Hanson House Ch. 15

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Jas is inspected for sale.
8.2k words

Part 15 of the 24 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 06/30/2014
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That day, Friday, was a busy day for quite a few people at Hanson House. Just before lunch Jasminda had presented herself at the main administration offices. Having been summoned without explanation, the young Filipina hoped that nothing was wrong, that she'd not committed any infractions. Perhaps she'd fallen short in one of her classes? Being so tiny was a gift at times (men and women seemed to find her "cute") but sometimes it was hard to keep up with her peers.

She waited in a small outer room, nervous and hungry and wondering what it was all about. Mistress Rose, the head of Hanson House, appeared at the door and Jas almost jumped to her feet. With a soft smile from Rose she was led into the larger office.

Inside was a large wooden desk, an assortment of chairs and three other people. Jas recognised Master Stephen right away. The other two were strangers. They were both heavy set, wearing wore identical black suits - an expensive label Jas thought. One smiled at her. The other sat impassively in the corner, his emotions seemingly hidden behind his bushy moustache.

"This is Jasminda", said Rose to the strangers as she moved to her chair behind the desk. "She is the sophomore I mentioned". Then she turned to Jas.

"Jas, I'd like you to say hello to Mr Al-Assad. He is our special guest. Mr Assad has been visiting this week for a very important purpose." She paused briefly. "Mr Assad is not a part of our usual network. What I mean is, Mr Assad has not previously been known to us as someone who is looking for a well-trained submissive."

She paused again, this time with a soft smile in the direction of Mr Assad. "However, Mr Assad has been very kind with his interest in the work of Hanson House. After much thought, the board has agreed to show him some of our results. He is inspecting several of our students and I have offered you for him to test as well."

That sent a shudder down the spine of the young Filipina. What would it mean to be inspected by a stranger? Jas had come from a conservative, religious family. Some days she still could be shocked at the demands on her as a novice submissive. So far she'd not been required submit to anyone outside of Hanson House.

Rose looked back at Jas. "From now until I tell you otherwise, you will give your full obedience to Mr Assad. I know that you will show him your best."

Jas nodded and, screwing up her courage, turned to face their guest. She saw that Mr Assad was a rather handsome man. Middle Eastern most likely, thought Jas. He also had a nice smile. He held himself in a certain way. Jas couldn't say but there was a casual confidence about him. The kind of thing that characterises judges and surgeons and important business people.

The student waited, trying her best to look submissive and compliant. Right then her main hope was that Mr Assad would be kind to her.

"You will disrobe for me," was the command. Immediately, Jas was removing her shirt. Happily, her training was kicking in. But that voice was so lovely. It really caught her attention. Young Jas was taking an immediate liking to Mr Assad. Or was it only her nerves?

In moments she was totally naked before the two strangers. She felt shame and humiliation. Like this, obeying the command to strip, felt like a kind of admission, a public confession, that she was a submissive and that she wished to serve sexually. Jas was sure that she was trembling, just a little. And yet, already the experience was exciting and liberating.

Mr Assad paused to look over the young novice submissive. He liked what he saw. Mistress Rose had wanted to choose the candidates and he was pleased that he'd agreed. The young Filipina was very sexy. Her shape was not quite that of a full woman and, yet, her small waist and her hips gave her an attractive shape. Her breasts were ideal for such a small frame. He was already looking forward to testing this one.

Assad pointed to the floor. "Afala. Get down." Jas went straight to her knees. She was trying hard to be attentive, wanting to obey this man's every whim. For his part, Assad enjoyed watching Jas complying so easily, watching her small, brown body fold itself into a kneeling position.

"You will show me proper respect," he said. "Kiss my shoes now." This was a new one for Jas, but she did not hesitate. The honour of Hanson House depended on her performance. Jas bent forward on her hands and knees. Gently she pressed her lips to the shiny leather shoe of this new Master. Mistress Rose looked on with a smile, impressed by the ease of Al-Assad's control and glad she'd chosen the young Filipina for this.

Secretly, Jas felt a small thrill at being ordered to honour a Master in that way. She knew all about the feeling of lowering herself before a superior male. The second year females were instructed about it all the time, but Jas had long felt it in her bones. In front of Mr Al-Assad that feeling was suddenly stronger than ever before.

