Gwen: Bound for a New Life Ch. 03


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'Why are you telling me this, Roger?' asked Gwen, quietly.

'Because I came, in my pants, just watching, that's why, and I was so ashamed, ashamed of being a pervert.'

'You're not a pervert, darling,' she said, 'and let's just say for now that I have been shown the vital association between pain and pleasure, the paper-thin line that exists, and the importance of ritual and restraint. We can travel those roads together if you want, and share it with others, like Julie and Gavin.' She waited for his response, and got it when he took her hand in his, raised it to his lips and kissed her finger-tips.

'What happened to Zia after she was whipped?' she wanted to know.

'The old bastard had her driven out into the desert and dumped miles away from nowhere!'

A great load had been lifted from Gwen's shoulders, and when Julie rang, she gave her the good news.

'Good,' she said, 'and not just because your husband wants to fuck me!'

'You cow!' said Gwen, laughing, 'but I'm hardly surprised in view of the dress you wore last night.'

'Listen, to be serious for a moment, darling – is he serious about things?'

'Yes, I think so.'

'Then both of you must come around after dinner, say tomorrow night, for a little session. What do you say?'

'Sounds good to me. If I don't call you back, we'll be there.'

Gwen spoke to Roger about the invitation.

'What kind of "little session" does she mean?' was his question.

'I suppose one or both of us women will be whipped,' Gwen said, licking her lips at the prospect, 'but we may not be turned out into the desert afterwards – I think our fate will be quite different!'

He looked at her in wonderment. 'And you are actually turned on by the prospect. No, don't answer that, I can see it in your eyes!'

'There's much more to it than that, Roger,' said Gwen, 'do you really want to know how to please me?'

'Of course.'

'Then go to this address tonight, ask for Janet or Lawrence, preferably Janet and tell them I sent you. They will tell you everything you need to know.'

'Just a minute,' he said, 'these aren't........I mean, you didn' haven't?'

She laughed. 'No, they aren't, and I haven't. They happen to keep the Gothic Club, which Ihavehad occasion to visit, so they know me, and can help you to an understanding of the "new me"'

He turned the black card Gwen gave him over and over, then agreed to go, curiosity getting the better of him.

Gwen was already in bed when Roger got home from his expedition to the Gothic Club, but made no pretence of being asleep, as he snuggled behind her in bed.

'How did it go?' she asked.

'Interesting,' he said, 'and some dish, that Janet!'

'I'll bet she didn't let you fuck her though, did she?'

'She played footsie with me under the table, stroked my knee until I got a bloody great hard-on, all the while talking about all the things that turned her on. Then she told me they were the same things that did it for you! Christ, I could write a book on it if it's all true.'

'What did you do then?'

She took me into their private theatre to watch a show. The males in the audience drew lots, and the winner got a blow job from a girl while she was being paddled on the arse.'

'What was the girl like?'

'Asian-looking. Long black hair, small tits, pretty.'

'Ah, so they've got Laya working.'

'Anyway,' he said, 'I've come to a conclusion.'

'What's that, Roger?'

'That this evening's left me fucking horny, and your shaven pussy is about the last straw!'

He levered her legs apart, and she felt for his shaft, knowing immediately the truth of his last statement. She eased him inside her, letting him drive his full length into her eager cunt, but then she surprised him by encircling the base of his rod with her fingers, gripping him tightly, and pulling him gently out of her.

'Wait,' she ordered him, and flipped over onto her stomach, at the same time flicking on the light switch on her bedside table. He blinked as she pushed a pillow under her stomach, parted her legs, and, reaching her with both hands, held her arse-cheeks wide apart, lewdly presenting the dark tunnel of her now well-used anus to him.

'Gwen,' he began, you've never.....'

'Fuck my arsehole,' she told him, 'I want it so much, Roger!'

He needed no further invitation, and his rampant cock was more than prepared, slick with the juices of her cunt. He was amazed to find that it slid smoothly into the velvet heaven of her nether sheath, until he reached her sphincter, then she gasped with pain as his sheer size took effect, and the agony mingled into ecstasy, as it always did for her when she knew the sheer joy of anal sex. A tremendous orgasm came onto her like an express train, and she languished in its wake for a long time afterwards, and then said, 'We'll make it, you and I, Roger, I think, love!'

