Hannah's Revenge Ch. 08

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Hannah's torture of Victoria takes another dark turn.
6.9k words

Part 8 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/21/2015
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I hurried down the corridor away from Ms. McLaughlin's office as fast as my legs could carry me, the trauma of the events in that room seared into my memory, whilst the tang of her pussy and wetness of her kiss still burning in my mouth. The corridor widened into a small vestibule at the front of the building and held an imposing drinks vending machine, its modernity and bright advertising in stark contrast to the otherwise traditional interior design that was the hallmark of Greenbrier. Desperate to wash out the rancid taste swilling within my mouth, I tore my purse out of my blazer pocket and grabbed a couple of pound coins before punching in the numbers for some orange sports drink.

The machine moved with agonising slowness, the taste of cum and spit on my tongue worsening as the cleansing power of the drink became my sole focus. Eventually, there was the thud of the bottle hitting the slot and I grabbed it in one fluid moment and I tore open the building door, allowing the bright light of the sun to flood over me before zipping outside and slamming the door, the rattle of my abandoned change hitting the bottom of the machine clattering behind me.

I had never much been one for sports drinks before, or at least not the luminous chemical ones like the one firmly gripped in my hand, much preferring a replenishing smoothie or just simple water to revitalise me after my workouts, but at that moment there was no sweeter taste in the world than the sweet orange flavour that exploded in my mouth. Of course, I ended up having to spit the first few mouthfuls out onto the ground, the disgusting tang of Ms. McLaughlin's many fluids merely merging with the flavour of the first few sips, but eventually I managed to clear my mouth of their disgusting tastes and quickly drained the rest of the bottle. The speed at which I finished the drink a testament to the disgusting taste in my mouth, the exertion of my traumatic experience in Ms McLaughlin's office, and of course the almost unbearable heat of the day.

With some distance between myself and the office, and the taste thoroughly cleaned from my mouth, I could feel myself calming down. It was only then another horror revealed itself to me. The stink of Ms. McLaughlin's sweat and sex was clinging to me, the sheen of her pussy juice on my face and her wetness in my hair a constant scented reminder of what had just happened to me. Looking back in the direction of the PE department and the showers within, I couldn't bring myself to take even one step closer back in the direction of Ms McLaughlin. But equally I couldn't bring myself to return to the other classes I had later that day. I was much too shaken by the trauma to concentrate, to say nothing of the noticeable sex smell that would have poured off my face and hair to my fellow students. I decided that, no matter how horrible the thought was of returning to the room that I was forced to share with Hannah, even more horrible and disgusting than Ms McLaughlin, the urge to shower and purify myself was almost the only thing on my mind.

The growl of my empty stomach at the end of lunchtime was the only reason I wasn't zipping backing to Morrison House and the cleansing shower within. Since I had already resigned myself to skipping the rest of the day's classes, I began slinking in the direction of the dining hall. The quickly emptying campus was both a welcome sign that there would be fewer people to get close enough to see, or even worse smell, the signs of filth that clung to my face and hair; and yet equally was a worrying sign of the lateness of the hour... Hopefully there would still be some remnants of lunch being served that I could hurriedly rush through and grab and limit my humiliating exposure as much as possible.

Of course, the luck of my life had so vastly deteriorated in the last few days that it should have come as no surprise to anyone that the dining hall was all but abandoned. Tables had been cleared by students, with only a handful of staff at the other end tidying away the last remnants of lunch. One the one hand I was glad, I don't know how much more humiliation I could handle and having to face the risk of my appearance and smell being noted by dining staff seemed almost enough to push me over the edge. But still my hunger had now reached a fever pitch and whilst all I wanted to do was crawl into a shower and forget about my life, if only for a few moments, the primal need for sustenance was now at the forefront of my mind.

It was then my eye was caught. A table just a few rows down from where I was standing had clearly been wiped down and polished after lunch to prep for dinner, and yet there was one last remaining plate which had been cleaned around. A late dining student who had seemingly abandoned what appeared to me to be, if not a substantial portion, then certainly an acceptable amount for someone as hungry as I was in that moment. I didn't even care that it was nowhere near what I would choose for myself, the plate holding the remnants of a towering burger and hearty portion of chips, overly salted with the stench of vinegar clinging to them. Nor did I care for the optics or public humiliation that would arise from me eating the abandoned food off a strangers plate. Hell, not even a few moments ago there was something far more worse and far more humiliating in my mouth, and half of a stranger's unhealthy meal left behind was certainly a much less disgusting thing to eat.

