Grunting His Birthday Wish Ch. 01

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A loving girlfriend indulges her BF with his dirty dream.
3.3k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 05/03/2024
Created 03/23/2024
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Hi all, first time writer. I want to start small, but I have drafts to finish the whole-weekend story (and some ideas to go beyond). Any feedback is welcome!

FYI, English is not my native language. I tried my best but I assume there are going to be typos and odd wording :)

Obvious foreword: This is a work of fiction, nothing more than words from my imagination. Any resemblance to real situations is purely coincidental.

Disclosure: the story contains hard-sports between a sub male and a dom female.


A switch flickering. From the darkness, the light reflected on the white plastic right above is almost blinding. Few barefoot steps, and a pair of naked legs appears below the edge of the plastic. The lid is lifted and the face of Emma appears above me, still half asleep.

"Hello birthday boy!"

She yawns and stretches her arms. This causes her only garment, an oversize T-shirt, to raise. I'm offered a clear line of view from the well-trimmed hair on her crotch and her flat abdomen to the bottom of her boobs, slightly squeezed by the fabric. I can clearly see the nipple standing below the T-shirt, courtesy of the morning air. Wow, that is a view to wake up to...

"It was weird not having you by my side in bed... at least I was more comfortable than you lying on the cold tiles. Well, I guess that's part of your wish, so no complaining!"

"Good morning sunshine! Missed you too. I didn't sleep much. The tiles were sort of fine, but my mind was racing. I kept imagining how it's going to be and..."

"Sorry sweetie" she interrupts me in an embarrassed tone "but I really have to pee."

She improvises a silly "pee-dance". God, she's so cute. The contrast with what she's about to do to me fills me with pleasure.

I smile back and joke: "Of course, sorry. Duty first!"

"I didn't want to wake you up in the middle of the night", she turns around "or using the regular loo" her round, fit cheeks descend fast "You insisted sooooo much you're the only toilet in this house this week-end..."

I manage a quick breath just before her crotch presses down on my mouth. Her legs close. Back into the darkness. She's really trying to keep it light and cheerful. Yet I know she is forcing herself to do this for me. Her smell is strong after a whole night below the sheets. She's still warm from the bed. Her tights warming my face after the morning chill is comforting. The only problem are the short hairs just above her pussy tickling the inside of the left nostril. I clearly can't use my hands to scratch it. I exhale sharply to try to displace them.

She gives a little shivers "Hey! stop that! The air tickles like crazy. It's a super sensitive area."

There's a soft hissing sound and a puff of hot air travels down my neck. Emma giggles.

"See, you're not the only one that can tickle with air bursts."

The realisation and the stench hit me at the same time. A bit of cabbage, a touch of rotten eggs. All trapped below her, around my face. Whoever said woman farts smell like roses clearly never got this close to one in his life.

A moment later she parts her legs and looks down, a bit perplexed.

"Just to warn you, the first time we tried this it wasn't that urgent, so I could control it. Now I've been holding it the whole night, I really have to go. I don't think I can stop midways. You will have to swallow fast, ok?"

She looks into my eyes for a second, then realises I can't speak with her crotch forcing my mouth open. "I'll take that as tacit consent!"

One more breath. I observe the boobs brushing against the fabric as they raise and lower. Then her lower belly caves in slightly and the levee breaks. My mouth is flooded with a powerful stream of hot urine. This is much stronger than the first time. And damn salty as well! In the span of this thought the stream has almost filled my mouth and it's not slowing down. Fuck, is it possible to swallow while drinking? Only one way to find out. I open my throat and gulp down. Half of the mouth is free, good progress. Yet the hissing sound continues as pee relentlessly accumulates in my mouth. Another gulp, just before the overflow point. This time something goes wrong. I can feel some of the gritty liquid going down the wrong pipe. Instinctively I try to close my mouth, but the beautiful girl nonchalantly towering above me keeps it open with her weight. Thankfully, the stream loses power and I can chug down the extra-salted pee and breath.

