Halloween College Party Fun

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Halloween party leads to superhero cosplay sex with cousins.
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***All characters are over 18 and are fictional. Any resemblance to any real-life persons or situations is purely coincidental.

Author's Note: Be ready for some nerdy superhero talk. It may be a little much, but it works for the story.


Ben looked at himself in the mirror. He liked how he looked wearing that Superman costume, and even flexed for himself a little to see how his muscles appeared while wearing it. He wasn't as muscular as the actors who often played Superman, but he had some good muscle tone, especially in the arms. After a few years of having a jock for a dorm roommate, he learned some things about fitness and exercise that gave him a whole new look. In his first semester as a freshman, he was a scrawny 18-year-old nerd who would be lucky if he could lift 60 pounds. He was now a 21-year-old junior and able to bench 225 lbs. He was still a nerd, but at least now he was a strong nerd.

Being a nerd is why he chose a Superman costume. He was always a big fan of comic books. Except, he didn't want to do the whole red underwear outside of the blue uniform. It looked good in the comic books, but a little ridiculous in real life. He chose a costume that was available online that was similar to the one worn in the movie Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice. The costume was in a darker shade of blue than the traditional light blue, and instead of red underwear, there was a yellowish belt around his waist.

"You look just like him," said his roommate, Daryll. "But there are several other people going as Superman to the party. Seriously, you should've picked something more original."

"Remind me again of what your costume is going to be?" Ben shot back at him.

Ben was reminding Daryll that he had agreed to do a couple's costume with his girlfriend and that they were going as Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head.

"OK, I admit my costume will be pretty lame," said Daryll. "But at least I have a reason for wearing it. I have a girlfriend who fucks me all the time. When was the last time you even shook a girl's hand?"

Daryll was exaggerating, but it was true that Ben hadn't been out meeting women that much this semester since his ex-girlfriend broke up with him over the summer. He tried to date again, but he had been so busy with his classes this semester that he hadn't had many chances to go out with anybody. He was hoping that would change tonight as there would be plenty of women at the party he could talk to.

Daryll's girlfriend, Julie, came by wearing her Mrs. Potato Head costume. The costume was just the Potato Head character covering her torso, with her arms and legs sticking out of it, covered in black sleeves and black leggings. She handed Daryll his costume; he put on a fake smile when she gave it to him, and he left the room to put it on. Julie commented on how good Ben looked as Superman; he thanked her and commented on how cute she looked in hers. He couldn't blame Daryll for giving her what she wanted; if he had a girlfriend as hot as Julie, he would also give her whatever she asked for.

When Daryll came out in his costume, Ben, of course, made fun of him because that's what good friends do. After taking some pictures together, they headed out to the party, which was at a local frat house for the Theta Sigma Pi fraternity. It was the biggest fraternity on campus, and they had all the best parties throughout the year.

When they arrived, the house was crowded inside and out with college students in a wide range of crazy costumes. Many of the men there dressed in standard costumes, while the majority of the women there dressed in sexy versions of whatever theme you could think of. There were sexy nurses, teachers, football players, cowgirls, native Americans, superheroes, cats, police officers, and the list just kept going. There were even a couple of sexy nuns; being raised Catholic, Ben found that blasphemous but at the same time very attractive.

Ben looked around and didn't see that many other guys in superman costumes like him. He counted only two other people dressed like him, but they dressed in the versions with the lighter blue fabric and red underwear on the outside.

"This is more packed than usual," said Ben.

"They're getting students from another local college here," said Daryll.

"Yeah, I hear members of APT, GTC and BDD Delta are here," said Julie.

"BDD? That sounds familiar," said Ben.

"It's short for Beta Delta Delta," said Julie.

"You must've heard of BDD by now," said Daryll. "Also known as Big Double D's."

Julie rolled her eyes at Daryll, as she did not like that nickname, even if it wasn't her own sorority. BDD has been known to have some of the hottest girls around, so a reputation formed around them. Usually, it's about all the members being incredibly hot, loving to party, and always dressed slutty. One of the biggest rumors about them was that you had to have a large breast size to become a member. Because of that, frat guys, being ever so clever, used their abbreviation of BDD and turned it into Big Double D's.

