H.I.G.F.I.I.A.I.F. - Pt. 02

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Jerry's plan for retrubution begins to unfold.
15k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 01/28/2020
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How I got forcibly inducted into an incestuous family part two

For those of you that don't know what the title means. Take a moment and look at the first letter of each word in the title of this story. In other words it's an abbreviation of the title. It's too long to be used on Lit hence why I had to do it that way.

Thanks to WAA01 for the edits.


"Stacy? What's wrong?!" Reda asked, as she opened the front door.

"I'm leaving Dan..." I almost felt for her, almost, as she fell in to my wife's arms bawling like a baby.

"What do you mean? Leaving Dan...?! Stacy, come in, let me make you some tea..." Okay, I might... have enjoyed the next part a tad bit too loudly. But I digress.

"Dan gave me gonorrhea!" Stacy bemoaned as she buried her face in Reda's chest when they sat on the love seat. A sound, a very curious sound could be heard in that stillness, that embarrassed silence filled room; it was the sound of a loud, echoing clap. And yeah, it was me, clapping my hands, laughing like a fool.

"Really Jerry?!" Reda gave me this look and rolled her eyes as I nodded my head very, very vehemently. I mean come on Stacy has 'The Clap' how could I not enjoy this interesting turn of events. "Why don't you go and help the kids get ready for school, while I help my sister," she said, in that cold tone of hers that I knew meant I shouldn't push any more. Shrugging my shoulders, I didn't really care if Stacy's feelings got hurt at the moment.

"Come on kids, let's leave the 'Clapper' and your mom alone for a bit," I said. What can I say I was enjoying myself. Is that so wrong? I could feel my wife's eyes burning into my back as I followed after the kids to their rooms.

"Dad?" Jason said, as he packed up his bookbag.


"Why are you being mean to Aunt Stacy?" Jason asked, he had this puzzled look on his face. How could I tell my son that his aunt raped me over three months ago and the child she was carrying was mine. I so wasn't in the mood to have the sex talk with my son, at least not yet.

"Yeah daddy, I thought you liked her?" Beth asked, as she ran around her room. It was her normal routine slacking off, doing whatever it was that caught her fancy until it was time to go.

"Things change," I simply stated.

"But it can't be so bad that you hate her now, can it?" Jason asked, mimicking that cocked eyebrow of mine whenever I ask a very pointed question.

"You know... never mind, I'll tell you when you're older," I sighed, rubbing my temple. I so didn't want to get into this with my pre-teen kids. I doubt they would understand the ramifications of it at their age.

"You always..."

"Jerry!" Reda's voice called up the stairs cutting Jason off. "Can you come down here?"

"Ten minutes," I said, authoritatively. "Then I'm taking you to school," I said, wearing a smirk at my kids moans as I turned to walk away.

"What is it Reda?" I asked, once I got to the first floor. Trying not to look at Stacy, at how she dabbed her eyes, nor was I trying to peer at the hump of her increased belly.

"Jerry before I tell you, I need your word that you will hear me out, okay?" I knew this couldn't be good, otherwise Reda wouldn't have told me to brace myself.

"Fine, what is it?" I sighed.

"Stacy needs a place..."


"Honey let me finish," Reda said, in a calm and stern voice. "Dan's been put under an IA investigation for his way of looking the other way when he collared a hooker." I couldn't help but chuckle at that, it seems my wife found it amusing too. "Stacy doesn't want to stay there, in that house, with him anymore. A lot has been going on that she's kept hidden from the family. She needs a place to..."

"Why not your parents?" I asked, trying to keep Stacy out of my house.

"Don't you think the father of her baby should be taking care of them?" Reda asked, giving me that pointed look.

"I didn't..."

"I know baby, but it happened. Now she or he has come to be. Will you be that kind of man?" Reda asked, knowing I couldn't say no. I'm not the kind of man who would run from my responsibilities even if it was forced upon me. "I promise Stacy won't be a bother," she told me, also telling me that since I haven't asked for a divorce this was something she was going to do. So either I could put my foot down and piss off my wife and still have Stacy staying or I accept that this was going to happen, and Stacy stays anyway. I'll just look more like a good guy with the other choice.

"Fine, not like I have a choice in the matter," I grumbled, walking away from my wife to get my briefcase from my office. I wasn't going to stay in that house when she was in it, at least not right then. My back stiffened when I felt my wife's hands running up it.

