Great Expectations & Dreams


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"Okeh, I'll make contact with him as soon as I can." responded Diana. With the waiter at the table, she turned to Vanessa and said, "Go ahead and order. I have to dig out a business card for Travis."

Opening the door for Vanessa and Diana to leave the restaurant, Travis could not help watching Vanessa as she passed him, thinking ,"Good looking, nice body and smart, too." He thought about one of the women he heard about in Sunday School so many years before. Abigail, the second wife of King David..The Bible describes her as smart and beautiful. This ebony woman certainly personified that description. She reminded him of the black female sideline reporter on Fox News. Same hair style and some of the same facial features. He was impressed by the way she handled herself in the conversation after he and his lawyer had finished discussing divorce.

After giving Diana the computer tower and saying good bye, Travis and Vanessa walked across the parking lot to the SUV. Approaching it he asked, "So, did you give any thought to what you want to do now?"

A few feet from the SUV, she stopped "Ah, Travis?"

"Yes ma'am."

With some uncertainty in her voice, she asked, "What are you gonna do?"

He looked at her for a few moments, fidgeting with the keys, trying to think about how to convey what he wanted to say without offending this woman that he had only known for a few hours, "I'm going up the Sierras to a friend's cabin, lick my wounds, an' hide out for a couple o' weeks... Ah, I'd fully understand if you'd say no to this. But ah, would you like ta come along? Ah, the cabin has three bedrooms..." Travis remained watching her, expecting to hear "no."

Vanessa adjusted her stance a bit to give herself some time to think. Then, making eye contact, in a quiet tone of voice, "I've got nowhere to go, no place to be... an' ah, Travis? I don't know why, but I feel safe, secure around you. So, yes I'll go with you. By the way, where and what are the Sierras?"

Travis smiled big, "Sierra Nevada Mountains. They're about seventy or eighty miles or so east of here."

"Oh Okay, I could see them from the airplane as we came into San Francisco."

"That's them. Jump in, let's git goin'" responded Travis. As they made their way toward the Freeway, he asked, "Do you have a warm coat?"

"My brother said it would stay in the 70's and 80's until autumn around here. So, I just brought a sweater and a light jacket."

Travis maneuvered the SUV through traffic for a few minutes, commented, "Well, it gets a little chilly in the mountains in the evenin' an' at night. We'll stop in a town called Oakdale before we get outta the flat-lands ta get some food. We'll check the K-Mart there. Oh, by the way, can you cook?"

She looked a him and chuckled, "Yes, I can cook. Our mother made sure that all three of her girls knew our way around the kitchen. It was optional for my brothers. She's old school, ya know?"

"That's good." said Travis as he turned the SUV onto the on ramp to the freeway, "B'cause I cain't. Don't really wanta, either." She gave him a glance and a smile.

Once he had settled into a lane on the freeway, she said, "Ah Travis? I have to apologize for my brother's actions. He sure wasn't raised to act that way. But, he has always been the black sheep of the family, or the white sheep, as the case may be..." He just glanced at her with a little grin.

About the time they were winding through the small town of Escalon, they had found out quite a bit about each other. Such as the fact that they were both from large families. Travis from four boys and two girls. Vanessa from four boys and three girls. Both their mothers were stay home type. She told him about being a recent graduate from Ohio State with a math major, and computer science minor. They were still laughing about happenings in their childhood as they passed over a bridge entering Oakdale.

In not quite a scream, "Travis?? There's a thrift shop off to our right. Let's check there for a jacket."

Making a quick right turn into a little shopping center, Travis thought, "You remind me of my mother. Check the junk shop first, then K-Mart and/or Walmart." He found a parking place near the shop. Out of the SUV he was thinking, "When I graduated from college, I told myself that I would never again enter one of these places. But what the heck, his soon to be ex-wife would wait until they were up in the mountains and pay $250.00 for a parka at a ski shop. She would not dream of going into a K-Mart or a place like this.

Inside the thrift shop, Vanessa quickly located the women's coat and jacket area. Again, reminding him of his mother, she pulled out three coats and put them back, rejected. Then pulled out a pale blue parka type jacket. Like his mother, she quickly checked the label, "Eddie Bauer and just my size. What can I say." Slipping the jacket on and zipping it up, she asked, "Well, what do you think," turning around in a 360. It did look good on her, even the color seemed right.