As I look up through her legs, Emma yawns, one arm up, one squeezing her breasts before pushing the elbow over her mouth. I wouldn't mine stretching as well, but the knots keeps me tightly in place. She refills my mouth with short, uneven squirts aimed at the entrance of my throat. One catches me in the middle of a breath and a cough shakes me. She tilts her head and meets my eyes.

"All right down there? I'm still not done."

Still looking puzzled, she squirts out a bit more pee. This is the first time she pees in my mouth while keeping eye contact. My penis register it with great enthusiasm. The rational part of my brain goes in different direction. What if I wasn't all right? It didn't looked like standing up crossed her mind.

"Would you be extra kind and clean me as well? We didn't think of moving the toilet paper here yesterday."

One last, painful gulp and I diligently starts to move my tongue around her soft skin. God, I love to feel her labia, get my tongue into hers folds and circling the upper part around her clit. At each circle I collect urine leftovers until her pussy is spotless.

"l must admit this is much better than a rough piece of paper. I could get used it. And it is more environmental friendly too!"

She raises with a short laugh. As I get released, I breath in and series of coughs redden my face. She immediately looks over her shoulder

"Is everything ok? Was it too much? I am so sorry, I really couldn't stop!" A worried look crosses her face "I knew this was too much. Maybe we should just..."

I regain control to stop her right away "No no, it's fine. I just had to get a hang of the swallowing protocol." and joke "You know, the manual was not very clear. It's all a bit technical."

She laughs in relief "Ufff, thankfully! Imagine if you had drowned and I had to disposed of your body BEFORE MY MORNING COFFEE!"

"God forbid!" I chuckle, a bit more nervously than I'd like.

"Speaking of which, I will go make myself a nice, big mug and wake up for real. I guess you will have to settle for second-hand coffee this morning."

She winks and blows me a kiss while walking out, leaving me with nothing but my thoughts.

That was the weirdest start of a birthday ever. I stare at the ceiling through the white frame of the makeshift toilet box. She must really love me to go through with this. It went from disgust when I first proposed it to even making a couple of jokes... maybe it's growing on her... And that's... positive... I guess. The absurd idea of her not letting me out at the end of the weekend rush more blood to my dick. The smell of coffee fills the air. I will have to wait to get some "processed caffeine". For now, I can savour the strong taste of my first ever morning pee while I wait.


The sounds of Emma's steps break my train of thoughts. Her head popped into my white-ringed field of view. She's still holding a big mug. I smelled coffee and cigarette. She looked down at me with worried lips.

"Look... I didn't plan it to go this way. I didn't manage to poo in the past two days. And you know how my tummy is, if I don't go when it demands to, I may have to wait for days!"

She sounds a little desperate "I would use the normal toilet, but I don't want to go against your birthday wish."

She looks at her feet "I leave it up to you. Are you sure you want to go through with this?"

There's a hint of hope in her voice. A possibility of getting out of a love-bounded promise she doesn't wish to keep. Now I am stuck in a dilemma. This might well be my only chance of living out this fantasy. At the same time, I can see this be a point of no return with Emma. She loves me enough to try to keep her promise, but do I want to push and discover the limit of her love? She raises her eyes to meet mine. I summon my courage

"Yes, I want it. I need this. And I am glad it is you giving it me." She smile softly and nods "Ok then. I need to pee first".

A small fart pops while she's peeing. She giggles "Sorry". After a moment, another short, louder one. "Opsy again".

What is she apologising for? This is sort of an expected appetiser, giving where we are going. I lap any trace of urine up.

"Last chance to back out." She sighs at my sustained gaze. "I hope I'll manage to kiss you again after this."

She moves forward. Her pussy slides above my nose. Her asshole comes resting neatly on my lips. A fart quickly travels past the entrance of my waiting mouth. It acts as an eco chamber, amplifying it and changing its tone. The unfamiliar sound takes Emma by surprise. "Jesus Christ! It's like playing a trumped the wrong way around!" and she burst into a big laugh. This contracts her abs again and another fart escapes. It echos in my mouth at a slightly different pitch, sustaining the laugh-fart feedback loop.

