to swallow his remaining cum! I used my tongue to slide the tasty stickiness around in my mouth and then, after opening my mouth so that Peter could see the result of his orgasm I swallowed all that I could. There still seemed to be a fair bit of his cum sticking inside my mouth but I left it there, unwilling to lose the taste and texture of his cum, then looked at Peter.

"You were good!" he enthused from above me, "Sorry, didn't mean to push into your throat like that."

"No problem," I admitted, "It was interesting actually - that was something new to me."

"Good practice then!" added Peter, "Always a useful skill when there are cocks around!"

Considering the mixture of guys here in the home that definitely made sense and I nodded.

We'd knelt upright by now, my eyes wandering over his still half-hard cock and then my own instrument which was pulsing with slippery urgency.

"Would you like me to do it again then?" I asked, "And what about mine?"

Despite my solid erection Peter had other plans though and shook his head.

"No, not right now," he said, rejecting both ideas, "Let's take a short break and then I want to explore your pussy!"

"I don't have a pussy," I exclaimed, suddenly imagining myself with a gash between my legs in place of a cock, but Peter laughed.

"No, that's your arsehole I'm talking about," he said brightly as he headed to his kitchen area, "Most gay people refer to it as a pussy."

"Hmmm, not sure if I like that, but I'll let it go," I said, "Just so long as you don't go there and start licking at it!"

"Oooh but I will!" he said with a wicked grin as he handed me a can of lager, "Nothing like a bit of rimming!"

"Oh my god - what?" I gasped, astonished that anyone would enjoy such an activity, "Seriously - you'd lick my arsehole?"

"Definitely!" answered Peter as we began to enjoy our cool and refreshing drinks, "Just don't fart on me while I'm down there please!"

It was just as well that I didn't have my mouth full of lager or I'd have blown it everywhere such was the hilarity of my imagined scenario and yet even though the idea sounded entirely outlandish, there was something inside my mind that suggested that it might well be enjoyable or at least amusing.

"Don't tickle me when you do it then!" I responded, "Or else I just might!"

We retired to the settee and broke off all talk of sexual activities while we downed our drinks and instead we just found out a little more about each other and then generally set the world to rights for a while before Peter stood up, stroked his cock a couple of times and then displayed the resulting stiffness to me.

"Ok, I'm ready!" he said as he reached to pull me up, "Let's get back on the bed again; it'll be a lot more comfortable back there."

As soon as I'd seen his erection my own cock had risen quickly once again and as I gently stropped it I felt the sticky slipperiness of my precum all over my cock. I'd been so powerfully excited that I'd apparently been leaking profusely and now that we were about to start again I imagined the sight of precum pouring like syrup from my cock. I felt it jerk eagerly as we reached the bed and even though I'd unloaded that same morning, I now felt that I needed to cum once again.

"So what's on the menu?" I asked and Peter smiled.

"You, well and me!" he said as he pushed me gently until I was lying on the bed, "Let's start with another 69."

He climbed astride me with his tasty penis just above my head and as soon as we'd settled his mouth was around my cock.

"Ohhhh, yesss!" I gasped happily, "That's good...!"

His mouth seemed to be more talented than others before him and quickly began to raise my level of arousal and I found myself to be so excited by his actions on my cock that I completely forgot to take his penis into my own mouth.