Gwen, Trevor, and Family

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Mike, Gwen's older brother shows up for the second stream.
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It was almost two weeks since I had made the live video stream of Gwen and Trevor. The video made from that broadcast was still popular and was experiencing a healthy number of views daily. I received a small sum of money every time the video was viewed. The process was much like one of the other websites that hosted videos.

It had allowed me to make well over ten thousand dollars between the live stream and the subsequent views of the shared video. Thousands of men around the world had paid to watch as the lovely, and desirable Gwen had been exposed and used by her boyfriend Trevor. Now I had to decide how to entice Gwen to make another video.

Gwen was a significant attraction in her own right. She was a college student with long blond hair, that girl next door look and she had recently turned eighteen years old. Her figure was lovely with moderately large breasts that were topped with pink pointed nipples. Her waist was tiny and flared out to full lush hips. The inner lips of her pussy were almost completely covered by the outer lips giving her smoothly shaven pussy the look of a much younger girl.

Who wouldn't enjoy watching as her young, lithe body was used sexually? The fact that she was reluctant yet clearly enjoyed it when her body was shown off to an unknown audience had come through clearly in the previous video. As a result, it was obvious to me that I needed to find another angle if I wanted this video to be as successfully lucrative as the first video was.

I set out to learn more about her and while I was doing my research I stumbled on information that might be useful as an enticement to ensure her cooperation. I also found what I thought would be the key to a very erotic scenario that would excite and humiliate Gwen at the same time.

But before I could complete my plan, I needed to convince Gwen to allow me to stream the action as her boyfriend Trevor restrained her naked body. I was afraid that getting her to willingly allow Trevor to restrain her would probably be the biggest hurdle.

I sent a message to Gwen suggesting that the three of us talk tomorrow night. She said that she would ask Trevor over and that they would be looking for my call around eight o'clock. If they agreed to my plan I would send them some things that they would need by messenger the following day.

About eight o'clock the next evening Gwen answered a knock on the door and looked through the peephole. Seeing Trevor waiting, she opened the door and let him in. They had just sat down when the phone rang. It was precisely eight o'clock as Mr. X had promised. Answering the phone, Gwen said "Hello, this is Gwen. Who is this?"

The voice answered, "Hello Gwen. This is Mr. . . . . . . You almost got me. Let's just say that this is Mr. X. How about that?"

I could almost hear the smile in her voice as she responded, "Okay. Mr. X, it is. What's on your mind?"

"I wanted to discuss our next live stream."

"About that Mr. X. I'm not so sure that there will be another live stream. Just in case you have forgotten it's my face and my body you're putting out there on the internet. Your original threat was to release the photos you found on Trevor's cell phone. I have to tell you that that threat doesn't hold much fear for me now after you broadcast me on a live stream as I was exposed and fucked by Trevor. I have no idea who may have seen the video but eventually, it will be seen by someone who recognizes me so I've already been exposed."

"Gwen, I agree. Someone that you know has probably seen the video. It's even possible that a family member may have seen the video. That's part of what I wanted to talk to you about."

"The video has been getting a lot of action on the website where it was shared. In addition, I received money for the original live broadcast. It seems that you and Trevor are very popular since I've received over ten thousand dollars as of today."

"I know that you're in college and that it is very expensive. I also know that you are struggling to make ends meet. So, I was wondering if you would be interested in doing a new live stream and video for a share of the income."

That brought an almost immediate response from Gwen. "Exactly how much of the income?"

"I was thinking a 40/60 split would be fair," I replied.

She laughed. "I see! Why not a 50/50 split or even 60/40? After all, there are two of us and it's my body being exposed and used."

Enjoying the negotiations I said, "There is no doubt that your fine body is a large part of the attraction since you're a lovely young lady and you enjoy showing off. Still, I have expenses. We are going to need some better lighting, equipment, supplies, and possibly costumes. With that in mind, I think that a 50/50 split is workable and fair."

"If we can agree on the split is it safe to assume that you are willing to go forward with the next live stream and video?", I asked.