In the middles of a fart, her asshole opens big for a moment and a little solid nugget is deposited into my mouth. The laughter stops. "Oh shit" Emma looks at me between her legs, eyes wide open. Fear, shock, concern... curiosity?

My tastes buds explodes. Pungent, extremely bitter taste is all I get from the receptors. All my fantasising could not prepare me for this. My brain is split in two. The rational part screams to spit it out. The other half is in heaven. I feel a bit dizzy, probably because most of the blood as flown south. After a moment of bliss and disgust, I regain control and bring myself to swallow the little piece. I move it to the back of my mouth with my tongue. It's a bit rough, with the consistency of clay. Sheer will convinces muscles to contract the usual way rather than upwards. It slights down my throat with a slight gulp. Emma eyes are still fixed on me

"Did you just... flush?"

I don't know how to answer with my mouth sealed to her asshole, so I blink slowly.

"Oh shit" She looks up shaking her head slowly for a moment. She gets back at me with raised eyebrows

"And? How was it? Do you want me to keep going?"

I blink slowly again. She shakes her head again and chuckles.

"Never in my wildest dream I thought someone would ask me to push more shit in their mouth, as if it was a rare delicatessen. In a twisted sense I should be flattered, right?"

Emma clears her throat and looks ahead "Well, the meal review can wait. Now nature calls."

She bends a bit forward causing my nose to slip in the folds of her pussy. Despite my best cleaning efforts, my nostrils are overwhelmed with the stench of urine. The wet skin makes it impossible to breath from the nose. Her asshole quivers on my lips and I hear the low crackling of a turd emerging. Emma breaks it off with a grunt and it falls in my mouth. More bitter, disgusting clay. Emma stares ahead, concentrated. I wouldn't be able to back out, even if I wanted to. Yet, as disgusting as it tastes, this is exactly what I wanted. I move it to the back and swallow. Her asshole opens again and I feel the presence of another turd in my mouth. A backfire sound blasts my ears and a pressurised fart shoots the emerging turd deep into my mouth. I gag out of surprise but manage to force it from its landing spot down my throat.

Emma giggles "Apologies, I didn't see that coming!"

The pressurised fart must have acted as a dam because a landslide of clay-like poo rushes out of her asshole while she speaks. In a moment my mouth is packed with shit. With a deep grunt Emma pushes more mass down. Her shit taps at the entrance of my throat. I gag loudly. She looks down and I feel her asshole tighten up, her cheeks clenching above my face.

"What's wrong?" Yet she doesn't stand.

My nostrils are still blocked by the wet folds of her pussy. With my mouth full, I can't breath. Why isn't she standing up? Hey! I'm running out of air down here. She keeps looking in my eyes, a bit worried.

"Can you manage? I am so sorry sweetie, I did warn you I was a bit full".

No point in being sweet, just stand and let me breath, dammit! I meet her worried eyes but I see she doesn't understand the situation. A misguided will to uphold my wish. The irony is lost on my as my lungs start to complain. Only one way out. I force some shit down my throat.

"Good, you managed to swallow" she titters "Oh sorry, to flush. Is it all gone?".

I split the mass with my tongue and again force half down with a loud sound. My lungs are screaming in pain at this point.

She frowns "God... that sounded like a big chunk. With all the kinky things I would have let you do to me... this is your big birthday wish?"

I manage to swallow the last bit and breathe in heavily. We both heaved a sigh of relief. That's it, I managed. I consumed her wastes like a proper toilet! I feel my stomach bloated but it's over.

Yet she raises her gaze and, to my horror, "Come on, I'm almost done. Brace yourself toilet boy!"

