Gran's Sexual Awakening

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An old lady discovers what she's missed.
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I was a teenager in The Sixties, a time we were keen to learn about sex. It was an era when it was easy to learn; not as effortless as it is now with the internet, but censorship laws were relaxing, so the knowledge was available. It was the decade of Masters and Johnson, Playboy, the reprinted Kama Sutra and The Joy of Sex was only two years away. Our fathers, by comparison, were largely ignorant of their wife's sexual needs, hence foreplay was rare, and the missionary method was the norm. Annie's lack of experience and sexual satisfaction was commonplace ...


For the first time in her life, Annie felt old. She hoped it was only a post operational reaction which made her feel that way. Even though she was approaching her eightieth, she'd always felt so young, so vibrant, but now, lying in bed, frail and sore, she wondered if the joie de vivre would ever return.

She looked in the hand mirror and studied her features. Not only do I feel old, but I look it, she thought. She tilted the mirror, undid the top two buttons of her nightdress and studied her bust. She remembered how, even a few months ago, the occasional man would appraise her, in particular her breasts. Maybe they sagged a little, but they didn't know how her bra came to the rescue, pushing them together, emphasising her cleavage. But now, her self esteem was at its lowest. She remembered how she'd caught Chris, her grandson, looking down her blouse from time to time when he was younger. She'd been offended, disgusted that a family member could behave so badly, but now her self esteem was so low, she'd welcome any attention, even his.

She did up the buttons, recalling the many times she'd caught him, the times she'd threatened to tell his parents if he didn't stop. That was so many years ago and she doubted he'd show any interest now. She knew he wouldn't; she was so unattractive, yet any attention would be welcome.

Despite her ambivalence about Chris, she couldn't help but smile knowing he would soon arrive. He'd moved to France six years ago and his business kept him busy, even so his mother told her he'd arranged a flight home just to see her. 'Sweet boy,' she whispered. 'Boy! He's 28 ... or is it 29.' She checked her watch just as she heard the key in the front door.

'Gran! It's Chris.'

As she heard his feet on the stairs, she quickly checked in the mirror how many buttons to undo. She decided on two, enough to tempt his gaze, but not enough to make him suspect her motives. Annie knew it was wrong, but she was so desperate for attention. Just before he appeared in her doorway, the mirror was back on the bedside cabinet.

'Oh Chris, darling, it's wonderful to see you.' Annie had forgotten how handsome and tall he was. He wore a suit that was a perfect fit on his lean body. She always loved men in suits, so professional, so suave.

He came to her bedside, removed his jacket and leaned over her. He kissed her on the cheek and smiled. 'Good to see you, Gran.' He looked around for a non existent chair then back to the bed. 'Can I sit here?'

'Yes, of course.' She patted the bed and he sat.

Maybe it was because she had a loose fitting nightie and it was trapped under his backside that caused the nightdress to pull down a little. Only a tad, but sufficient to expose a little more of her right breast than she intended. She didn't notice, but Chris did.

'How you feeling Gran?'

Apart from the nurse who visited every morning, she hadn't seen anyone for a couple of days, so Annie took pleasure in answering him, telling every detail of the operation and the brief spell in hospital before she was released. While she was chatting, he began a deliberate attempt to pull on the lower part of the material to expose more of her boob. She'd only been talking for two to three minutes before he glanced down and saw the top of her areola was already in view. And, when her nipple slipped from the confines of her nightdress, she was so engrossed in talking she didn't notice his grin when it was exposed.

t was at that stage that Chris decided to dispense with the secrecy and openly gazed at the sweet pinkness of her nipple. It took only a few seconds before she looked down to see what had suddenly taken his interest.

'You're disgusting,' she growled. Her hands moved to cover herself, without success as

Chris restrained her wrists, careful not to harm her. 'First time I've seen you naked Gran, but as beautiful as I've always anticipated.'

She hid her surprise at his choice of 'beautiful' even though it gave her a jolt of pleasure, however it was mixed with revulsion. 'I'd assumed you'd grown up Chris. A man of your age, it's disgusting.'

'Gran, I'll release you, but please keep your hands away. You know you can't stop me.' He pulled the material down until her breast popped out, fully exposed.

