Happy Fourth Of July


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He stayed with me through signing all the papers and stuff to make sure there were no problems with me renting the car, and then as I finished and said bye to the dealer, Trevor walked me to my new temporary car. "Will you be okay to find your way back to the house?" he asked.

"Yes, I think so anyway." I said and recounted the way I thought we had come from there.

"Yep, that sounds about right. Tell you what, I will go write down my cell phone number and then if you have any trouble, you can call me. I wouldn't leave you here but I have a few things I need to do and won't be heading back to the house until later."

When he returned and handed me the number we said only our goodbyes and Trevor left with what I hoped was a last glance at me as I climbed into the small car, and we went our separate ways.

Once back at Tammy's house I decided to spend the rest of the afternoon working on my tan. So, I put on my bikini, grabbed a towel, and the book I had packed for the flight then headed out to the pool. I sat back on the lounge first, to work on tanning the front side of myself for the first 30 minutes and then flipped over onto my stomach for another thirty after I had taken a dip into the pool to cool off. The book had turned from a simple romance into a very erotic story, although the couple hadn't fully gone all the way yet. The author had managed to capture both their needs and the excitement of that accidental touch in a way that made you feel it and wish that you were the woman in the story. The unintended arm brushing against her breast that would make your heart skip a beat. The seduction of the story itself was all that you needed to find the book very exciting.

I didn't see Trevor return home before I went in to change out of my suit and not to long after that Tammy arrived home. Her day had been rather hectic so she ran upstairs to take a long hot bath. She told me that if I was hungry she had dinner laid out in the fridge and if I wanted to I could start on it, assuring me that I didn't have to since I was a guest, but she needed a bath so she could feel human again.

I told her I didn't mind and headed downstairs to fix dinner. Before long I had found everything I needed, spices, pots and pans, glasses, and a large cooking spoon. She had laid out pork chops in the fridge, and on the counter by the stove was some canned vegetables and some seasoned rice packets. I was amazed by how planned out everything was, considering my single life, coming home and just throwing something together was routine enough, here she knew what to have for dinner before she ever went to work.

Tammy and I spent some girl time together talking more on life, love and the pursuit of happiness so to speak. We covered every topic that came to mind, excluding the fact that I was unemployed. I am not sure why I didn't want to talk to her, my best friend, about it, but felt that if I did mention it then it may seem as if I were begging her to fix it. I know Tammy well enough to know she would offer me a new start, but I didn't know if I was ready to accept it.

Jake got home around eight and I went to bed at 10 hoping to give the couple their time alone. I was still awake when they came upstairs and not too long after that, I heard their bed bumping against the wall and muffled sounds of pleasure coming from them both. I admit; I was slightly jealous once again.


The next day I didn't see Trevor at all, so I assumed that he wasn't home. Even when I was out by the pool sunning myself I didn't see any movement toward his house or in his yard. I wouldn't allow myself the luxury of going to see if his truck was there, if it was and he was home there was too big a risk I'd be caught. Even though, as I lay out in the sun, I caught myself several times looking longingly towards his house, wishing he would come out to say hi.

The day after that, I still didn't see any sign of him and to say I was disappointed would be a huge understatement. After all, how was I supposed to tease a man who was never around? The book I was reading as well as hearing my best friend making love every night was leaving me very frustrated and my week was running out. It was already Saturday and unless something drastic changed, I would be heading home next Wednesday.

I was now reading a very steamy part of the book, the couples first time making love with one another. He was kissing her all over, nibbling and suckling on her breasts, his fingers plunging deeply into her vagina. She was in part laying there enjoying the attention as well as urging him on, begging him to put his cock inside her where his fingers were now residing. It was making me horny to read it so well written. My pussy was wet; my breasts were swollen and aching, begging to be released from the confinement of my bathing suit. I relented and sat up to untie my top hoping to ease some of the pressure they were feeling, shocked at how turned on I was becoming and how physically uncomfortable it was for me. I left my top tied around my neck, just in case someone, namely Tammy or Jake, happened to come home early. I figured I could cover myself quickly enough if need be.

