Half Way to Paradise


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But instead she was asleep to the world and all there was left for me to do was to cover her up, kiss each nipple and then her lips, turn out her light, open her door and leave, shutting the door on what should have been some licentious incestual relief.

But even I was well oiled and I hardly remember my head hitting the pillow.

In the morning she was gone – off to her workout, somehow. That exercise session was going to hurt, I thought to myself and how she managed to get up so early on top of all that booze, beat me.

I at least could delay my departure until I'd recovered and had some breakfast but I was reluctant to leave. Reluctant because of the unfulfilled business and I knew that we wouldn't have another chance to get together until at least another few weekends had passed. Damn and double damn!!

I couldn't resist a quick look in Tina's room before I left – a kind of visual reminder for me.....and there on the floor was a pair of her knickers – the same ones she'd been wearing the night before, if I wasn't mistaken.

Swiftly they were pocketed although not before I held them to my nose for a good sniff; the aroma of aroused femininity was still strong and I felt my cock lurch. I'd find a better use for them some time later......

I was home in the regulation two hours and almost as soon as I logged into the internet an email from Tina popped up.

She was full of apologies and promises and warmth and I was warm in my reply although I did remind her that she ought to replace Dad's brandy! I also expressed my regret that I hadn't been able to stay longer if only to say goodbye to her, not actually stating the real reason, however.

But this was the first email in which either of us had brought up the subject of our growing sexual arousal and closeness....although I couldn't bring myself to mention her missing knickers.

However, somehow the intimacy barrier had been broken and over the next few weeks our messages became ever more erotic and personal, culminating in Tina sending me a full frontal selfie. I couldn't leave it at that without returning a good close-up of my very erect penis, naturally!

The weeks flew by and with just a few days to go I popped over one evening for a 'business meeting' with Tina to check that we'd got everything under control.

And yes, we'd been diligent in our planning – we'd both got a full complement of all the necessary documents which we now brought together under my care. There was little or no chance of any social or sexual interaction on this visit and with our parents at our elbow we kept things clean and above board, so to speak.

The taxi had already been booked for the roughly three hour journey to Heathrow Airport and finally it was all done – all we were now waiting for was for the days to pass – and they seemed to take so long.

But suddenly it was 'go' and there was just that last minute feeling of almost panic in case something has been forgotten, but a double check revealed nothing.

Nevertheless it was with some trepidation that I locked the door behind me and trundled my cases out to the taxi but gradually my worries faded as we left home further and further behind.

It seemed silly in a way to go by taxi to my parents' house and then on to Heathrow but no way was I taking my car – I'd probably get lost in the car park! So the taxi took the strain – and on our return it was planned that Tina and I would go back to my place (our flight would arrive back in the middle of the night) and then on to our parents' at a more reasonable hour.

Tina was at the gate, all smiles and laughter and happiness and as she slid in beside me I felt that we were finally about to make things happen and in the taxi we snuggled together; my hand holding one of her breasts while one of her hands clasped my penis.

I won't go into the interminable delays; the queues; the bustle; the worry over our luggage and so on but all of a sudden we were in the aircraft and then, after another age had passed as we slowly taxied to take off – suddenly we were in the air and on our way!

Relief flooded through me, enhanced by Tina's hand clutching mine as we ascended – and finally we could both smile contentedly, almost as if we knew exactly what the next few weeks would bring.

We'd decided to include a stop-over in Dubai if for no other reason that I wanted to see the Burj Khalifa, some 2,700 feet tall and it didn't seem all that long before we were descending towards the dizzying spires of the city and the incredible manmade landscape and seascape.

And once again, I won't go into our sightseeing in Dubai, fascinating thought it was, because that's not part of my story but I will add that we kept well apart while we were there.

So I'll pick it up again after we'd been back in the air for a few hours.....

We were dozing quietly when an announcement was made.

"This is your captain speaking – I'm sorry to say that we have developed a small technical fault....nothing serious but we have been advised to return to Dubai. Arrangements are being made to transfer you all to another plane......"

Oh what fun! Bloody hell!

Tina and I looked at each other with something like horror in our eyes. Because, in Dubai, with their strict rules, we hadn't even dared to hold hands or kiss, let alone get sexy.