Annie watched as her took her breast in his hands. They sagged, but the expanse of flesh needed two hands to comfortably handle it. 'Mmm, it's heavy,' Chris said as his fingers explored her. She was mesmerized. Jack, her long deceased husband, had never shown any interest in her breasts. All he wanted was to push inside her so he could unload himself. By contrast, Chris studied her, lifting her boob, stroking his long fingers over the skin, so gentle, so tender. She wondered why he ignored her nipple, curious as to how it would feel. She used to touch herself and remembered how good it was, but no-one else had ever done it.

Chris began to unbutton her nightdress which brought more protest from her. Her hands tried to stop him, but he brushed them away and continued to undress her. She stopped fighting, let him do what he will, mainly because she had an unexpected thrill as he slowly hastened her full exposure. Maybe she wasn't as unattractive as she thought. Chris was handsome with a pretty wife, so he didn't need to take advantage of her. He could have anyone. When he came to the last button, he pulled open her nightie and uncovered her. He sighed as he gazed at her, so naked, so vulnerable. Inside, she also sighed as he examined her. She was so alive.

He cupped her breasts together and his thumbs caressed the nipples. She groaned and immediately regretted it as Chris looked up into her eyes. He smiled at her giveaway, so she attempted to scowl at him, however her body was in turmoil, excited in a way she never achieved when she played with herself. His thumbs stroked her in a continuous back and forth movement massaging her into a rapturous abandon. At that moment, she was lost. In her mind, he could do what he willed with her breasts.

And he did! She couldn't believe what he did next. She watched in amazement as his head lowered onto her left breast and captured her nipple. His tongue was even more tender than his thumbs had been. It smoothed over her nipple, licked it, rubbed it and finally Chris suckled her. She couldn't stop herself, she groaned, realizing he would acknowledge this as her agreement. Not that she thought he would take any notice of her wishes, either way, but she didn't want him to know how much she loved the way this wonderful man pleasured her. When he finished with that nipple, he moved to the other and she groaned again as he sucked it into his mouth. She studied the slight movement of his lips as they suckled on her, then her gaze fell on her exposed nipple. It was saliva wet and firm, standing erect as it never had before. Annie closed her eyes, arched her back and allowed herself to luxuriate in the sensation derived from her grandson's seduction.

Annie lost track of time until he stopped. She opened her eyes to see him smiling down at her. 'Hi, Gran,' he whispered. She couldn't bring herself to reply. Her disgust, though unseen, still burned deep inside. She couldn't fight him and, even though he had ignited an unknown passion, she couldn't escape the fact it was wrong.

Next moment his mouth was on hers. It wasn't anything like the way he'd kissed her before, but it felt innocent, so she returned it. His lips were fine, they kissed her with a tenderness that made her feel wanted. When he pulled back, then immediately kissed her again, she began to feel a little uneasy. His kisses shouldn't be that good, shouldn't thrill her the way they did. Nevertheless, she could see no wrong in it, so she wrapped her arms around his neck and abandoned any misgivings, while his hands continued to fondle her globes with gentle finger strokes. With the next kiss, his lips were parted and his tongue began to lick her lip. It was different and even more exciting. When his tongue pressed against her lips, clearly wanting entry to her mouth, she had no hesitation in allowing him access. After all, this wasn't sex, despite how naughty it felt. When his hand closed around her breast and his palm was somehow reawakening the passion in her nipple, she knew it was sex, but accepted she'd allowed him once, so why not again?

Both hands were petting her breasts as his tongue explored inside her mouth. Every so often she pressed her tongue against his and trembled at such intimacy with her grandson. When his hands left her breasts, the loss of pleasure almost made her pull his hands back to them, but she knew that would show her need, so she tried to come to terms with her disappointment.

The reason for removing his hands was soon obvious as she heard the sound of his trousers falling to the carpet. Panic engulfed her as she realized what it meant. She pushed him away and glanced at his underpants. He stood and there was an undeniable bulge. Just before he tugged them down, she closed her eyes and even covered them with her hands. Why couldn't he be satisfied with playing with her breasts?

'What you scared of Gran? It won't hurt you. Please open your eyes.'

She shook her head from side to side. This took her back to the arguments she'd with her husband. He'd nagged her to look at the ugly thing, but she'd always made it clear. If you want sex, the lights stay off. She always won.

Annie felt the bed sag as Chris sat on it. There was a tenseness in the room, but she ignored it. If he didn't like it, he could leave. He'd done enough harm already.