Next evening, the big decision was what to wear for the after-dinner occasion at Julie's.

Gwen decided on restraint. Whilst at John's, she had been taken to Janet's corsetiere, who had made her a scarlet satin dress, knee-length, the bodice of which was really a corset, stiffly boned, so that when she buttoned it up in front, she had to call for Roger's help to pull tight the laces at the back, dragging her already narrow waist in to give her an hour-glass figure. The top was little more than a platform for her firm breasts, only just covering her nipples. The skirt was tremendously tight, so that she could scarcely walk, and all she wore under it were a pair of seamed black hold-ups, and black, needle-heeled, platform-soled shoes. That morning, a visit to the beautician had resulted in new porcelain nails, one of which, on the third finger of her left hand, she had had perforated, and fitted with a fine chain about three inches long, with a small stone clasped at the end. It kept getting in the way of everything, but was somehow another reminder of her sexuality.

She put a fur-wrap around her shoulders and pronounced herself ready.

When they arrived at Julie's, Gavin came to the door, and let them in.

'Maid got the night off?' asked Gwen, half in jest.

'No, she's a bit tied up right now,' said Gavin, and led us into the lounge, where we saw straight away what he meant. Zdenka, a sulky but defiant look on her dark features, regarded us from under hooded lids as we walked in. She was partially suspended by her slim wrists, which were cuffed to chains Gavin had installed – copies, Gwen realised, of those John had in his mansion. Her arms were extended above her head, and she was at almost full stretch, but could just stand, thanks to the high heels she wore. Apart from the heels, she wore her maid's black silk miniskirt and black stockings, but had been divested of her upper garment. They noted her remarkable puffy nipples, which projected proudly from small breasts to make an otherwise ordinary young body exciting.

Julie stood beside her, dressed in a long, sheer white gown, with a high neck and long, voluminous sleeves. It cloaked her completely from neck to floor, but every detail of her body could be seen under it, and all she wore was a heavy gold chain around her waist, and a pair of gold nipple clamps, connected by a fine gold chain.

'Ah,' she said, 'just in time! This little slut was trying on my clothes when I came home, and I'm going to have to punish her. Gwen, help me, darling, will you? By the way, I love your dress!'

'I love yours too,' said Gwen, quietly, 'perhaps we should just go to bed together.'

'Later, darling,' said Julie, 'I think we just might!' She licked her lips, then turned to the au-pair.

'Let's have her arse bare, for a start, shall we?'

Gwen unfastened the waistband of Zdenka's skirt, and eased it down over her hips. She was stark naked, then, her pussy clean-shaven, but Gwen couldn't resist fondling the girl's amazing puffy nipples, finding them firm to the touch, their tips hardening and lengthening under her fingers.

Gavin and Roger had got drinks, and were sat on a sofa, watching the proceedings, content to let the women take charge.

'What do you think we should give her, darling?' asked Julie.

'Has she been whipped before?' asked Gwen.

'Not by us,' said Julie, 'but I don't know about before.'

Zdenka spoke up, 'I do no bad. You want hurt me? Not for bad – you understand?'

'I think she's trying to tell you that you can whip her if you want, but not because she's a bad girl,' said Gavin.

Zdenka nodded, and Gwen, on cue, felt the Czech maid's exposed slit, and found that it was more than a little moist.

'I'm sure she's no stranger to the lash, Julie, and probably wants it, so let's warm her up with the paddle, and then give her a few real strokes with a crop, say four, that should be enough for a first time,' suggested Gwen.

'OK, said Julie, because I was going to suggest that we let you do it, and then let Roger give you some of your own medicine. It would be a great learning-curve for him, and I know it's a long time since you had any punishment, Gwen, isn't it?'

'Yes, my love, it is, and I can hardly wait!'