I heard some mumbling as Gwen and Trevor talked things over and then she replied, "We have two more questions."

"Okay but make it quick. I have a lot to do to set things up. I was thinking that we would do the live broadcast the day after tomorrow around eight o'clock. To maximize the income I need time to advertise our event."

"The first thing Trevor and I want to know is when will we get our half of the ten thousand dollars that you've already received? The second thing we want to know is what you're planning this time. No more surprises"

"Well, I hadn't planned on sharing the first payment but I guess it would be the fair thing to do. Okay, you'll be receiving some additional equipment and supplies tomorrow by courier. I'll make sure that you receive the check with that delivery."

"I agree that we should discuss what I have planned for the live stream. I think that we'll follow what worked last time to some degree. I'll speak to you over the cell phone and you will follow instructions. When you are finally naked I am going to have Trevor use the restraints that I'll provide to tie you spread against your bedroom door."

"Whoa. Just a minute." Gwen exploded. "Restrained? Do you mean as in 'tied up'? Just exactly what is supposed to happen after I'm 'restrained'?"

"Gwen one of the things that made our first video so unique was your reluctance to participate and your not knowing what was coming next. Even though it seemed like I was forcing you to do these things the truth is that I was not there and you enjoyed doing them. There must be some element of surprise so what happens to you after you are restrained will have to remain a secret."

Gwen said, "I'm not so sure that I like that."

Then, for the first time, I heard from Trevor as he said, "Okay, we'll have to go along with that then."

Reluctantly I heard Gwen respond, "Okay, I guess I'll agree too."

"That's great! I'll put the supplies you need together and have it all delivered to your apartment tomorrow."

After they hung up Trevor looked at Gwen. "What are you thinking?"

"I'm thinking that I don't like surprises but not knowing what he has in mind makes everything more erotic. He enjoys shocking, humiliating, and even embarrassing me. That's also what makes the video more real and attracts those who get it off watching someone doing something that they normally wouldn't do."

Trevor stood and paced around the small room. "I don't like not being in control either but whether we continue to move forward is up to you. It's your face going out over the internet and it's your body that is being used."

Gwen replied thoughtfully, "I'm not sure that I can explain it to you. It's almost like a compulsion. I know that he is using me. I know that he will want me to do things that I find uncomfortable and humiliating. Even so, I feel compelled to do what he demands. When he tells me to do something degrading it's as if I don't have any ability to deny him. I think, in reality, I want to do these naughty things that I know are wrong or degrading and when he tells me to do them I am absolved of all responsibility."

Trevor finally understood. Gwen was a submissive person. She felt a compulsion to do what others told her to do despite her personal feelings. With that understanding, Trevor saw their relationship in a new light. There was no time like the present to test his new theory. He turned to look at the desirable young blonde and said "Gwen get on your knees. I want you to suck my cock and I'm going to cum in your mouth."

I held my breath as Gwen turned to look at me with a strange expression on her face. She regarded me for a moment as I waited, sure that she would turn me down.

The expression on her face slowly relaxed into acceptance as she turned and knelt before me reaching up to undo my zipper. I watched intently as she reached inside my jeans searching for the opening in the front of my underwear. I sucked in a breath as her soft hand found my hardening cock and struggled to pull the stiffening shaft through the opening.

I watched, fascinated as Gwen leaned forward, parted her lips and, tenderly licked the precum from my dick before engulfing it. I groaned as she slowly moved her wondrously pliant lips back and forth caressing my hardened manhood.

Meanwhile, as Gwen and Trevor were exploring their newfound relationship I began gathering the materials I would need to send to Gwen's apartment.

In my mind, I had an image of her standing spreadeagle against her bedroom door. My collection of goodies contained exactly what I needed. There were four adjustable straps. On one end was a circle of leather that could be hooked over the corner of the door. On the other end, a clasp had been attached which could be hooked to a set of padded cuffs. The strap that connected the two ends could easily be adjusted so that the whole affair could be used on people of varying heights and pulled tight.