Julie had to remind them that those were just rumors about who they really were. She knew members of BDD and knew they weren't anything like that. Julie explained how they only got that reputation because they were one of the biggest and longest running sororities, which means they usually got all the best and most popular girls wanting to join them. She said they were mostly beautiful, but in a standard way. They didn't go around dressing sexy all the time, because that would be ridiculous, and there were no big tit requirements; you can see among them that they all had a wide range of breast sizes. They did like to party, that part was true, as they always went to the best parties they could find.

"Yeah, I think I heard of them, but from somewhere else," said Ben. "I think I might know someone from BDD I just don't know how."

They separated, and Ben found himself talking to some of his other college friends and having beers with them. He later danced with a couple of girls dressed as a slutty cop and another as a slutty belly dancer. He tried to make his moves on the slutty belly dancer, but it turned out she was more into the slutty cop than he was. He wasn't having as much luck with the women as he hoped, but he was still having fun with everyone else.

After a while, he met up with Daryll and Julie again by the punchbowl and a table full of Halloween themed snacks.

"How often did you strike out tonight?" Daryll asked.

"I'm doing alright," Ben lied.

Julie and Daryll gave each other a look, mentally telling each other that they knew Ben was striking out.

"Since you're into this superhero stuff, try going after the girls who are also dressed as superheroes," Julie suggested.

"Yeah, so far I've seen slutty Wonder Woman, slutty Catwoman, slutty Black Widow, and slutty Captain Marvel," said Daryll.

"Is it Captain Marvel now, or from the original black costume from when Carol Danvers was the original Ms. Marvel?" Ben asked.

"What?" Julie asked, looking confused.

Ben showed how nerdy he still was by explaining to them the costume changes over the years of the original Ms. Marvel to the current Captain Marvel. He was going on for so long that Julie had to put her hand over Ben's mouth to shut him up.

"If you want to get laid tonight, no more nerd talk," said Julie.

"I like to think of myself more as a geek than a nerd."

"Yeah, nobody cares, bro," said Daryll.

"But still, it's a good idea to go after the ones dressed as superheroes as a way to start up a conversation," said Julie. "And I see the perfect girl right over there for you."

Julie pointed to the other side of the room, where there was another snack table with a few girls standing around it. The one that Julie was referring to was dressed as a slutty Super Girl. Ben could only see her from behind, but he could tell that she was incredibly hot.

"I always had a thing for Super Girl," said Ben.

"Don't say that to her," said Julie. "Just bring up how you're both wearing similar costumes. Now go, before some jock in a sexy Thor costume comes by and you lose your chance."

When Julie mentioned Thor, Ben wanted to bring up that she was referring to a different comic book publisher, but resisted. He left his friends and made his way over to Super Girl; along the way he tried to come up with something clever to say to her to start a conversation. He got to her just in time for her friends to leave her by herself, which made Ben happy since he could have her attention for himself. He came up from behind her and said the first thing that came to his mind.

"Careful, I hear that punch is spiked with Kryptonite," he said to her.

Ben immediately regretted saying that to her and wondered what was wrong with him.

As she turned around to face Ben, she replied, "I don't think Kryptonite was ever made into liquid form."

They looked at each other with surprised looks, which changed to big smiles on their faces.



They gave each other a big hug. Ben looked over at his friends on the other side of the room, who were giving each other excited looks. Ben laughed to himself a little because he knew his friends were probably thinking he was better with women than they thought.

The reality was that April was Ben's cousin, who was going to the other college in this town. This made Ben realize where he heard Beta Delta Delta from, as he just remembered that April was a member of that sorority.

They stopped hugging and looked at each other in their costumes. She commented on how much he looked like Superman, and he told her how good she looked as Super Girl. Her costume, on the other hand, featured a smaller cape, a red skirt half the size of the kind worn in the comics, but she had the matching knee-high red boots. Her top tight around her big breasts, which stretched out the Super Girl around the sides, and the material was cut off just below her breasts to reveal her torso.

"It's funny running into you here," she said. "I knew you went to this college, but I wasn't sure if I was going to see you."