"Honey, I get it. You're mad, I know you. But she's my family, I know, I know," Reda whispered before I could answer. "You don't like her all that much right now. Yet she is carrying your child, Jerry. I know you aren't the kind of man who abandons his own offspring. You never once let down Beth or Jason, so I know you won't disappoint this child; and I know right now you have so much going through your head. I know this is too much given our somewhat making up, but I promise you she won't bother you," she said, as she placed a kiss on the back of my neck. "You have a good day," Reda whispered in my ear as she hugged me from behind. She and Stacy waved goodbye as they stood in the doorway of my home as I backed out of the driveway.



"Is Aunt Stacy going to be staying with us?" Jason asked, as he and Beth both sat in the rear seat as we waited in line to drop them off.

"Seems so." I tried not to let my sigh touch my words.

"What happened to Uncle Dan?" Beth asked, innocently.

"The Daleks got him," I said, peered around the seat. Smiling at my kids as they laughed at the Doctor Who joke. Then again, they did love that show. I didn't actually mind watching it with them.

"Did they break up?" Beth asked, leave it to my daughter to hit the nail on the head.

"Seems so," I repeated. "You two have a good day, your mom will pick you up," I called after them as they slid out of the car once I pulled up to the curb.

"Okay!" Their voices were carried on the wind as they waved to me. Okay, yeah, my wife was right, I would miss this if I lost the ability to see the kids. I loved spending time with them. Even if it was waiting in line to drop the kids off at school.


Two weeks later...

My hand ran down my face as I was walking towards my bedroom. I had left early; it was getting tedious in avoiding Stacy around the house. Yet I had a feeling the entirety of that morning something was going to happen and as I walked into my bedroom... I was right.

"Really?!" I groaned as Stacy stood naked at the side of my bed her bra hanging in her hands. Staring at me with this startled look. Yet she didn't bother to cover herself as she stood naked in my bedroom. Why would she, not like I haven't seen it all before.

"Jerry?!" Reda's voice echoed from in the bathroom. "Hi baby!" She smiled at me as she walked out of the bathroom fully clothed. Honestly, I didn't know what to expect. She and her sister going to town. Moaning and whatnot in the middle of the day. Although the little spot of shaving cream on her left index finger should've given me a clue as to what they'd been doing. "Get dressed quickly." I heard my wife mutter as she walked behind her sister, flashing me that smile of hers to keep my anger at bay. "I know what you're thinking but it's not like that I swear," Reda stated.

"Oh? Then what is it then, if not two sisters munching each other out?"

"Perv!" Reda giggled as she slapped my shoulder hard. "We weren't expecting you home so early... Stacy's been itchy down there since she can't properly shave herself," she said, with this twinkle in her eye. "And since her antibiotics ran out today she's all clean. Show him Stacy," Reda said, from over her shoulder.

"I know you don't want to see me Jerry. I understand. But this is our -- Our -- baby you should at least touch him or her," Stacy said, as her hands ran over her small pooge as she walked towards the foot of the bed. Her right hand pressed down on the mattress as she lowered herself to it. "I didn't think being pregnant would be so difficult to shave myself," she said, milking him for sympathy, while slowly beginning to spread her legs as my wife stepped out of the way. Remembering the times in their teenage years that she and Reda would shave each other. Reda got more of a thrill out of it than she did, however, she didn't complain with what came after it. "But thanks to my sweet older sister, I don't have a jungle down there anymore," Stacy giggled. "What do you think Jerry? Doesn't it look pretty?" she asked, showing off her freshly shaved pussy. "You know when I think back to that night. When you gave me this gift," Stacy cooed sweetly as her hand ran along her belly. "I can still feel you in here." Her eyes meet mine daring me to look away as she spread her labia. With that I turned and walked out the door.

"Jerry!" I heard my wife calling for me. Trust me, I didn't leave at the sight of Stacy's cunt. I left because I was getting hard. I didn't want Stacy to know that she had that kind of effect on me. "Don't worry I'm sure he thought your pussy looked pretty." I heard my wife comforting her sister as I walked down the stairs to my office. Then I heard the tears. Not my wife's tears, Stacy's.

"What am I going to do Reda? What if Jerry doesn't want the baby or me?" Okay, that stopped me in my tracks. Would the child be taken care of financially, yes, would I be a father to him or her... I couldn't answer that at the moment. Although the question remains, why would I want Stacy? I already have a wife, why would I want another one?