Julie handed Gwen a narrow, long-handled, leather paddle, which made a satisfying swish through the air. She spared nothing in her swing as he brought the paddle round, and cracked it hard against Zdenka's rounded buttocks. Her flesh reddened perceptibly, but she just opened her mouth slightly, and her breathing sounded marginally quicker in Gwen's ear, as she caressed her breasts with the shaft of the paddle before whacking her viciously again, just slightly lower down. A tiny gasp escaped her victim at that, and when Gwen inspected her reddening arse, and pushed her legs apart before giving her another, she asked Julie for a spreader bar. Julie produced one from her 'toy-box' almost instantly, a stainless rod about 40 centimetres long, with anklets at each end. This she fixed, and the girl's thighs were better exposed, so that Gwen could aim her next two stinging blows at her inner thighs, causing her to squirm under her bonds.

Gwen also noticed that Zdenka's anus was not the tiny puckered opening you would expect from an anal virgin, but looked like a well-used tunnel.

When Gwen had given her a couple more strokes, and reddened her behind thoroughly, and had given back the paddle to Julie, she asked Gavin, 'Been at her arsehole, then?'

'Certainly not!' he said, 'why?'

'She's no virgin at that end, Gavin – and I know that's your favourite entrance.' She could have added that losing her own anal virginity to him bore testimony to that, even though it seemed like a century ago. But Julie was back with a crop, which she had fetched from the bedroom. 'Keep it up there, darling,' she said, 'where else?'

Gwen took to crop and showed it to Zdenka, who exhibited no reaction.

'What do you think, Julie,' asked Gwen, 'do I really hurt her?'

Julie nodded, 'She can take it, in fact she wants it!'

Gwen took aim, and lashed Zdenka's upper back, her favourite target, and often a surprise to the receiver, with a fierce slash of the crop, raising an instant red welt across the width of her back. Still there was an absence of reaction from the maid. Julie had gone over to the sofa, and had pulled Gavin's growing erection out of his trousers, as Gwen struck once more, this time drawing distinct moan from the Czech's lips as a bright red stripe appeared below the first.

'Can you take two more?' asked Gwen, holding Zdenka by her tawny hair, and speaking into her ear.

'Two. Yes!' she said, disdainfully, and Gwen kissed her full on the lips, pushing her studded tongue deep into her mouth.

Then she stood back and swung the crop, lashing her over the small of the back as hard as she could. She again put her hand into Zdenka's pussy – it was soaking, and she ground against Gwen's hand, so that she had no doubt that an orgasm was approaching. She quickly whipped her one more time, just below her buttocks, and heard a long, drawn-out sigh emanating from the girl's lips. She had cum, copiously, and Gwen just had to feel the juice that flowed from her sopping cunt.

'Take her down,' said Julie, to Gavin, and do what you like with her, darling.'

Gavin struggled to zip up his trousers, and then stood up and did as he was told. Gwen, Julie and Roger had a drink while Gavin and Zdenka left the room hand-in-hand, Zdenka looking fresh as a daisy.

'What did you think to that, then, Roger?' asked Julie.

'I really don't know,' said Roger, 'I hate violence, really, but this is different, and I was horribly excited, somehow.'

'Darling,' said Gwen, 'I'd hate to be raped, but I just love to be tied up and whipped, and to wear things that give me discomfort. I know it's strange, but.........' She didn't complete the sentence, because Julie had pulled her to her feet, and was unlacing her

dress. In moments, the dress was off, and Gwen was naked save for her black stockings and the five inch heels of her shoes.

Julie extended a hand to Roger and pulled him from the sofa.

'Now it's your turn,' she said, and leaving Gwen standing there for a moment, turned her back to Roger, and held up her long mane of hair.

'Unfasten my dress, darling, will you?' she asked, and Roger obliged. She shrugged the gossamer-fine material from her shoulders, and said to him, 'Please take my nipple-clamps off. I want Gwen to enjoy them.'

He unscrewed the little gold clamps, with their cruel, serrated mouths, and she yelped with pain as the blood rushed into her nipples.

'That's always the worst bit,' she said, ' but it's so exciting. Now put them on Gwen, nice and tight!'