Loosening my top only served to allow my breasts to feel as though they swelled and ached more, and I couldn't resist the temptation to reach up and massage them with my own hands. I squeezed the whole breast and getting a little caught up in the moment I began to pinch and pull my nipples, sighing softly and wishing it wasn't my hands on myself but Trevor's.

It was at that moment that I looked through half closed eyes towards Trevor's house and I saw him standing at the window looking out at me. I shocked myself by continuing my ministrations on my breasts. If anything, now more emboldened than before I had seen him watching me. I wanted him to see me playing with my tits, hoped he would get the hint and come help me out. The thought that he might urged me on and when I gave my own nipples a particularly hard pinch, I cried out softly in need.

I glanced back towards the window after turning my head for only a minute and was disappointed when I didn't see Trevor standing there anymore. I continued teasing my own nipples, hoping that he would join me, and though I'm not sure how long I waited, he never showed up. Eventually, I admitted my own failure at bringing him over and I stood and put my top back in its right place. Still feeling overheated in my groin area, I decided that I really needed to cool myself down. Noticing the watch by my chair, I saw that soon Tammy would be arriving home anyway. "Maybe that is why Trevor didn't take me up on my offer?" I wondered silently.

That night I fell into an exhausted sleep. I guess the feelings I had aroused in myself but never satisfied and possibly my lack of sleep since my arrival, had managed to wear me down totally and I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Thankfully, I wasn't witness to Tammy and Jake making love, though I had no doubt the next morning that they had, even if I did sleep through it.

The following day saw Tammy off from work, they had called her and told her that they would be able to manage without her today. Sunday shouldn't be too busy of a day anyway, they had explained. Tammy could tell that there was something wrong with me, but I didn't dare try to tell her that I had hoped to seduce Trevor and had failed so far. In the effort to hide that, I confessed finally to my lack of a job back home, and let her think that concerns over that was what caused my foul mood that day. Always the mothering type, she assumed the role once again, asking what I would do now and saying that if I wanted to try to find work there they would be more than happy to have me stay with them for a while, and help me until I could find suitable employment. The rest of the day was spent with her trying to distract me from my troubles, even though I had assured her that it was fine and not that big of a deal. I felt badly not telling her the real reason for my mood, but it was one of those things just couldn't confess to right now.

That night I was told that Trevor would be over for dinner as per his usual Sunday night. Since I had been wearing a bathing suit most of the day, no one questioned when I went upstairs to change. I needed to pull myself together enough to face him. I decided to wear was a pair of denim shorts that were kind of short and tight enough to hold in my tummy. I liked how they looked on me and always felt sexy while wearing them. I topped that off with a cute little top I had purchased this morning while shopping with Tammy. It was pale pink and the only thing that would hold it together was a few stitches between the breasts. No bra was needed with it. Since Trevor and I hadn't spoken since the day he took me to get my rental car, I wanted to make sure he noticed me. I half figured that if I couldn't get an obvious sign that he was interested in me tonight, then I may as well give up on the whole idea of working to seduce him during my vacation. By the time, I finished dressing and went back downstairs, Trevor had arrived and they were all sitting around the livingroom talking.

Tammy was the first to mention my arrival down stairs by mentioning that the new shirt was cute on me. She even managed to make me blush when she pointed out that it would be sure to draw a man's eyes to my breasts when I wore it. Though it was the thing I had been hoping to do, I could have still went and hid under a rock at her pointing it out in such an obvious way.

Tammy and I had fixed a ham with mashed potatoes and gravy and corn. For dessert, we bought a watermelon, the first one of the season for all of us. So we all headed into the dining room for dinner and then we would go out by the pool for dessert. No need for a sticky mess inside the house, her and I had agreed. Watermelon was just more fun if you ate it outside.