She moved across and repeated the kiss on his other shoe. "Jaeed", he said softly. "That is good." Mr Assad was, indeed, pleased. The reputation of Hanson House was well deserved.

When Assad was satisfied, he ordered young Jas to her feet. With a signal of his hand, she was ordered to turn around. Silently, she complied, knowing that he wanted to see all of her. Jas had never been looked at quite like this. She was accustomed to the gawking of men but this was so different. She felt like a horse at the yearling sales. Her body was on display as much as her obedience. Jas felt the burn of her embarrassment and hoped that her little bottom would not disappoint him too much.

He put his hands on her small tits and squeezed them. Her "brown mangoes", as her roommates had christened them. He decided they were very satisfactory.

The tits felt good but that was not the only test. Assad gripped her dark brown nipples. He twisted them and pulled them, hard. Jas suppressed a gasp but Assad was happy to see a flash of pain across her pretty face. Yes, she was responsive to him.

He ran his hands across her shoulders and down her arms. The young woman's skin was as soft as it looked, her limbs were nicely toned. He was pleased, indeed. Jas thought she saw the hint of a grin on his face and she wondered if he was enjoying her body or her shame.

"I have women like you," he said to her in a firm voice. "They work for me, in my houses and in my parents' house." Jas guessed that he meant Filipina maids, common enough in the Middle East. She took the chance to look at him a little more closely. He appeared to be in his late twenties. Jas could see that he was very close-shaved - a trait she preferred. He had deep, brown eyes and a muscled body underneath his suit. He certainly seemed to be wealthy, or to come from serious money. It never occurred to Jas that perhaps she was being chosen as just another maid.

"But I want more. I am not looking for a housekeeper. I want a 'qinn'. A personal slave. Do you understand?" She didn't really understand because there was only one kind of slave she knew about. But perhaps that was the answer?

Mr Assad smiled that smile of his again. Jas felt her heart warm in response. She sensed something between them. Was it as easy as that? Assad felt it too. He was after a sex slave, a personal slut who he could use and abuse as the mood took him. The principal of Hanson House was allowing him to inspect three of her best prospects. There was something about this one, however, that he especially liked.

With one hand he turned Jas around, so she was facing away from him. Again he noted that the young Filipina was small but very shapely. Assad gripped Jas' shoulder while his other hand grabbed her arse, left cheek first and then the right. It was a good arse, certainly. She was firm and tight and well-rounded. She was young, but Assad guessed hers was a body that could be kept in good shape as she got older.

The whole time her butt was being inspected, Jas felt strangely comforted. The number one lesson at Hanson House was that a submissive always knew her place. "Inspection" was demeaning and embarrassing and yet it was a task she could manage easily.

The stranger's hands lingered on her arse. It seemed he liked what he found. Jas felt him gently squeeze both cheeks and, ever so softly, pat her. The way he touched her suggested, once again, that he was a man who was used to power, who knew he could have his own way. That did make it easier, easier to submit and comply. It was very sexy and Jas could feel her body begin to react.

"Maktab." he pointed. "Go and bend over." Jas realised that he meant the heavy wooden desk. She tried to smile at Mr Assad as she moved across the room. Jas could guess well enough what this was about. The weird thing wasn't that he wanted to see her holes. What was off-putting was that Mistresss Rose was sitting behind the desk, just inches from Jas' sweet young face.

The young student assumed the position, straining to keep her feet on the floor as she positioned her small body. Jas didn't need to be told - she made sure her feet were well apart so that both her holes could be seen, and inspected, by the visitor.

He ran his fingers between her arse cheeks and into the folds of her cunt. The young student felt no shock at all. On the contrary, she found it exciting. She was barely out of her parents' house, living in this strange institution and, without a word of consent or agreement, being felt-up by a man she'd only just met.

Jas had been instructed by her mother, more than once, that "down there'" was a place that was to be touched only her doctor and her husband. Masturbation obviously was off-limits too. The young Filipina had been stricken with remorse the first time she'd allowed a boyfriend to talk her into letting him finger her cunt.