"Yeah, I didn't expect to see you either. I completely forgot you're a member of Big Dou--I mean BDD."

April laughed. "I know what you were almost going to say. I heard about the rumors too."

They both laughed. Ben apologized, and April said there was no need for that.

"It's also funny that we're wearing these costumes," said Ben.

"Right, because Superman and Super Girl are cousins," said April. "That is a fun coincidence."

"I forgot how much of a nerd you are, just like me."

"I'd like to think of more of them as geeks than nerds," she responded.

Ben smiled and wished Daryll and Julie had heard her say that.

"To be honest, I almost didn't go with this one. I wanted to go with Power Girl, but they were out of her costume."

"I think you would look great in that one, too," said Ben.

"Oh yeah, why would I look good dressed as Power Girl?" she asked, giving him a smirk. "What is it about that costume that would make you look good wearing it?"

Power Girl's costume was notoriously sexy because not only was that character known for having overly big breasts, but her costume had a big opening in the front that showed them off. April was messing with Ben by suggesting that his cousin would look good dressed like that because of how sexy the costume is.

"Um, that's not what I meant... what I meant was... um..." he couldn't stop stammering like that.

April laughed. "Relax. I was just messing with you."

Ben laughed. "That was a good one."

They talked a little more before one of her friends came by to take her away. After that, Ben went off to have another drink and danced a little more with another woman from his chemistry class, dressed as a slutty scientist.

Ben ended up making out with the slutty scientist after they danced. After that, she wanted to take Ben to an upstairs bedroom that she knew was empty. But before they go there, a friend of hers came by to warn her that her boyfriend had shown up and she had to run off before he saw them together. As disappointed as Ben was, he didn't want to be caught up in some drama between another man and his cheating girlfriend.

Ben went back on the dance floor and ran into Daryll and Julie.

"What happened to the slutty scientist I saw you hooking up with?" Daryll asked.

"Her boyfriend showed up."

"Ooohh," Daryll and Julie said in unison.

"What about slutty Super Girl you were hugging earlier?" Daryll asked.

"Can we not refer to every woman here in a sexualized costume with the word slutty?" Julie asked.

"Fine, how about big-titty Super Girl?"

Julie rolled her eyes in disappointment.

"I'd rather you not call her that," said Ben.

"Why not?"

"Um... turns out she's an old friend from high school," said Ben. "I just didn't recognize her from behind when I first saw her. That's why BDD sounded familiar to me, I forgot she was a member."

Ben decided not to mention how he really knew April. The last thing he needed was to be made fun of for nearly making a pass at his own cousin.

"Either way, you should go for it," said Daryll. "She is definitely the type of BDD girl we heard so much about."

"Yeah, she seemed really into you," said Julie.

"Um... I'll consider the option."

That was the best response Ben could give at the moment, hoping that would end the conversation. Then, all of a sudden, April came out of nowhere and pulled him away from his friends.

"Sorry, I need to borrow him," April said to Daryll and Julie.

Ben was being forced away to the dance floor; he looked back at Daryll and Julie, who were giving him thumbs up. He was worried he'd have to explain to them how wrong their ideas were.

"What's going on?" Ben asked.

"This creepy guy keeps hitting on me," said April. "I told him I was here with my boyfriend. So that's going to have to be you right now."

"Say what?"

It was bad enough that he almost made a pass at his cousin earlier, and that his friends unknowingly suggested that he hook up with his cousin. Now April wants him to pretend to be her boyfriend.

"It's just until the guy gets the hint that I'm definitely not interested," said April.

She pointed out the guy she was referring to, a tall guy dressed as the Grim Reaper. Ben couldn't tell if the guy's pale face was from makeup, or if he really did look like that. April said he was constantly trying to flirt with her but she told him she had a boyfriend. He kept coming back to her, so she decided to use Ben to persuade him that she is telling the truth and that he should back off.

Ben decided that he should go along with the ruse. It felt strange to pretend to be April's boyfriend, but he didn't want her to be harassed by some creepy dude at a party.

They began dancing with each other, with Julie getting close to him to sell the girlfriend ruse. They soon forgot why they were originally doing this and were just having fun showing off their dance moves.

