Guilford Court Supper Club Pt. 02

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The Supper Club has a hot party for Mardi Gras.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 10/05/2018
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Chapter 2

Fat Tuesday, Fat Cock

A few weeks passed, and it was the weekend of Supper Club again. This time it was at the home of our next-door neighbors: Greg and Tammy Barnes. Greg was about three years my senior and Tammy was about the same age as Yvette, making her two years my junior. On the liberal-conservative scale where a -10 is Hillary Clinton, and a +10 is Donald Trump, they were probably around a -2.

Greg worked in sales and had a very gregarious personality. He was tall, like Jake, but slender, weighing about 185. Tammy was one of the prettiest women on the street, with long brown hair, an athletic body with big tits and a great ass. It was not uncommon to see her jogging or biking past in the tightest outfits. Tammy and Yvette were besties and hung out more often than any of the other ladies.

Greg and Tammy both liked to drink and had a bit of a naughty streak. We once ran a playful pole among the GCSC members. When asked, which couple was most like to be swingers, Greg and Tammy came in first place. The reality was far from perception, as I knew them very well. They enjoyed sex and were very active, but I seriously doubted that they would ever be into swinging.

So, the theme for the evening was Mardi Gras, given that it was March. The house was decked out in purple, green and golds. Greg had zydeco music cranking throughout the house and, and the food was Cajun. They'd made a big pot of gumbo and had a crawfish boil going. We brought a chicken and andouille etouffee for those who weren't into crawfish.

Tammy surprised us all by having a big stash of beaded necklaces. Each man got 20. It was the job of the women to get the beads, and at the end of the night, the woman with the most beads would win a prize. George Schmidt wimped out immediately, by handing over all of his beads to his wife, Betty, who he called "cuddle bunny."

Eve looked at me and my beads with a pretty smile on her face. I just laughed, "You ain't getting my beads that easily. You're gonna have to work for them."

Darla and Jake arrived a little late. Things seemed a bit strained as they came in. I also detected a bit of awkwardness between Eve and Jake. I figured it was because she knew what had happened. Maybe she blamed him or thought he had somehow taken advantage of her drunken state. Many people might consider what he did rape.

After that, I made a point to kind of hang back in the front of the house. I was at the appetizer station, loading up a plate, but once the plate was full, I just waited there anxiously. A few minutes later, Darla walked in with Jake. He saw me and walked the other way. That triggered my warning sensors. Darla smiled and picked up a plate to get food.

"Hey, Max. How are you?" she asked as she scooped out some dirty rice.

"I'm great, Darla. How about you?" I asked, acting perfectly normal.

She worked her way around the table until she was directly in front of me. She didn't look at me but spoke softly, still getting food. "He knows," she said.

I felt my heart leap into my throat.

"About us?" I asked worriedly.

"No, no," she replied, giving me a quick look. "Jake remembers what happened and knows that it wasn't me in the bed."

Oh, well I figured that might happen sooner or later. "Did Jake tell you?" I asked, eating a bit of a beignet.

"No, he hasn't said anything," she stated calmly, "But, I can tell. He knows. He asked a lot of questions then got abnormally quiet. After a couple of minutes, he became highly agitated, acted all fidgety and nervous. Then he took me shopping at Tiffany's and got me this," she showed me a beautiful gold bracelet that had to have cost a fortune. "It's a guilt gift. We've also been having sex twice a day, every day since then. I'm surprised I can walk straight."

"Why'd he run away when he saw me?" I asked her. I was concerned that he might know I'd fucked his wife.

"I think he feels guilty and is afraid you might figure out that he fucked Eve," she said as she put the last bit of food on her plate. She turned and smiled broadly, speaking more loudly, "Well, I better get this food to Jake before he eats the decorations. Good seeing you, Max."

"Yeah, you too, Darla," I said before I went out the other doorway and circled back to find Yvette.

I found her sitting at the counter in the kitchen talking to Tammy and Betty. As I walked up, Tammy said, "Hey Max, give me some beads."

I laughed and said, "You know what the women on Bourbon Street do for beads."

"Yeah, well you aren't getting to see my boobs, so fork over some beads," she fired back.

"How about a hug?" I asked, grinning at her.

"Ok, I can do that," she replied.

I went around into the kitchen and put my plate down to give her a big hug. Her full 38D tits felt nice and soft, pressing into my chest. She broke the embrace and held out her hand.

"Beads," she demanded.

I took off a string and handed them to her.