'Give me your hands Gran ... please.'

'No, never. Please go, Chris. Thanks for coming, but I need my nap.'

She groaned as he took her hands and pulled them from her face. She fought for a moment, but knew she wasn't strong enough. He may have my hands, she thought, but he can't open my eyes. Chris un-balled her right fist and she shuddered at the prospect of what he would do with it. Just as she dreaded, he put her open hand on his cock head and pressed his own hand around it, making her grip it. She was surprised at how hard it was and yet, the skin so soft and smooth. Annie was even more surprised at the wetness that dribbled onto her hand. There was something inexplicable about the sensation that swept through her as she held him. A sense of power and excitement as she held the most private part of her grandson. When Chris took her other hand, she made the minimum resistance as he forced her grip around the lower part of his shaft. To do this he'd been obliged to take his hand away from the grip over hers. She could have removed her hand, but somehow, she didn't have the will power. Maybe that was why he left her hands around his penis and began to pull on her nipples.

She gasped as his fingers pulled and twisted her nipples, sending fresh waves of delight down between her thighs. Her curiosity overcame her determination, so she dared to open her eyes a little, just enough to see through the slits, but not enough for Chris to notice. The first thing she saw was the source of the liquid that was now trickling over her knuckles. It was clear, not unpleasant, and leaked from the slit in the bulbous top. It fascinated her as it kept oozing. She realized her breathing was heavier, perhaps a giveaway to the thrill of what she was doing. To have her hands around this handsome man's penis, possibly even being the cause of this liquid, gave her a sense of dominance. Annie knew she must study this magnificent appendage. She slid her fingers down with a slow deliberation to pull the foreskin back to reveal his glans. She gasped at its beauty, the appearance of a fiery purple mushroom. With one tiny hand gripping his shaft, the fingers of her other hand explored its smooth wetness. Fingers tips tenderly moved over his glans as even more liquid oozed out. 'Move closer, Chris,' she murmured. He edged towards her and Annie's fingers moved lower, tracing the vein down to the base. Her touch glided over his balls and Chris opened his thighs wide to give her easy access. She cupped them and sighed with excitement. 'Oh, my.'

She accepted she was ignorant of many things, but she did know about masturbation. Did she dare? Did she have that much authority over Chris? Whether she did or didn't, she realized with a sense of guilt, it was what she wanted. Not wanted, but craved. She had to bring this man to orgasm.

With her hand cradling his balls, Annie loosened her grip on his shaft and slowly, gently raised her fists upwards until she reached the mushroom end. It felt so good as she caressed it and it produced even more liquid to trickle over and inside her fingers. The more her fingers explored the tip, the wetter they became. This was wonderful. She gazed at the work her fingers were doing. She looked up at Chris. He appeared to be in a trance with his eyes glued to what she was doing to him. He sighed each time her fingers smoothed around the top of his penis. 'Oh Gran!' was all he managed to whisper as her hand began to wank him.

After ten or so minutes of slow masturbation she sensed he was about to cum, but Annie wasn't ready for her fun to end. She withdrew her hands and watched as his cock twitched in urgent need of her attention. The pre-cum was streaming and his breathing was ragged as she watched in awe of this power she'd discovered. When Chris had calmed a little, she gently caressed him again, wanking him with fingers that scarcely touched his sensitive skin. After a while of teasing him, she leant forward and licked the head, curious about the flavour. Mmm, she loved the taste of this young man. For a moment her mouth slipped over the end, but too late, she realized this was a mistake and her fun was about to end. Chris uttered a loud groan and began to jet. Annie took the first burst in her mouth, but grabbed his shaft and held it away from more sperm erupted from his cock. She was delighted as she watched the result of her playful fingers. Streams of white goo cascaded into the air, landing on her naked breasts and Chris's lap.

Chris collapsed back onto the bed while Annie scooped up the cum and coated his shaft with it so she could stroke him again.

Eventually, Chris sat upright, smiled at his gran and kissed her. Annie returned the kiss with her open mouth and luxuriated in the excitement of the young man's loving, but only for a short time. She realized, with horror, he'd slipped his backside from the bed and was pulling the duvet down. His intentions were obvious, confirmed as he lifted her nightie to her waist. Annie began to panic. No-one had ever seen down there, not even her husband had been allowed. So dirty!