"Since when did you get so good at this?" April asked.

"My ex-girlfriend showed me a few moves," Ben answered. "She said she got tired of me stepping on her toes."

April got excited when the next song came up, saying it was her favorite one to dance to. She began dancing a little more erotically against Ben. She was grinding him a lot; it was strange, but Ben was starting to enjoy this. When she arched her back a little and began shaking her tits, Ben felt his dick growing in his pants and was worried it might be noticeable with April grinding against him. He couldn't believe he was getting aroused by his own cousin. He was just lucky that, unlike Superman's tight-fitting costume in the omics, his costume was a little looser in the appropriate areas, so his erection wouldn't be noticed as much.

The song changed to Lizzo's 'About Damn Time'. The style of April's dance changed, which meant no more grinding against Ben. He was relieved because his erection would soon go away, but also upset that he didn't have the excuse to let April rub her body against him.

Ben began dancing pretty much the same way as April for the Lizzo song. April was very impressed that he was able to move along to the rhythm of the song so well. Every time the song said 'About Damn Time," they both pulled the same moves with the beats of that line.

"You must also be a Lizzo fan," said April.

"Yes, but don't tell my friends that."

When the song ended, there was a big commotion in the corner. Everyone looked over to watch the creepy grim reaper guy getting his ass kicked by another student dressed as a cowboy. Ben asked someone what was happening, and he was told that the grim reaper guy was trying to get inappropriate with a woman dressed as a sexy Cinderella. Her boyfriend, the Cowboy, saw the whole thing and began kicking his ass.

Some of the party guests began separating the cowboy from the grim reaper when they saw the reaper was in no condition to fight back. A couple of guys carried the reaper guy was carried away, while the sexy Cinderella took her Cowboy boyfriend away in another direction. From the look on Cinderella's face, April joked with Ben about how she was going to reward the cowboy for a job well done.

"At least you don't have to worry about that creepy guy anymore," said Ben.

"That's a relief."

They danced to a couple more songs before they separated. Ben hoped there would be another song for them to grind each other to, but it didn't happen. He thought it was probably a good thing; he didn't want to be one of those creepy guys trying to bang their cousins. He was also afraid he might make an actual pass at her and get her mad at him.

Ben danced a little more, this time with someone dressed as a sexy native American, until her girlfriend came by dressed as a sexy cop and got in Ben's face about him dancing with her girl. Ben didn't know what to do because he didn't want to fight a woman. Luckily for him, the sexy native American calmed her down and took her away.

He grabbed a drink and went to another part of the house. He wound up in the game room, which was a lot bigger than most game rooms seen in other frat houses. Everyone was divided into groups to play video games, beer pong, pool, and a few traditional Halloween games like apple bobbing, limbo, and mummy wrap. There was pin the tail on the donkey, except in this version, a blindfolded guy has to put two tassels on both nipples of a woman's exposed breasts. Seeing that game made him realize how much he loved Halloween college parties.

Ben joined in on the video games a little before playing a little pool and beer pong. He didn't bob for apples, but he enjoyed watching the other guests do it; especially the girls, who kept getting their shirts wet as a result. He saw a group of people playing spin the bottle; it was a teenager's game, but part of Halloween was getting to play those games as an adult. Ben tried to get in on the action, but there were too many people playing and others waiting for their turn.

He saw a small crowd forming in another part of the house and went to see what was happening. He saw a man dressed as Iron Man in the middle of an open area with a blindfold on him. A couple of people were spinning him around several times and then letting him go, trying to keep his balance as he went around trying to touch people.

"What's happening here?" Ben asked someone.

"Variation of the 7-minute in heaven game," said a guy dressed as Freddy Krueger. "Someone is blindfolded, spun around a lot, then he goes around trying to pick someone in the crowd, and that person goes into the closet with him for seven minutes of whatever they want to do."

"But you don't know what the person you pick looks like until you get into the closet with them," said Krueger's girlfriend, dressed as a murder victim. "But it's all voluntary. The person he picks doesn't have to go in there with him. If that happens, then he goes on to the next person."