Looking her over for a few moments Travis said, "Looks good ta me. Wanta go check it out in a mirror?"

She smiled, "No, I'll trust your judgement." She slipped the coat off, and just like his mother, quickly checked it for flaws.

As she checked the garment, he caught the price tag, "Seven bucks, I'll give them ten. Hospice is a good cause."

It was dusk when they rolled up to the cabin. Travis parked and grabbed the envelope with the keys in it."This is it..."

Vanessa looked at him with a little grin, "Cabin? You call this a cabin in the woods?" She glanced at the massive log structure then back at him, "Yeah sure, it's in the woods and it's built with logs. That's about all that makes it a cabin in the woods. This is an extra large house. I can't wait to see the inside." With that she jumped out of the SUV and started for the front door. Travis was still involved in opening the envelope to get the keys. About ten feet front the SUV she turned to him with an excited expression that said, "Well, come on! What's the hold up?"

As Travis emerged from the SUV he reflected on the first time he brought Ashley up to the place. She acted like it was what she expected. The minimum for "Roughing it" in the mountains. He quickly caught up with the excited Vanessa. Holding the door open for her, she moved into the center of the great room and in almost a shout, "Oh my gawd, look at that huge fireplace." Then in a more normal tone, "No Travis, this is in no way shape or form a mere cabin. This place is every bit a chalet." He stood in the entry and marveled at this young woman. She actually could correctly use the term, 'chalet.'

Moving into the kitchen, Vanessa ran her fingers over some of the surfaces as she circled the island. "A gourmet kitchen if there ever was one." she said in almost a whisper. Then she spun around to face Travis, "You asked me if I could cook? Oh yeah, there is going to be some real good stuff come outta here, that's for sure."


Wakened by the smell of bacon cooking, Travis drug himself out of bed and glanced at the clock. "Nine O'Clock!!" He had never slept that late in his life, even on his honeymoon with Ashley. Sleeping in a t-shirt and underwear, he slipped on his pants and shuffled out toward the kitchen. There he found Vanessa, dressed in Bermuda shorts and sleeveless shirt, cooking breakfast, "Good morning sleepy head..I thought the smell of bacon would get your attention." came her cheerful greeting.

"G'mornin', I guess..." he muttered as he snatched a piece of bacon off the platter on the kitchen table. Before he took a bite he asked, "Did yesterday really happen? Or, did I just have a nightmare?"

She smiled, "Nope, it happened just like you remember. Now, take a bite of that bacon and tell me if it is the way you like it."

Taking a bite he said, "Yeah Vanessa, just the way I like it." Taking another bite, "Yeah..."

She smiled and asked, "Eggs over medium?"

"Yeah, you remembered."

"I thought I would do something safe this morning. Tomorrow, we'll see. Cup of coffee, black?"

He stood at the edge of the kitchen and watched her as she moved to the coffee maker. Her movements were fluid, graceful, confident. And, she had a magnificent pair of legs.

He took his cup of coffee with a smile and a "thank you." Then, sat down at the kitchen table that was already set for breakfast. He asked, "How old are you?"

"Twenty two. How old are you?"

"I'll be thirty in a couple o' months."

They chatted through breakfast and when he was finished, he leaned back in his chair and said, "If dinner last night and breakfast this morning is any indication, you Vanessa are a very good cook." She beamed as he thought about the fact that Ashley could not even make a good cup of coffee.

After breakfast they took a ride into Mi Wuk Village. Parking the SUV near a sports shop, he asked, "Do you have any stronger shoes than those you are wearing?"

She looked at her feet, "Ah no, no I don't. They charge so much now for checked baggage, I ah, I wanted to keep it all at a minimum."

"Come on." he said, leading her into the shop. Shortly thereafter, they came out of the shop and he asked, "How do they feel?"

She looked at him with a sheepish smile, "Travis? Are you sure about this? I've never spent this much on a pair of shoes in my whole life. Any two pair for that matter."

"Don't worry about it. You're a good cook, and easy to talk too. An' I don't want to go walking and hiking by myself. I want you there with me so you don't get cabin fever, or something like that."