And so, with no regard for anything but my own hunger, I strode over to the table and stuffed almost the entire burger into my mouth at once. Years of breeding and grooming amongst some of the finest restaurants, homes, and even Greenbrier, had taught me all the minutiae of elegance in dining. My own ladylikeness and focus on self-improvement and healthy living meant that the vast majority of my meals were dainty and healthy, and always enjoyed with the quiet grace and dignity that befitted a young lady of my station. And yet, in that moment, that greasy second hand burger, clumsily shoved down my gullet, was the best meal I'd ever tasted. I didn't care about the fat content or calorie count. I didn't care about the shame from scavenging a stranger's food off their plate. I didn't even care about the judgmental glances thrown my way by a member of staff finishing cleaning up at the other end of the hall. For that brief shining moment of escape, I was happy.

Of course, like all moments of happiness in my new life, it wasn't to last long. Turning my attention to the chips, I grabbed a fistful of the vinegary potatoes and shoved another handful in my mouth. My empty stomach seemed happy at last to receive something that wasn't Ms McLaughlin's sweat or pussy juice, but the ebbing of my wild hunger brought with it a return to my rational senses. It's true that a stranger's food wasn't nearly the grossest thing that had passed through my lips that day, but what sort of person at Greenbrier would choose to order this lunch and then befoul it with so many more greasy and salty choices? There were always so many fine meal choices at the Academy, that this person would have to have been someone who cared nothing for their class or looks or waistline. Some monstrous glutton who lived only to devour. The sudden attention grabbing cough behind me caused me to whirl round in shock. Though considering the sort of person whose meal this had to be, it should have caused me no shock to see who I was face to face with.

"Well, well, well, Slave Slut." Hannah sneered down at me. "Enjoying the taste of my sloppy leftovers, are we?"

I gulped down the last fistful of food I already shoved in my mouth, the taste turning to ash in my mouth as the realisation of whose lunch leftovers I had eaten sunk in. The bile rose in my throat as I'd realised that I'd practically shared a meal with fat, disgusting Hannah. Her trace spittle clinging to the bitten burger clawing its way through my system. Of course I'd been forced to intake several far more disgusting parts of her, but the intimacy of the dining somehow felt far more invasive. Another shudder of disgust and humiliation rocked my body.

"I normally start feeling like I've had a meal round about the third helping." She continued, staring wistfully into the middle distance, her love of fattening foods seemingly trumping even her sick love of humiliating me. "That's when I feel like I could normally stop and leave the rest behind."

I glanced down at the now almost empty plate. That wasn't even a full portion I'd hurriedly stuffed down, and already I was feeling sickly full, though perhaps that feeling of sickness was from the Hannah's emanating grossness. I couldn't imagine having a second, or god forbid, a third portion. Looking back at Hannah's pudgy and acned face, and her bulging belly and thighs, the hideousness and stench that were such inherent parts of her were altogether more clear

As if she noticed my subconscious glance at her swollen tummy, she patted it and gave a loud belch, the hot stinking air of her burp wafting into my face.

"But I see you seemed to enjoy it." Her wicked smile looked down at me some more. "Stuffing your face like such a greedy little piggy. You used to call me a greedy little piggy, didn't you? But what do you call me now?"

The humiliation pulsed through me, the compete reversal of our roles and everything that had transpired because of it flashing through my mind in hot, burning bursts of shame. Staring down at the ground, unable to meet her eyes, all fight beaten out of me, I whispered out the humiliating utterance: "Goddess."

"What was that?" She brought her hand to her ear in faux deafness, a sick smirk spread across her face. "I didn't quite hear you Slave Slut."

Swallowing my shame with a great degree of difficulty, I was forced to look into the eyes peering out from behind her fat, greasy face. This monstrous, horrible abuser, the bitch who had ruined my life. I had to look at her evil smile and utter:

"I call you Goddess now."

