Half-Sister, Full Lover, New Arrival


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Hannah was still for a few minutes, and I wondered if she'd been overwhelmed and maybe fainted. But then she worked herself into a sitting position. She looked feverish, and the gaze with which she fixed Hayeden spoke volumes. Hannah pulled her on top of her and pushed her until Hayeden was kneeling just above her face. Hayeden held onto the wall as Hannah plunged her mouth against her sex, almost attacking it. Hayeden was in for quite a ride! As Hannah did her best, sucking, lapping, teasing, flicking, dipping with the best of her ability, it was clear that Hayeden was almost there already. Less than fifteen seconds later, Hayeden threw her head back, crying out as she was enveloped, clam-shelled in a wave of climax. For several seconds she shook like a leaf in a storm, her hips thrusting forward helplessly, and then for another twenty seconds she coasted down before collapsing down at the edge of the bed, swinging herself off to the side as so not to hurt her cousin.

They shared another kiss, the mingled flavor of their juices no doubt shared between them, but this kiss was the kiss of completion, slow, calming. The show, which was incredible in its ferocity, unbelievable in its abandon, was over. I un-rooted my feet from the floor and crept as quietly as I could on feet that had fallen asleep. Pins and needles stabbed my heels the hardest and I winced. The only good thing that could possibly come from such cruel pain was the fact that my hard-on had almost disappeared by the time I reached the door. I worked my feet, enduring the pain with gritted teeth until it faded noticeably. The entire bout of spectacular lovemaking had lasted just over half an hour. I eased silently out the door, tiptoed down the stairs and sat in my car for almost another half hour, almost shaking just from being able to witness. I willed myself to calm down, to breathe deep breaths until I eventually listened to myself. Only once I felt that I had control over my emotions and my body did I leave the car again.

"Hello," I announced my presence this time, and heard a squeak of surprise. I suppressed a grin of awareness. It took them almost ten minutes to get dressed, perhaps wipe off excessive amounts of lubrication, perspiration, etc. I picked up my soda that I had left on the table and took large swigs to soothe my dry mouth. When they emerged from Hannah's room, Hayeden rushed straight into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. Hannah followed, instead turning towards me.

"Hi," she said a little breathlessly, and it almost appeared that her whole body was flushed, at least the parts that I could see.

"You sound out of breath," I noted off-handedly.

"Yeah," she replied, "Just a little."

I was about to say something, anything, but I stopped as I saw something in her dark eyes. My god, did she know I'd been watching her?

I managed nervously, "I figured that once you two are ready, we'd go see a movie. There's a comedy that sounds good."

The look in her eyes didn't change. I swear I think she was challenging me to betray myself!

"That sounds like fun," she said, smiling.

My heart pounded, but nothing in her expression seemed to indicate that she was offended that I had bore witness.

"I also thought that we might take a stroll on the beach or something."

"It might be cold," her eyes flashed, really making me nervous.

"Yeah, we'll have to take..." Oh shit! "Our jackets."

My jacket! I had left it on the chair. If she had come out of her room at any point before I'd come home, she would've seen that it was gone. Likewise, if she had come out, perhaps to get a towel with which to clean up, she would have noticed its sudden appearance back on the chair, not to mention the soda I'd left on the table.

"Yeah," she said, and I almost believed she'd read my mind before I realized that she'd only replied to my last statement.

Without a doubt, I had been caught. I felt like a complete dweeb!

She saved what little dignity I could possibly have by putting it all out there, "Yeah, I know. I hoped you enjoyed it."

"If you only knew how much," I blurted, glad to finally have it out in the open.

"The jacket and soda was only more proof," she confessed, grinning, "I did see you at the door. In fact, I had kinda hoped you would come home early. You can't imagine how much more exciting it was to know that my own big brother was watching us. It made it so...mmmm, kinky!"

I was speechless with the raging emotions that muddied up my mind. I honestly could not figure out for a moment how to form words and use my vocal cords to produce something intelligent!

Finally, like a miracle, I sputtered, "The m-movie starts at eight-fifty. We can go out and have dinner first, if you'd like."

With a smile that flashed like a mega-watt spotlight, she replied, "This is Hayeden's night. You can ask her what she thinks."

I nodded. 'Stunned' is a word in my vocabulary. The word to explain the level of 'stunned' that I was cannot possibly exist in the English language.

Hayeden emerged from the bathroom, and her hair was wet. She used a towel to pat it dry for a minute, saw the two of us just standing there.