With these devices, Gwen's arms could be stretched to the upper corners of the door while her ankles would be held spread apart by hooking them to the bottom corners of the door. It was quite an ingenious device that I had found on the internet some time ago. They allowed people to participate in bondage and restraint games without adding obvious hooks anywhere in the house.

I rummaged around a little more in the box and found a set of padded cuffs for her wrists and one for her ankles. My mouth watered as I visualized her naked body stretched wide across the door. I could hardly wait. I knew that the lurkers on the website would enjoy watching her also.

As a last-minute thought, I threw in a length of rope and a video camera. You never knew when a length of rope would come in handy and the video captured with Gwen's cell phone simply was not good enough for my purposes. The video camera was a new one and was compatible with the internet and set to transmit to my streaming page whenever it was turned on. We would still use the cell phone for voice commands which would also be recorded by the video camera.

Finally, I included two led lights that could be used to illuminate the intimate details as all of the action that I envisioned took place. I had a surprise for Gwen which I was sure would agitate, humiliate, and arouse her.

Necessary instructions were included in the box and I sealed it up. I made a quick call to the courier company who assured me that the box would be picked up tomorrow morning and delivered in the afternoon.

Across town, Gwen was just swallowing the last of Trevor's cum. She looked up at him with a smile and asked, "Was it good?"

My reply pleased her. "Gwen you have got to have the softest lips and most talented tongue in town. I couldn't have lasted another moment and, believe me, I wanted the magic that you were working on my cock to last forever."

Licking her lips, she rose and went into the kitchen to get a soda. When she returned we sat on the sofa and once again she wondered, "I wish I knew what Mr. X has planned for me."

Trevor looked at her dreamily and smiled in anticipation. "I don't have any idea but I can tell you that I'm looking forward to seeing you restrained. There is something about a woman in ropes that is a turn-on for me."

Two nights later I called Gwen and Trevor at about seven-thirty. The stream was scheduled to go live at eight so I called a little early to make sure things were under control. I had Trevor activate all of the equipment so that I could take a look at what our viewers would see. I suggested that he move one light to a slightly different position. Other than that he had done a great job of setting things up.

I said, "Gwen are you ready for tonight? Maybe even a little excited?"

"It'll certainly be a new experience for me", she said. "I've never been tied up or restrained so I'm not sure how I'll feel. I think I'll enjoy it since it is just another form of giving up control which is part of being submissive."

She couldn't see me as I smiled at that admission. "Gwen I want you to go into your room and go ahead and undress before we start. Put on a robe or housecoat with nothing under it."

She looked up at the camera, "Why? You're changing the plans. Trevor was going to undress me."

"Yes he was", I said. "I just think it would have more impact if you were to just walk out in a robe and then remove it. I think that'll be more dramatic and have more effect on the audience. Just keep the robe on until I tell you to remove it."

Once she was gone I said, "Trevor when we call Gwen into the room I am going to have her stand there and watch as you place the restraints on her bedroom door. Then I will have her remove the robe and you can proceed to attach the cuffs to her wrists and ankles. Then place her against the door and attach the cuffs to the restraints. The last thing that you need to do is to tighten the straps so that she is held tightly spreadeagle against the door."

"As you know, she is expecting a surprise after she has been restrained but I doubt that she has any idea what it will be. You should know that, at some point, a visitor will knock on your door. Please let them in but don't say anything if you recognize them."

At eight o'clock I let the feed go live and we were streaming. There were already over seven hundred viewers waiting and I anticipated that there would be many more as others logged in and paid the fee to watch.

Assuming the role of the moderator I said, "Welcome everyone. Tonight we are going to explore a little bondage with the lovely Gwen. This will be a first for her so you have a rare opportunity to watch as a lovely young woman is introduced to bondage. We also have a surprise for her later in the program so stick around and enjoy the show."

I said, "Gwen come on out and join us. That way you can watch as Trevor sets up the restraints."