I noticed Trevor watching me some as we ate dinner, but it was during the watermelon that he really stopped trying to disguise it. The watermelon was very juicy and it was impossible to not make a mess on yourself considering we had cut the watermelon and then without the aid of plates or silverware we just bit into the watermelon. Tammy claimed, "This is how to really enjoy it." Tammy and Jake had begun joking about how he was going to have the watermelon that dribbled all over her for a second dessert later on. It was the first time I had heard them mention their sexual side as a married couple and I found it sweet. Jake at one point even leaned in to kiss Tammy on the chin after she had bit into the watermelon and it left a sticky trail down her chin. I enjoyed their show of affection for one another and I glanced over at Trevor to see if he found it as interesting as I did.

Trevor wasn't looking at them but instead was looking at me. There was heat in his eyes that he didn't try to hide. We watched each other for a little while, the watermelon pieces in our hands forgotten. Trevor won the staring contest though when I heard Tammy ask if anyone else wanted more watermelon, stating that since she was already covered in stickiness that she figured a little more wouldn't hurt. I told her that I was fine and went back to nibbling on the piece I already had in my hand. Trevor stood up a few minutes later and walked past me, bending to whisper in my ear that I had a trail of juice running down my chest. Then, out loud he said that he was going home to shower and get rid of the sticky and would be home most of the day tomorrow so he hoped to see them after they got off from work to decide what we would all do for the 4th.

I finished my watermelon and said that I was going in to take a shower and then going to call it a night. Tammy and Jake bid me good night and went back to their teasing about needing to clean up also. I wondered if Trevor had only been watching me because I had made a mess or if it had been something more that drew his eyes. I wanted to feel that it had been more, but I couldn't be sure, since he still hadn't said or done anything more.

When I finished with my shower, I walked to my window to look out, still not fully ready for bed but once again figuring that Tammy and Jake may have been wanting the alone time together. My bedroom window looked out into the back yard where the pool was, so I turned off my bedroom light. With the porch light was off I thought I should be able to see stars and maybe be able to look toward Trevor's house and see him through a window.

The moon was shinning brightly, even though it was only about half full, and its light had made it impossible to see the stars filling the sky from my bedroom window. All the lights in Trevor's house were turned off so I looked down and saw the moon covered the back yard with its light. I was getting ready to turn away from the window when I noticed the pool and could make out the two bodies inside it. Tammy and Jake were swimming with one another, stopping to occasionally kiss and then continue on swimming. I thought about how romantic it was that they were swimming together with only the moon and stars for light and I was going to give them the privacy they should have.

It was about the time I was once again turning away from window when I saw Jake pick up Tammy and set her up on the side of the pool down at the shallow end. I noticed she was naked. With in seconds of setting her up on the side, Jake began suckling on her breasts, Tammy arched back in pleasure.

The sight had me glued to my place by the window. I felt naughty watching them, but also curious about how far they would really go. Both Trevor and I were able to see them, if we chose to watch, and I couldn't imagine they would take it too far. I watched in both shock and excitement as Tammy laid back and Jake put his face between her legs. Her legs were lifted and put over his shoulders as if to hold him down on her. I wondered if it would be during this that she would whisper to him like she had the first night I heard them, maybe encouraging him to continue or even begging him to stop and put his hard cock inside her.

I continued to watch them together in that way, though I'm not sure if it were only minutes or hours that I stood there and watched Jake lapping at my best friend's pussy from my bedroom window. Eventually her legs were put back into the water and she sat up as Jake leaned in to kiss her on the mouth. Then she slipped back into the three feet deep water and they kissed a little more before she turned around giving him her backside. She leaned forward and put her hands on the side of the pool where it curves onto the concrete around it, I assumed that now she was getting to feel his cock sliding into her pussy. I couldn't see much about their movements from my position above them but I could the ripples in the water around them. A cloud rolled in over the moon's glow and blocked my view of them completely. I stepped back away from the window finally released from my trance that seeing them together had started.