I cleared my throat, "Um, we're going out tonight. I figured dinner, movie, and...a stroll on the beach, but I think we ought to ask for your opinion of it all."

"Why me?"

"We're doing it for you. I think you ought to have some say."

"I don't understand. What are you talking about?" Hayeden looked from me to Hannah, uncomprehending.

Hannah helped, "We're taking you out for a night on the town."


I answered, "Because you deserve it. You haven't told me what you went through back home that put you in the condition you were in last night and this morning, but Hannah and I feel that a night of fun and goofing off is in order."

She shook her head, embarrassed, "You don't have to do that; I'll be fine, really."

"Nonsense," I smiled, "Come on, get ready. We'll be leaving soon."

"I can't ask you to do that for me. Besides, I'm almost out of money, and I need to save what little I have left to pay you back."

I blinked, "Why on earth would you think I'd let you pay me for letting you stay?"

"Because," she said, frustrated, "It's only fair, the way I just showed up on your doorstep like that. I want to pay you back."

I recalled an old line from 'The Shining,' and it seemed appropriate, "Your money's no good here."

(I don't expect you to know it, or, having seen the movie, recall the line...it's just for my own amusement!)

"But...I can't afford a night on the town."

"All the more reason for it to be my treat."

When Hayeden burst into tears, I was momentarily confused. I stepped forward, and to my surprise, instead of fleeing, or taking a step backward as I had expected, she flung herself into my arms.

Hannah was also surprised by her cousin's outburst.

I heard Hayeden cry out against my chest, "I'm sorry, I don't want you to have to pay for me! It's not fair to you because I'm being a burden...It's...not fair!"

I held her against me, starting to understand her dilemma. She apparently felt that her being here was unexpected (it had been, true), and consequentially a burden (Obviously, it was not). She felt that she was indebted to Hannah and to me, and if I paid her way, she would not be confident of her ability to pay us back (outrageous! There's no way I could accept any attempt for her to reimburse me!). The fact seemed to mortify her.

So, in order to enlighten her on this whole situation, I began to speak.

"Come on, now, you being here maybe was unexpected, I'll give you that, but I think it was a pleasant surprise, regardless of what brought you here. You're the farthest thing from a burden, so put that right out of your head, okay? There will be no talk about any reimbursing, either. I have no intention of spending any money on you that I expect you to repay. We're doing this as much for us as you, you know that? We're all going to get ready, go out, and have fun. Come on, everything will be fine."

By the time I shut my mouth, Hayeden had calmed considerably. She still cried, but less emphatically. I soothed her, stroking my fingers through her hair, rubbing her back gently.

When she pulled her face away from my chest to look up at me, the vulnerability and fragility in her eyes about made me want to cry, myself. I pushed a strand of her hair away from her wet eyes.

"I...don't deserve..."

"Yeah, you do, you deserve this and more. You just don't realize it yet."

I saw out of the corner of my eyes that Hannah was also crying some.

"Look at this," I grinned, "You're crying, and now Hannah's crying. I'm starting to feel a bit misty, myself."

Hannah laughed through her tears, and I earned a small smile from Hayeden, for just a bare second, but it was worth it. I wiped Hayden's leaking eyes with the ball of my thumb.

"Come on now, go get ready so we can take you out. I don't know, consider it as a date."

She backed away, letting go of me, wiping her eyes, and went into Hannah's room to change.

Hannah, still crying a little, was next to fling herself into my arms, and I held her, too.

She cried a lot less vehemently, since her tears were shed for other reasons.

"I know," I laughed, "I know. Um, you realize that I'm getting all...bothered..."

She backed up a little, looking down at the erection that had begun to make another appearance. She laughed with me.

I calmed myself little by little as Hannah disappeared into her room with Hayeden. Not normally hit with so much emotion in one day, my weariness was understandable, at least to me it was. I sank into a chair and put my head down on the cool surface of the table. I managed to regain my composure, or at least an acceptable semblance of it by the time that the two girls reappeared.

"Oh shit," I goggled at the two. Hannah had put on a pleated purple, almost knee-length skirt, and a pink-and-purple baby-tee with a skull and crossbones, the skull replaced with that of a cartoon bunny. Hayeden had picked out a pair of hip-hugging, black velvet pants, and a shiny, red satin button up blouse that accentuated the assets contained therein.

"What?" Hannah asked, her smile froze on her face.

"I'll go get my stick," I started to stand up.