"That's it? Just one?" she asked, acting insulted.

"Yep," I replied, "I've only got 19 left now, I need to be sure only to give them away to the ladies who earn them." I turned to Betty, holding my arms out. "How about you, Betty? Hug?"

She stepped away laughing. "I'm good," she replied, "I better go find George."

Yvette just shook her head at me and grinned, "You're a bad man," she accused me. I was about to replay wittily, but Jake walked past and Eve saw him and got very nervous. I couldn't help but notice that they avoided looking at each other.

Greg had made his version of the famous neon-green cocktail from Bourbon Street called the Hand Grenade. It tasted like fruit punch but packed a massive blow. By the time dinner was served, there were already a bunch of us feeling little pain.

We ate buffet style and gathered out back around a big picnic table covered in newspaper for the crawfish. Eating crawfish is always kind of a sexy thing. You use your hands, pinch the heads off and suck the goodies out. The sexual innuendo was rampant, and everyone was getting into the fun and spirit of the evening.

As the consumption of mudbugs died down, several of the more conservative couples said their farewells. Some had babysitters they needed to take home. Others had plans for tomorrow morning, so they needed to go to bed at a decent hour. They all had excuses.

We were down to the hosts, Darla and Jake, George, but no Betty, a younger couple Wyla and Justin Anderson, who had recently moved in from California. Wyla was from the Philippines but had lived in Los Angeles most of her life. Justin graduated from UCLA and worked in the music industry. He was the Guilford Court weed dealer, so we heard. The pot hadn't made it as far down the street as our house yet, but I'd heard that some of the other couples had been partaking of late.

The remaining men were all milling about out back by the picnic table. Instead of weed, we were smoking cigars. The ladies were inside laughing and telling stories about past supper club events to the newcomer Wyla.

A few minutes later, we heard a sexy female voice call out, "Hey boys, what's a girl gotta do to get some beads?" We looked around but didn't see the women. I walked deeper into the yard, and that's when I saw our four wives upstairs hanging over the balcony.

"Oh, there you girls are," I said.

The guys all joined me to look up at our wives. "Toss us your beads," Tammy yelled down.

"Not gonna happen," countered Greg. "We want to see some skin!"

"Yeah, boobs," shouted a very drunk George, whose wife wasn't even here.

"Hey, you don't even have any beads," said Eve.

"And I have a tiny penis," grumbled George.

"Ok, that's a bit too much information, George," warned the new guy Justin.

Jake was not contributing much. He was standing around watching. I looked up at the ladies, "Ok, how about we throw one string of beads for each boob you show us."

"No way!" came the reply. The girls all seemed to huddle together and conspire. "How about if we show you our bras?"

The guys quickly put our heads together, and we shouted up, "Ok, but that's only good for one strand of beads."

"Ok!" came the reply. We all watched as Wyla, the thick Asian girl, stepped up to the balcony. She reached up and grabbed her big tits and squeezed them, shaking them up and down through her shirt to a bunch of catcalls and hoots and hollers.

"You make me go first because I'm new?" she asked the other ladies, then pulled her blouse up to reveal her bra. It was a pink lace bra, and her large, dark areolas were quickly recognized.

Justin shouted "There ya go! California in the house!" then threw his wife a string of his beads. We all followed suit, throwing her beads and compliments. She put the necklaces on and surprisingly, left her top over her tits so that we could still see her exposed bra.

Next up was Tammy who leaned over and gave us a quick flash of her black bra. Everyone shouted it was too fast, so she did it again, leaving her bra showing for a good thirty seconds. We threw her our beads, and she put them on but covered her boobs up again.

Darla was up next and wasted no time. She unbuttoned her long-sleeve blouse, then took it off completely, tossing it down to her husband. Jake caught it as we all looked on. Darla stood at the rail and wiggled her big jugs back and forth. Her peach bra was very lacy, and her nipples were poking through some of the gaps in the fabric. The men were mesmerized then we all started cheering and tossing our beads at her. She stepped back laughing.

That only left my wife. She was trying to hide, but Darla and Tammy pushed her forward. I heard Tammy say, "Oh, no you have to do it, too." She looked down at me, and I could see she was blushing. She glanced over at Jake, who was watching intently.

She looked back and me and grimaced, "I don't have a bra on," she declared. The men all cheered enthusiastically. George started a chant of "Tits!" which the guys quickly picked up.