And that was just the start – what could go wrong went wrong, time after time.

We were delayed for almost 36 hours.

The replacement plane had to stop to refuel in Singapore – necessitating another overnight stay; but in shared rooms....shared, that is, with other people!

The next leg was to Sydney – some 2,000 miles from our destination – and once there we were advised not to travel up north because a powerful cyclone was bearing down on the area.

We flew up to Brisbane in the hope that things might improve – but they didn't – north Queensland was more or less on lock-down until further notice and even the flight to Brisbane wasn't without it's drama as a passenger suffered a heart attack and died right there in his seat.

And us? We were shunted from pillar to post and from one shoddy hotel room to another and back with our luggage chasing us; no-one's fault really but why us! All fates were against us, it seemed.

Eventually I had enough – I kind of blew my top which wasn't like me at all.

Contacting the resort I managed to extract a promise of a free replacement holiday to be taken some time in the next twelve months and our travel insurance covered us for a fair amount of the wasted journeys so we had two choices. Stay in Australia somewhere different or return home and do it all again at a later date.

In view of all that had gone wrong we had no appetite to stay – we'd had enough and could only think of going home. I even felt that any hope of a relaxed time had gone, so the original value of the holiday was already lost and we made the decision to return without delay.

And I need hardly tell you that the return was carried out perfectly – a good flight with only a refuelling stop – no delays at all and even our luggage had caught up with us.

But it was eleven at night before we cleared customs and collected our luggage and eventually got hold of a taxi and some three hours later we were at my gate – at last.

The house was quiet and lonely but it was home – it wasn't moving and it wasn't about to be hit by a cyclone and it was our secure base. I wandered around my home almost as if I'd forgotten about it, refreshing my memories as I went and eventually I felt that I was comfy once more so I returned to the lounge.

Tina was still there, perhaps in a sense of shock, so I walked up to her and wrapped my arms around her from behind.

"We're safe," I said simply, "Home – home is where the heart is."

Tina swivelled in my arms until she was facing me.

"I feel safer now than I have all week," she said, "My heart is definitely here."

She pulled me tight to her and kissed me – a quick kiss at first but as we clung together another kiss seemed the right thing to do – and then another longer one and then we were glued together; our slippery wet lips locked; our tongues savouring the texture of our teeth and of each other's tongues; our saliva mixing freely along with our breath.

We pulled apart panting wildly.

"That's better," said Tina, "I needed that" and I agreed wholeheartedly as our lips met again.

This time our hands were busy too, exploring the contours of our bodies; me cupping her buttocks and pulling her shoulders closer to me; her running her hands over my shoulders too and down and around my waist. Things were starting to get more urgent now; our hands were wandering into ever more exciting places; I'd managed to get one hand between us to hold and massage a breast while Tina had, almost inevitably managed to find my penis.

"Bedroom!" I managed to say and leaving a litter of clothes behind us we advance on the big king-sized bed of mine and collapsed onto it.

"Oh God yes!" moaned Tina as I extracted one breast from its confines and began to squeeze and caress it, "Oh yes, yes – please don't stop!"

"Hang on," said Tina as she reached behind her and suddenly her bra fell loose and her stupendous breasts were there for my delectation.

I rolled her over onto her back so I could attack them more freely and it took no time at all for me to clamp my lips onto one rubbery little protrusion while I held the other in my fingers.

Tina was squirming under me as I lay half over her to better enjoy her breasts; her wonderful pliable, plump pillows just made for a tit lover like me!

"Wait – wait a bit," said Tina as she wriggled her knickers off, "Oh that's better! Come and love me Bobby!"

As if I wouldn't do just that!

I left her slippery nipples and slowly slid down the bed, raining kisses on every part of her body as I went. Reaching her belly button I stuck my tongue inside and wriggled it around and as she jerked around I made the most of the movements and flipped her over onto her front.

Tina gasped as I did so and then began to groan as I started my kiss-quest down her back, following her spine from her neck right down, down, down until I found the cleft of her bum.

"Oh no!" moaned Tina, not really meaning it as I slid my tongue between her cheeks making Tina shiver with erotic pleasure.