"Give him some time Stacy." I heard my wife say. "This is all new to Jerry... and we just got back on speaking terms..."

"But you're getting fucked Reda! I hear it every night!" That was true. We did have sex six nights a week. Mostly it was to annoy the piss out of Stacy since she took the guest room closest to ours. Hence why I had been avoiding her so damn much. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to yell sis..."

"It's okay Stacy, I've been pregnant too, you know?" Was it wrong of me to picture my wife cradling her own sister's breasts in my mind as they talked. To squeeze those milk filled breasts to the point of her rich breastmilk squirting out. "What the fuck is wrong with me?!" I asked myself as I stood there with the heel of my hand pressing against my forehead.

"I'm just so damn fucking horny!" I heard Stacy bemoan. "Who thought being pregnant would make me like this?!"

"I could have told you that sis." I heard Reda say as she moved about the room.

"Why did Dan have to go fuck a hooker? He knew I'd suck that cock, fuck him each and every way he wanted. Let him bury it in my ass if he wanted. Why did he have to go do that to me?!" I know it was wrong eavesdropping like I was. Yet I just couldn't seem to move from that spot on the stairs.

"I don't know Stacy. You know how jealous Dan was of Jerry."

"Yeah, what's up with that anyway? Sure, Jerry might have had to be the one that impregnated me, but Dan was on broad with the whole thing. I mean it was his own... Oh my god!"

"What?!" Okay, I too was a little curious as to what she was about to say.

"What if Dan did this to like check something off a bucket list?"

"What do you mean?" I heard my wife ask.

"You know fuck the sister, that sort of thing."

"But Dan's fucked me plenty of times before then." I shook off my anger, I couldn't go storming off when this was getting good.

"True. But that was always with a condom, this time it wasn't. So what if he thought now that I have the baby I always wanted, he could go and dip his dick into anything that moves."

"I don't know sis, that's kind of..."

"I know, I'm grasping at straws here." I could hear the frustration in Stacy's voice.

"How about we go out?"

"Can't we just stay in sis? Surely, there's enough space in this house that me and Jerry won't bump into each other, right?" Something I had thought too, and we know how that worked out. "Plus, my ankles are swelling... How pathetic am I? I marry a man that openly cheats on me when all he has to do is wait every month and he can have all the pussy he wants. Now... Now..." I could hear her sobs building. "The father of our child can't stand to be around me long enough to feel his own..."

"Shhh! It's going to be okay sis." I heard Reda comforting her sister. With that I silently eased my way down the stairs. Hoping I could hide out in my office for a while, so I could ponder on just what I overheard. It's not like I didn't want to feel my child moving around. It was just that... hell I can't explain it. Sometimes I wonder if I'm actually looking back on events with rose colored glasses, you know what I mean? I know some of you would be like so go fuck her! Let her slobber all over your dick and whatnot. Yet I was still monogamous to my wife even if she wasn't at the time. Well, you'll see what I mean.

I don't know why I was doing this. I mean I am a good person, or I like to think I am, as I search through WebMD to find something to help with the swelling. "God, help me," I sighed as I read that lavender essential oil could help with it. I know if I went and got it I'd be the one putting it on her. "Fuck!" I muttered as I shot from my seat, causing my chair to roll back, pacing the room, wondering if this would lead somewhere if I did this. Like I said before Stacy is a beautiful woman and given what I heard my wife was probably brewing something in the shadows waiting to bite me in my ass. Sighing, hanging my head, knowing what my grandfather would have told me to do if I had asked him. Grabbing my keys, hoping that being the nice guy doesn't get me screwed, literally.

"Jerry?! Where are you going? You just got home?" Reda asked, as she peered down over the banister of the mezzanine.

"I just forgot to pick up something, I shouldn't be gone long," I said, looking up at my wife.

"Okay..." Giving me that 'sounds fishy but alright' kind of look. "You be careful, okay?"

"Right," I said, waving to her as I left the house.

It had taken me a little over an hour to return. I knew soon Reda would have to leave to pick up the kids. "God, I hope I'm doing the right thing," I muttered to myself. I had a feeling of how this would go. Breathing out a breath, my hand rested on the curved handle, my thumb pressed down on the lever, pushing the door open. Praying my wife didn't see too much into this. I found the foyer was empty. I heard the TV going from the den, were I had put a projector in so we could watch movies on the wall, or Netflix, whichever came first. Silently easing the door closed, trying to get this done before Reda found out that I was home. Slipping out of my shoes so the noise won't give me away.