Her smirk widened into a beam at this point, her own twisted pleasure from my debasement enough to bring further joy to her blackened heart.

"Well how very nice of you to say, but of course I am a beautiful Goddess to you." She beamed down at me. "And you should count yourself lucky that I am kind and generous enough to let you eat my sloppy seconds, you disgusting little whore."

It was then her bloated stomach gurgled and she winced, shifting her great weight from foot to foot.

"Ooft." She groaned loudly before looking back at me with another evil smile. "In fact, if you're very lucky tonight you might even get a lovely taste of the rest of the food I had today. Passed all the way your Goddess with every flavour and texture and smell I have to offer. Wouldn't that be lovely?"

Horror seized my body in its icy grip as I was frozen to the spot again. Her implication was clear, having her shit forced down me again was always on the cards. Every single time I think she could never get more disgusting she proves me wrong. How the hell is this my life now? Is anything worth this? Yes the photos and videos are beyond disgusting, beyond humiliating, and would shatter any life I had to hope for in the future. But what life do I have now? Being tossed as a sex toy from fat stinking racist, to horrible fetishist old woman? Farts and piss and sweat and shit being forced into my face and lungs and throat at every opportunity? I won't have a life in the future, but what sort of a life do I have now?

These difficult thoughts tumbled over my brain as I stared blankly into space, Hannah's stinking sweat from the heat cutting through the air, even through the heavy stench of Ms McLaughlin's juices and the strong vinegar from Hannah's leftover plate.

As if she could somehow sense my uncomfortableness at the aggressive scent invading my nostrils, or perhaps just her overstuffed body couldn't handle any more, she audibly sighed with relief as another one of her trademarked, thick, stinking farts rumbled out her arse and filled my lungs through my reflex shocked inhale.

"Hope that keeps you going, slut." Hannah laughed at me. "You'll be getting a lot more from me later tonight."

She tapped my cheek, burning with shame, with a gentle double tap. Another humiliating reminder of the power play and new flipped hierarchy that defined our new relationship. As I stood frozen to the spot, shaking with humiliation and fear, all I could do was watch as she sauntered away to her class, cackling behind at me, with her slowly dissipating stinking fart the only fading reminder that she was there.

Eventually I managed to shake myself back into reality. Returning to that room I was forced to share with her filled me with dread, but the shower within called to me. I had to do something to stop this downward spiral of my life, not only down the toilet, but with me quickly becoming one myself. But before I could even think of doing anything else I had to go and wash myself clean to purify my soiled body and purify my clouded mind.

A few minutes later I found myself once again in the cleansing waters of the shower, the gentle hiss of the water and warming steam opening my pores and calming my troubled minds. For a few minutes I could forget about the horrors of my outside life. Gone was stinking Hannah and depraved Ms McLaughlin, instead my existence was now solely the tropical scents and smoothing creams of my shower experience. I luxuriated in its warming glorious spread and for a long while I allowed myself to wallow in the shower and simply forget...

Eventually I knew I had to finally step out of the waters and turned the shower off with a sigh of resignation. Slipping on my white bathrobe I enjoyed the plushness of the towelling fabric against my bare skin, feeling it's softness and inhaling its clean cotton scent.

Opening the bathroom door I gave a small groan as I saw the dual beds and was reminded once again of the monster whom I shared the room with. But at that moment I couldn't care less. The warmness of the shower, the stress and exertion of the day, and the horrible sleep I had had the night before culminated in the perfect storm of exhaustion. Falling face down onto the softness of the bed, still in my bathrobe, I almost immediately sunk into a deep and welcome sleep.

I don't know how much time passed, it must have been a while, but in all honesty any break from the hell that was consciousness that wasn't an eternity wasn't long enough. No break could last forever, and I had to awaken. Though dear god how I wish I hadn't.

There, looming over me, was the ungodly sight of ugly fat Hannah, leering down at me with her sick, twisted pleasure burning behind her eyes.

"Well hello sleepy-head." She giggled down at me in a saccharine tone that sent shivers down my spine. "You don't have to dream about pleasuring me anymore, your Goddess is here for you to enjoy."