She laughed, "Okeh, they sure feel good on my feet."

He glanced at his watch, "It's almost lunch time, and the little coffee shop or diner over there has some purdy good sandwiches." He started to take a step toward the diner, stopped turned to her, "Oh, let's go get our laptops. Surprise, surprise, they have wifi in there."

"Fantastic." she said, following Travis to the SUV. Then she chuckled, "That term 'lunch' is finding its way into the vocabulary in Ohio. But, in our family it's still breakfast, dinner, and supper."

Pulling out both laptops, he laughed , "Yeah, that's the way it is in our family in Kentucky. But, here in California, it's breakfast, lunch an' dinner. They even have places they call dinner houses that open around three or four in the afternoon, an' close around ten or eleven."

"Thank you for the enlightenment. More cultural adjustment I'll have to make."

In the diner, they ordered their lunch, then opened their computers. Once she had her's up, Vanessa said, "I'm going to email my mom and tell her what happened and who I am with. I'll just tell her that we are somewhere in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, OK?"

As he opened into his own email, Travis responded, "Yeah, that's a good idea. I'm sure they are very worried right now. What with you taking off with some strange, angry white guy that owns a bunch o' guns an' all. An' not tellin'em exactly where we are is jus' good thinkin', too. I sure don't want your brother comin' up here. 'Cause I might just haveta shoot the SOB, no offence..."

Vanessa smiled, "None taken." When her email came up, one from her mom caught her eye. She clicked it open, "Yep, here's one from my mom, all in caps. 'Vanessa, question mark, exclamation point, question mark. What's going on, question mark. Where are you, question mark. Who are you with, again question mark, exclamation point, question mark.' I guess I'd better get her an answer."

He gave her a little grin, "Yep, always good practice when it comes ta moms.., an' dads. Eddie Andrews, Ashley's mom has already contacted my parents. So, mine is a bit more understandin' But, they are wondering what I am going to do with that 'black girl'?" using his fingers like quotation marks around "black girl."

She gave him a big grin, "What are you going to tell them?"

"That as long as she wants ta hang with this white guy, she can... That we do sleep in separate bedrooms. That she's a great cook and has made this whole thing a lot easier to take"

No longer grinning, she just looked at him for a few moments. Not knowing what to think or say about what he had just said. Then in almost a whisper, "Thank you."


They spent the afternoon walking in the forest, discussing many issues, and found that they agreed on most everything . They talked about their families. She told him that her father was African American but that her mother, almost as dark as her father, was born in New Delhi, India. That was why she had long black hair, with some waves, which she sometimes kept in a ponytail. He told her that he came from a long line of coal miners. But, that his father wanted his boys to do something that kept them out of mines and tunnels. He had gone to college majoring in mechanical engineering with a minor in computer science. That he was interested in the hardware side of computers. He felt that the total function of computer hardware was to make the software work.

She chuckled, "That's kinda simplistic, but I guess you're right. I'm the computer nerd in our family. I just understand them. I have since I first sat down in front of a PC. I'm one of those people that can make a PC do things others can only wish they could do. Not much the hacker, though." There was a long pause in their conversation. Then she asked him what he thought about having a family, meaning a wife and kids.

Travis slowed his pace a bit, "I always thought that the main reason ta git married was ta have kids." She laughed at that. Still laughing he continued, "That's the main reason at least.

Ashley kept dragging her feet on havin' kids." He paused, she stopped laughing. He continued, "Then there is the death do us part that I take seriously. I keep my promises."

Gaining control of her self, Vanessa said quietly, "Sorry for laughing. But, that puts you and I in a very small minority. You know that now, don'tcha? But, I agree with you about the promises. I don't make them unless I fully intend to keep them." She paused for a few moments, then continued. "As far as a family is concerned, my monthly cycle is as regular as clock work. So, I an going to schedule my wedding day to coincide with my ovulation period, top of my cycle. That way, nine months later our family has begun."


That night Travis lay in bed pondering this young woman, Vanessa Wallace. The fact that they had different coloring to their skin was fading fast. Physically, he had to admit that he saw her as what his dad would say " she was stacked like brick shit house." However, he fully realized that she was much, much more that. Vanessa was an intelligent, polished, well grounded, mature individual that personified a certain graceful elegance. The fact that they shared a knowledge of math at its highest level could not be ignored, either. And, last but certainly not least, he liked having her around. He was becoming very comfortable with her. Why? The coal miner's son from Kentucky did not have the slightest idea.