Hanson House had destroyed such thinking. Jas had entered the college trying to suppress the idea that submission and servitude entailed sex, debauched sex at that. On her first day, her first "medical" inspection, Jas had known it was pointless to fight that battle any longer. Thanks to Hanson House, she had been freed from the limitations of her conservative upbringing. Now she welcomed as much sexual stimulation as possible. Her cunt certainly was enjoying Assad's touch.

When Mr Assad's fingers reached her clit Jas was forced to stifle a gasp of pleasure. She'd learned her lessons well enough - as a sub it was not her place to take pleasure but to receive it gratefully at the whim of the Dominant. The trouble for poor Jas was that Mr Assad knew exactly what he was doing - and eliciting a response from the young novice was exactly what he wanted.

Inspecting the slit of the obedient Filipina, Mr Assad was pleased with what he found. She had a wonderful cunt. The inner labia protruded to an agreeable extent. What was more, he could feel that she was more damp than an obedient slut should be. That was good - she was a horny one who responded well as a submissive.

Assad grabbed at her cunt lips with the fingers of both hands. Carefully he stretched them, testing their elasticity. By that point, every touch from the Middle Eastern stranger was making Jas more and more turned-on. What she couldn't have guessed, though, was that Mr Assad was measuring her for a purpose. He had already decided that the sex slave he obtained would wear heavy gold rings, through her inner labia. Happily, he saw that Jas was suitable for such decoration.

Still exploring, tempted by the damp warmth of her cunt, Assad next shoved two fingers into that tight hole. It surprised more than hurt and Jas caught Rose's eye as she tried to contain her protest. The fact that Mistress Rose was watching so intently was further motivation for Jasminda. She didn't want to do anything so crude as to protest her treatment by this new man. The principal smiled at Jas, pleased to see her manage so well with the sudden intrusion.

For Amin Al-Assad this was almost a surreal experience. From a wealthy and powerful family, he himself had rarely enjoyed the kind of liberties he found at Hanson House. He'd never imagined an institution like this, where a man could have his choice of sweet young women to finger and enjoy. There'd been some tiresome preliminaries to endure. But Rose had been good to her word and had lined up three wonderful young submissives for him to sample.

Jasminda was the third of his samples and Assad found himself very pleased. Her cunt was nicely warm inside and it was clear how aroused the young woman was. She was snug around his fingers and he decided that there was an advantage, after all, in Hanson House insisting its female submissives retained their virginity. Though there was no mistaking the way her wetness increased as his fingers probed her depths.

He had an erection himself, fully aroused by the sweet little body in front of him and her delicious brown curves. Her soft, rounded arse cheeks looked especially inviting as Jas lay stretched across the desktop. Assad didn't wait. He simply wet one finger of his other hand and pressed it slowly, forcefully, into little Jas' anus.

Jas liked that sensation. She had discovered that she had a talent for anal sex. Partly, that was because it was dirty and slutty. That was how it felt to have her butt so casually fingered by a stranger. Jas hoped that one day her arse would ensure she was given to a special Dom. She knew it was wrong to let this stranger see how much she enjoyed being violated, abused. But she took a secret pleasure in showing her anal talents in front of Mistress Rose and Master Stephen.

Again, Mr Assad was impressed by young Jas. Her tight little chute readily accommodated his finger. She seemed very pliable there and gave not a hint of complaint as he jammed a thick finger in deep. Could one so small be so ready for anal sex?

As suddenly as he'd invaded her holes, Assad withdrew his fingers. Jas had hoped for more. Being felt up by this stranger, penetrated by a "real man", had only heightened her state of arousal. Jas was feeling desperate to have someone make her cum. But Mr Assad was a busy man and there was only so much time available for testing these young submissives.

He took the disposable "wipe" proffered by Mistress Rose to clean his finger and silently exchanged a look with his companion. The other man was, in fact, his closest friend and a senior executive in his companies. The second man had watched as Assad had inspected all three of the young prospects. A glance between was enough to confirm that each was satisfied that this little Filipina showed great promise.

"You say she can be beaten?" he asked Rose.

"Yes, that's right Mr Assad," replied the Mistress confidently. "You will see in her file that Jasminda has begun her instruction in corporal discipline." She smiled a broad smile at him. "We expect all our graduates to reach a high standard. They all are ready to be used in whichever way their Owner will prefer."