Gwen was already kneading and tweaking her own nipples in anticipation, no stranger to clamps, and when Roger tightened them down, she only gasped slightly. Meanwhile, Julie had refastened her dress, and was ready with the paddle when Roger had finished cuffing his wife to the chains. As she was roughly the same height as Zdenka, no adjustment was needed.

'I'm not sure I want to do this,' Roger said.

'Oh, come on!' said Julie, there's nothing Gwen wants more, is there darling?'

Gwen nodded her assent, but that wasn't enough for Julie.

'Gwen, you should know better than that, my love,' she said, 'you must ask for it!'

Gwen smiled, dangling there naked and helpless, and said in a firm voice, 'I want you to hurt me, Roger, please. Whip me until I cum. Oh please, whip me, Roger!'

Julie passed him the paddle and he wasted no time in striking his lovely, naked wife, several vicious blows across her rounded buttocks, reddening them beautifully. She needed no spreader- bar, knowing to keep her leg apart, and he rained more blows around her shapely slender thighs, until they, too, were a delicate shade of deep pink.

When Julie pronounced her ready, he threw down the paddle, and she handed him the crop. As he was testing its arc through the air, and the 'swish' it made, she said, 'No, wait a moment!' Stepping towards him, she ran her hands down his taut body, and snaked her own, voluptuous, one up to him, feeling the huge bulge in his trousers. She quickly pulled down his zipper and dragged his rod from its prison. Moving around under his arm, so that she was on his left, and out of the way of his swing, she took hold of his cock in a fold of the skirt her dress, and said, 'Now, Roger, whip her!'

He was breathing hard as he fetched the crop down across Gwen's tender, white flesh, but Julie wasn't satisfied.

'Harder!' she ordered, and pumped his shaft to emphasise it.

He struck again, and Gwen writhed as a red wheal appeared across the middle of her back. A third stroke brought tiny pin-pricks of blood in its wake, and Roger feared he had gone too far, but when he asked her if she could take another, she said, 'Oh yes, yes please, don't stop now!'

He lashed her three more times, and she later told him she had had two enormous, shattering orgasms while he was doing it.

They all three went to Julie's bedroom, where Julie rubbed balm into Gwen's stripes, and Roger could hardly wait to get into bed with the two of them.

Gwen said her back was too sore, and she had already cum too many times to make love, but she was anxious that her husband put the finishing touches to his evening. She helped Julie out of her diaphanous gown, then arranged her friend face-down on the bed, lubing up her arsehole for her husband, an inserting first two, then three fingers, as Julie squirmed and moaned her pleasure. Roger, now drooling, and stiff as a ramrod, climbed up between Julie's legs, and rammed his huge cock home, causing Julie to scream as her delicate tissue protested at his invasion. He could wait very little, and though Gwen did her best, gripping the base of his tool to try and stop him cumming too soon, he soon stiffened an shot his hot, liquid load of spunk far into Julie's bowels.

They slept together, the three of them, until the morning light awoke them, and when they got downstairs, Zdenka was making coffee.

'Master Gavin still sleeping,' she said, 'very tired.'

'And you? Are you OK?' asked Gwen.

'My arsehole sore,' offered the maid.

Roger drank his coffee, wearing a contented smile.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
This ruined it

Husband didn't even fuck around but he's supposed to be happy with his slut wife after he comes back. What kind of limp dick man would be okay with this shit. Might as well just have full on cucked him, because there's no different.

skinnysailorskinnysailoralmost 8 years ago
Gwen was terrific

I thought the series was exceptional. It sure got me juiced up. I hope Calandria keeps writing .

adge747adge747over 10 years ago

Not quite as good as I was expecting but perhaps with a little more training Roger will become adept at giving punishment and holding his cumm until the woman has orgasmed many times. Ther is obviously scope for more chapters.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 17 years ago
More Please

Loved it, had to reread the other two to get caught up again. When is Gwen going to get her pussy or nipples, or maybe both, pierced? Really enjoy all of your stories. Keep them cumming

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