He parted her legs with ease and gazed at her nakedness. From the moment when Chris had started his corruption of her, she'd begun to ooze her own liquid. Annie gazed at her damp hairs in amazement before her hands covered herself. He easily removed her hands and bed-ridden and far too frail, she knew she had no way to escape his lust. She was powerless and the realization Chris could do whatever he wished hit her hard. 'No,' she cried, 'this can't be happening to me.'

Yet, part of her, the largest part, wanted to be taken against her will, however after decades of propriety she felt obliged to complain. She did, using language she rarely used, but Chris ignored her, for which she was secretly grateful. He knelt on the carpet and brought his lips down on her sex. They brushed over her hairs before his tongue pushed through the grey hairs and gently caressed the parting between her lips.

'Urgh, that's disgusting,' she growled. As his fingers opened her up, she watched. 'Pervert!' His kisses bathed her most sensitive skin, his tongue glided over her clitoris, bringing a gasp from her. Inevitably, her initial revulsion quickly vanished and she felt something unusual, something new and ... so incredible, so utterly pleasing. 'Oh my!' she gasped, 'Oh ... oh dear.' Chris's tongue was everywhere, awakening the sweetest of sensations between her thighs. If she had the strength to stop him, she knew she couldn't. As her body reacted to this new sensation, she whimpered with each lap of his tongue . It began to concentrate on her clitoris and his fingers entered her, filling the void left by his errant tongue. Annie parted her thighs as a welcome to the fingers that invaded her wetness. Stiff fingers pushed deep inside her hole, then pulled back, beginning a sensual rhythm while her fingers combed through his hair as she held him close to her. She couldn't believe how wonderful it was. She abandoned herself to her grandson's fingers as they kept thrusting in and out of her hot pussy, while his tongue pleasuring her clit, left her breathless. Sex had never once been like this in many married years.

Chris's fingers were taking her to a new level of elation when abruptly, they stopped pleasuring her, as did his tongue. 'Oh, please Chris, don't stop now, my darling boy.' But moments later, she realized what he was doing as he ceased kneeling and stood. His mighty cock came into view and she sighed at how monstrous it was. She gasped when she understood what he was about to do. He knelt on the bed, put his hands under her butt and lifted her with ease. His glans settled against her lips, then smoothly entered and disappeared inside her. 'Oh, Chris,' she whispered. She watched with awe as Chris gradually slid himself into her pussy, accepting each inch, welcoming every sweet stretch of hardness into her soaking wet hole. Annie was unprepared for what happened next. As she gazed at his intrusion stretching her pussy wide she began to shake. An unknown and exquisite sensation spread through her body. It was so similar to the earlier delight, however this time it was much stronger, just so much more intense. It took her breath away as each inch of penetration filled her. She whimpered as Chris pushed inside her pussy. She realized this must be an orgasm building inside, overwhelming her senses, about to take over her body. Chris was deep inside her now, as deep as it was possible. He pulled back until he was almost out of her body, then with a firm thrust, he re-entered. She shuddered each time his cock plunged inside, his long, languid strokes bringing her nearer the edge. It was his orgasm that caused hers. Annie felt each spasm of his spunk explode inside her, but it was the first powerful jet that gave her, her first ever. There was an eruption of pleasure inside her, spreading throughout her being. Yet, for her, it was the thrill of knowing she'd made Chris cum that was so intoxicating, adding to the physical elation of her climax.

He stopped thrusting and with the full length of his cock embedded in her, dribbling the last of his seed into her, he kissed her. It was tender, a gentle kiss as she slowly recovered from the delicious onslaught on her old body. She sighed as she acknowledged that she had finally discovered what had been missing throughout her adult life. Maybe, this could be a new beginning.

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StrikepeakStrikepeakabout 21 hours ago

Loved this story, I always wanted to have a 'gran'. A 79 yr old, my oh my, In my dreams, even now as I approach 70 that urge for a woman that age is as strong as when I was 18

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Wish I had made a move on my Gran, she always turned me on, with her lovely big tits and she was forever touching me in a playful way, or was she want me to respond ? I guess I’ll never know now. Well wrote story that had me hard from start to finish.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Excellent writing skill

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
aged pleasure

the thought of making love to an attractive senior lady is overwhelmingly sexy!lucky man!

September4decemberSeptember4decemberover 6 years ago
Great story!

Just love reading well written erotica of very old women and younger men.

Great story!

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