Mr Assad gave a quick nod. He would see for himself. He'd noted that the first two students had reacted well to being spanked by his strong hands. It was time to test the young Filipina.

He didn't bother with a warm-up. This was to be a real test. Assad drew back his hand. Jas had heard everything they'd discussed concerning her. She was ready, or so she thought.

The stranger let fly with his hand, keeping it flat to ensure maximum contact with those tight little buttocks. The first slap stung harshly but it did make a very agreeable sound. Assad smiled and let fly again, on the other cheek. He liked the way her arse moved underneath his hand. Her firm little cheeks gave just the right amount of resistance.

He slapped Jas again, looking for any negative response. This time force of the blow drove Jas forward against the desk. She tried not to grunt in response. Spanking was not her best subject and Assad's blows were so much harder than she'd expected. Still, she had Mistress Rose in her sights and she refused to utter any sound. At least the pain was taking her mind off the state of her dripping cunt.

Assad knew what he was after. He wanted an arse that felt and sounded "just right". Naturally he intended to beat his slave. This little one might be as good as any. Three more times he gave a fierce blow to those lovely brown cheeks. Yes, she felt good and she sounded good. Jas did not move the entire time. The spanking hurt but the more important thing was that she was being used by an important guest.

"Right, get down," he ordered. Jas silently lifted herself from the desk and turned to face Mr Assad. Being so inexperienced, she wasn't sure what was in his mind. The stern look on his face suggested she should comply immediately with whatever it was he wanted. Jas sank to her knees in front of the stranger, guessing correctly that her "audition" had not concluded.

"Chala'a. My cock," he ordered. "You know what to do."

Jasminda grinned wildly. She certainly did know what to do. This stranger wanted her to handle his cock and Jas thought that was the greatest honour. Especially this particular man. He just had a way, an air, that she found incredibly attractive. She liked this stranger and, pride apart, she wanted to do her best for him.

With her nerves still showing, Jas extracted the stranger's cock as quickly as she could. She was so anxious to be erotic and sensual. Yet she quickly forgot all that once she brought his cock into view. She saw straight away that this was a wonderful cock. It was thick and it felt meaty in her hand. She noted the large head and the network of dark veins along the shaft.

She'd had almost no experience with cocks before Hanson House, assuming they all were pretty much the same. She'd learned different, of course, and not least from the occasional discussions amongst her horny roommates about what made an "ideal" cock. On their rating system she was sure this was an exceptional specimen.

Almost hungrily, Jas slipped it into her mouth. It was a stretch to fit her lips around the head. She wet the shaft so as to fit it deeper into her mouth. Jas instantly loved the taste of this man. Every novice submissive dreamed of giving oral service and Jas was as excited as any of her peers. She had been chosen to service this man orally and that made her even more excited. Luckily, she had recently completed her special "cock sucking" classes and was determined to give a good account of herself.

It was thrilling to feel Assad's cock in her mouth. To date, she'd simply been a student, forced to receive and to pleasure cocks as part of a lesson. She'd enjoyed it but thought it mostly a mechanical act. Now, however, she was being ordered to please a man - a real man and not an instructor. It was making her hot. Jas had heard the tales of her classmates but she'd never been used like this before. Surely she would be expected to take his cum in her mouth. What a reward that would be! She determined to give him the softest, most sensual blowjob she could manage.

She even moaned a little herself, a sound of passion and pleasure. Without knowing it, Jas was a cock slut. She didn't see Assad's friend remove his cock right then. Jas was focusing so hard on Mr Assad, wanting to enjoy him and to prove her newfound skill as a cocksucker.

Assad was really enjoying her work. It was so exciting to see his cock thrusting in and out of the young mouth. This one was young and fresh, she'd not learned any "tricks" to speed his climax. The pretty young woman at his feet was genuinely enjoying his cock and the act of fellating him. As a man of wealth and power he always appreciated when others made an extra effort to provide him with the finest. The way she used her lips proved she'd been a keen student. His cock was throbbing already and he was quite certain that this one was capable of giving a great many orgasms with her oral talents.