"Shit," I hissed low as I stopped in the door way that led into the den. There she was -- Reda!

"Hey honey!" Reda smiled lovingly at me as she turned around to peer over the back of the couch. Then I watched those eyes slowly moving down my body, "So... did you get what you needed?" Reda asked, her eyes staring at the brown paper bag in my hand. I knew she had no problem seeing the store's logo on it. My eyes cut hard as Stacy turned in her seat. "Sweetheart, just what have you got there?"

"Wow. Jerry. I didn't take you for a pedicure type of man," Stacy whistled as she took note of the brown bag she had seen at a few of the salons around town. "And you... sis is that what I think it is?" Her eyes widened as the name of the establishment flashed in her eyes.

"Yes, it is, baby?!" Reda said, rising from her seat, already putting me on the defensive. "Just how did you get that bag?" she asked, her eyes darting between the bag and my face.

"The store, of course," I rolled my eyes.

"Don't you get smart with me, if I find out you've been holding out on me... I don't know if I want to fuck you or punish you...." Reda muttered. She did truly look deep in thought about that. I have to say I was a little afraid and turned on at the same time as her finger tapped her lips as she thought on a solution. I had to act fast, had to escape before she finished.

"I got this for Stacy," I said, holding out the bag to Reda.

"Really now?!" Reda asked, her eyebrow rose, her eyes looked at me in that kind of inquisitive lustful look as she took the bag from me. "Just what did you get?"

"They said it's good, to help with the swelling," I said, feeling my cheeks heat as I looked away.

"You got it for me?" Stacy asked, perking up in her seat.

"Hey!" Reda pouted as Stacy snatched the bag from her sister.

"It's for me after all, I get peeks first," Stacy said, with a light squeal of excitement.

"Come here baby," Reda looked at me with those predatory, wild, hungry eyes. Her knee pressed down on the cushion of the couch as she leaned forward. "Come 'ere for a sec." For some odd reason it seemed my body did actually have a mind of its own as I neared my wife. Looking down as her fingers slipped inside my waistband and pulled me to her by my belt. I had forgotten how forceful she could be when she's really turned on. "Tell me baby, just how? You know what I mean, you just can't walk in and take one..."

"What? I like my feet, soft, something wrong with that?" I asked, shrugging. Blowing it off like it wasn't a big deal. The act was true, it was the company that was the big deal. You could get one only if you buy something, yet in order to buy something you have to be a member, which I was. What made it so special about it? Other than, the best salon in town, that's a long story... I looked down as her breasts swayed, locking me in that hypnotic trance.

"No, nothing wrong with that. But who got you that bag?" Reda asked, her eyes shooting towards her sister.

"She does ask a good question," Stacy said, looking up. "Ah hell," I groaned in my head as I felt the tide shifting out of my favor. "So just, who bought you this?"

"No one," I sighed, "I'm a member, alright."

"When were you going to tell me this?" Reda asked, looking hurt that I would hide this from her. It wasn't like I knew it was popular I only went like twice a month.

"Umm... Never crossed my mind. I figured the person you go to is way better than where I go," I said, only I knew I had to play this right. Either way, it'll be interesting to say the least. "You never mentioned you ever wanted to go, not to me at least."

"Jerry, tell me, just when did you join?" Reda asked, batting her eyes at me. Sweeting me up for when she asks.

"About a year before I met you, I got grandfathered in when this membership thing started," I stated, truthfully.

"Are you telling me," her fingers curled around my shirt, "I could have been going to it all these years?!" Reda asked, in this lustful angry purr.

"Yeah, pretty much," I admitted. Knowing if I lied... not worth it.

"I'm not mad baby." Reda leaned forward; her cheek brushed against mine. Her breath hot in my ear, "you'll just have to take me tomorrow to start making up for it," she whispered.

"Umm... I have to make an appointment like everyone else, that could take weeks, but... but..." I had to hold off that temper as I saw her eyes narrowing. "Just come with me to mine." I noticed how Stacy looked at me when I said that.

"What do you mean, yours?" Reda asked, pressing her breasts into my chest. She knew she was playing dirty. Was I going to complain? No.

"I have the standard two appointments a month. My first one is in a few days. Just tell me what you want done and I'll see if I can't get you in besides what I already get."