That same evening, Vanessa came out of the shower knowing that she needed to have a conversation with her Heavenly Father. Dressed for bed, she did something that she had not done since she was a little girl. Dropping to her knees by the bed, she clasp her hands together and prayed. "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.." After a short pause, she continued, "Oh Father, is Travis the man you have chosen for me? I need to know, oh Father, how I need to know. .. Every minute, every hour I spend with him draws me closer. I pray that the difference in our races is not a problem in your eyes, it's no longer a problem in mine." Another long pause, "In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray these things."


On the following Thursday as they were having lunch at their favorite place in Mi Wuk Village, Travis gazed over his laptop at "the black girl" as his parents called her, thinking, "We know enough about each other that it seems like we grew up together, in the same neighborhood, went to the same schools." He was drawn out of his thoughts about Vanessa by an email from his Attorney, Diana. Opening the email, she updated him on the progress of the dissolution of his marriage. That she and her husband were going to spend the weekend in Yosemite National Park. They would like to meet in Oakdale at a place called the House of Beef, where they have a fantastic tri-tip sandwich. Diana indicated that a court date had been set that could very well end it all, and she would go over it with him at lunch.


Travis and Vanessa rolled up to the cabin after their lunch with Diana and her husband. It was a heavy lunch. So, neither Travis, nor Vanessa talked much on the drive back. They had stopped and picked up some groceries. After they brought them in and put them away, Travis asked, "Do ya wanta walk off some o' that tri-tip."

Vanessa gave him a big smile, "Yeah, that sounds good ta me. Or, we could just sit around and gain a couple of pounds. Let me change shoes."

After their walk, Vanessa made a light meal. Then as the sun went down, they sat by the fireplace, talking and letting it become the only light in the great room. Travis had introduced Vanessa to a little bit of Bailey's Irish Cream in a cup of coffee. So, she had brought out two cups, a carafe of coffee and the bottle of Bailey's.

Travis took a sip of coffee, "Well, my friend and soon to be ex-father in law apparently called in some markers, and pushed a few people's buttons and rattled some cages. Because, according to Diana, a week from Monday it should be all over, with very little shoutin'."

"Yeah, that's the way I get it." responded Vanessa, bringing her coffee cup up to her lips.

He took a healthy draw on his coffee, "Diana's sister is a real estate broker working the West Bay area. She just listed a condo right on the bay, Redwood City, I think. Nice place ta live. It has three bedrooms and a study, den, whatever. Doesn't have a view of the water, but, I don't need that. So, I thought we could leave here next Thursday. Then I could get a look at it Friday... She also owns an apartment building that sounds nice... Ahhh, soo, that brings us back to the question that keeps coming up. What should I do with you? What do you want to do?"

Sitting on the edge of her chair, Vanessa sat her coffee cup on the end table and dropped to her knees. In a low but determined tone of voice and tears welding up in her eyes, "Anything you want of me. Anything..! Just don't send me away! I don't want my own apartment! I want to stay with you. I want to go where you go. Live where you live. I'll be your cook, housekeeper, even slave if that's what you want. Slave with benefits. I think there's a crude term for it, ah something like ah, fuck-pet? I can give you my body right now." She rose a bit and began unbuttoning her shirt. "I'll even become your nig..."

Travis leaned out and with his left hand stopped her fingers. With his right hand he lifted her head to make eye contact. "You and I both know that you are a whole lot more than all that. So, how 'bout wife?"

"Anythin..." Her eyes widened, "What?!? What did you say?!?"

Still making eye contact, "You heard me. And Vanessa, I don't want to hear you ever degrade yourself like that again." Then with a smile, "I asked, how about you becoming my wife?"

She sprung into his lap, "Yes, yes Travis Maddox, Oh yes, for the rest of my life." Then she kissed him. Her full lips made it a new experience for him. Add that to the fact that when he stopped her fingers unbuttoning, it was the first time he had touched her. When her kiss ended he whispered, "'Til death do us part." She responded "Yes, yesss my love." Then, he kissed her.