I lay down on my bed and let my hand touch my pussy through my thong panties. I could feel my wetness and feel my clit poking up demanding attention. I had never thought I could be aroused from the sight of my best friend getting laid by her husband but I couldn't deny that I was. I considered bringing myself to orgasm but couldn't quite bring myself to masturbate over the erotic coupling I had just witnessed. To see that and then have a self-induced orgasm left a lot to be desired. Masturbation would never be enough to ease the needs that I now felt and to try to ease it in that way would seem to lessen the sweetness of what I had seen.

A little while later I heard the couple coming up the stairs, laughing and talking softly heading for their bedroom, just before I fell into an arousal-filled sleep, body still aching with need.


Monday I awoke with my arousal still an ache inside myself. My dreams during the night had been filled with erotic caresses and passionate kisses, the sight of Tammy and Jake and the hopes that Trevor would make a move on me.

Tammy and Jake were smiling a lot at each other and neither seemed aware that I knew why. They both left for work with Tammy assuring me that she would have tomorrow off from work and would be able to spend the whole day with me, on my final full day there. She half questioned, half stated, "Unless you have changed your mind about leaving?" I told her that I still didn't know if I would stay or not.

After doing my morning toiletries and giving myself a bikini shave so that I wouldn't have stubble showing, I went out to the pool about noon, carrying my book with me and kind of hoping to finish reading it today. Tomorrow would probably be a busy day and then the next day I would be heading back to real life and there is very little time for reading when you are trying to find a new job. Not to mention that I didn't need to be reading an erotic book on the plane.

I stepped outside and the heat hit me like a slap in the face. Usually it is rather warm, temperatures have been up near 90 but showing on the thermometer the temperature was already near 97. I knew I wouldn't be able to lay out in the sun in this heat for very long at a time. I laid my book on the chair and went to the pool. I dived into the cooler water to get good and wet, then got back out and lay on the chair on my stomach. With in minutes of picking up the book to read, I could feel the sun burning into my skin, and figured that today, maybe I should cut my time in half and only lay out for 15 minutes on each side or so then maybe walk into the house and cool off.

My book was even steamier now, and the author spoke of the man eating the female character's pussy in such detail that it wasn't long before I could almost feel each flick of his tongue against her clit. When his cock entered her, I could imagine how wonderful it felt to her well-lubricated vagina. The heat from the sun as well as the heat from the story, soon had me aching for a cock even more than I had been so far. I was laying there on the lounge chair and pushing my own pussy against it, trying to relieve the ache and I could feel my nipples swelling and pushing into the chair underneath me.

Deciding that once again I really needed to cool my self off, I stopped reading and went back into the pool. The book didn't have but a few more pages to it and I felt sure that the author couldn't put in another erotic moment like the last one. If they did, I wasn't sure I could handle it.

After swimming for a little bit and cooling my body temperature down enough that I was comfortable once again I climbed back out of the pool and went back to my chair, this time sitting up somewhat to let the sun touch on my front side. I also picked up my book in an attempt to finish it.

For a while, they laid in an embrace enjoying the aftermath of their coupling. The characters confessed their love for one another and the man even proposed to her saying that he couldn't live without her. They kissed and held one another a while longer and decided they were in need of food so they went downstairs to fix a mid-night snack. It was there that the author turned up the heat again.

While they drank a glass of wine and talked, the man became eager again and picked up the woman, setting her on the table. He dribbled wine all over her naked body and then licked it off her. The cool wine and his warm mouth making a nice conflict of feelings inside her and she was soon withering under his caresses. He managed to bring her to orgasm while dribbling wine over her pussy and then licking it up with his tongue.

She then decided it was his turn to enjoy her touch, and she treated him to the same treatment once he was sitting in his chair, though she didn't use the wine on him. Just using her hands and mouth on his chest and down lower, eventually taking his cock into her mouth, the first time she had ever had a cock in her mouth. She told him how she wasn't sure what to do so the author had the man try to tell her how to suck on him in a way that it would feel best for him. Near the point of the male character blowing his load into her mouth he stopped her, turned her around bending her over the table, and put his cock in her, urging them both towards the climax at the end.