As Gwen opened the bedroom door and stepped into the room I said, "Notice the restraints that Trevor is placing over the corners of the door. These unusual restraints do not damage the door nor do they require the installation of any hooks, screws, or other fasteners. If you are interested I have made arrangements for you to receive a 15% discount when you order them using the code that I will show at the end of our stream."

During the few moments it took me to make my little speech, Trevor had placed all four restraints onto the door as Gwen and the audience looked on.

Next, I said, "Okay Gwen we are ready for you. Remove the robe so that Trevor can attach your cuffs. Hold your arms out away from your body and spread your legs."

Gwen did as I directed and we all watched as Trevor attached the padded cuffs to her wrists and ankles. Each cuff included a clip that would be used to fasten them to the restraints on the door.

"Gwen I want you back up against the door now. Trevor, you can attach her ankles first and get them good and tight."

We all watched as the ankle cuffs were attached to the restraints holding Gwen's shapely legs apart exposing the lips of her lovely cunt.

"Gwen lift your arms now so that Trevor can attach them too.", I said.

When her arms were firmly attached and the restraints fully tightened Trevor stepped back and we all admired the result. Now, in addition to her exposed pussy, her tits were lifted and thrust outward. The view was lovely.

"How does it feel Gwen", I asked.

We all watched as she squirmed a little testing the restraints and she said, "It feels strange in a good way. I like the helplessness and I love the fact that everyone can see me this way."

"Do you like being exposed and helpless then", I asked.

"It's a huge rush. I have no way of knowing who is seeing me like this. I don't think I can explain it. I'd never have had the nerve to do this on my own but I certainly find it to be strangely erotic to have no control over who sees me this way.", she responded.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Trevor you need to answer that", I said.

With that Gwen suddenly began to squirm. "Wait, you can't let them in. For criminy sake, I'm tied up and naked. Who the hell is it? I didn't agree to do this. Being exposed on camera is not the same as letting someone see me this way in person. Trevor don't you dare let them in."

There was a second knock on the door and Trevor looked at Gwen then looked at the camera with a question on his face. "Let them in Trevor", I said.

Trevor went to the door and opened it. The look on Gwen's face was priceless as her older brother Mike walked into the room. I had run into Mike while I was trying to learn more about Gwen. He was the person who told me that she was struggling financially with her college expenses.

I did what I could to direct the conversation with Mike into more intimate areas and he told me that he admired his younger sister for her beauty and that he had always been attracted to her. That was when I concocted the idea to offer her money for college and to make her brother part of this stream.

I asked him if he liked porn and he assured me that he was a healthy young man and watched porn often. So I wrote the link to the first video and a password on the back of a business card and gave it to him. I suggested that he watch this video and told him that, if he liked it, he should give me a call.

He called me in less than two hours. Of course, he wanted to know how I had gotten the video of his little sister. "That's not important", I told him. "What I want to know is whether you would be interested in becoming a part of this project. Would you like to participate in our next video?"

His response was an immediate and enthusiastic "Yes", and that is how Mike knew to come to Gwen's apartment at this particular time. I had no idea where things were going to go from here but I decided that it would be worth it to roll the dice and see what transpired.

Since the camera was on a fixed tripod there was no way for either myself or the viewers to see Mike as he entered the room but we could hear the response when he saw his naked and restrained sister.

"Well, well Gwen. It looks like you finally bit off more than you can chew but I must admit you look fetching standing there naked like that." At that moment he stepped into the camera's view and walked up to his sister.

He continued, "I can't tell you how long I have wanted to catch a look at you naked and here you are, all trussed up and on camera too. Dad's going to love this."

Meanwhile, Gwen continued to squirm as if she were trying to cover herself up but of course, she couldn't. "Damnit Mike get out of here. You can't look at me like this. Trevor, you need to get him out of here. Mr. X shut down the feed this minute."

In seconds she managed to tell all three of us what to do. I was originally worried about her brother's reaction. He could have jumped to his sister's aid but I had read him right. He was a lecher at heart and was thoroughly enjoying his sister's predicament.