I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes, still woozy and disoriented from my sudden and rude awakening. But the very next thing I knew I had been lifted up to my feet with such force that I was nearly tossed across the room, my body spinning round as the robe was torn off my body leaving me standing there completely exposed, and very confused.

"Tut, tut, tut, Victoria slut!" Hannah jokingly scoffed at me. "It seems you've forgotten the first rule of being a slave slut already! I told you before that you were never to wear any clothes in my room at all, to remember your lowly position beneath me as nothing. Seems you're just begging for a punishment."

And just like that my nude body was yanked down onto Hannah's lap before I even knew what was happening and again my arse was shaking with each loud spank raining down upon my bubbly rear.

My bottom was still incredibly tender from Ms McLaughlin's rough spanking a few hours ago so the pain was understandably intense so it didn't take long for my tender flesh to be burning as her flabby arms worked overtime bringing her ham-fisted paw down to brutally strike my cheeks. I would have been screaming loudly from the agony, if she hadn't gripped my mouth with her other hand, stuffing her fat fingers passed my lips. Instinctively to try and muffle the pain I'd taken to sucking her fat fingers the way a child would suck on a dummy. Anything to distract me from the pain that rocked through my body with each burning spanking jiggle. Hot tears poured down my face as still her spanks rained down, her pudgy face contorted in a depraved smile, years of simmering hatred for me finally being let loose in an awful, agonising, humiliating misery.

Eventually her spanks slowed then stopped, her gross unfitness revealing itself in her inability to carry on. The only sounds in the room was her heavy breathing from arousal and exertion, mingling with my own quiet sobs and whimpers from the humiliation and pain.

"Well slave slut." Hannah panted out, the exertion from spanking me so much clearly really taking it out of her. "I hope you've learned your lesson about forgetting your place. I don't want to see so much as a pair of sunglasses on your face when you're in my room. You don't deserve to wear clothes like me, you're nothing but a filthy naked sex toy."

Pulling her fingers out of my mouth with a quiet pop she reached up to my face and wiped the wetness of my spit against my face, mingling with the streaks of tears which had run down my face in violent streams, before shoving me off her lap and letting me fall to the floor with a painful thump.

"And speaking of, its time you put that slutty tongue to work." She rose to her feet, shuffling out of her tartan skirt with her flabby folds jiggling in the most disgusting way. Hiking down her rough tights with a shimmy, revealing the bright red flash of my own beloved panties that she had worn all night and day beneath, she flopped back onto her bed and tossed them in a high arch through the air landing on my pillow. A small gesture, but just another sign of her gross lack of respect. She stretched out her horrible feet with a contented sigh and wiggled her toes to air them from the sweatiness that had built up though their being trapped in tights and shoes on such a hot day. The stench struck my nose almost instantly as I was hit by a gagging fit. Of course, the worst was yet to come...

Smiling down at me with her trademarked evil smile, she continued. "Now I know how much you enjoyed my sloppy leftovers at lunch today, and how much you love taking a hot steaming log fresh from my arse down your throat, and I'm very sorry to disappoint you but I already took a big fat shit today and flushed your tasty treat down the toilet."

The imagery she conjured up in my head was enough to make me gag and feel the bile rising in my throat as I remembered all too well the feel and taste of Hannah's shit as I choked it down my throat. Though at least she was saying that I wouldn't have to take another just now. Of course, Hannah being the repulsive monster she is, things were never going to be that easy.

"Though don't be too sad slut." She continued down at me. "I didn't have the lovely silky toilet paper on your head that is the only thing soft enough thats fit for a Goddess to use, so I didn't bother at all! I'm sure there's a lovely flavoursome meal there for you, if only a little snack."

Gulping with horror all I could do was stay frozen on my knees looking up at her, the perspective making the already larger Hannah seem gargantuan to me, as she rose to her feet and peeled off my lovely red Victoria's Secret panties. Her twisted arousal at my suffering and her disgusting sweat merged to ensure a horrible swampy dampness in her cunt, that came away in long sticky strings against her pussy hair as she pulled off the fabric. The back of the thong, so deep between her fat sweaty cheeks, was completely stuck to her arsehole, until eventually she managed to prise it down her cottage-cheese thighs with a snap.