The girls were egging Eve on too. Darla yelled down, "But she gets two strands for this from each of you fuckers!" Everyone agreed. All eyes were on my wife as she untucked her blouse and pulled it off, over her head. I thought she would keep it close, to put it back on again, immediately after flashing us, but she tossed it to me. She stood up with her beautiful tits on full display to the raucous jeers of the men.

We all tossed her two strings of beads, and she put them on. They hung down sexily against her bare tits. Wyla was not to be outdone. She stepped next to Eve and pulled her bra off, tossing it to Justin. More cheers and beads flew. Darla laughed and ripped her bra off and threw it down. We cheered even louder and threw beads like crazy.

The girls all started calling for Tammy who shook her head. Greg called out to his wife, "Come on, Tammy, everybody else did it."

"Nope, not happening," she replied but surprised us all by following up with, "But how much to see my panties?" she asked.

"Three strands!" shouted George. Nobody cared that he had no beads. Tammy laughed and pulled her pants off and stood on the balcony in a tiny red thong. Her athletic, toned body on full display, covered only by her skimpy underwear.

We tossed our beads up and no sooner had we finished, then Wyla slipped her skirt off and twirled around to show us her thong and full, round ass. Necklaces went flying again. Undeterred, Darla dropped her pants to join the others in only her thong. She collected her beads, and all eyes went back to Yvette. She waved her hands and said "I'm out" and started backing away.

Darla grabbed her this time, and Tammy pulled her to the railing. She was struggling and arguing, but they were all laughing, including my wife. It was all in good fun. Wyla stepped behind Eve and yanked her skirt down. She was naked underneath.

She covered her face in her hands, but stood at the railing, as Darla turned her around in circles, showing us her shaved pussy and bare ass. Tammy shouted for five necklaces. All the guys, except George, threw the beads up to the girls who put them around Yvette's neck.

"We have a winner!" shouted Tammy, "Yvette wins the most beads prize!"

Everyone cheered and Yvette even lowered her hands and jumped up and down, completely naked.

The party quickly moved back inside. I found Yvette in the bathroom and brought her the two pieces of clothing she'd had on. I slipped inside with her. She was laughing and quickly got dressed again. "Wow," I said, showing my surprise, "You went commando tonight? And everybody got to see."

She blushed, "Oh, my god, that was funny. Are you mad?"

"No, it was fun. All the girls got into it, too, so that made it even more fun. We couldn't see all that much from downstairs anyway."

She threw her arms around me and kissed me, then grabbed my cock through my pants. "Oh, well MiniMax liked it," she said, pointing out that my cock was rock hard. Yes, she called my dick MiniMax. I preferred MightyMax.

"Yeah, I think there's five of those around here right now."

She laughed at my comment. We exited the bathroom and found that everyone was saying their farewells. George was hammered and wandered home on his own while we were in the bathroom. Wyla and Justin were heading out. We said bye to them and then gave Greg and Tammy hugs and a handshake. Darla and Jake left with us. As we were heading in the same direction, we wandered down the sidewalk together.

When we reached the walkway up to our door, we stopped to say good night. "Hey, you guys want to come in for a drink or two?" I asked, smiling, "I'm not tired, and I have a new bottle of whiskey I'm dying to try out."

Jake's eyes perked up when I said whiskey, "Oh, I could go for a bit of whiskey before bed." Yvette looked at me nervously. Darla looked at me with a surprised but happy gaze.

"I don't want any whiskey, but if you have some wine, I'm in," Darla said. She took Yvette's hand, and they went in first. Jake and I walked in behind them.

As everyone came in, I pulled out a bottle of chilled French Rose' for the ladies, pouring them a couple of full glasses. I then put one big round ice cube into whiskey glasses for Jake and me. I cracked open a bottle of Colonel Taylor's Single Barrel Bourbon and poured two generous double shots over the ice.

I handed out the drinks. As we moved to sit in the large, comfortable sectional sofa, I proposed a toast, "To good friends!" Everyone liked the toast and cheered heartily. I noticed how we had sat down. Jake was over to the left, with his back to the main wall facing the rear of the house. Yvette was next to him. I was in the corner, and Darla was sitting on the side section next to me.

We talked about the party and how the girls had earned so many beads. Darla complimented Yvette for her performance.

"Oh, girl, you deserved to win for showing off everything like that," Darla said, smiling at Yvette.

Yvette blushed and said, "It wasn't exactly my choice. I should have worn a bra and panties. Then I would have lost, and you would have won."

"No way," Darla corrected her, "you were fantastic. I'm so proud of you. You looked hot out there naked. I bet that was exciting having all the guys watching you naked."