"What stick?" Hayeden chimed in.

"The stick I'm gonna have to use to keep away all the other guys."

The diner-style restaurant at five o'clock was just starting to get into rush hour. Luckily, we were quickly shown to a booth and seated. Hannah sat on the other side with Hayeden. The waiter, a twenty-something, tall, lanky guy with blank, limp hair was no doubt as impressed as I was with these two. He must've dropped his pencil four times while we all ordered. Hayeden blushed at the waiter's fumbling, obvious nervousness, but I'm pretty sure that Hannah was flashing some leg, maybe even a bit of underwear. I could believe it. She was getting a kick out of the poor waiter's reaction.

He hurried off to fill our order, and I glanced over at Hayeden. She was clearly uncomfortable with the fact that I was treating her to so much. She had tried to get the cheapest thing on the menu, but we wouldn't let her. When she looked my way, I stuck my tongue out and squinched up my face, trying my best to make her smile, or even laugh if I was lucky.

When she kicked me under the table, not hard, but just enough to get my attention, I was so surprised that I almost bit my tongue. But her smile was worth it. Hannah watched, amused at my almost childish attempts.

"After the movie," I joked, "we're gonna go to the mall, and just start buying stuff for Hayeden. And not just normal stuff; I'll be searching for a big, inflatable cigar-store Indian. I know just where to find one."

Hayeden scowled at me, and Hannah laughed.

"You better not," Hayeden did her best to restrain a smile.

The fumbling waiter brought our orders, getting them mixed up, since he was paying more attention to the girls in the seat across from me than what our food was or what it looked like. After he departed to hopefully get himself together, we fell to our food, which was as delicious as it was fragrant. As I bit into my burger, I wondered again what had compelled Hayeden to run away, to seek out Hannah. I had little pieces, nothing concrete, but just feelings and hunches. I wondered if she ever would trust me enough to tell me.

After I paid the check, leaving a generous tip for the poor waiter, we piled into my car and headed to the large theater. It took me a minute to find a place to park, and then we went inside. Hayeden expressed her desire to pay for her ticket.

"I thought we discussed this," I laughed, "Tonight is my treat. Period, end of story, case closed."

She relented, but was not very happy about it.

"Besides," I winked evilly, "Think of all the lap dances you can buy me later."

"Ha ha," Hayeden rolled her eyes, "I'll find the ugliest stripper I can for you."

"That's the kind he was hoping you'd buy him," Hannah piped in.

"Oh yeah! The uglier the better. In fact, there's this one stripper, she's got a mole on her chin that's so big, and she braids the long hairs on it. If I'm lucky, she'll stir my drink with it."

Mixed groans were my reply.

"That's just disgusting!" Hayeden laughed.

I bought the tickets, though not to the comedy. Apparently Hayeden wanted to see the horror movie. Hannah looked over at me, grinning, and I shrugged.

"Horror it is."

The movie would start in about fifteen minutes, so we found our seats in the back row, at Hayeden's insistence. I usually picked seats somewhere in the middle, but it was Hayeden's night, so we sat in the back. I found myself between the two, and in the backlighting of the theater, I saw more than one guy glance up my way, wondering how I'd hit the jackpot. Hannah told Hayeden that she and I would be right back, and she practically dragged me out to the lobby.

"We should get some popcorn and stuff," Hannah suggested, "And Hayeden will just feel guilty and say she didn't want anything if we brought her to get it."

I shrugged, "Sure, why not?"

We stood in line at the counter for a few minutes, and when it was our turn, we ordered a large popcorn, drinks for all three of us, and a few boxes of Skittles and gummy bears. It was a good thing my job paid well. Lugging it all back to our seats was a little difficult, what with me dipping my head down pick popcorn with my mouth.

Hannah laughed, "You betch! Quit getting your germs all over the popcorn!"

I grinned, munching on a few kernels of popcorn.

As we sat down and distributed the snacks, Hayeden looked slightly miffed at us. She kept quiet about it though. The movie started a few minutes later, or to be exact, the previews started. After only ten minutes of sitting through the previews, the movie finally started. I held onto the popcorn so that both Hayeden and Hannah could reach it. The movie began in some small town in the west, almost a desert town. I did my best to figure out the plot, but it was just too obscure. It was, however, sufficiently scary to make both Hannah and Hayeden jump, and I laughed. I felt Hannah pinch me in the side, making me jump, and the two laughed in turn. Overall, though seeming to miss a plot in particular, I guess it was a pretty good movie, awesomely gory.