"Oh God, yes," she moaned as I reached one arm under her pelvis and lifted her rump up towards me. Quickly I dragged a pillow down and positioned it under her. Slowly I returned to my journey, allowing my tongue and lips to slide down until finally the tip of my tongue touched her puckered asshole.

"Ooooooh nooooooo!" moaned Tina as I flicked my tongue over her flesh, "Aaaaaahhh!"

And while I was busy with my tongue I slid my hand down between her legs and moments later I was cupping her pussy.

"Please, please," cried Tina as I touched her clitoris, "Oh yesssss – there! Yes – there!"

I slid two fingers up alongside her clit and rubbed them gently against her little protruding erection, causing her to groan and moan constantly and all the while my tongue was laving her asshole causing it to undulate and pulse in and out.

"No more, no more," groaned Tina but I wasn't finished, not by a long way!

Because with my hand over her pussy and my fingers at her clit I now pushed my thumb steadily yet smoothly into her wetted asshole, aided by my copious saliva.

"Aaaaagh!" screamed Tina, not from pain but just from the sensation, that was obvious. Because as I pushed inwards, so her ass seemed to suck my thumb inside and I felt my thumb being squeezed deliciously.

"Ah – ah – ah!" cried Tina, "You're making me cum – ooooh I'm cumming! Oh you sod!"

And she was off on a wild exciting orgasm – a release that I'd never witnessed in her before. Her hips were rearing and bucking; her thighs were crushing my wrist and her ass was massaging my thumb as if to suck the life from it.

"Oh – oh – ohhhhhh!" she cried as another strong spasm ran through her then slowly and gently I let her slide back down from her peak, removing my thumb and my hand from her body.

I rolled her over onto her back again and looked down at her lovely body – a body that was now glowing pinkly; that was heaving as she breathed, her breasts cushioned out over her chest, her legs slightly apart – a body that would have looked perfect as a centrefold in a porn magazine.

She was just so ready for fucking!

"You've still got your trousers on," said Tina accusingly, "get 'em off – now!"

"Shit – so I have," I said, having completely forgotten about that end of my body.

And as I pushed my trousers down, something hard in the back pocket rubbed against my hand and I pulled it out of the pocket.

It was a small brochure for the resort we never reached – Paradise!

I held it up and showed it to Tina before I threw it away and she laughed.

"Hah – paradise is where we are!" she said, "This is paradise!"

'Oh well,' I thought, 'We'd made it almost all the way to paradise – so near and yet....'

"Yeah," I growled as I pushed my underpants off my legs, "It's about time we got there. But who needs paradise – I'd rather have you."

And finally Tina and I were both completely naked together and as I wriggled back up the bed Tina rolled towards me and our lips met once again but this time our bodies did too – from lips to toes.

"Oh my darling, I've so wanted you," Tina moaned, "All this time – ever since I was old enough to know about life and love."

"You were never in my mind because I didn't really know you," I said, "You were just 'the brat' to be avoided but now – wow!"

"You're going to make love to me, aren't you Bobby," Tina said, wrapping one leg over my hip and trapping my penis tight between her legs.

"We shouldn't should we," I said, "its incest – we can get done for this!"

"So bloody what!" said Tina, now rubbing her breasts against my chest, "If that's the case we should have gone down months ago when we first got to know each other and since we didn't we might as well be hung for a sheep as for a lamb!"

I laughed but I had to admit that she was right – we passed the 'illegal' post ages ago.

"Speaking of going down....." I said, "Excuse me!"

And with that I squirmed out of her embrace and slid down the bed, spreading Tina's legs wide as I did so – she didn't object, even when I climbed over one thigh and settled myself with my face poised over her sex.

"Shall we start?" I said humorously, "Right – here we go!"

So saying I lowered my face downwards, my eyes closed; my stretched-out tongue finding her navel for the second time in my life. Tina shuddered as I touched her – she was coiled up and ready to erupt at any moment..... I heard her suck in a long breath through tight lips.....

Slowly I worked my way downwards, running my tongue in little circles over her taut abdomen until the taste changed – I'd arrived very close to her cum-splattered pussy. Now I moved carefully down one side, my chin brushing against her slick flesh, my tongue sliding in the groove where her thigh joined her body until I felt my nose slide over her pubic mound.