She sipped her wine, unsure of what to say. She kept looking at me for approval, condemnation or something. I smiled at her.

"It was hot as hell to me, seeing Eve naked and you almost that way, and the other wives in all their glory. Definitely, a supper club to remember. I never thought I'd get to see all you ladies boobs, let alone your asses."

Yvette decided to take the focus off of her. "Yeah," she began, "Max had a boner when he came inside."

Darla giggled, "So did Jake. I bet he still has one."

"You're funny," Jake interjected, "but I have to admit, it was scorching."

"You know what was one of the hottest things, to me?" I asked the room.

"Besides your wife's pussy and tit's on display to all your male friends and them imagining what it would be like to fuck her?" Darla asked, poking at me with her finger.

"Darla!" Eve shouted playfull, "Jesus."

"What?" Darla asked, winking at Yvette. "You know every guy got a boner when you showed your pussy and every one of them, including my husband was thinking about fucking you."

I laughed and leaned over to raise my whiskey to Jake, "You and me both, brother." He smiled and raised his glass, taking a sip.

"I won't deny the thought crossed my mind," he said.

Yvette shuffled her feet uncomfortably. She looked to Jake, back to me and then to Darla. I could tell she was uncomfortable being the center of attention, but I would swear her nipples were hard and poked out.

"So, what was it, Max?" Darla asked me, "What was the hottest thing?"

"One of the hottest things," I corrected, "was the way you girls looked topless with all those colored beads hanging down by your tits. It was so pretty, erotic and primal all at once. It was a true Mardi Gras kind of feeling. It was beyond all of that; it was stunning."

"Wow," said Darla, smiling. She looked over to my wife and winked at her. "Well, that has to be the nicest thing I've heard all day. You know we're still wearing the beads." She shook the necklaces.

"Yeah, but it's not the same," chimed in Jake. "Max was right. The way they looked against your bare skin was incredible. The shape of your breasts, the nipples."

"Well, Yvette," Darla said, leaning forward, "should we show them?"

Yvette did a double take and stared at Darla. "Are you serious?"

Darla stood up and pulled her top off. She never put her bra back on. Her large boobs fell out. Jake and I just sat back, smiling, enjoying the show.

"Gorgeous," I said. "See what I meant?"

Darla dangled and moved the beads around. "Yeah, it's very sexy," she said, moving over to stand in front of Eve. She took my wife's hands and pulled her to her feet. "Your turn, Eve."

Yvette looked at me. I smiled and shrugged, sitting forward to watch. She bit her lip and took a deep breath, then pulled her top off, letting her full, firm tits show to us all for the second time tonight. I was right; her nipples were hard as little rocks.

"Shake your beads, Eve," Darla told her. My wife shook her chest back and forth, making her pretty tits sway and the necklaces swing around.

"Damn, that's hot," said Jake, staring at Yvette's chest. She looked at him, smiling. Darla then pulled Yvette to sit back down next to her. Now both women were squeezed between Jake and me and the sectional, Eve next to Jake and Darla by me. It was close enough that the four of us were rubbing thighs with the person next to us.

Darla turned to me and winked, "I think we all need our drinks freshened, Max."

"Oh, let me do that," I jumped up to grab the empty glasses. Darla pointed at my crotch.

"Looks like Max has a boner," she announced. Yvette giggled and said it sure did.

"Check and see if Jake has one," she told my wife.

"Do what?" Eve asked, staring at Darla like she'd lost her mind.

"Reach over and see if Jake has a hardon. It's ok. It is a monster, but it doesn't bite. Max doesn't mind if she checks do you, Max?"

I retrieved the glasses and shrugged, "I mean, it's only fair. Everybody knows I do. No fair hiding it."

I went to the bar to refill the drinks. I poured more wine into the girls' glasses than the first time and gave Jake and me more whiskey to sip on. As I did, I watched, as best I could, as Yvette ran her hand up Jake's leg to his crotch. Her hand landed on his massive bulge. She rubbed it and squeezed it through his pants. I could tell he was hard from where I was. She didn't need that much time to determine it.

I was sporting a healthy 7.25" cock, with excellent girth. I'd never had any complaints. But, Jake's dick was easily 9 or 10 inches in length and as thick around as a beer bottle. As I brought the drinks back, I set Yvette's wine on the table, handed Darla her's and offered Jake his whiskey. He took it, looking at me with eyes that seemed scared. I just winked.