By the time we made it back to the apartment, it was almost midnight, but we weren't tired. To the contrary, even Hayeden, who had been exhausted the day before, was laughing, ebullient. It was great to see her so much happier, a very welcome change from the day before. We sat down, Hannah and Hayeden on the loveseat, and me in my recliner.

"Why are you sitting way over there?" Hannah asked me, and I shrugged.

"Didn't want to crowd you two over there."

"Over here, betch."

"Who're you calling a betch?"

"You, betch. Get over here."

I leapt up and rushed over there, trying to sit on her, but she got a knee up, and pushed me over at Hayeden. I landed on her, sprawled out, trying to catch myself on the couch, instead finding myself almost straddling her lap. She was caught off guard, her eyes wide.

"Why, Hayeden, fancy meeting you here!" I joked awkwardly, and planted a big kiss on her cheek before disengaging myself from her lap.

She blushed brightly, seemingly unused to this kind of horseplay. I sat down between them, crowding them on the loveseat, just like I had said. I draped a leg over Hannah's lap, and leaned up against Hayeden.

"So...uh, you two come here often?"

Despite my jokes, my heart was beating its way through my chest, threatening to pop out like that movie, 'Alien.'

I looked up at Hayeden, "Am I squishing you?"

She shook her head, "Not really."

Hannah threw my leg off of her, got up and plopped herself into Hayeden's lap

"How about now?"

Before Hayeden could answer, Hannah leaned in and kissed her, not as I had, but full on the lips. I sat up, the better to watch.

Hayeden even started to kiss back before remembering that I was still there.

She stopped, "Hannah, what are you doing?"

Hayeden had looked at me when she'd asked.

"It's okay," I smiled, "I know about it."

Hayeden turned to Hannah, "You told him?"

I answered in Hannah's place, "No, she never told me a thing about it."

"Then how..." Hayeden began before jumping as if she'd been goosed, surprising Hannah, who was still sitting in her lap, "You saw us!"

I shrugged, a little embarrassed, "Yeah, I kinda came home early, and...heard some noises."

"And you didn't say anything? You weren't...grossed out or anything?"

I smiled a little, "No, it was actually quite...an enriching sight to see."

She blushed some, "You...liked it?"

"What wasn't to like?" I said honestly, "Though I kinda felt left out."

The air seemed to be charged with tension, with that 'before the storm' feeling. When Hannah leaned down again to kiss Hayeden, she no longer resisted, but gave into it whole-heartedly. Just seeing them kiss like that brought back that heat in my groin, a familiar ache as the fabric in my pants tented. I sat up a little, the fabric bunching up to hide my erection. Hannah leaned in further, breaking their kiss to nibble and kiss on her neck. Hayeden bared her neck eagerly for Hannah's lips, saw me, and hesitantly reached for me. She pulled me to her, and with a heart-breaking initial shyness, kissed me. Her shyness disappeared quickly when I kissed her with the fervor that Hannah had only a moment ago. Her breath was sweet, her tongue quick to meet mine. We kissed for a few minutes, exhilarated.

When I pulled back slightly, Hannah took over, and they kissed again. I watched this breaking of taboos, excited.

Hayeden pulled back and looked at Hannah, "If it's okay, it can just be you and me, and me and him. Just in case, you know, you didn't want to do anything with him."

"Why is that?" Hannah laughed, "I already have."

Hayeden was stunned, "You...when?"

"Oh, just night before last. And a few times since then."

"You didn't tell me."

"I thought you might be grossed out or something."

Hayeden looked at me curiously, and I added, "Some people feel it's way too taboo."

"About the same as a girl having sex with her cousin, I'd imagine," Hayeden replied.

Hannah stood up and pulled Hayeden with her.

Hannah looked at me, "Are you just gonna sit there? I mean, we could do this without you again."

I laughed, standing up, "What, and miss all the fun? Never!"

I figured that they were going into Hannah's room, since that would probably be where Hayeden was most comfortable. Instead, we ended up in my room. That was good, though, since the bed was a size bigger. Hayeden turned and jumped at me, driving me back onto the bed. Hannah laughed and joined us, kicking her shoes off. Hayeden pinned me to the bed with her body and pinned my head to the bed with a deep, deliciously deep kiss. Having taken her shoes off, Hannah began working at Hayeden's. Hayeden broke our kiss and laughed.