I crossed over and began running my tongue up her other thigh, kissing her body as I went until Tina was moaning loudly and shaking as if she was icy cold and shivering – but she wasn't – she was steaming hot instead!

And finally I allowed my kissing lips to touch her lips, parting them with my tongue – eliciting cries of ecstasy; bubbles of fluid secretions and thrusts of her lust and desire.

"Oh my God – oh my God!" she kept repeating, "That's good – so good – you'll make me cum again – oh, oh, oh Goddddd!"

She wailed as she orgasmed once more, her body bucking under me, thrusting her pelvis up at my mouth. Her legs were wide apart now as were her vaginal lips, welcoming me in – inviting me to penetrate her.

With only my tongue I did just that – sliding swiftly on a bed of slippery juices to probe inside her little tight hole. She tasted like heaven – smooth and syrupy, warm and erotic were her juices on my tongue and in my mouth.

"Stop it – stop it!" she wailed, not really meaning it because she was holding my head in place!

Anyway, I hadn't finished – I hadn't even reached her clit yet! But I left her hole and allowed my tongue to slide upwards once more, so slowly that Tina once again began to buck her hips towards me as I neared her hot little clit.

For once I opened my eyes and there before me it was – an inch or so of reddish aroused throbbing tissue in a sea of smooth cum-coated pink flesh – and in a flash I grasped it between my lips!

"Aaaaaaahhhhh!" screamed Tina, "Oh yesssssss!"

And she was off again – another orgasm blasted through her body, shaking her to the core as I sucked her clit into my mouth. I let my teeth scrape gently over it and Tina moaned deeply as I made love to her body.

"Come up here," she said, panting quickly, "Come inside me now – please!"

My rampant penis was all in favour of that idea and as I slid up the bed above her, I felt him slide eagerly into the slot – the starting gate. We managed to kiss as I made my cock slide around to ensure that he was well lubricated, although I knew that he'd become self-lubricating some while ago and wouldn't have any trouble in entering, but first.....

"Condom?" I asked and Tina shook her head.

"No way – I want you to be all mine, skin to skin," she said dreamily, "You're mine now Bobby darling, aren't you?"

"Could we be lovers?" I asked, meaning could we live together and Tina nodded.

"More than lovers Bobby – I want your baby," she said sweetly, "I'll never love anyone as much as I love you and I'm getting on a bit now so it's time I started a family. So will you help me?"

It was a bit of a shock to think of becoming a dad but I was ready – and I couldn't ask for a better partner so I nodded too.

"Come on then lover – push!" she said and her hips lifted towards me, capturing the end of my penis in her hole.

And push I did, slowly and gently but realising that here was an experienced woman who was able to accommodate my length with comparative ease.

"Oooohhhh, that's better," groaned Tina as my penis filled her hot vagina, "Just leave him there for now."

Obedient already I did as I was asked, although from time to time my penis jerked all by himself, sending shock waves through us both until Tina started to use her vagina on me.

I looked her in the eyes and we were both glittering with excitement as we started into the final phase of our love-making.

"I love you Bobby," said Tina, her eyes swimming with tears, "I love you so much!"

"And you Tina; if only I'd known...." I said happily, "It's going to be so good together."

For a while we didn't move – instead we allowed our inner body to take charge; muscular spasms and twitches only; pulses and waves of tingling passion; tiny involuntary movements that sent huge waves of lust and love through us, until we could stand no more.

"I'm ready," said Tina eventually, "Love me."

"Oh God, yes," I said as I started to move in and out of her hole; her hot flesh grasping my pole, sucking me back inside her. And I felt her hips somehow spread even wider – she was opening herself up to me completely – offering her very core to me as I began to move a bit faster.

Soon our bodies were slapping together, a fine spray of fluid particles of our combined sexual juices coating our loins; a coating of sweat covering both of us as we clung together and fucked. Harder and harder we thrust; faster and faster came our breaths; more and more frenzied became our movements until, with a final flurry I froze. Rigid – until my ejaculatory system unloaded.....

"Oh – oh – oooooooh!" I cried as I felt my long pent-up discharge erupt inside my sister's vagina – inside her womb, for all I knew.