Without any further consultation, I feel her cheeks unclenching. The turd kept at the gate during the emergency is released. She keeps groaning as she slowly pushes it over my tongue, as on a slide. Goddammit Emma, how much shit have you packed up there? The turd detaches from her rectum. My stomach is at capacity. She must realise she just shat the equivalent of two full meals, right? With a guttural sound, she deposits few hard nuggets in my mouth. Ah, a different consistency! More like sand, I reckon. I feel her asshole quiver, opening and closing without achieving anything. It gives me time to I swallow this extra-dry serving. Emma shuffles a bit on the seat and, with a final moan of pleasure, a hard piece, slightly bigger than a bonbon, comes to rest on the tip of my tongue.

She raises half way while sighing in relief. As her asshole detaches from my lips and ascends, I can see dark brown bits scattered on the wrinkles around the hole. She looks down and comments her final product with a large smile

"The proverbial cherry on the cake."

I swallow the last bit quickly and enjoy the freedom of breathing without impairment.

She is looking around "Damn, the toilet paper! You will have to clean me." No request, just a statement.

She sits back, cutting my breathing privileges short. She looks at me with a smug

"Well, I was actually looking forward to this part. I always thought my pretty ass deserved better than toilet paper."

Did she really forget the toilet paper... or was this on purpose? I resign to think about it -and to breath properly- at a later time. I start to circle around her asshole, collecting the small nuggets of shit. With each passage it gets smoother and, hopefully, cleaner. I probe her asshole with my tongue. All the effort must have left it tired because I easily push my tongue in, cleaning the inside.

"Indeed, so much nicer than toilet paper! Take your time darling, I am in no rush to stand" she purrs.

The more I push my tongue in her asshole, the more her pussy acquires a glistening shine. A lot of licking and a bit of moaning later she stands.

"Ok, enough fun!" clapping her hands. She's cheerful and unfazed by me breathing heavily.

My mouth is aching and dry after the intense exercise. I chew air to induce some salivation. She's on her way out when she notices it.

"You poor thing, let me help. Even real toilet get to flush with water!"

I lay there breathing and blinking in shock. I fight to keep the content of my stomach inside. Of course this exactly is what I wanted... and I love her so much for doing this. Well, perhaps the chatting-induced asphyxiation was an unnecessary agony.

Emma comes back with a glass of water, kneels on my face to pour it in mouth. Inhaling near it, she makes a face and disappears again. A moment later she's pouring a bit of mouthwash in between my lips. While i rinse, she looks down my body. As her eyes move, I realise my dick is still as hard as diamond.

"I guess I'm still a princess to you" she comments but her smile is a bit forced. "For a moment I worried you weren't enjoying yourself."

Words reach my lips before my brain processes them "No shit! I was moments away from passing out. Maybe next time you stand up instead of looking down at me with a dumb look?"

She quickly stands, vexed "You ungrateful bastard. I was worried sick. I was in shock! You should be apologising, if anything."

"Wait, I was the one suffocating because of your mistake. How come I should apologise?"

"Oh this is rich! Wasn't the service up to standard, mister? Screw you! What the hell I know about eating shit? I was just checking on you."

"That's what you call it? Asking stupid questions that I couldn't answer with my mouth packed?"

She's is proper mad "Fuck you, I wish I had more shit in me to shut your mouth with. Next time I will treat you like a real toilet instead of worrying about my stupid boyfriend."

Despite it all, my dick twitches at her threat.

She is so angry that she tears up "You know how hard it was to know you down there and force myself to poo? And then I had to hear you gag and swallow. I even tried to be cheerful for you! And instead of thanking me..."

She closes her eyes for a moment to calm herself down. "That's it. Fuck it. You won't have to worry about me talking, worrying and ruining your fantasy. I have no boyfriend this weekend, you're a toilet to me. And there's not point in be concerned for -or merciful to- a piece of white porcelain, right?"

She violently shuts the lid over my face and storms out.

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slimjizzmslimjizzm25 days ago

Amazing story can't wait to hear more about his Birthday

toiletslave92toiletslave92about 1 month ago

Excellent job! Really hope you can continue posting stories!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

the story is very good, the ending is the best

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

please write the second chapter asap its great and awsome

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Great story. Please keep this going!!!

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